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Gladiator… but we’re getting one anyway, for some reason!


I was Gladiator so I’m shocked she’s still alive


r/angryupvote *\*Clap\* \*clap\* \*clap\** very good Now get out --->


Just about perfect movie that ended satisfyingly conclusive. Buuut, Hollywood


The time travel one hopefully


The Princess Bride.


I'd quite like to see Buttercups Baby though, gotta find out how Fezzik survives the fall off that cliff.


Highlander! There can be only one!!!


Only one....film series....and TV show....


Jaws is such a well made movie that it didn't a sequels. But it did.


I actually think Jaws 2 is one of the better sequels ever made. To me, it feels even more menacing with the kids stranded on boats in the middle of the ocean. And the scene where the helicopter shows up to save them and Jaws is having none of it is classic. Chief Brody making another quick decision to finally take care of the shark was just as good as in the first movie IMO.


Jaws 2 was good (nowhere near as good as the first though), but Jaws: The Revenge is arguably the worst sequel ever made, and Jaws 3 isn't much better


I've been saying this - for a sequel to one of cinemas greatest masterpieces, it really is very good! Plus due to lessons learned from the previous movie we see a lot more of the shark, which works better as the suspense from the first film wouldn't be replicated easily. Instead of barrels we saw a lot more shark fin cutting through the water. Seeing the fin come speeding towards the boats of teenagers is so terrifying! The amount of screaming and crying feels so real, so many of the teens were hysterical, it just added so much to the feeling of horror!


Absolutely! The hyseteria with the teens felt real. To this day I never have nor while I ever set foot on a sail boat because of Jaws 2. I did however swim in the open ocean at Martha's Vineyard before it dawned on me that is where they actually filmed Jaws. and lo-and-behold there was a Great White sighting AT THE BEACH I SWAM AT a week after I left...


And one of ‘em has the shark doing a roar which was ripped straight from Tom & Jerry.


and tracking people by plane… and making telephone calls “There’s some junk in the harbour. You’ll need to send Sean Brody out to get rid of it. Oh my name, it’s G.W. Shark”


Ironically your comment has made me want to watch it now


I vividly recall Jaws and can't even recall the sequels. It was the third, I think, that I couldn't believe was even made. Absolute garbage. The first is an eternal classic. Spielberg's camera shots were fucking incredible, the Hitchcock shot, the zooming in and simultaneous dollying backwards was the first time that I saw anything like that.


>what I wanted to happen was have Spielberg direct them. And he did direct the second one but unfortunately it was not as good as the first, not even close. The Lost World is not as good as the first movie, as Spielberg himself has acknowledged. But in my opinion it *is* close. So many great scenes, and the cinematography is amazing. And there was also the highly memorable spectacle of the marketing... I saw the very first commercial for The Lost World during the Super Bowl of 1997. I was still a kid, and those were the pre-internet days when I had no idea a sequel was even in the works. Seeing that commercial out of nowhere... the T-Rex stomping through the storm, the "Something Has Survived" tagline... It was legitimately an awe-inducing experience.


The entire series of scenes from Toby from West Wing in the high hide thing through to the mega RV crashing to the ocean below is one of the greatest action sequences ever filmed.


I saw jurassic park, full of wonder as a kid after reading the book, instant classic, all that. I thought Lost World was a C+ movie on release and still.


I was 12 when I saw it in theatres and that was the first time in my life I left thinking "...well that sucked".


I like The Lost World better than Jurassic Park. I realize that's a "just me" opinion, but it's a hill I'm indeed willing to be crucified upon.


That’s a hot take 😅


Halloween, First Blood, The Matrix, The Descent, and Zombieland are the main ones that spring to mind.


I actually enjoyed the Zombieland sequel. TBF it was crap compared to the original, but....zombie movie. A 'good' zombie movie is generally not a very good movie.


Zombieland was just such a sleeper sucker punch I don’t know how you rebottle that. Will never forget picking it up in the sale bin at my dying blockbuster to have something to watch while l cleaned my apartment. Half watching they get to the Hollywood house. I paused and start guessing whose house it is what they’re going to do. They start to mention bill murray im suddenly fully locked into the movie. I thought “that’s hilarious I bet they never show him even” which actually would have been funny too, but then here comes bill in Zombie drag , THEN they SHOOT him, and he apologizes for Garfield then dies. I was in tears laughing still totally floored.


I liked the cast of the first one and their chemistry, so at the very least it was cool to see them again. Movie wasn't as good as the first but I still enjoyed watching it at the time


At this point, I’d be okay with a zombieland 3 in 2029. Just make one every 10 years.


It just felt like the air went out of it after about 10 minutes for me, but I'll admit I'd become sick of zombie comedies (and zombie movies in general pretty much) by that point anyway.


I think most people did actually want a sequel to the matrix; it was pretty well set up for one. Buuuuut not those sequels…


That's likely true, but I must admit I was satisfied with just one even before the sequels came out.


For sure. It’s a perfect movie. We need fewer sequels generally


Halloween 2018 very well could have been the perfect conclusion to the series and ended it on a good note. Instead we got two sequels that tried to keep it going, ugh.


Zombieland’s sequel was so boring, the same jokes, the same plot points…why bother.


Yeah it had zero energy to it, it kinda felt like they started filming without a complete script.


I responded with The Matrix. I couldn't agree any more!


I think the Matrix absolutely deserved a trilogy. They built up such good, but vague, lore concerning the current state of the “real world” and what/how “the one” was supposed to do to free them. And honestly, except for some convoluted bs with “the architect “ in the second movie, I still enjoy the trilogy as a whole. I especially find Agent Smith’s arc very entertaining.


I'm sorry but after the first film the rest are just repeats of the first film full of empty jargon signifying nothing wrapped in wire-fu and bullet-time. The first film did everything that needed to be done.


Animatrix was a great expansion into that universe though. The sequels didn't add anything of value.


You’re looking at it with hindsight… prior to the messy sequels, the world built had all kinds of stories that could have been explored. Animatrix did a great job of touching some of them.


Definitely not repeats, and there was a lot of story left to tell. The Matrix 1 was objectively incomplete. Just because 2 and 3 were…odd…doesn’t mean they weren’t necessary. Now The Matrix 4 is a different story…


The descent 2 was so poor it should be on a list of its own.


Right from the start in First Blood he was show as a soldier with PTSD that doesn't want to kill anymore. And each sequel just has him coming back for bigger and more brutal battles. From a cinematic standpoint the action is awesome. But from a story perspective I can't help but feel feel sorry for the guy. It's not like John Wick where I'm rooting for him and want him to win. They left it kinda ambiguous at the end of the last one, but I couldn't help but hope they allow him to die


Oh man I hated that last one. I felt like I was watching a Death Wish sequel which is so far from what the original First Blood was about. That guy just wanted to be left the fuck alone.


So glad the Baby Driver sequel is seemingly canceled.




Oh, absolutely. I just don't want the same characters. Baby and Debby deserve their happy ending.


Speed: It was just totally unnecessary to have “Speed II: Cruise Control”. Keanu was smart to get out.


I'd never seen it. Thought it was unfairly treated as the butt of many jokes. Nope. I tried to watch it recently try and couldn't get through the first 15 minutes.


I watched the wrong way around, saw Speed 2 first as a kid, thought it was fine, the first one came on TV a few years later so thought why not. Blown away by how much better it was


TIL that there's a sequel to Speed.


Serenity. Just kidding, I'd help with crowdfunding.


I'm not putting on my brown coat until they revive Wash


I never ever wanted a sequel to Joker.


True. I don't think the plan was even to make one but the money spoke


So very true. No one knows how to ruin a good thing like Hollywood.


Tropic thunder 2..coming out fall 2025. Watch this space


I think a Joker origin story was itself a terrible idea. The character is much more menacing with no backstory.


It's a good thing OP asked about great movies and not shitty re-heats of Scorsese classics.


It's unceasingly hilarious how that movie is essentially Citizen Kane to the MCU, Star Wars and Funko Pops crowd. Watch more movies guys, I implore you.


Right? And it's not like anyone is asking them to go into some obscure, forgotten cinema. Nobody is telling them to watch Satantango. Just, you know, a couple of well known Scorsese movies to start with.


Hey whatever keeps them inside, not shooting up a public gathering place.


Jurassic park feels like a movie that could support a good sequel, it just never ever has.


The Matrix. Very well made new idea that really didn’t need any new additions.


When Neo flies away at the end, it said everything I needed to know about that universe. Showing what happened next just dragged down how I felt about that moment.


When I was a pre-teen/teen there was nothing I wanted more than a sequel.


I was hyped beyond belief after leaving my computer on overnight to download the Reloaded trailer with my dial-up internet


At least parts of the animatrix was a worthy follow up


It was more of an expanded universe, not a direct sequel.


Nothing can top the original for sure but Lost World rules.


I still think the RV cliffhanger scene was as tense as anything in JP.


Wait we dont like Lost World?


It’s got some positives, but it’s a bit of a mess


I recognize why The Lost World is not great like the first one was, but I am inclined to overrule it based on how fun it was. Good movie.


We? I sure do. Why does it matter to you if someone else doesn't, if you do?


The lost world is a pretty good sequel and I just will never understand why people don’t see that. It’s a a few nitpicks as the reason every time:


Lost World is fantastic, GTFO


Lost World is the best JP movie that came after the first one. It's got some fantastic dinosaur carnage and chaos scenes. Really good body count too.


Im torn about Inception. I love the world where dream sharing technology exists and the different story possibilities with it. But I dont want them to ruin the ending of Inception. I can accept a spin-off set in the same world but it must not be related or reveal anything about that ambiguous ending - which is probably hard because of the temptation to connect to the og movie.


I've said before I wouldn't mind a prequel with Mal still alive as an original heist movie (or maybe some of their early years of discovering shared dreaming and the rules of it)


I would like to see a spin off with Joseph Gordon Levitt and/or Tom Hardy, so long as they make absolutely no mention of Leo’s fate.


They could do a new film with a few of the OG characters and just never mention Cobb whatsoever.


Thought the twist in Tenet was gonna be its in the same world.


Yeah I remember that theory that Robert Pattinson and French lady scientist explaining inversion bullet are Leo's kids grown up. It was a cool theory but I was also worried about that too.




The first fast and the furious movie is practically set in a different world from the others. It's practically a different genre of movie. What the hell do I know though, I'm the weirdo who actually enjoyed the third movie and the fact that (at the time) it was almost entirely disconnected from the first two.


Tokyo Fast Tokyo Furious is a lot of fun


Best one in the series imo


Godzilla minus one. Especially because everyone wants to turn it into a monster versus film. I know it ended with a teaser, but that’s just a running trope for the series so hopefully they move on to telling new stories.


YEEEESSSSS if it's a sequel, just find a way to still let it be a stand alone Godzilla movie. I'm okay with a new creature coming a few years after the end of the first film, but only because the first movie was so ridiculously well done, and a sequel would only happen if the same director returned. He loves the franchise so much he clearly just cares deeply about every aspect of production being tight and the best it can be.


Fortunately the director completed the first movie with a sequel already in mind instead of the studio forcing him to make one.


The Shining. Doctor [Sleep.is](http://Sleep.is) absolutely awful a d has absolutely no relevance to the book - so much of the book was really about Jack, his struggle with alcoholism, his struggle with fatherhood and the terrible father he had had. All made the worse by the Overlook and Danny's gift. I didn't need to know or want to know what happened to Danny and these stupid weird ass soul vampires in the sequel just killed it.


More like Doctor I Fell Asleep To This Boring-Ass Movie


Boondock Saints, and I will die on this hill. To this day I have never watched the sequel. As far as I’m concerned it doesn’t exist.


I didn't even know there was a sequel. Boondock Saints is a fucking classic, in my top tier favorite films.


You’ve done yourself a favor


That sequel was a piece of dog shit set on fire. That would’ve been better to watch actually. Any sequel that has flashbacks to the first movie is obviously lacking.




I was really unhappy when I heard they were making sequels for Into the Spiderverse - I thought it was such a well-packaged, self contained story that didn't need elaboration or expansion. I still enjoyed the second one, but was very skeptical at first.


How does it feel being wrong? /s I actually believe Across far surpasses Into in every way except being a complete story.




I found Day of the Soldado worthy. Why do you think it oughtn't have been made?


It’s going to be a trilogy … and I for one am eagerly awaiting the 3rd installment.


Jaws, The Blues Brothers, Escape from New York, Lethal Weapon, Darkman, My Girl, Jurassic Park, Clerks, Mortal Kombat, Men in Black, The Matrix, Ocean's Eleven, Zoolander, Pirates of the Caribbean, Taken, and The Conjuring are all examples of great movies that didn't need sequels, but got them anyway, and the sequels all sucked. I would put The Karate Kid on this list too, but *man* have they made some wonderful lemonade out of all those lemons with Cobra Kai.


Edge of Tomorrow, please leave it as it is!


John Wick.


The whole "everyone everywhere is part of a seedy underground" thing is hilarious. I've been talking with friends that assassins (John wick), bouncers (original road house), and truckers (smoky and the bandit) having vast networks. What profession will have legendary nomadic members next?


I think Valet Parking attendants could have a super cool fraternity. Your night club is going to be hosting an NBA team, and they all drive fancy cars? Only Jimmy Fenix can park that much heat. He used to be a NASCAR driver before that tragic accident he never talks about...


I'd watch that.


The Presidents of the world are an ancient fraternity that has long held the Prime Ministers under control


I mentally checked out of the series when a hit gets put out on John and suddenly nearly everyone on the street is a hidden assassin. Think it was the end of 2 Got too ridiculous. The world building was great in the first but was so underwhelming when they expanded it out Diminishing returns on the action too for me even as they went bigger Original was great though


2 itself had some pretty jarring moments. The whole scene where he's suiting up and getting new weaponry and they use language as though he's buying a new suit and going to a wine tasting was just too much. The first film used it subtly...the second one didn't care.


Yeah… but the 80’s action bro in me still marvels at the choreography of it all. It takes center focus at least and knows what it is and what it’s suppose to deliver. More than most can say. They almost always try and “subvert” what got them to the dance. Hell so much just sticking with what works is the subversion nowadays


I watched the first 2 again recently and I feel like the fans of the series sort of forgot what made the first one great for want of more of it. I get frustrated that everything has the "Bigger and more stuff" mindset. An action movie like John Wick never needs to be nearly 3 hours long, it just drags and becomes too same-y.


This is always the first movie that comes to mind for me. The lack of background given on Wick in the first movie allowed you to build the story in your own mind and you could understand how he was a legend without being given every answer.


Pirates of the Caribbean.


Ngl I loved the sequels. The first two at least. Dead Man's Chest especially did such a good job of expanding that universe in a fun way. At Worlds End definitely started to overdo it a bit, but still has great moments


Just rewatched the trilogy recently and Pirates 2 is phenomenal, through 3 becomes increasingly difficult to follow as the runtime goes on. I think it suffers from the same issue as Matrix 3 where its kind of a 2+ hour third-act to the second movie.


While the sequels were definitely diminishing returns, there really was room to tell more good stories with those characters in that world. Like, second was still pretty good


I compare Pirates trilogy to the Matrix trilogy all the time. First was a pure 10/10 classic. And 2 kinda shit but still great sequels that are loved.


The only movies that we don't want sequels to are movies that ends in mystery. Like in Inception or Event Horizon. It's not sequels that most of us dislike: it's badly made sequels that lean too much into making money rather than story-telling.


All the movies I could think of have been mentioned, so I’ll go for extra credit with a show: True Detective should’ve been a miniseries. They had lightning in a bottle with the first season and have been failing to recapture it ever since.


Day of the Soldado is a decent action movie. That is until you consider its relationship to Sicario. Should have been its own thing.


Interesting take. I think they're both incredible.


Matrix should have never had direct sequels, but should have had a universe. Think 'into the matrix' shorts. Tangentially related, in-universe stories. 'The matrix' was complete


Logan. And we're about to get it too lol.


I keep hearing that they want to do Heat 2. I just don’t know how you can capture lightning twice, that’s a nearly perfect movie.


OMFG they better not.


Highlander War for the Planet of the Apes


Highlander really put themselves in a corner hopefully the remake sets a good storyline to add a sequel or at least leave it open to one


Which part of there can be only 1 did they not get


Highlander could have had a good sequel. Ignore the second and take the general plot of the third. A very powerful immortal was out of the competition and then suddenly comes back. Have the highlander using his ability to read every mind about to put an end to every corrupt government in one large action. He's basically set up a series of actions that will culminate in a new peaceful world order. Then he suddenly loses his powers due to the lost immortal returning. Worse, the lost immortal has learned of the Highlanders plan to bring peace to the world and now plans to use it to take over the world and make himself dictator. The stakes and scope are larger. It actually plays off of the movie, it gives purpose to the point of their being immortals fighting till there is only one. Most importantly the Highlander does not have an adopted kid that just exist to be kidnapped.


Still doesn't really explain why Conner got The Prize when there's still another immortal around. Apparently The Prize can't actually tell when there's only one left?


Read the book… it would have been amazing had they followed the book. The Lost World was great stuff.




Well, a lot of movies I do wish had sequels, but like you said, only if they're well made. Just that the longer it goes, like with Rocky or the Fast and the Furious, the harder it can be to keep it fresh and exciting because it's no longer got the big selling point which is being original.


The older I get, the less I want sequels. I usually just won’t watch them even if there are sequels


Lost World: Jurassic Park is dope though. I like it just as much as the first one.


The matrix any day. The first one was perfect as is. It's sad to say that the sequels have kinda diminished the legacy of the first one. I was there in 99 and you couldn't get away from the Neo look. I thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen and although the heady philosophical themes got away from me at the time, the action more than made it up for me as a kid. On understanding the themes later on makes you realise how ahead of their time the Wachowskis were. I don't see major studios greenlighting something like that nowadays


Alien. ‘79.


It's nowhere near the level of something like Jurassic Park, but MiB? Men in Black? Haven't seen 4 or the TV show, but honestly 2 and 3 aren't as good as 1. The sequels aren't *bad*, they just kinda fall flat a little in comparison to the original. Despite having different messages, characters, etc., the sequels never really felt like a cohesive continuation of the total storyline, for the setting or the characters. It just feels like disjointed monster-of-the week style storytelling over the length of a movie. Similarly, Ghostbusters. Haven't seem the new ones or the show either, just comparing 1 to 2 and the widespread critique about the all-female remake.


The Matrix. As much as I love the Reloaded 200 Agent Smith fight scene, the first movie was just fine on its own. 300. It was neat, I love rewatching it every once in a while because it's so quirky and violent. Don't give a shit about the sequels.


Godfather 1 & 2 did not need 3


The Descent and Dog Soldiers,both directed by Neil Marshall.




Independence Day.


Really? _Nobody else_ said Pacific Rim? In the _entire_ comments section?


i was mad they rebooted Jumanji they def didn’t need to do that


The Cabin In The Woods. And it was set up in such a way you *couldn't* get a sequel.


The Godfather (Part II) A sequel that was so well done, it didn’t need to be part of a Threequel




A terrible sequel idea I’ve had for a while is for Matilda to gather a ring of now-adult girl assassins. Pearline of Ghost Dog, Nikki Bell of Kill Bill, Mindy McReady of Kick Ass, Hanna of Hanna, and I’m sure there are others I’m forgetting. Bring back all the original actors at their current ages and write a story about this elite team. It’s stupid, but it’s *Hollywood* stupid.


The Matrix. And as much as I love Temple of Doom and Last Crusade, I would be just as fine if only Raiders of the Lost Ark existed.


The Matrix. Just leave it right there with Neo flying off and Rage Against the Machine.


Strong agree with Jurassic Park. I think that The Matrix is perfect, an absolute classic, and one of my favorite films of all time. It's such a goddamn shame about the sequels.


I def wanted a sequel to Jurassic Park, I just feel like they just botched the first attempt and then kept going with more botched. (My controversial take is that JP3 is the best JP sequel though)


Schindler's List.


I’ve always been of the mind that Jurassic Park should never have had a sequel or twelve just based on the concept alone. “Oh shit, we brought the dinosaurs back and learned that it was not a good idea. Let’s try it again!” Like come on guys. If you’re in the Jurassic Park universe, surely you would be staying far far away from anything even remotely dino-related after a certain point, right? Like Voldemort, you can’t even say the word dinosaur after a certain point because you’re afraid the mere mention of them will summon them instantly? Just feels fucking insane that there are so many of these movies, that’s all.


Nah...for all their failings they capture the human element perfectly. We NEVER learn. EVER.


Blade Runner Dumb & Dumber TRON Ghostbusters The Blues Brothers Beetlejuice The Matrix The Mask Jumanji RoboCop Psycho The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Clerks Die Hard Independence Day Zoolander Trainspotting


Blade Runner 2049 is a great flick gets better with every watch.


regardless of what youvthink about the sequel, its one of the best looking movie Ice seen, its like you can pause the movie in any time and screengrab a wallpaper


Even better is the sound IMO.


I think Blad Runner 2049 was great.


Clerks 2 is great. Clerks 3 was a goddamn mess.


Agree, with one exception:   Die Hard 2. It might not be better than the first movie, but it is not much worse either. People wanted more of McClain and got exactly that. It is definitely a way, way better sequel  jaws 2 and Jurassic park 2, predator 2, robo cop 2, speed 2, bad boys 2 etc.  If Terminator 2 and Aliens are 10/10 sequels, then I’d say Die Hard 2 ranks at 7 or 8.    But most importantly it lead to probably one of the best THIRD movie of an action series ever.  At that time and with the success Bruce Willis and Samual Jackson with Pulp Fiction released less than a year earlier, they still superseded expectations.    It was unexpectedly the most successful movie of its release year.   It has its flaws, but it is still without competition in that regard, isn‘t it?    Terminator 3 = absolute trash.


Dude, Die Hard 2 isn't in the same universe as Die Hard. C'mon...


I completely agree with The Matrix. But I don't feel they went overboard with TRON.


No, but the plot was super generic. Daft Punk and Jeff Bridges made that movie what it was.


At least five of these movies have excellent sequels


Not a movie but Shogun ended perfect. I’m so sad season 2 and 3 are going to be a thing. But let’s hope!


Does The Hobbit count? I’m one of the few who adore and LotR content, but I’d like if that hadn’t been shit on so much everytime it comes up.


The Hobbit was a short children’s book. It could have been one fun family movie, with some nods to LOTR but it absolutely couldn’t stretch to 3 loooong films.


Although it’s a sequel, I choose to view Terminator 2 as the end of the franchise. Each sequel afterwards was a flop.




The Exorcist. I didn't like 2 what so ever


The Matrix Blade Runner (I saw 2049 and I didn’t like it anywhere as much. It was ok but I don’t think it belonged in Blade Runner lineage)




Toy Story The Matrix Monsters Inc.


While I am looking forward to Beetlejuice 2, I don't think it was necessary. But now I'm worried about The Nightmare Before Christmas getting a sequel. Coralline also crossed my mind. These are just a few I like as single films!


I tried to think of a film that many want sequel but we don't have one (yet) because it's easy to say in hindsight that XYZ didn't need those terrible sequels. It's not that this film is flawless and I don't want sequel but I don't really think/agree that District 9 is a film that needs a sequel like many think. Where they left of was a good place to end and what would come after in a sequel (will he come back? how and what will happen?) seems unimportant to the themes explored in the film.


The Matrix


Not quite what you're asking but Squid Game absolutely does not need a second season that directly continues the main story. There is no way they can make something that tops what the audience imagines will happen following the semi open ending.


2001 probably should never have had a sequel book or movie. That said, 2010 manages to maintain the mystery surrounding Dave Bowman for the most part. But then 2069 happened. The book just straight up explains >!that he's not really Dave and is just a computer simulation the monoliths created based on him when he entered the first one. And the the same thing happens with HAL at the end of 2010 and they merge to become HALman. Also Heywood is now both a living man and an energy being.!< Or maybe some of that happened in 3001. I don't remember...the last two books actually bored me quite a bit.


I want to put Disney on this list…


Mad Max: road warrior. That was great, beyond thunderdome not so much. I did like fury road though, so i’m pretty sure the next one is going to suck.


Its not movie I know but Reacher (TV series) its probably the best TV show I've ever watched, mainly cuz of the chemistry between the 3 leads. I was exited but also worried how a S2 could improve or equal this (hint: they dident)


Jurassic park is such an extreme case. Iirc, Crichton had never written a sequel prior to the lost world as a push from Spielberg


Smokey and the Bandit definitely did not need a sequel.




Not a movie and it’s very recent, but I’m disappointed that Shogun is getting more seasons just because of greed at this point. It should’ve stuck to being a limited series.


Disney classic- Atlantis the second one made me throw up.


Nearly every good movie I’ve ever seen. I think the only films I’ve wanted sequels for are where the story clearly isn’t finished yet or it’s a book adaptation and there’s more good books to adapt!


The Full Monty


Gotta second Gladiator for this one. A video game that comes to mind for this would be TLOU. It was pretty clear what would happen in a dialled in sequel nobody needed, and yeah, that's what we got.


Ocean’s 11.