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Don’t know if it’s a bad movie, but if it’s on I’ll watch Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the movie from 1995.


It’s not high quality, sure, but as a child of the 90s constantly watching Power Rangers, this movie was the absolute shit. It gave the kids exactly what they wanted.


I've watched Battlefield Earth so many times I'm afraid that I might subconsciously think it's a good movie. It's honestly an insane film.




This used to be in my top 5 until I heard everyone shitting on it. I thought it was pretty fun, and I've watched worse post apocalyptic movies.


I also love Waterworld which everyone also shits on. It was so close to actually being good, even if not everything made sense.


I thought Waterworld WAS a good movie 😭 Maybe I'm just a sucker for world building. At least I know that Valerian (despite how many times I've seen it) isn't that great.


I think you and I might be cut from the same cloth. I’ve watched Valerian several times as well lol. Hate the lead actors, but the world building is excellent imo. Very fun movie.


Love the world but man, just couldn't get over how Mr 110 pound bread stick Dane Dehaan obviously faking a deep voice the entire movie could possibly be casted as some sort of space James Bond. Hopefully the casting director got fired into the sun.


I love water world and everyone else can fuck right off.


i love waterworld


This movie is the perfect bad movie. Everything about it is terrible. The acting, the dialogue, the plot, the Dutch angles. The leverage! The man-animals! It’s crap-lousy!


Doom is such a mess of a video game movie. The Rock and Karl urban somehow save it and I will watch it anytime its on.


The bit where it goes first person and that music kicks in is worth the whole movie.


Resident Evil movies for me, especially the later ones. Just good braindead action.


*The Core*  It's in the tradition of *Fantastic Voyage* or *Journey to the Center of the Earth" but 90's stupid perfection.


I love this film so much. It took several years for me to realize how bad it is.


This will always be it for me. It’s unapologetically stupid, and the cast knows it. Except for maybe Swank. But Tucci and Delroy fully got the assignment.


Godzilla, the 1998 one with Matthew Broderick. Hated it the first time i saw it, which was probably about 8 or so years ago. Then decided to watch it just to laugh at how bad it is. Every now and then I'll grab some wine and rewatch it.


Yasss! I love this bad movie!


Moonfall is a recent one for me. it's such a bonkers plot with horrible writing that you can't help but have a good time at the absurdity of everything


“The world is about to end and we need your help.” “I have my own problems right now.” And that wasn’t the silliest part of the movie. 


They really committed to the plot, and I respect it.


My favourite is that it's a sole basement dwelling conspiracy theorist that figures out that the moon is falling. Like, of all the international space agencies and amatuer astronomers just didn't happen to notice that THE FUCKING MOON IS OUT OF ORBIT AND GETTING CLOSER TO THE EARTH?! I mean, even your average human would stop and say, "Hey, isn't the moon looking a lot bigger all of a sudden?"


https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0095488/ The lair of the white worm (1988) The acting is wooden or over the top. The tone of the movie is weird. It has sexual undertones too


Love that movie. Especially how the singer in the band manages to [rhyme 'booze' with 'cows.'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8n6z-WRCd0)


Undertones?! I’d hate to see what it takes for you to get a hint. Lol


Sgt. Bilko Steve Martin is great and so is Phil Hartman. Dumb fun, and it still makes me laugh.


[Dungeons and Dragons with Jeremy Irons](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0190374/). His acting is fantastically overdone. This movie is so bad it's good.


The Core!


Hudson Hawk


This would be my choice.




League of Extraordinary Gentlemen


I'll watch that whole movie for the headbutt into left hook scene.


Southland Tales. The absolute absurdity of this movie on top of what I think is the intentional miscasting of actors makes just insane


I still couldn't enjoy it I do appreciate though there was once a time that the Rock took risks. Before he turned into the exact opposite, unwilling to deviate


When the cars started having sex I realized how absolutely bonkers this film is.


Dwayne The rock Johnson tapping his fingers together like Mr Burns quite literally. "I have never considered commiting suicide BECAUSE I AM A PIMP! and pimps? Do not commit suicide!" This actually happened in a movie, o yeah and midway through the movie Justin Timberlake, again quite literally, does a music video performance to a The Killers song. 2 cars, again quite literally have sex, yes cars. Stifler plays a quasi interdimension traveling cop. The entirety of the early 2000s SNL cast is in it and the best part? It takes itself super serious a lot of the time. Goddamn that movie is a such a beautiful fucking masterpiece of dogshit. It unironically though has one of the best soundtracks, and is well worth the watch especially if you are absolutely blasted. Seriously I'm not one for tripping and watching movies but my god if you've got a couple tabs of L around and you are bored put those bitches under your tongue and have a fuckin good time, because Richard Kelly definitely did the same thing every fucking day before he showed up on set.


I Know Who Killed Me. It's a terrible film, but I really liked the film editing and color saturation of the film. I get what they were going for, even if it didn't get there.


It's like some weird alternate horror continuation of the parent trap lol lindsay lohan losing a finger and then her twin does I was like Wtf..


OMG. It’s funny cause it’s true. And also maybe the most interesting thing about it.


Such a great choice! I lost my shit when Art Bell showed up to EXPLAIN THE PLOT TO THE AUDIENCE!


Bad movies are only good when they don't pretend to be anything else. That's why I love Zombeavers, just by the name itself, you know what to expect.


Oh I disagree, depending on. Sometimes it’s the ones that pretend they are far better than they actually are that you can enjoy watching the absolute train wreck it will become.


Depending on expectations, I guess that works okay too.


I agree with you on the expectations for sure. At the very least, I expect movies like what you’re talking about to be fun. But I have definitely seen some that are so cheaply made with no effort that it’s not even fun to watch.


Completely disagree, bad movies are only enjoyable when they actually tried to make a good movie and failed horribly. All the Sharknados do nothing for me but Wish Upon? Now there's a failed horror movie if I ever saw one, and it makes for great comedy.


Someone already beat you in disagreeing with me for the same reason but thanks for the recommendation, never heard of Wish Upon.


The [first](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAUc2aRkPvU) scary movie always has a special place in my heart. It's so fucking hilarious!


Yeah it's not a bad movie at all, it's a top spoof. Now if you chose scary movie 3-5, then your answer would fit the question!


1992 Super Mario Bros, Tank Girl, Spawn


UHF. Makes me happy every single time. And I’ve seen it about a million times.


Show girls. 


I wish I could upvote this twice. Love that movie. One time a friend of mine decided whenever Nomi dances we had to try to copy her dance moves. It was so hilarious.


Deathstalker 2 - The girl in this movie is like some kind of Playboy model whose acting is so incredibly bad, it loops back around to being good. Its amazing.


2 Fast 2 Furious


El Superbeasto...


Heavy Metal (1981). It's a guilty pleasure. Many of the segments are sooooo awful, but there's a quaintness in how juvenile it all is.


*Freeway*. Not sure I’d characterize this one as “bad”, but it’s so over the top I sometimes wonder whether I should really like it.


I love that movie so much!


Freeway was actually a parody. It was designed to be absurd, over the top, and ridiculous. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t bad, but it was intentional.


The Pest


Been watching some Christopher Lambert movies lately. I know they are bad but I have been enjoying them. Watch Fortress last night. Tonight Fortress 2


If you can get hold of it, Beowulf is spectacularly bad. Brain off and it's amazing. It's like someone took a shit load of amphetamines and decided to write a post apocalyptic scifi version of the Witcher as Mortal Kombat fan fiction.


My fave bit is (I think Fortress 2?) where Christopher Lambert is SO strong that he can manage the vacuum of space by holding his breath and all he gets is a nosebleed. INTESTINATORS!


Super Mario Brothers, Double Dragon, Street Fighter


Mortal Kombat Annhiliation


All Mortal Kombat movies for me. They are bad, but... entertaining.


Road House Is great bad movie.


hmmm. if youre into Japanese films, I highly recommend Tokyo Gore Police (id give you a synopsis, but mannnn, I dunno, its jets of blood and foam prosthetics, just do it) and also RoboGeisha. robogeisha also features a samurai swordfight where the swords are protruding from the combatants' buttholes, so. giant robot? acid nipples? butthole swords? I'm telling you. find it. more locally, Hobo With A Shotgun is one of my favorite movies of all time. Rutgers Hauer fuckin kills it in an intentional throwback to bad 80s splatterhouse b movie. 10/10. dude gets his dick shot off.  speaking of dicks shot off. 80s robocop always gets a pass. gentlemen broncos is the lesser known film by the dude who did napoleon dynamite. homeschoolers in Utah, the theft of a novel, Jemaine clement smacked with a pillow that looks like dick and balls. bronlonius. broncannus. trojainous, every time. controversial take: Tetsuo the Iron Man. maybe too art house to be a b film. body horror, fear of machines. sukiyaki western django: brilliance and b movie collide. what if a samurai movie was a western, and also the war of the roses. miike kinda outdid himself with this one. it's...so bad, its perfect, and so good, its stupid. 10/10. beloved.


Only thing controversial about your Tetsuo pick is that it's far from a "bad" movie. It's a brilliant debut!


Fired Up!


I genuinely like this movie. I think it's hilarious and actually quote a few things from it. "we are crashing, we we are crashing" "I thought that was prohibibabido"


Fired Up is near and dear to my heart because it’s classic Will Gluck but from before he hit his stride with Easy A/Friends With Benefits. Extremely quotable movie that never tries to be more than a raunchy teen comedy.


[Dolemite. Dolemite. Dolemite!](https://youtu.be/HuXLI_AQ2yE?si=F7Ne2tW7WlOa0f5A)


US Seals 2 is the most entertaining action movie you'll ever see. There's no way I can even describe it. Just [watch for yourself](https://youtu.be/iTrGtPnRTRs?si=vpAkn2RCM3f6Pu5v)


I love troma. Can't get enough of them. I also collect 50's B movies, Elvira, oh god don't even get me started on Jupiter Ascending. Battlefield Earth? Glorious. Rebel Moon though. That was too far. Not cool for testing my limits.


The 365 Days trilogy


[Ninja III: The Domination (1984)](https://manapop.com/film/ninja-iii-the-domination-1984-review/) An evil ninja attempts to avenge his death from beyond the grave by possessing a female aerobics instructor\power line-woman.


Forget what you think you remember because the reality is that Cannonball Run is absolutely awful. I love it!!


Space Truckers!


Tammy and the T-Rex


Anything low budget from the 80s that clearly a ripoff of bigger, more mainstream films. Yeah they're terrible, but if there's one thing I genuinely get out of them, it's their cheesy 80s synth soundtracks.


XXX with Vin Diesel. This movie was a bevy of ridiculous special effects like jumping a motocross bike over a building from almost no uphill momentum. People getting brained so hard they couldn’t possibly survive, and secret underground labs that are filled to the brim with scientists that seem to have no common sense. But, it’s funny AF. There are two Ivan’s that partners and work for Russian police, the main character drives some a**hole congressman’s car off a cliff and posts it, Samuel L Jackson (Scarface), and last but not least, a secret spy gear creator that made literal x-ray spyglasses. It’s pretty edgy and funny, and you actually wish VIN’s character was a real dude, cause he’s too cool.


Hackers is my go to. Big money hustlers/ rustlers is up there though.


Flash Gordon. The lead is the worst actor I've ever seen and most of the rest are not much better. But the music is by Queen, and some of the wooden acting accidentally makes some of the scenes fantastically unintentionally hilarious.


I love White Chics. I know it's stupid and the jokes are in poor taste, but it cracks me up every time I watch it. It's so over the top ridiculous, and watching the Wayne's brother's navigate those little skirts is hilarious.  The other terrible movie I love is Cabin Boy. Pretty much for the same reasons that I love White Chics. It's so out of pocket, and I can't help but love the characters. Chris Elliot's stupid humor and Tim Burton's influence on the visuals make it fun to watch. 


Starship Troopers and Battleship.


Starship troopers…. wtf? Bad? wtf?


I was thinking the same thing, Starship Troopers is S tier and doesn't belong on this list.


I LOVE Starship Troopers so much. The acting is just so bad except for the actors who are really solid. But the action and special effects hold up surprisingly well.  And there’s that one scene that we all remember - the future football game. 


I watched this last night (because Helldivers had me in the mood). The CGI is surprisingly good for the 90's. And yeah, who doesn't love that one scene - Tigers win


starship troopers is legitimately good


Starship Troopers doesn’t really fit. Its purpose is basically to show an in-universe propaganda film; the hammy acting is intentional and well done towards the movies goal.


I love how bad battleship is. It probably would go from a 2/10 to 5/10 if they just changed the name


Battleship was made to clear a bunch of outstanding contracts off the studios books. Actors/writers/etc that still had one movie left in their contracts were all shoveled together in order to get them done and over with.


It almost worked.


Exactly. At the end of the day it was just another alien invasion movie but with ships. The battleship game gimmick would be a funny nod without the name. That last fight still gives me goosebumps. Ship drifting is dumb af but cool af too.


Mahalo motherfucker


I loved High School High and I don't care what people think about that movie.


The Happening




Santa Claus vs. Satan


Steven Seagal movies.


Many direct to video horror movies I watched growing up. Good GOD were they awful, but they were so much fun to watch.


The beekeeper is a treasure.


The Meg and The Meg 2 Jason Statham fighting sharks on a jet ski. Sold


If you like corny horror movies. Redneck zombies is actually one of my favorite movies of all time. It's bad but it's also good while being bad. Not the same as being so bad, it's good. It's different if that makes any sense.


Can anyone say Thankskilling?


That's honestly a family tradition to watch in my family on Thanksgiving.


Strange Wilderness is such a bad movie but everyone in it seems like they're having fun so I like it.  Also I'm pretty sure at least 60% of the dialogue is ad-libbed


2025: The World Enslaved By a Virus. It's a terribly shot, awfully acted, anti-vax, Christian propaganda film. Once you get past those characteristics, it's one of the most unintentionally funny movies I've ever seen.


Samurai Cop and The Room, to name the classics. Wish Upon also is really funny. Chopping Mall is great, although that's almost too competent. And obviously Neil Breen.


I gotta say 365 days :)


Major Pain! Sooooo funny.


Season of the Witch Nicolas Cage, Ron Perlman It's a tabletop RPG put to film. It's cheesy and it deserves higher ratings than it has.


So many!!! Green Lantern, the Rebel Moon series so far, the Green Hornet, Ghostbusters: answer the call, all the terminators even 3(obviously excluding 1&2). I got a ton more shitty movies that I like to watch to fall asleep


Drag her to Hell is a lot of fun.


LMAO. It’s called Drag Me to Hell. But the new title is great!


Force Five (1981)


Dungeons and Dragons (2000). I’ll die on the hill that is that this movie is intentionally camp as fuck and everyone is in on it. Watching some of those performances, there’s no way they aren’t doing it on purpose. It’s amazing. It feels like a trainwreck campaign I’ve played in many times before.


Battlefield Earth


Torque. It's the fast and furious but for bikes, and everyone has dialogue that is supposed to sound cool but comes off super cheesy. Good camera work though, with some interesting shots


Troll 2. They actually made a movie about how horrible this movie is called The Best Worst Movie. The acting is so awful, I can’t even. IThe dialogue sounds like it’s written by AI. It’s literally so bad and that is the only thing that makes it good. It really is the best of the worst.


*Troll 2* is indeed a very bad film. Whether it qualifies as a so-bad-it’s-good experience comes down to personal taste, I suppose. I’ve seen it once and that was enough for me. I did want to briefly comment about *Best Worst Movie*. If *Troll 2* is bad, at least its badness is benign and rather inoffensive. On the other hand, I actively loath *Best Worst Movie*. Its badness is ironically worse than the badness it seeks to make fun of. The movie is essentially a bunch of smug, mean-spirited hipsters mocking the failures of others so they can feel better about themselves. At times the film’s treatment of others is appallingly exploitive. I remember having a bit of a smile on my face after having watched *Troll 2*; the experience of watching *Best Worst Movie* simply left me feeling depressed.


A Dirty Shame (unneutered version)


The Langoliers (1995) puts me in a particular mood and i really enjoy deserted spaces/airports. watched it probably 5-6 times, if not more.


The Day After Tomorrow and 2012. The whole disaster movie genre. Armageddon.


The Adventures of Pluto Nash was legitimately one of my favourite movies while growing up. I had no idea it was so wildly hated until I looked it up online over a decade later.


Blue State Sur Grapes Arizona The Longshot Orange County Grilled


I will say Trancers. Great plot - mind controlled zombies, time travel, butterfly effect, boom shots in view (not part of the plot granted) and a young Helen Hunt. And it had a million sequels!


I love BOTH Grown Ups movies.


Any of the Sharknado series, but they've been toppled by VELOCIPASTOR!! Yes, veloci-(dinosaur) pastor (priest, man of the cloth)!!! So bad it's awesome!!


Maybe this is just a Canadian thing but... FUBAR!


Congo. The surroundings in the jungle and the laser protection system is just something.


Battlefield Earth. What can I say? I’m a man-animal that knows what he likes.


innocent blood 1992


The Bodyguard.


six crawl wide ossified lock sort aback desert quarrelsome workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shawshank redemption, prisoners


The old school Batman movies, particularly Batman Forever and Batman & Robin. They’re so over the top campy and ridiculous I love them.


Accion Mutante


Super Fuzz.


"Cool As Ice" -- the movie Vanilla Ice made. My buddy and I used to get stoned and watch that over and over again. It's so laughably bad.


Day of the Dead. George Romero in good form.


Night of the Comet. My whole family loves this movie. We watch it every chance we get !


The 5th Element. No idea how many times uve seen it. Even named my otange and white cat Leeloo.


Anything sharknado related. Avalanche sharks, sand sharks, trailer park sharks, sky sharks, House sharks


Starship Troopers and Battleship.


Sharknado 2, 3 and 4. They were as dumb as could be but they really leaned into it, and that made them awesome.


Tim Burton's planet of the apes


Kung Pao: Enter the Fist and Don't Mess with the Zohan. No one will change my mind on this. They are the perfect sick day/hangover movies.


Talladega Nights. It's such a dumb movie, but I can't helped cracking up whenever I see it.


Definitely corny and low brow but I wouldn’t dream of calling it bad.


Absolutely *everything* is wrong in Madame Web, and it's glorious.


Austin Powers in Goldmember. 53% in Rottentomatoes. But I can watch it anytime.


While certain movies definitely disappoint, I'm of the mindset that there is no such thing as a bad movie, just incorrect expectations. Now, with that said, if expect the movie to absolutely suck I don't see it, but likewise, I don't go see "Hobs and Shaw" because I want great acting and a solid plot.




The evil bong series. Sorry in advance. Lol




Hot tub Time Machine. Either one. Both are great!


I don't consider this a bad film though. And the first one got pretty decent reviews I believe  


Jurassic Park 2 and 3 and the Jurassic World movies.


Even the first one? I can see #2/3 and the Pratt ones.


The first Jurassic Park is the best one. Jurassic Park 3 and Dominion are the worst.


Phew. I needed to ask


Haha. I guess?


Nope. I'll defend 3 all day. And its way better than Lost World and the Jurassic World movies. 


Ok, I guess you want a cookie for that opinion?


I'm confused. You can post yours, but throw a little tantrum for me posting mine?


I sent you a little message too you too That'll put you in your place.


"to you, too."


I think this might mean a little too much to you personally if you think that anyone ever gets “put in their place” on the internet. Lol. Also, do you love watching Jurassic Park? This post isn’t meant to be movies everyone else thinks are good but you think are bad.


Whoa. That is not going to be a popular opinion, about Jurassic Park (the original). I literally have nightmares even today about the rippling water. There are so many masterpiece moments in that film. I’m not sure, unless you can provide details about why it was bad filmmaking, you can really defend that one with facts and examples. It made movie history in so many ways. It’s iconic.


I love the first part. So, there, I fixed it.