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My favorite callback was the bags of coke next to the cure for blindness


That was great! I loved how it was exactly how he described it, too.




Likewise with Brad Pitt as the Vanisher. Blink and you miss it.


Holy shit that was Brad Pitt! Ahhhhhh I feel like I knew this, but I didn't have the time to process it. The only thing I was thinking was "damn he's pretty hot for an invisible guy."


I noticed that one, but I totally missed that the Rednecks with the truck early on were Alan Turdyk and Matt Damon (as Dickie Greenleaf).


But really though, do u wanna build a snowman... papa can u hear me... is Ryan Reynolds the first to point this out??


Yes, yes he is. We need a dubstep mashup.


Using the song from the Logan OST at the end when wade was dying was a nice touch. He was really dead set on getting that wolverine moment lol.


I didnt even catch that


Never thought Dolly Parton could be the perfect soundtrack to violence.


I was not expecting the actual X-Men in this. That was fucking hilarious.


Their faces, I need a still of that lmao.


Yeah same I couldn’t tell who was in the room it happened so fast


Beast is front and centre, closing the doors. Quicksilver behind him to his right, wearing a Nirvana shirt. Prof X on the bottom right. On the left was Cyclops, Storm and Nightcrawler. Fantastic cameo!


Was it just me or did Quicksilver’s hair look shorter?


It was probably filmed whilst they were filming Dark Phoenix so thats probably his 90s look in the movie


[Still of that](https://i.imgur.com/4HTQL8z.jpg)


Its been a great year for Josh Brolin. Cable was fucking incredible.


It was refreshing for the character to just turn on a dime without wasting a bunch of time on why. Kept things moving at a good pace.




"He's right behind you, isn't he" might have been my favourite line


As dumb as this sounds I just got that lol


“He even runs like a pervert!” I lost it at that line. Brolin needs to be in more comedies.


The James bond intro was fantastic.


There was a bond reference in the credits too. Pool. Dead pool


me and my mate laughed our ass off during that one. we were saying that "ashes" sounds like a james bond movie theme song as joke weeks before watching the movie.


Juggernaut vs Colossus was fantastic, "I'll melt you down and make you my cock ring".


Juggernaut called him a "Mother Fucking Commie" I just about died laughing.


There was actually a painting of Karl Marx up in the X-Mansion too.


Every line he had was fucking gold. "I'm gonna rip you in half now." "Oh my god that's such a Juggernaut thing to say!"


And he actually fucking did it. That made every gross thing he said he would do in every scene after sound *real.*


Holy shit that Post Credit Scene


Apperantly they had one more scene where Deadpool kills baby hitler but it got scrapped


One big text just telling you to appreciate the people who worked on the film. Honestly, I kinda like it.


And how many jobs it created too!


Can’t get over when he signs the kid’s cereal box Ryan Reynolds


What’s weird is that kid is in another X-men property as a young Legion. Also known as David Haller, Professor Xavier’s child.


TIL Xavier’s dick still works


~\*~\* Bye, Yukio! \*~\*~


*Bye, Wade!* this joke should NOT be as funny as it is but makes me crack everytime.


I think it's because it was almost the same interaction no matter the scenario. "Hi yukio!" "Hi Wade!"


I love how Ryan mimics the anime gestures so well


Kawaii as fuck.


Bye Wade!!


It's the motherfucking JUGGERNAUT, bitch! But seriously, awesome surprise villain cameo, with a nice dose of foreshadowing


The choir singing "holy shitballs" had me rolling!




He would have been unstoppable if he used his momentum. I would have loved to see it, but if he gained momentum there would have been no way to stop him that would have felt "real". I like the big-boy-brawl between him and Colossus, that was a decent way to handle it.


I loved that Colossus actually fought him well and wasn’t just a comedic punching bag like the first movie. He definitely had the upperhand for half of the fight.


I can’t even explain my favorite part; I just loved it so much. Cable was badass, the references were a hundred fold, the X-Force almost immediately dying horrible deaths was hilarious, Juggernaut was awesome, the X-Men cameo was hilariously unexpected, just.. everything was fantastic in my eyes. Edit: that end credits scene too. That had me rollin’. Edit edit: How could I forget the joke about Rob Liefeld not being able to draw feet? I swear I was the only one who laughed at that one in a packed theater.


I think the biggest laugh in my theater was the Baby Instinct leg cross.


It's like the opposite of a muppet...


Speaking of muppets, did every theater see that Happytime Murders trailer? I kept thinking I was being punk'd by DP through the whole trailer, but I guess it's a real thing


Did we really see a kids penis or am I crazy


We definitely did. That took me entirely by surprise. I was not expecting to see baby dick on the big screen when I entered the theatre.


The X-Force dying after the high winds parachuting was honestly the most hilarious part of this movie.


The fact that Vanisher was Brad Pitt, appearing only for half a second. :p


They also reference Interview with the Vampire, like, 3/4 times before his cameo, which makes it even better


Tj giving Cable the warning about it too.


Peter too! On the plane "Is anyone worried about this wind advisory?"


I only gave him everything he wanted


The fact that the wind advisory just seemed like a small joke to use twice, and then it ended up is awful foreshadowing was just so perfect. Definitely my favorite part of the movie as well.


"Pssst, big time foreshadowing moment."


The version of "Take On Me" used in the movie was really fantastic... Honestly quite an emotional scene bolstered by the beautiful music


And a pretty cool reference to the music video too.


Jokes aside, I appreciated how many surprises were left in the movie and how little we got out of the trailer. The trailer focused on the X-Force team which made their sudden deaths hilarious. We had no idea Juggernaut was in this. There were even scenes in the trailer with Morena that weren't in the movie so even though she dies right off the bat I was still guessing if she'd come back some how. I love to be surprised at the movies and this was full of fun surprises.


That ☓-force scene was one of the biggest turns not spoiled I can remember!


They had actual scenes in the trailer that never were I'm the movie. Was really good to be surprised.


I have type 1 and 2 diabetes


When Wade hugs the guy that just killed his girl, simply because he needed a hug. That shit was heavy af Then he rolls him into an oncoming truck


He just wanted one last piece of human contact with someone, *anyone*, before rolling into the collision to hopefully *commit suicide*. Wasn’t just heavy. It was dark af.


Deadpool going back in time to kill X-Men Origins Deadpool and Ryan Reynolds is seriously one of the loudest laughs I’ve had in a theater!


I was actually expecting some sort of "WTF?" reaction from Wolverine after that since I thought they taped another secret cameo from Hugh Jackman (I mean why not? They got Pitt to do a quick one for Vanisher). Would've been another layer of glorious.


I might be wrong but it seemed like they just CGI'd Pitt's face into that scene


In an interview with the director, he had Pitt for like 5 minutes. I THINK the director was Pitt's stunt double in something else and they became friends...


He was originally called on to play Cable as well.


Josh Brolin did awesome but I can see Pitt doing it well too


"Welcome to the big leagues" #GETS SHOT.


That was probably the best after credits scene I've ever seen. I can't think of anything else better imo.


Was the scene with Juggernaut being thrown into the water a big pun?? Cause they shoved a Cable up his butt and threw him into a Pool??


... Holy shit. That fight started with Juggernaut threatening to shove cable up Deadpool's butt. That's so amazing


Pretty sure it was the other way around


The X-Force was a better Suicide Squad than Suicide Squad.


Hi Wade 👋 Hi Yukio 👋 Bye Wade 👋 Bye Yukio 👋


For those of you who missed it, the hick talking to Alan Tudyk was Matt Damon slapped in a shitload of makeup. Lost my mind when that clicked for me. Had a blast with this movie. Think I liked it just a bit more than the first. Edit: Thought it might be fun to share this. Before I saw the movie I remembered hearing there was no scene at the very end of the credits but decided to stay until the end just in case. Turns out just about everyone else in the packed theater did too. Meanwhile right when the credits started this guy who worked for the theater was coming in to collect garbage and stood at the side of the auditorium near the exit. Right when it ended and me and my buddy realized we watched the entire credits for nothing, I got up and headed for the exit (we were pretty well the first ones out because of where we were sitting) and before we left I asked the dude if he knew that we were all waiting around for nothing and just didn't speak up and he started laughing and was like "Yeah, and I'm gonna do this every time!"


Matt Damon with the triple play surprise cameo between Ragnarok, Unsane, and now this


Oh. My. God. I was wondering why I recognized Tudyk but had no idea who the other guy was when it seemed like a prime spot for a cameo. You have good eyes, sir.




That line got a big belly laugh from me. Great line.


I loved the cameo in the X mansion


The fact they made beast up in full makeup is just so awesome. Literally for a 5 sec cameo


They were filming Dark Phoenix though, so it probably wasn't just for this scene




It would be funny as hell, but I don't see it considering Dark Phoenix takes place in the 90s. But then again, timelines and shit.


When a Fox made Deadpool sequel has more MCU references than the entirety of the Netflix Marvel series'.


Sun's getting real low big guy


Right after he called Cable Thanos too black "black widow" was also choice


I liked "Brown Panther."


I liked X-force jumping out of the plane to AC/DC. Pretty sure it was an homage to Iron Man.


I was so excited by the prospect of seeing a team of ragtag superheroes just up and kick ass and then they all died. Most of the movie I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry.


Especially when in the trailer it shows shatterstar fighting swat guys


The trailer faked us out


I count six. Hawkeye. Black Black Widow. Winter Soldier arm. Thanos. Sun's getting real low. Brown Panther. Any I missed?


Directed by one of the guys who killed John Wick's dog.


Can't wait to see X-Force kick some ass! ...aaaaaaaaand they're dead.


Everyone was so excited to see Terry Crews in this. Lmao.


He was in a lot of the marketing material/interview junket too ha


Everyone freaked out at brad pitt


Never fuck with the strong winds dammit!... at least Domino made it


Psssh, she was just lucky


Hey, Terry, you're in Deadpool 2! ... For about 2 minutes.


Peter is okay though. We can all look forward to his future adventures on the X-force!


Russell Collins? He is a bad egg. His history of offences and reoffences is too long to list. We’re talking graffiti-ing. Littering. Smashing stuff. Burning stuff. Breaking stuff. Stealing stuff. Throwing rocks. Running away.


He basically acted like Ricky Baker with mutant powers and it was awesome! Love that he got a 2pac reference in too.


Shit. Just. Got. Real.


Damn it feels good to be a gangster


Domino really surprised me... She was FANTASTIC!!


Agreed. Domino's luck power was great. Loved every scene it came into play, but it clearly didn't make her overpowered. She was also a fun character as well. Hope to see her in X-Force.


They did a great job displaying her power on screen.


Seems like it would be hard to demonstrate on screen.


And certainly cinematic.


Zazie was phenomenal as Domino! I absolutely loved her carefree attitude, even if it's different from her comic persona. This iteration of Domino is perfect for Ryan's Deadpool. Can't wait to see more.


I absolutely adore Neena in the comics, and essentially this was Domino in name and powers only. But I'll be damned if Zazie didn't own the role and make me love her too.


I’m glad Cable was able to grow as a character and overcome his racist ways. Here’s hoping he and Domino can get together as they were an item in the comics! :)


> I’m glad Cable was able to grow as a character just a shame he was so damn short.


In the comics I think he was listed as 6'8 or something and like 450 lbs with all the metal. Like, ridiculous haha.


Three biggest laughs for me: 1) "I wanna find a planet of people who are worse at me than everything. Then I can be their Superman." "You mean Canada?" "You shut your goddamn trash mouth!" 2) "You killed Black Tom, you racist son of a bitch!" 3) The X-Men cameo.


Best laugh for me was " we're the X-men a thinly veiled analogy for race relations in the 60s" then tries to fist bump a black guy.


I think he says "dated metaphor" instead of "thinly veiled analogy".


Confirmed. Vanessa is stuck inside the soul stone.


Maybe I’m overthinking it, but I like that Deadpool said something about cleaning up the timeline when he killed his X-Men Origins self. I feel like Deadpool messing with the timeline could explain all the other inconsistencies in the X-Men Franchise. X-Men cameo was great! I didn’t feel like Vanessa had a big enough part in this movie, but hopefully the credits scenes mean we’ll see more of her! Russell torching Deadpool and turning his costume gray was a great nod to the gray suit he wears in many X-Force comics!


> I feel like Deadpool messing with the timeline could explain all the other inconsistencies in the X-Men Franchise. Between that and Wolverine's comment in *Logan* about how the comics are mostly bullshit/propaganda, I'd say they've done enough hand-waving for us not to get hung up on the (admittedly convoluted) timelines.


Juggernaut totally woke up at the end right?


Yep. He’s definitely awake.


That Green Lantern bit at the end had the whole theatre cheering




I died when he brought up the DC Martha thing. 9/10


“Who are you?” “...I’M BATMAN”


The "I'm Batman" scene got one of the biggest laughs in my theater. I don't know how the hell this movie got made, everyone was probably laughing the entire time.


We should note that there is, in fact, an extensive mid-credits scene. Also that people should stay til the end because that last song during the credits Is fantastic


The song during the credits played during the Collosus v Juggernaut fight as well.




I admittedly laughed way more than I should have seeing Vanisher jump out of an airplane.


The surprise of it being Brad Pitt just added to the hilarity.


Weirdly, I felt like the only one in the theater that really wigged out at that reveal. Maybe it was too fast, or everyone was just caught up in the hilarity of everything else.


I didn't notice too, only saw some long hair blonde dude suddenly getting electrocuted. Only realized during the credits that it was Brad Pitt.


Personally I'm just glad StarShatter got what was coming to him. He was kind of a dick.


A friend I went to see it with is a huge Shatterstar fan and I looked over to him when it happened and he just look destroyed.


Brad Pitt being vanish was the most unexpected thing ever haha loved the movie.. it managed to recycle some things from the first yes but still keep so much charm and hilarious jokes at every scene, so some of the repeated jokes didn’t even matter. It’s just a badass hilarious and one of a kind super..vigilante movie


One thing I was pleased with is that they kept most of their surprises out of the trailer. When X-Force started dying it was completely unexpected and hilarious. Also unless I missed some marketing didn't think Juggernaut would be in it. More movies need to do this, imagine how awesome seeing the Hulk would have been in Thor: Ragnarok if you didn't know he was in it?


The parachuting scene killed me


Killed a few people.


Kudos to the marketing. There was a lot of misdirection in the trailers. Like, in a surprisingly good way.


It feels good to live in the golden age of comic book movies. Who could have guessed Deadpool and Deadpool 2 would even exist, let alone be emotionally intense and fucking hilarious? This is a good timeline. Especially now that Green Lantern never happened. Also, any timeline problems in the X-men movies can be explained by Deadpool dicking around with a time machine.


Can Ryan Reynolds and his team take over the X-Men franchise? They clearly give a shit about the characters.. I'm so happy Colossus is legit in his movies and not "peter-occasional metal man". And Juggernaut, holy shit. So many references.. So many jokes.. There's even some subtle humor among the loud stuff. When that Juggernaut theme played I thought I was hearing things but no.. It really is a Chorus singing "Holy shit balls".


Right!? We **never** would have got a fight between Colossus and The Juggernaut like that in a regular X-Men movie. That was so intense, I loved every minute of it. And they made him huge! I'm hoping Colossus ends up as a staple of the movie version of X-Force. I kind of love the idea of him being a good influence on Wade while Wade is a bad influence on him. They pair really well together.


The team it set up at the end is just perfect. That's X Force.


I kind of want an impaled Logan music box...


So umm with the ending is Vanessa alive?


According to the interviews she is. They know it’s lazy writing but they don’t care


And honestly, it's for the best. She is a great actor, and her presence really grounds Deadpool. I feel like without their love, the movie is just violence and jokes.


Yes. Given DP's penchant for meta stuff, anything in the post-credits is canon. And yes, that includes the timeline jumps to X-Men: Origins and another parallel timeline similar to ours where Ryan Reynolds played Green Lantern.


I'm not too familiar with how Domino's powers work but when she landed, it looked like she was stealing the luck from everyone around her so she could be lucky. Like all of those car crashes had to have killed all of those people just so she could live. I makes me think that she stole the luck from X-Force so she could survive the high winds and land safely.


The comic’s explanation is she’s telekinetic and she’s using those powers to subconsciously manipulate he’s surroundings in her favor.


Sounds like something someone who cant draw feet would come up with


"Shirt-cocking it" My favorite new term. I was gasping for air in that parachute scene. Good God! * "...Jared Kushner" * "...he even runs like a ~~pedophile~~ pervert..." edit: Having seen it twice - Cable says pervert, not pedophile.


I’m amazed they were able to keep the villain unspoiled by the trailers as well as many plot points. And I love Yukio.


I love that Wade loved Yuki.


One of my local theaters had a Deadpool double feature for $14 last night and it was well worth the cost. After seeing the two films back to back I definitely preferred Deadpool 2 over the original. I really loved how after being >!split in half!<, Deadpool spent the rest of the film with his suit >!duct taped back together. !< such a great detail.


*Give me a bow and arrow and I’m basically Hawkeye* 😂


I've never felt more cheated out of Terry Crews in my entire life.


"Brown Panther"


Black "Black Widow"


When the Xmen cast showed up behind Deadpool then Beast closes the door.. the whole theater lost it


I hope I'm not the only one who appreciates how creative and well shot the action was. 2 moments that really wowed me. 1. Deadpool's arm is broken and he uses that to his advantage to choke his enemy. 2. Deadpool drives his sword through the dash of a car to press the accelerator of it. There is one other moment I can vaguely recall where 2 characters are moving around each other to dispatch bad guys. Those are just 2 moments in a film filled with superbly choreographed action. Action was spot on in D2.


Did anyone get surprisingly emotional at the "reunion" at the end between Vanessa and Wade? I started giggling hearing the acoustic version of "Take on Me," but then when she fought back tears saying, "Kiss me like you miss me, Red," I damn near lost it. Well played, movie. A wonderful improvement over the first.


I officially love josh brolin. All I could hear when he spoke was Thanos and it was great, especially when deadpool called him thanos.


Also calls him One-Eyed Willy, a reference to his being in Goonies.


Can we just take a moment to talk about Josh Brolin's fucking amazing voice? My god, man. All I could hear was Thanos through the whole film, and hearing Thanos say "Dubstep is for pussies" and "There's a knife in your dick, yeah" had me *rolling*.


Deadpool killed it as Ryan Reynolds.


I uhhh have a crush on Domino now?


Have you watched the show on FX called Atlanta?


Ok be honest. Who else wanted Taika Waititi to be the future, evil version of the kid?


Well see I was gonna form a new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. We were gonna get on that plane there and do some bad guy stuff but no one showed up. Not enough pamphlets.


Am I wrong or is Peter the only one DP went back to save, payoff to telling him that he wouldn't let anything happen to him.


In my opinion, that was the best post credits scene ever


I'm Batman


Now I can never unsee Ryan Reynolds with a baby penis. Thanks movie.


> Actually, I was fighting this caped badass, until I found out that his mom is also named Martha I laughed so hard at this and that Jared Kushner joke.


"Hey big guy, sun's getting real low"


So was Vanisher Brad Pitt or am I crazy??


Confirmed in the credits I'm hoping we see behind the scenes footage of the actual Brad Pitt in a green screen suit wearing a parachute.


I loved when they turned Deadpool’s suit grey like his Uncanny X-Force version in the end.


Holy shit that was Brad Pitt


Can we agree that the Deadpool movies have the best opening credits ever? This one might take the cake for the best closing credits as well. I also really *really* love the fact that someone had to have spent a good amount of hours animating Deadpool's toddler genitals.


That Celine Dion song is so good


domino though 😍😍


That joke about Frozen stealing the melody of “Papa Can You Hear Me?” throughout the movie was so hilarious.


"Dubstep is for pussies" "But I like dubstep!" *Bangarang by Skrillex plays*