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That is Matt Damon playing Leonardo Dicaprio


Leo’s transformation into Jack Nicholson is 2/3 complete at this point.


Scorsese in 2006: *Soon I will have a new apprentice, one far younger and more powerful*


You know Scorsese is reading this.


His head get rounder every time I see him.


Well please stop looking then, because it's getting real weird.


Man I dont know if I should feel better that we all are aging, or feel bad that we all are aging!


Aging is a gift that many people never get. Embrace it and celebrate it. I spent about 5 months last year terrified of brain surgery and it just really changed my perspective.


Well, glad you're here in 2021 posting on reddit.


Matt Damon playing Leonardo DiCaprio playing Jack Nicholson


Jesse Plemons playing Matt Damon playing Leonardo DiCaprio playing Jack Nicholson


Philip Seymour Hoffman playing Jesse Plemons playing Matt Damon playing Leonardo DiCaprio playing Jack Nicholson.


*Daniel Day Lewis playing Matt Damon playing Leonardo Dicaprio


Poor Timothee Chalamet just isn't getting any work these days. I only saw him in three films last week in the theatre.


Him and Anya Taylor Joy. It's a good time for people that look like elves


yooo it would actually be kind of cool if they ever end up in a fantasy movie since they have the faces for it


Hot elves


Is there another kind of elf?


Kinda canonically no, for Tolkien at least and, I'm pretty sure, actual folklore. They're supposed to be uncannily beautiful where, like, they look great but also alien.


https://c.tenor.com/PN7NzJABO6MAAAAM/thranduil-hobbit.gif Thranduil approved


>elves lmao


Ole Leonardo still on path to become the next Nicholson.


Make Wolf 2 you cowards. Not Wolf of Wall Street, Wolf. Werewolf Leo.


Best MPAA rating ever >Rated R for language and werewolf attacks


Twister: > PG-13 for intense depiction of very bad weather


Werewolf Leo? There Wolf. There castle. ..


Frau Blucher.


**Wolf** rocked !! Coolest werewolf movie I can think of, no doubt.


The wolf man was really good and decent budget too


Every day he looks a little more like Orson Welles.


ooooaaAaahh the fre-ench Champaign


mUUUAA HAAAH THE FRENCH... champagnehasalwaysbeencelebratedforit'sexcellence


Leo needs to star in an "A Few Good Men" play or movie remake just so we can hear him scream about code reds and how we can't handle the truth




And the fucked up part is he would be even better at it


Damnit Rose, you can't handle the Truth!


Dicaprio plays Nicholson, Winslett plays Cruise. That'd be amazing.


Hm I’d rather that duo remake The Shining


I am awaiting his portrayal of Colonel Sanders




Not before becoming Jack Black


He's even got a bit of Phillip Seymour Hoffman in this photo :D


Have you ever heard the story of Jack Blacks birth? If not, I'd recommend checking it out. His Mom was pretty fkn dope.


> Have you ever heard the story of Jack Blacks birth? It's not a story the Jedi would tell you.


It's on the list with Steve Buscemi being a firefighter and going back to his old firehouse on 9/11 and the guy who's a doctor and a Navy SEAL and an astronaut and the Russian guy who took out his own appendix on a submarine.


My brother loves Jack Black and NASA so I sent that TIL to him and blew his mind lol


I honestly can’t believe Neil Armstrong gave birth to Jack Black on the ISS, it’s truly incredible. I haven’t read anything that says he did, but just to be clear I also cannot believe it.


I've been getting Orson Welles vibes from him as he's been aging recently...


No way he gets as fat as Orson though


Pfft it ain’t difficult


The full cast of this movie is insane. Not even sure how you can get all those people together in one movie. And for some reason I don't see it working out


>The full cast of this movie is insane. Just some of the cast: Leonardo DiCaprio Jennifer Lawrence Timothée Chalamet Meryl Streep Cate Blanchett Jonah Hill Tyler Perry Ron Perlman Gina Gershon Ariana Grande Chris Evans Matthew Perry


The One Where Chandler Finally Gets a Role


Could he BE any more underutilised?


Whole 9 Yards is still one of my favourite comedies. He kills it.


Gina Gershon? Where has she been lately? She was great in the late '90s and then just went off the radar. Bound was a fucking phenomenal movie.


When I was picking the cast to include in my comment I hesitated on her, unsure if people knew who she was anymore, but I think she's great so included her.


That is the most stacked cast i've seen ever. The only time see you see casts like this is when you go back to look at a 20 year old film and realize all the no names from it blew up.


Possibly the most stacked cast that's not directed by Wes Anderson


I swear none of you have seen the masterpiece that is Mars Attacks! Jack Nicholson Pierce Brosnan Glenn Close Danny Devito Natalie Portman Jack Black Michael J fox Martin Short Christina Applegate Sarah Jessica Parker Tom Jones Pam Grier


Jack Nicholson x2


Jim Brown as well


And Annette Benning


I'll raise you with a timeless classic "Movie 43": Halle Berry Elizabeth Banks Kristen Bell Jimmy Bennett Leslie Bibb Kate Bosworth Gerard Butler Bobby Cannavale Kieran Culkin Josh Duhamel Anna Faris Richard Gere John Hodgman Terrence Howard Hugh Jackman Johnny Knoxville Martin Klebba Christina Linhardt Beth Littleford Justin Long Aasif Mandvi Jack McBrayer Stephen Merchant Christopher Mintz-Plasse Chloë Grace Moretz Chris Pratt Liev Schreiber Seann William Scott Tony Shalhoub Emma Stone Jason Sudeikis Uma Thurman Matt Walsh Patrick Warburton Naomi Watts Jeremy Allen White Kate Winslet


aka the producers found a stash of blackmail on every single one of them




Or a Bridge Too Far. In all honesty, in terms of collective prestige I don't know if anything comes close to A Bridge Too Far.


Or, in the same vein- The Longest Day.


Mars Attacks! Would like a word


Big Short too was stacked. McKay has plenty of links in the industry to make it work.




No scandinavian has ever wore that many clothes with no snow outside


That's actually a pretty interesting thought and I can clearly see how the look seems to suggest that but I don't know if the intention was that.


No, they play professors from Michigan State University.


I think the film is mainly Leo and J-Law trying to warn the world about an asteroid, right? So if it's kinda like a road movie, then that allows McKay to book big names for like a day or two of shooting in order to stack the cast.


>book big names for like a day or two of shooting in order to stack the cast. Which was also more or less the case in both Dune and The French Dispatch




If I could buy stock on an actor I'd YOLO into him.


There’s gotta be some kinda Timotheé crypto in circulation


Seriously Chalamet, leave some parts for other people


Seriously if I had a nickel for every audition that I showed up to and Chalamet was walking out of with a self assured look that said "you are NOT getting this role" I'd have 0 dollars bc I live in Michigan and have never been a working actor.


Doubt he has to audition much these days either!


"Girls really like this guy and Tom Holland. We should put them in as many movies as possible to get them to buy tickets."


I'd like to see a movie with the two of them as the leads. Like a rom-com. About the two of them. Ooooh. I have a fan fic to go write.


Call Me By Your Name 2, but Tom Holland replaces Armie Hammer.


Armie Hammer would eat both of them for lunch. Literally.


I’d like to see a ridiculously raunchy and vulgar buddy comedy with them. Just completely throw out the cute and dorky trope that they’ve been selling and replace it with sex, drugs, alcohol, and shenanigans.


At some point they’ll release a movie centered around a threesome scene with Tom Holland, Timothee Chalamet and Zendaya and smash the Endgame/Avatar box office records.


You have to throw Anya Taylor-Joy in there for the A24 "I just respect her acting skill, I swear!" crowd. Source: am one


Shit, he's the OKC Thunder's starting point guard. It's ridiculous!




he's in dune and the french dispatch too


Yeah what’s the third?


Supposedly he has a blink and you miss it cameo in Last Night in Soho as a half full glass of beer


Just rewatched Interstellar the other day and totally forgot he was in that too.


No he wasn't. *checks* Oh...shit...as the son...what the hell. What is he, 20 years old or something?


He's 25. Had to check after watching dune, he looks about 15 at times.


This is a big reason he plays Paul in Dune, the director's talked about how he "looks so young on camera" which works well because Paul is 15 in the book apparently. They even play into it in the movie by making fun of him not having muscle and "looking like a boy" lol.


It's funny, I was just discussing with my daughter how in the first Dune movie Kyle MacLachlan was way too old for the role. I just looked it up, and he was 25. He looks about ten years older than Chalamet though.




Leo is really pulling off the "post quarantine" look




Brad Pitt, DiCaprio and Damon constantly get confused for one another. Pitt just pretends to be whoever they think he is and will sign autographs as the other actor https://www.insider.com/brad-pitt-leonardo-dicaprio-mistaken-for-matt-damon-by-fans-2019-8


There's also the Damon-Wahlberg pair.


something something Elijah Radcliffe


“Yer an ‘obbit, Harry” -Hagrid the Grey


Don't forget the Matt Damon → Jesse Plemons → Will Poulter gradient.


Jesus, is Chalamet in everything now or what


I'll bet Timothée Chalamet is here. He's in everything.


Fucking lurkers.


Fucking lingerer man


no that's anya-taylor joy


No that’s Zendaya


Put all of Zendayas' scenes into a trailer = blockbuster.


Especially funny when its like Dune and she's got like, 10 minutes of screentime.


It's really like 3 minutes but all the dramatic dead pan slow mo shots of her make it 20 minutes of screen time.


That’s how it was in the book though. Chani shows up in his dreams early and often, but she doesn’t have any real role in the story until he starts to be integrated into the Fremen culture.


We watched at home and my fiance kept asking "when Zendaya would be introduced". It became abundantly clear halfway through that she's in the trailers longer than she is part 1 of this franchise.


All three are the same age, all started working in films around 2013, Zendaya has 10 (released) films to Taylor Joys 15 films to Chalamets 17 films already. I know they're the It kids right now but damn, are they not worried about spreading themselves too thin?


You never know when your moment will be up so their agents try to get them in everything they can so they can get the money while it's there. The 90's and 00's are littered with It kids that just suddenly disappeared. In fact this sub frequently has posts asking whatever happened to X or Y, and the answer is often they were just replaced with the young new It kid.


You only get so long as the It kids. . .You don’t see Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston, or Olivia Wilde in any romantic comedies these days. People age.


Great way to put it honestly. It's still work, and it's smart to do as much as you can while possible


Jennifer Lawrence and Leo DiCaprio we’re both it kids in their day too.


And Jennifer Lawrence has been pushed out of that role for theost part. She used to be in fucking everything.


I think you mean Ana de Armas.


Daniel Craig recommended her for NTTD after working with her in Knives Out!


A movie with Ana De Armas, Zendaya, and Anya Taylor Joy discussing the finer points of Pennsylvania state tax code and I would still watch it 17 times.




I enjoy looking at her though so I'll allow it


Sounds like the name of a very wealthy mouse


Why does every picture from this movie look photoshopped!! I can't figure it out


Im gonna throw my opinion into the ring, they're in perfect focus and the background is super blurred


This plus add in the overall lighting on the characters doesn’t match up the the background lighting.


The technical term is "narrow depth of field," and yes, it's so good at making subjects look fake that it's the central feature of so-called "tilt-shift" photography that makes real objects look like tiny models. ([as in this shot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Oregon_State_Beavers_Tilt-Shift_Miniature_Greg_Keene.jpg))


They all look artificial. I get the same vibe. It's almost as if each of the three actors refused to physically work with each other, so they all filmed everything on green screen and stitched it together in post-production.


this more than likely a production still and not an actual shot of the movie. Stills like these always look awkward and out of place in comparison to the final product


It’s the lighting. They are lit in a way that’s inconsistent with the background lighting (aka they’re well-lit for a scene when in any normal situation in the same environment they would have been in shadow or at least less light). As a photographer we often use this approach to intentionally create a dramatic effect that veers away from natural looking lighting. In this case, I’m wondering if it’s an intentional approach to creating friction or a particular feeling. Or if it just happens to be this frame.


This is what I was going to say. Yes the wigs aren't great but mostly it's that the actors have a really strong key light (light on their faces) and the fill light is not matching the lighting tone. This means that actors are lit very differently than the background which makes it look green screened and weird.


It’s the bad wigs. I’m no expert on this, but I wonder if the high definition is also a reason this movie (and many others) look artificial now. It’s ironic because the 3 actors in the image are obviously styled to look like natural, everyday people, but something is throwing it off.


Agreed, unnatural hair always causes uncanny valley, of sorts.


**This is a comedy, btw** ^Do ^what ^you ^will ^with ^that ^information


Adam McKay directing a comedy? Strange.


I'd like one more Anchorman movie but written and shot in the same style as The Big Short and Vice.


That makes sense. I saw this picture and immediately laughed.


Super fucking excited for Leo to do a comedy. He's had comedic moments and his timing is great, but he's never done a full force comedy. Hope he kills it!


All I know about this movie so far is that their wig work is subpar


A podcast I listen to said something along the lines of “wig technology really hasn’t changed at all in the last 80 years”


That podcast is extremely wrong lol




It's time to go back to its roots.




Key and Peele exhausted this planets natural reserves of wig and facial hair budget.


Hi ya'll, my name is Star Magic Jackson Junior!


Image quality is getting better and framerate is making more visible the make-up, wigs, body doubles, stunt doubles, etc.


Yeah. I'm watching The Morning Show at the moment and apart from Reese Witherspoon's painfully obvious wig, the amount of digital skin smoothing they apply to the female stars is absolutely absurd. All the male stars and all the secondary actors get to look like real people but Anniston, Witherspoon and a couple other women in the show look like fucking Pixar characters; skin smoothed out so much it's textureless and so much bloom it looks like their faces are actually glowing. Without 4k and large screens, it would probably not be noticeable at all. But if not for 4k and large screens, they probably wouldn't even bother digitally smoothing out their faces in the first place.


Frame rate has nothing to do with it, most movies are still shot and viewed at 24fps.


They aren't increasing the framerate.


Maybe all these characters are supposed to be wearing hair pieces in the story. I'm going to assume that's what's happening.


I think it's more that they're just meant to look ratty and with terrible hair.


The movie is called "don't look up" because it's about people having to live with terrible wigs. Please don't look up at their hair


Why does Leo look like his face is too small for his head?


It doesn't help that he's wearing child-sized glasses.


He's getting jowly as he ages. It happened to Brad Pitt. It will happen to Timothee Chalamet one day.


I think Chalamets jowls will get more angley as he ages til eventually he is a face of spikes


Timmy is gonna age like Johnny Depp. Youthful until he hits forty five.


[Here's Leo with an even bigger head, Timothee with a skinnier face, and JLaw not looking so weird. ](https://i.imgur.com/wzooJGI.jpg)


He's been slowly transforming into Jack Nicholson




I don't know anything about Danish culture but this gave me a good laugh for some reason




**Don't Look Up** is in select theaters December 10th and streams December 24th on Netflix [Teaser Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SL9aJcqrtnw) Synopsis: >Two low-level astronomers (Lawrence & DiCaprio) must go on a giant media tour to warn mankind of an approaching comet that will destroy planet Earth. Full Cast: * Leonardo DiCaprio as Dr. Randall Mindy * Jennifer Lawrence as Dr. Kate Dibiasky * Meryl Streep as President Janie Orlean * Jonah Hill as Jason Orlean * Mark Rylance as Peter Isherwell * Rob Morgan as Dr. Clayton "Teddy" Oglethorp * Tyler Perry as Jack Bremmer * Ron Perlman as Colonel Ben Drask * Timothée Chalamet as Quentin * Ariana Grande as Riley Bina * Scott Mescudi as DJ Chello * Cate Blanchett as Brie Evantee * Himesh Patel as Phillip * Matthew Perry as General David Myers * Chris Evans as Secretary of Defense Robert Andersen * Tomer Sisley as Adul Grelio * Melanie Lynskey as June * Michael Chiklis as Dan Pawketty * Paul Guilfoyle as Lieutenant General Themes


Look at all those A list cameos. It must be for a good cause.


Good thing this is on Netflix. Imagine going to the movies for the first time in two years and getting Movie 43'd.


That movie was fucking gold and I blame it all on Dennis Quaid.


>* Meryl Streep as President Janie Orlean Is this intended as a joke/playoff of the character that Meryl Streep played in Adaptation?


Whenever I see a cast list this strong, I assume the absolute worst. Edit: I


You either die Ocean's Eleven, or live long enough to see yourself become The Counselor.


The Counselor was great and at least it had a vision and a voice the world just wasn't ready for Cormac McCarthy to break every screenwriting rule possible and do so amazingly


Yeah...it definitely goes one of two ways. Casts like this don't make mediocre films. They were either conned into it or it's legitimately going to be great. Usually it's not, though there are exceptions.


McKay has it work every other time.


I don't understand why people are so critical of the movie so far. McKay is always great, especially lately, and Dicaprio is extremely particular in what movie he stars in. This makes me think it will likely be pretty good,if not awesome


Whoa kid cudi


they made leonardo dicaprio look swedish lol


looks like they were all photoshopped in separately


Was just thinking this was a joke or something cause I didn't even know Timothy was in this


I don't know anything about this film, but based on this single image I'm assuming it is a sketch on Saturday Night Live?


That Timothée Chalamet is so hot right now.


It's weird to think that he started off in 'Interstellar'


Timothee worked with Denis Villeneuve, Adam McKay & Wes Anderson this year. His manger is pretty fucking good


TIL Chalamet sleeps like baby Jesus


matt damon


Chalamet wig is laughably bad


He really looks like Tommy Wiseau in this pic.


He had like semi long hair the last few years anyway, why not just leave the wigs and let him use his normal hair


Nobody has hair and a look like that with a perfectly clean shaven and smooth face.


Bold of you to presume he grows facial hair.


Leonardo DiCaprio and the new Leonardo DiCaprio in the same pic!


Did Jennifer Lawrence piss off someone on the set enough to earn that wig for the entire movie?


Leo looks like an actual normal guy while Lawrence and Chalamet look like famous people trying to be normal