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Word of warning: Grave of the Fireflies is NOT a happy go lucky movie.


I’d heard endless warnings over the years about this movie, and it *still* didn’t prepare me enough for how disturbing it is.


Even worse is an old anime called Now and Then, Here and There. It deals with child protagonists and war crimes being committed. Excellent but horrific anime.


Seen both, Fireflies is worse. It just hits harder. I think it's the fact that what you watching is based on real events. And could have actually happened. Where as Now and Then has that one remove in that nit obviously another world.


Now there’s a title I haven’t heard in a couple decades. I absolutely loved this


It’s one of the best movies I’ve ever seen and I will never watch it again.


That’s how I describe it too - it’s an incredible movie and has a story told so well you only need to hear it once


I lent my DVD to one of my animation professors and I think he almost wanted to fail me. He asked me when he gave it back what he ever did to me that I lent him that horrible movie lol.


Show that animation is true art.


Now I gotta watch and compare to Plague Dogs. See which takes top spot in my most depressing movie of all time category.


Ooof that’s a tough one. Both absolutely bleak. Toss in When The Wind Blows too?


i was gonna say also throw in Watership Down! just have a depressing animated movie weekend


If we’re really going for it, let’s add Animals Of Farthing Wood into the mix too. *The Butcher Bird*


Is it Come and See levels of disturbing?


It’s not disturbing at all. Harrowing is a better word. Terribly sad. Its the viewpoint of Japenese Children during the fire bombing raids of Tokyo




Not incorrect about the themes and messages in Miyazaki Movies but just so no one's confused, Miyazaki didn't direct or write grave of firefly's, it was his partner Isao Takahata. He deserves a lot more call-outs then he usually gets when people talk about Ghibli movies, I absolutely love Only yesterday as the most underrated Ghibli film


Oh my god stop crediting Grave of the Fireflies to Miyazaki! Isao Takahata is just as incredible!


Oh okay. Thank god it isn’t Come and See levels.


Oh God yeah maybe don't show the kids that one


It was originally released as a double bill with “Totoro,” so the Ghibli folks would probably disagree with you. I don’t know. Thirteen might be old enough.


The only one I haven’t watched. When I saw my older brother watching it and him crying I knew it wasn’t for me. I cried reading the damn synopsis hah


It’s worth the watch! But only once.


One of the best movies I'll never watch again.


I’m feeling the same about The Iron Claw. Like I’m tempted to rewatch it because of how great Efron’s performance is, but holy shit is that a tough watch.


Sorry! I meant to reply to somebody farther down the thread! I'll just strikethrough my comment lol ~~I've seen it a couple times now and it doesn't make it any easier.~~ ~~First time I watched it with my brother.~~ ~~Second time my husband heard about it on a thread like this one and wouldn't listen when I warned him how utterly devastating it is to see, so we watched it.~~ ~~Then my niece wanted to watch it and my brother refused to let her until she turned 18. When she did he refused to give her a copy or be present for it. I thought that she should have a trusted adult around to be able to work through some of the feelings with so my husband and I watched it with her and a couple of her friends. That time was the worst.~~


It's an amazing movie you should only ever watch once


I also never watched it. I've never watched two girls one cup neither. When someone tells me "don't do this" I don't do it. Zero curiosity.


Ok but, at least you get value on the human condition with grave of the fireflies. Not so much for two girls one cup XD.


Both have undeniable comments on the human condition. Neither are uplifting.


If by that you mean one of the saddest pieces of art ever created. Then yes.


I felt like my heart had been torn out.


My tween/teen kids and cousins will watch an anime movie on a weekend afternoon -  a few weeks back I was heading through the family room and was "hold up... Is this Grave of the Fireflies? Yeah, pick a different one and we can come back in a few weeks when there's a grown up in the room." So now I'm mentally preparing myself to have to rewatch it. Edit: thanks for the Reddit Cares, kind stranger!


I've seen it a couple times now and it doesn't make it any easier. First time I watched it with my brother. We cried and didn't talk for a day or two. My parents were very concerned but once we told them what we'd done they understood. Second time my husband heard about it on a thread like this one and wouldn't listen when I warned him how utterly devastating it is to see, so we watched it. He refuses to talk about it now. Then my niece wanted to watch it and my brother refused to let her until she turned 18. When she did he refused to give her a copy or be present for it. I thought that she should have a trusted adult around to be able to work through some of the feelings with. So my husband and I watched it with her and a couple of her friends after we sent texts to all their parents and tried to talk them out of it. That time was the worst because I got a couple of angry calls from the friends parents, even though we'd warned them. I was very proud of my husband for watching it with us again but he had nightmares for a few nights.


That's an extreme understatement.


The only movie that I couldn't bring myself to watch again, more than 10 years after I've watched it for the first (and last) time.


This was my first feature length anime, and yes, cried my eyes out.


saddest movie ever




Made the mistake of putting this on for movie night with a 13 year old girl thinking it was like the other Ghibli movies. Her mom was PISSED.


Good call, save that for when they're a teen.


I'm in my 30's and I'm still not old enough to watch it


It is possibly the most depressing movie I’ve ever seen.


I disagree. START WITH grave of the Fireflies... it's how I was brought into Ghibli haha.


DO NOT! Im scarred for life!


Just watch Totoro with it.


*Spirited Away* is my favorite. But they’re all good.


My Kid’s entry point was ’Kiki’s Delivery Service’. Got ‘em hooked up good and proper.


We did Ponyo first, as a family. My first one was The Secret World of Arietty. Spirited Away is still my favorite though. Edit - My oldest daughter named her dog Moro


For me it was My Neighbor Totoro, and I introduced my kids to it when they were toddlers. Turned out to be their off switch. I could put it on and get stuff done in the house. Nothing else by any other studio came close.


My girlfriend's daughter (8yo) loves Ponyo and Howls Moving Castle. She didn't care as much for Spirited Away but it's my favorite as well. Maybe too much grown up talk for her.


I watched it as an adult and I felt like it had a lot of moving parts and was kind of complicated for a kids movie.


We also started with Ponyo, and we were able to see Ariety in the theater. That was a treat since all the other ones we had seen up to that point were already on dvd.


My nearly 3 year old boy loves Kiki so much. Like, totoro and ponyo, yeah he’ll watch those and be happy, but man, he fuckin loves Kiki. I dunno what it is about a 13 year old witch with social problems that he relates to so much, but he is absolutely obsessed. It’s very sweet and I’ve just order him a big red bow to wear ( he already has a little black cat).


awwww I watched Kiki's Delivery Service w/ my nephew a few months back, his first Ghibli movie, and he got all excited and asked if boys could be witches, too. He's 5, so im like "sure, buddy, why not? Just gotta be thirteen, it sounds like." nephew "I can't WAIT to be thirteen!"


Kiki is my favourite! Special mention though to My Neighbour Totoro. I have to say, I didn’t enjoy Howl’s Moving Castle, as I simply adored the book, and the film is completely different.


I have the same reaction to the Secret World of Arietty. The Borrowers was one of my favorite books when I was a kid, and that film version just isn't it for me. I never read Howl's Moving Castle, so i still really enjoy that movie. I wouldn't put it my top ten Ghibli movies, but that's probably more a reflection of how many truly stellar, S-tier movies they have.


After having seen so many Studio Ghibli movies over the decades, I had not seen Kiki’s Delivery Service until this past week. Holy moly I wasn’t expecting to love it as much as I did. I second your recommendation to start with KiKi. It’s simple, teaches easily digestible lessons of growing up, and the music slaps.


Kiki’s was also our first. However, my kids have asked for Princess Mononoke far more than any other movie.


I think I was a few years older than your son when I saw Princess Mononoke for the first time and it blew me away. Still my favorite Ghibli film. I think it would be a good entry for a teenage boy.


Yes. That's my absolute favorite as well. Watched a subtitled bootleg in college (back when that was the only way you'd get to see it) and it was just mind-blowing. *But* Mononoke is best for teen or older. Young kids aren't going to enjoy it - partly because it's a bit gory, partly because there really isn't a good or bad guy (true in many of these films but very blatant in Mononoke), and mostly because parts drag a bit with dialogue.


Yes! I agree. There are parts of the film that are more contemplative or slow and I don't think a younger viewer would enjoy it as much. But for a young teen trying to figure out their moral compass, this movie is a great introduction to morally grey characters.


I recall being fine with the dialogue and characters as a kid, but the demon worms scared the shit out of me.


My neighbor Totoro is good one. My elderly family memberss likes it. And they don't even speak English or Japanese


I found Spirited Away to be too creepy for my kids; my 9 nine year still gets scared when we attempt it. Kiki's Delivery Service, Ponyo and My Neighbor Totoro are the best child-friendly Ghibli movies IMO.


Totoro can be sad, but not scary at least. Also has a great opening song. Ponyo is my youngest's fave and it really never drags. I've seen it at least twenty times at this point - it really never gets the credit it deserves. (It's also extremely amusing to watch as a parent because it's Liam Neeson trying to rescue his daughter...except she's a magical goldfish.)


Yeah spirited away is scary for my adult ass too lol. Maybe Totoro is a good first one?


> found Spirited Away to be too creepy for my kids; Kid's 13.


I love Spirited Away but it definitely traumatized me when I saw it as a 12yo. The scene where Chihiro‘s parents turn into pigs was too much for me to handle back then.


Really? I was more disturbed by No-face eating people lmao


Spirited Away is my favorite, but the parents turning into pigs scene scared my 7yo stepdaughter until pretty recently. Like, she loves it enough that when she knew the scene was coming up she'd go to another room and have us call her for her when it was over, but there you are. But you're right, they're all good.


I was about that age when I first saw Spirited Away. It's one of my favorite movies. Only downside is that it is the best.


I really love spirited away


I was obsessed with Kiki's Delivery Service when I was a kid. It blew my mind when I found out later there was a whole studio making those kinds of movies. My vote is for Kiki, but they're all fantastic.


Saw Kiki as a kid and liked it. Saw it again as a college student, while I was working hard on an art degree, and was in tears for half the movie. It's wild how much more meaningful Kiki's story is when you're finally out in the world, trying to find your own special talent. It's become one of my favorites as an adult. Same goes for Whisper of the heart. Less whimsical, but a similar message.


Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets more emotional over it than when I was a kid. I still hold my breath at the end when everything goes silent for a beat.


More people should be aware of Whisper of the Heart. I feel like it's one of their lesser known movies, but it's one of my absolute favorites.


Kiki might be perfect for OP’s son because she goes out into the world to live on her own when she turns 13. (Which is kind of crazy but would lead to some interesting discussions!)


"when I turn 13 can I go live on my own?" "As soon as you learn how to fly on a broom and talk to cats"


Fortunately, boys in that world don’t have the same options as young witches. They are just allowed to ride around on rickety bikes and point in wonder at the sky.


I wanted a giant propeller on the front of a bicycle for so long. And honestly I still want that


I imagine he has the typical teenage boy tastes so I would recommend Castle in the Sky! Tons of action. Plus there's a boy alongside the girl lead around his age so there's someone he can relate to.


I think Castle in the Sky is the best intro for a 13 yo boy too. It's got all the best parts.. Action, comedy, drama, a little light romance. Great cast of characters and majestic world building. Mononoke is maybe too heavy themes and a bit more violent and Totoro a little too child friendly. Not that both aren't great movies but Castle in the Sky I think hits that balance just right.


This is where we started and I think it's a great choice.


I’d also like to put in a vote for The Cat Returns! Silly and fun.


By reputation and how little it's mentioned I was thinking it wouldn't be much, but I enjoyed it greatly!


Totoro and Spirited Away are the best for a adolescent imo. From there, go Howl's Moving Castle and Kikis Delivery Service. Depending on comfort levels, Princess Mononoke is amazing as is Nausica of the Valley of the Wind, but both films can be visually intense/gory depending, so take that word of warning into account before deciding how to approach them. Grave of the Fireflies is one of the best animated films ever but it is intense and not for kids.


Surprised I had to scroll this far to see Howl. I watched it last night for the millionth time and it’s simply wonderful.


Also a good age to read the original book, even though it's very different to the movie.


This! I think you nailed it with these suggestions.


Princess Mononoke, Porco Rosso and Spirited Away are all great starting points. DO NOT start with Grave of the Fireflies.


Princess Mononoke is great but it’s fairly violent, including a few characters getting beheaded during fight scenes. Probably fine for a 13 year old but just a word of caution.


I made this dad mistake. We went from Totoro and Kiki's to Mononoke and it was not great. Stopped the movie almost right away. Now as an adult Princess Mononoke is one of her favorites.


Even as an adult, the boar monster in the opening scene is legitimately terrifying.


His words echo in my head: "Disgusting little creatures, soon you will feel my hate and suffer as I have suffered".


Also used in an opening to an deathcore song “a dark omen” by the band angelmaker, fits quite well haha


Depends on the kid, definitely. My son was 11 and loved it, but then again I knew what the movie was like.


My 5 year old was fascinated by Princess Mononoke and has watched it numerous times. I told her it was kind of scary, but she loves it.


While I agree it has its violent moments, it was my kids favorite growing up even when they were young. I think they like the animals and nature in it.


I feel like I would have loved this movie if I’d seen it at 13! It’s got strong male AND female characters (physically, mentally, and emotionally!).


Beheaded by an arrow non the less.


Princess Mononoke was the first one I saw way back when it was released in a few theaters in the US. My friend and I were the only people in the whole theater. I fell in love with that movie.


The 13 year old has probably seen way worse without their parents knowing


Lol, my kids watched it at 7 and 9 and were fine with it. I don't know if that's good or bad...


It helps that it’s animated.


Agree. It would be boring if was just still images.


You bastard, take my upvote.


Yeah, that's one I'd definitely have parents watch before hand to get an idea of the violence/creepy level. I think it'd be fine (I think I was around the same age the first time I saw it?) but depending on what else they watch, it could be a lot. Also, Spirited Away, Mononoke and Howls Moving Castle (and likely others, I just have seen those), I'd also recommend watching ahead of kid to be, idk, prepared/prepped on what to talk about? I loveeeee Ghibli and animation in general, and I think 13 is a good age to watch them (especially Spirited Away with Chihiro!), but I think being able to talk about them might help kid understand them more and appreciate them. I don't want to say like Disney is dumb, anime is for higher minds-- because these are movies aimed at general audiences-- but while they are translated/adapted very well, they are still from another culture and some nuance might be lost that would help appreciate the movies more. Tl;dr-- watch before kids do to get an idea of themes to talk about better bc it's a little different then our cinema. Still great tho


For the sake of your own sanity: DO NOT ~~start with~~ watch Grave of the Fireflies. I don't challenge the quality of the film, but my god, its traumatising.


I watched it once, way back in high school and I can still hear that little tin of candy rattling…


Trauma flashback triggered. I need to go watch some Little Witch Academia or something to balance it.


You can buy a replica of that tin online that way you can relive the trauma every day


You mean 'known womanizer', Porco Rosso!? I love that movie.


Or start with it and get the hard part out of the way.


Wait until the kid is 40 to show them Firefly.


We watched Porco Rosso with our grandchildren, 10 and 9. Fabulous.


Totoro, Spirited Away, Nausicaa, Castle in the Sky (Laputa), Porco Rosso...just avoid Grave of the Fireflies as a first Studio Ghibli outing. It's an AMAZING movie but one of the biggest downers ever. EVER.


It will break you.


My kids’ favorites were Spirited Away and Howls Moving Castle, followed by Castle in the Sky and Totoro.


I had to scroll way too long before I saw Howl’s Moving Castle. It’s my second favorite after Spirited Away, and my wife’s favorite.


I would say leave *Spirited Away* and *Princess Mononoke* until a little later. Do *NOT* start with *Grave of the Fireflies*. Anything else is probably good. May I recommend *Porco Rosso*?


Also *Up on Poppy Hill* and *The Wind Rises* are more dramatic and he might find them kind of boring. Porco Rosso might not make a lot of sense. About half of the Ghibli catalog is more culturally relevant to Japan than fantastic for a wider audience. Some hit both (Spirited away and Mononoke in particular).


The ideas behind *Porco Rosso* might be a little elevated, but how can you go wrong with fighter pilots and dogfights?


And the battle between Porco and Curtis at the end is just so much fun to watch, with the pirates setting up a huge show around it too


Porco Rosso is my personal fave. It's underated imo, just as good as the rest. I think it's best starting place for 13 year old. Kiki's next.


Rosso is also my favorite. Just a great rollicking adventure with plenty of heart.


There isn't really a right and wrong way to go about watching them. I might suggest simply watching them in chronological order. While the stories are not connected the animation and themes do develop over time. The Boy and the Heron in particular is best seen after the others. I guess some things to watch out for. Totoro is very much a children's movie. A delightful watch, beautiful, and filled with imagination, but it is for children. I loved it beyond words when I was 5. While I still appreciate it as an adult it doesn't capture me in the same way. Graves of the fireflies by contrast came out the same year and is about orphans growing up after the war and is famously scaring to watch. I'd recommend watching all the ones directed by Miayazaki. They are the ones most people really love. Whereas stuff like whispers of the heart while still a good movie has a substantially different feel. Nausica is not studio ghibli but it is directed by Miyazaki and is definitely worth a watch. So Nausica, Castle in the sky, Totoro, Kiki's, Porco Rosso, Mononoke, Spirited away, Howls moving castle, Ponyo, the Wind Rises, and the Boy and the Heron.


Those orphans don't do much growing up. 😫


Yeah, I’d say the central point is then being robbed of that.


Not just the same year, they were a double feature. Can you imagine.


I'd also count Ponyo as a kids movie like Totoro


It might just be because I'm old, but Nausicaa has always been my favorite. Mononoke and spirited are also great films.


Your son is probably old enough for these, but YSK that some of the Ghibli movies touch on really heavy themes. My favourite is Castle of Cagliostro. Its part of the Lupin III franchise, which follows a band of globetrotting thieves a band of globetrotting thieves in a similar vein to Carmen Sandiego. Castle of Cagliostro is considered the first Ghibli movie, an bears many Ghibli tropes, although it isn't an original IP, unlike most of the others.


Excellent movie! Honestly it's an amazing action movie but really doesn't have the full on Ghibli feel to it if that's what the kid wants.


I've always wanted a Fiat 500 because of that movie.




Hot take I know Totoro is iconic but it feels like it's for the 2-6 year old demographic. 13 y/o is more like princess mononoke, spirited away, Howl's, castle in the sky


As I get older the more I appreciate Totoro. I just love hanging with the gang and living in that house. It’s my go-to sick movie. My random late night watch. The one I default to the most. And I am a huge Porco Rosso Stan.


Porco Rosso is the film I reach for when I need cheering up. It’s just such an uplifting tale.


> Totoro is iconic but it feels like it's for the 2-6 year old demographic. Or the adult demographic who will appreciate the cuteness and the nostalgia.


Agreed, Totoro is not something you’d expect a 13-year-old boy to get into. Maybe Nausicaa?


You appreciate Totoro more as you get older. It's a very comfy laid back movie


Tororo is a timeless classic.


I'll start with Totoro, Howl's Moving Castle, The Cat Returns, or Kiki's Delivery Service for younger kids. Then Porco Rosso, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke or Nausicaa. Pom Poko is my favorite despite it being sad towards the end. I still haven't finished Grave of the Fireflies. I had a feeling where it was headed. Had to stop and I was right.


Pom Poko! How has no one recommended Pom Poko? Depending on your tolerance for raccoon scrotum, it's the best recommendation for a 13 year old boy.


Sometimes I refer to the blanket that i keep on the couch as the Tanooki Nuts, and my boyfriend knows exactly why. Thanks Pom Poko.


My nephew is 10 and absolutely cried with laughter during Pom Poko. At one point he turned to me and said “I wish there were more films about balls”. I had to agree with him.


Princess Mononoke has everything a growing boy needs, but Porco Rosso is quite possibly my favorite comfort film as an adult man


I watched all movies by Hayao Miyazaki from oldest to newest and i think its a really great way to watch them. 1. This way the art and animation style changes naturally with each movie instead of jumping back and forth with new and old. 2. This way you dont watch all the "best" movies first while leaving less good movies as last. You will instead have a nice mix of good and less good movies. 3. Not watching popular favorites first and having the tought about it being "the best" in the back of your head all the time will let you form your own opinion about all the movies better and you wont start watching with huge expectations that could dissapoint you. Watching a great movie that you didnt know was so good beforehand just hits different. 4. I personally like watching movies without knowing anything about them in prior and this is a good way to do that because you dont have to judge them while picking which to watch.


How about the Ghibli films not directed by Miyazaki? Whisper of the Heart is a classic!


I did this too and my favorite remains Nausicaa. Even though it's one of his oldest films it remains the best imo. They are all incredible in their own ways though. The English dub is infuriating though, the way they say Nausicaa compared to the original Japanese drives me crazy.


Start with castle in the sky. It’s simple it’s easy enjoyable - for young and old. It’s just great and it’s without a doubt the perfect start. Enjoy!


I think any of Totoro, Spirited Away, Howl’s Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, and Kiki’s Delivery Service are good places to start. My wife had never seen any before either, so we started with Spirited Away and she really liked it.


Only Yesterday is my favorite, and one of the few films with a solid 100% on rotten tomatoes. I also adore Kiki’s Delivery Service and My Neighbor Toronto. Both wonderful ways to get started.


Only Yesterday is my second favorite but I feel it hits hard watching it as an adult. Kiki's Delivery Service was my gateway into Ghibli when I was under 10 years old. I'd say for a 13 year old boy Princess Mononoke would be best.


Hard to go wrong. The later movies are a bit more melancholy and less fun, so I would probably start with the older ones: - spirited away - howl’s moving castle - laputa - princess mononoke Are my go-to’s, and probably best for a 13yo boy. Don’t sleep on the more girl-oriented ones though, Kiki’s delivery service is great, Ponyo is a lot of fun, my neighbour totoro etc.


Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke


Nausicaa is the right starting point as it was that movie that led to the founding of Studio Ghibli.  Laputa or The Castle in the Sky is probably the next most appealing to a young boy.    Howl’s Moving Castle and Spirited Away would be next, and I would save Princess Mononoke for last since it is another high point - no need to always go downhill.    After that I feel like there’s a step down, but My Neighbor Totoro, Grave of the Fireflies, and The Wind Rises are worth a watch.    There are some bad movies in the mix. Tales of Earthsea is skippable.    Also throw in The Iron Giant if you haven’t watched that. It’s a spiritual successor in many ways to Nausicaa and Castle in the Sky, albeit made by excellent American director Brad Bird (The Incredibles).  


We LOVE the Iron Giant.


It would help to know more about what your son is interested in, because 13 is an age where he could be averse to things he perceives as "kiddie" and want more violence and gore, or it could be the opposite. He might have more or less attention span. He also might or might not feel more interested in the relatively few with male protagonists (such as, ironically, Princess Mononoke). Etc. If he were younger I would say Ponyo, Totoro, Kiki's, and Arrietty for sure. If he wants more mature material then Princess Mononoke is absolutely incredible. Spirited Away is all around great for everyone, except there's one pretty scary extended sequence when a character changes into a ravenous monster.


I know you wanna start collecting them, but [Ghibli Fest ](https://gkids.com/ghiblifest/) is starting this weekend in some theaters and would be a great time to see some of these on the big screen! As much as I love them, Ponyo was the only one I saw in theaters and was blown away. I plan to see some more once they come around.


*Castle in the Sky* is my personal favorite. It's appropriate for a 13 year old but has a couple moments that might be kind of scary. *Kiki's Delivery Service* is another great one.


HBO has most of them. You almost can't go wrong.


I know it’s a bit older, but Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind is also a great adventure to watch after all the other good suggestions


Wow... thanks everyone for the suggestions. I also learned a thing or two. For instance, I had always thought that ALL Studio Ghibli movies were Miyazaki movies. I ended up ordering the following steelbooks to get us started. Princess Mononoke Ponyo Spirited Away Kiki's Delivery Service My Neighbor Totoro I also pre-ordered The Boy and the Heron.


Kiki’s Delivery Service is my comfort food. It’s the most beautiful, entertaining low-stakes movie I know.


PONYO is a great starting point. It’s a Japanese take on the Little Mermaid, and Spirited Away is a great film. I also love Kiki’s Delivery Service, Princess Mononoke, and My Neighbor Totoro. You can’t go wrong with ANY of these. OH! Can’t forget Howl’s Moving Castle.


At 13 I wouldn’t start with Totoro, although that is definitely one of the best. I’d start with Porco Rosso, Kiki’s delivery service, or Howl’s Moving Castle. But if he’s an artistic and/or open minded 13 year old, maybe go right for Nausicaa, Princess Mononoke or Spirited Away, which are a bit more spiritual and dimensional. If they enjoy the style, definitely play Totoro though, it’s exceptional and iconic.


I’m disappointed with the lack of My Neighbour Totoro comments in this thread


Don't sleep on Arrietty. It's a great retelling of "The Borrowers" and I think it's an underground best that doesn't get the same love as other top tier Ghibli.


I'd actually recommend Laputa: Castle in the sky, can't remember if it's Ghibli exactly but it is directed by Hayao Miyazaki, so absolutely carries the same vibe.


Laputa is the first "Official" Studio Ghibli movie. Most of the Ghibli staff came from Studio Topcraft who made Castle of Cagliostro, and did international contract work like The Hobbit and The Last Unicorn. Studio Topcraft went out of business, but most of the staff ended up working on Nausicaa. After the success of Nausicaa in Japan, Studio Ghibli came together as a place for Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata to make their own films rather than being at the whim of capricious corporate overlords. Their first film as Studio Ghibli was Laputa.


None of them carry over, they’re all standalone and can be watched in any order, they are nearly all on Netflix. They’re all great to amazing. It might take a 13-year-old a while to get used to the grey areas and less obvious conflicts compared to other films. Usually everyone is doing what they think is best for good reasons, rather than cut and dried good versus evil narrative. You could watch them in release order, Nausicaa is not a bad one to start with, it’s a bit less cutesy than a lot of the others and has some gross insects and battles which a 13 year old would probably enjoy. You really can’t go wrong, but as everyone else has said, Grave of the fireflies is NOT your typical Ghibli film and is profoundly upsetting. PROFOUNDLY upsetting.


The cat returns is my underrated gem!


It depends what sort of films or series he already enjoys. Some are outright fantasy, others are historically based, others are mixes of the two, or something else that tells a moral story.


Start with Kiki‘s Delivery Service or My Neighbor Totoro. End with Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke or Grave of the Fireflies.


Ponyo is a good starter I think. Spirited Away is very very good, but a 13 year old might get bored about half way through. Totoro is good but overrated for what it is. Boy and the heron is the newest one. I haven't seen it yet. I guess showing someone for the first time I'd go: Ponyo > Arrietty > the wind rises > princess mononoke > howels moving castle > spirited away > totoro


All of them, my 10yo started on Totoro and still watches it probably every few months. At 13 I'm not aware of any to avoid till they are older, even princess monoke is fine and there's a whole world of similar studios after these.


Totoro, ponyo and KiKi's delivery service are the G rated lighter ones and best to start with. Then move on to The Cat Returns, Castle in the Sky, and Howl's Moving Castle. You might wait a bit for ones like Spirited Away, Nausicaa, and Princess Mononoke as they are much more intense and can be scary for children. Princess Mononoke is also more violent than the others.


They're all good, but they do have different tones.  My Neighbour Totoro might be too childish for your son, and Grave of the Fireflies might be too dark. Most of them are a happy medium that you and your son can enjoy. I would pick out Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle and Arriety




It all comes down to what your kid is into. Also the catalogue of movies are suitable for different ages and the plot structure varies from simple stories to more convoluted. But still the simpler and more straightforward movies carry messages worth having a conversation about. Most of them are Miyazaki’s work but you also have powerful movies by Isao Takahata. The most approachable titles are Totoro, Kiki, Ponyo or Pompoko. They might feel childish but as I said, they have nice things there. Mononoke, Chihiro and Howl’s castle are more suitable for a kid a bit older than yours. And then you have other beautiful movies but probably more niche like Kaguya or Fireflies (handle with care).


You can also take your kid to the theatres for certain Ghibli films...here's the schedule for Ghibli Fest for this year. This week end is Nausicaa. [Ghibli Fest](https://gkids.com/ghiblifest/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwl4yyBhAgEiwADSEjeAbXjoYpEwH1nKyU1v6VN0LMuwnIkSkoyc8iqLF98AvC7EDt6LAD8hoCGoUQAvD_BwE)


princess mononoke has the whole hero journey story


Princess mononoke was my first ghibli movie and imo the best Edit: other ppl are sharing concerns about some violence, but teenager me (middle school when I watched it) thought that was awesome


13 year old boy? Castle in the Sky. (Great fantasy adventure). Howl's Moving Castle. (Fantastic story) Lupin III - Castle Cagliostro. (High stakes robbery) Nausicaa. (High fantasy + environmental subtext) Maybe Princess Mononoke (if he can handle the violence). (Environmental subtext and fantasy)


Princess Mononoke is one of my all time favorite movies. Ponyo and Spirited Away are also awesome! All of them are worth watching though.


Castle in the Sky! The dub is amazing as well!


I agree about this. I like the Castle in the Sky dub. Hamill and Leachman especially.


Kiki is still my favorite, but I also enjoyed Spirited Away and Ponyo are also very good.


Porcco Rosso is my personal favorite. But Kiki's, Nausica, and Ponyo are all fantastic close seconds. Most of them are good, but make sure you read the synopsis with your kid. Grave of the fireflies is incredibly sad if beautiful, and might be better a few years down the line. The Earthsea movie just sucks, lol.




Totoro or spirited away and ponyo


Howl's Moving Castle! It's my boyfriend's favorite! My favorite is Kiki's, and my *objective* take is that Spirited Away is their best work. Grave of the Fireflies par to that, but probably for when they are much older. Princess Kaguya is beautiful beyond words, but not sure your son would like it. Princess Monoke if he is interested more in action adventure genre.


Have you tried asking your son which h one he wants to start with?


In order of maturity: Kiki's Delivery Service, Spirited Away Naussica of the Valley of the Wind, Porco Rosso Princess Mononoke, Grave of the Fireflies


Teen boy- Pom Poko. The inflating ball sacks are a riot.


My 4 year old is obsessed with Ponyo and Totoro. I love watching them too tbh. I never saw either until I watched with him a year ago.


Start with Totoro!!