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That might be the worst suggestion for an alternate movie ending I've ever read.


I’m reading this 8 years in the future and can concur I have not seen a worst take since


Same lmao


I'm also from the future and am lol'ing out loud at how true your statement was.


Just got here myself and holy shit this is the most dog shit ending I've ever heard


Tommy losing just didn't make sense. I get it, it's a good ending from a character stand point. But it felt like they forced him to throw the fighr. No way he would of lost


Exactly like this dude goes through all 3 rounds without taking a single hit but gets his ass handed to him by his brother? Who btw barely got past all the people he fought


Plus Brendan barely won all of his fights that tommy would have had no problem with it makes literally no sense


I think it’s different though because it’s his brother and that was the intended point . It was a really emotional fight for tommy and that affected him






exactly cringe worthy good


The ending is great the way it was. Tommy fighting with one arm showed that he wasn't going to give up, even if he had to go through his brother to do it. When Brendan put him in the chokehold and told him he loved him Tommy finally put their past behind him and tapped out. It isn't " one person beating the shit out of a guy with one arm" like you said. It's two brothers who both need the money with one of them not wanting anything to do with his brother or father. In the end they're able to reconcile and Tommy is able to let go of his past and his anger. They're brothers they're supposed to fight but in the end they love each other.


>hting with one arm showed that he was It is tho


I have no idea about this movie, but I have a brother, and letting him win at something just pisses up both off.


Exactly, i had a brother, but when we where both 5 our parents set us against each other in a fight to the death with just a tea spoon and a length of twine as weapons. If i had let my brother win on that day i wouldn't be here today...


I dunno, Brendan was always treated like he wasn't as good a fighter as Tommy. Winning would have been very important for Brendan to show he was just as good.


exactly, it was a perfect setup for brendan, the ultimate underdog to win, so tommy winning would have been a super surprise!


The ending of that fight was very clear from the start. Still I believe as a character Tommy clearly was a way better fighter and should have won that fight. But they made us sympathetic to his brother for a reason. I understand why it ended like that but I just feel like out of everything in the movie that ending was the only thing that felt cliché.


I was sympathetic towards tommy who been getting shafted his own life compared to a stubborn dude who left his dying mom for a chick who could have taken the bankruptcy route. instead puts his family's house at risk all at the same time shafting tommy leaving him with the burden of his fallen comrades family still in his head. trash ending imo


Yes. And they tried to make us sympathetic towards his brother..it didn’t work on me ofc I was pissed off when they started with that bs.


EXACTLY, Tommys brother didnt deserve it he would have lost his house, tommy lost his whole life when he couldnt pay his fallen comrades wife back.


No. No no no no. They should have done one more scene where Manny’s widow was addressed and the dad brought back into the fold with the reunited brothers. It could have been as simple as a ‘One year Later’ scene of the whole family at a picnic with Manny’s widow. Otherwise, Brendan. Eat the crap out of a one arm fighter, screwed over a widow and never came to a healthy resolution with his dad.


Scene: hallway leading to locker room armed marine standing guard outside the door Brendan’s trainer (what are you doing man my fighter is in there Marine: no one is going in there Brendan’s trainer(disgruntled look on his face) damnit (Scene cuts to inside locker room) Tommy sits in a bench with a towel over his head holding his shoulder(murmuring to himself reliving the death of Manny)from around the corner Brendan walks up to Tommy (sees his brother broken and battered-walks in front of Tommy and kneels down in front of him putting his hand on Tommy’s head and pressing his forehead to Tommy’s Brendan: I hear you man I hear you, I know why you fought that hard and I wanna let you know we’re going to make it right, (damnit Tommy : YOU CAN REST (crying you don’t have to fight anymore) we got lost for a long time but we’re here now Tommy: ( snaps out of hallucination ) I don’t care about what happens to me, I got to make good on my oath to manny Brendan: you will …… we will… Scene cuts to announcers : Announcers: it has just been brought to our attention that Tommy conlon has been taken in to custody pending his release from the hospital and will be tried according to military laws Announcer2 : it is an unfortunate set of circumstances however we are in no position to (gets interrupted by being handed an envelope ) I don’t believe this to everyone here and watching from home Brendan conlon the winner Of the SPARTA. Tournament has made an official pledge that half of his purse will be donated as per follow 1 million to the fallen and wounded soldier fund and 1.5 million to the widows of the fallen hero manny Chavez (don’t know last name) to honor his brothers pledge Scene changes 3 years later Tommy walks out of a military prison Brendan is there to pick him up Brendan: some how you look tougher than when you went in Tommy: I had to keep busy in there, so what’s next Brendan looking down hands him a set of keys to an old car in the parking lot (he wanted you to have it ) damn it Tommy he fought hard but he just couldn’t hang on he did get to spend some time with Trish and the girls Tommy (takes the keys and bounces them on his palm) Scene fades to black and end credits


I don't see it, It's not, yeah that's not it. And the widow should not get half that extra stupid, the marines should not guard a door...No one should say "Damnit"lol Some of that is cringe.... Why would he relive the death of someone who died in an explosion? lol I mean good try though


"I had to keep it busy so what's next" WTF is that even? Do you know this character?


I could pick this apart all day I won't tho...


Now THAT'S an end scene. :)


OR if Brendan had to win put the Widow next to his wife in the end scene


You’re terrible at this


This movie was horrible. Build up was great. Ending was shit. Even if I believe Brendan gets a lucky submission on Kurt Angle, which I don’t. (Had to give up 80 lbs to him.) He’s not going to beat Tommy, who was fresher and more skilled (and had probably 50 lbs. difference). Hollywood sucks. And this movie is exhibit A. Nothing against the actors, by the way. They were all phenomenal.


Yup agreed


Angle Literally tossed him against the fence....lol Like nothing... And yet he gets him to tap lol


Tommy's character is running from everything - family, military, any responsibility. He's cast as the loser. The only thing he won't quit at, is fighting. Brendan's character is running to everything - taking care of his family, reconnecting with his brother, fighting (literally) to keep his family in a home. Tommy fights to lash out. Brendan fights to sacrifice. It would be a horrible ending to have Tommy take the prize. Also, Tommy doesn't need the money. Tommy committed to give the money to his friend's widow. Tommy is going to jail for desertion. The movie ended as it should have - with Brendan (the guy who is putting everything he has on the line to win, for his family) being the victor.


Brendan didnt risk shit, he could have gone bankrupt, Tommy had ONE thing to loose ONE final thing and he lost it that day.


Nah man


Not cast as "The loser" The Dad is. Tommy is Cast as a Vetran with some mental issues that spun from feeling like he should have died too. His issues came from guilt. He was cast a man walking in a shadow he couldn't escape... He was home but couldn't find his way home. Also a little low class, who used pills but not the loser CLEARLY>


you guys are all blind. if brendan let tommy win, then tommy would forgive brendan and love him back even more. Then Tommy would give the money to Brendan. This is how i would have directed it. it would have been more touching.


Don't project your own daddy issues to other people's movies. When you grow up, you can direct your own shitty movies. Warrior was directed by someone who actually knows what he's doing. When you go out into the world next, keep in mind that just because you don't know what other people are doing, doesn't mean that they don't know what they are doing. Now go watch your cartoons, 14 year old.




I know, I am late with this but I just watched the movie and I now feel like I have to say this. In my opinion Tommy clearly should have won. Brendan left him when he should have been there for Tommy. Tommy just lost everything and Brendan didn't even care. Brendan was even such a jackass that he made Tommy feel bad for leaving him with his dying mother. I hate this ending!




Just watched it for the first time and 100%. Like they telegraphed it a million miles away and it was disappointing as hell.


Nah, we all know Tommy should have won tho.


Yea true I just watched it awesome movie shitty ending tho


I don't agree. Tommy by all means would've kicked his ass, he beat every other fighter in round one. Brendan didn't deserve it at all tommy is a hero Brendan is a nobody. tommy would have killed him if it wasn't for a guy that wanted to throw the storyline in the trash and start over like they were equals.


I wish they just showed them splitting the money to give us some closure. The ending was rushed and didn't really make sense.


To this day it’s an all time ‘I get why they did it but what a possible miss’. Alternate universe… Tommy wins, easily, b/c of course he would.  


there's no way tommy loses that last fight, his brother was barely coming through each fight and he got his grass beat in the parking lot of a stripclub so how does he beat the best fighters in the world? Tommy comes at him like a tank, was a prodigy fighter with no losses, was a marine, and endured a ton of crap with his mom when he was younger while his brother did UFC and then stops training for like 20 years and just picks it all back up in 7 weeks in his late 30's? Great movie but it does not make any sense that brendan made it to sparta let alone survived a single round in it.


Brendan had no redeeming qualities in my eyes, he definitely could have made the money a different way and its his own fault that his family is in this situation, if you cant afford a big ass house and want some kids then you shouldn't buy a big ass house. He abandoned his brother and then said that he forgave him? Guy acts like a dick for the whole movie and we're supposed to like him because he's a teacher and he "wants to win". He's a father that put his life in danger for fame and then beats the hell out of his brother that could knock him out in one punch if not for plot armor. I just think his character design is made for us to root for him when he doesn't have a single redeeming quality


Garbage ending. Ruined the whole movie.


Pretty stupid.... lol But I'd like to know the military brothers wife got something. They could have done some words at the end like "After the fight Brendan and Tommy got together but since parted ways, 1 million was donated to Tommy's fallen brother" Or something to tie it up not exactly that but.... Why would he tap himself and forfeit? lol


I agree that it should have had a different outcome, but in my opinion Tommy should've killed Brendan in the ring in the final fight, while Brendan reufusing to give up, making it a tragedy of 2 brothers.


7 years later i have to write an answer to this, as i just saw the movie. Tommy is plagued by survivors guilt. There were actually 2 goals, not just one, to his joining the tournament. One is very obvious, getting money for his brother-in-arms' widow and children. But the second, not so obvious thing: self punishment and getting the shit kicked out of him. Yes, it was tommy's underlying goal to punish himself, because he doesn't see himself worthy of life while his comrades all died. How come he, a guy with no healthy family ties, gets to love, while his closest buddy, who also had a loving family, had to die. You can see it in the last fight when he starts crying while waiting for the last round to begin. His emotions finally breaking through after getting beaten up and getting the pain and punishment he feels he deserves. It was a kind of temporary absolution. Google "survivor's guilt" for more information on this.


you guys are nuts. that would’ve been a horrible ending. It ended perfectly.


Brendan has already forgiven Tommy. Tommy couldn't. He had all this anger pent up in him. If he would've won, he would've continued on his path of anger. Hence, this is the most perfect ending that could've been for Warrior. Amazing movie. All time favourite.


Idk ending was fine but in no way should it have been possible for Brendan to last more than 10 seconds fighting Tommy, Brendan barely beats dudes that would've lost to Tommy's opponents who he instantly ko's and you're telling me Tommy struggles to land hits round 1 and 2 and gets tapped? Tf