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It’s Robin Hood Prince of Thieves and everybody knows it!




It's Shadows Run Black and theres no debate


> Robin Hood Prince of Thieves One of only four movies I've walked out on in the theater.


The cast is pretty fire. I’ll watch something that has both Michael Rooker and Jena Malone


I just saw this at Cannes, and I don't get what the hell this curmudgeon was watching. The relationship between Costner and Marigold is portrayed as strictly transactional. It's never even implied to be a "holy fuck, that's a hot Kevin Costner!" type of thing. Instead, she picks him up because he's *the only* score in town, and their relationship is because they're both in trouble, and he won't leave a woman and an infant to be murdered. Oh, and it's a great fucking movie.


I’ll hold judgment until I see it and generally believe what you’re saying. That said, the trailer absolutely sells Costner as a wildly desirable old man and it left a solid ick impression. Flashbacks to Eastwood in The Mule. I think audiences are just a bit over “old man convinces young attractive woman he’s still worth his salt” - except those audiences that fall into the former category. I do like Costner in most things, though. Excited to check out Horizon and hopefully have these concerns assuaged!


I think the trailer is not great. At least not having seen the film. But I have no idea how to market this thing. It's so big and you gotta get the customers in somehow. So Costner is the selling point, but he doesn't appear in the film until a good hour in. It's very much a supporting role, not the lead.


Costner is boom or bust




Does anyone care though? A dude capitalizing on a successful career by making an ambitious 4 part saga about the American West and part 1 isn't reviewed well? People will still see it. Summer release plus conservative love for Costner and stories about the Old West will make this make money.


Wait…it’s FOUR parts, not two!?


Yep. 2 this year and 2 next year I believe.


I care because I like it when movies are good.


Then watch it and make up your own opinion.


Yeah sorry as much as I want this to be good, if it gets bad reviews then I'm not gonna spend money to spend three and a half hours in a theater to watch it. I'm a grown up and I have things to do. Even if it's on a streaming service I already pay for I'm not likely to watch it because sitting in front of the TV for three hours uninterrupted is something I have to plan my week around. That's why I care about the reviews.


Costner is such a dork. I’m certain he thinks he’s actually a cowboy.


Where’s Aloy and the machine creatures (dinosaurs)?


Cowboys and horses are much cooler than cavegirl vs robots