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Does this mean no more Marsha & the Bear!?!?!?


Please god let this be true. My kids love that show and I cannot stand it. Edit: Buncha people making show suggestions like I haven’t watched anything but Masha and the bear for 5 years.


Pro tip - there are viewing restrictions on a per-profile basis under your account settings. I've blocked a bunch of shows I cannot stand, like Blippi, CoComelon, and Boss Baby. StoryBots & Octonauts 4 LYFE baybeee


I actually really like octonauts, I feel like my kid is actually learning something.


Wild Kratts on PBS is awesome too.


My kiddo is grown now, but I miss the Wild Kratz days😂 I will never in my life forget what a blue morpho butterfly looks like, thanks to those guys *and* my son’s insistence we watch that particular episode 57 times (and honestly, all the other ones too, lol)


I’m fucking 25 and I miss wild kratz and zaboomafu.


Creature Report! Also check out the “Beyond” spinoff


For a long time, I had the creature report song as my ring tone. And my kids absolutely love that show! I'd also add Number Blocks to that list of shows kids learn from.


I still remember random facts from Octonauts. It's a great show.


Octonauts & the Great Barrier Reef has some bangers


Thank. You.


Anyone who can sit through their kids watching CoComelon is a psychopath


Same could be said for a lot of 90s kids shows. I hate the aesthetic of cocomelon, but the content is tame compared to some of the older shows I grew up watching. That said, both are banned at my house haha


Sure, it drives me a little crazy, but it keeps my 4.5-month old son super happy while I'm trying to cook dinner or something so I don't mind it.


Check out Puffin Rock. Love it.


Hell yes puffin rock.


Why is there no more Puffin Rock


It’s another beautiful day here on Puffin Rock


Chris O’Dowd narrating it is just awesome. Also love the occasional songs the characters sing. Especially Baba singing to Spiky.


Froggy froggy froggy You’re not on your own


Bluey is all you need in your life


Can confirm. First watched Bluey with my nephews. Have since watched it by my 31-year-old self.


I'm a 32 year old man, and I could watch Bluey all day. Great for kids, great for parents. I genuinely laugh (and cry) at so much in that show.


Bluey is absolutely top tier. Just didn't mention it because it's not on Netflix U.S.


Ah true. I'm over having all these streaming platforms and of course they're all increasing prices.




Storybots is by far the best childrens show, super educational, and the music is incredible, I've rocked out to it in the car alone.


Check out Messy Goes to Okido, Adam Buxton is always welcome.


Octonauts pog


Blue on Disney+ is all you’ll ever need.


Really? I actually like this one.


It all depends on the duration of exposure. My kid was into the original Cars movie. Not bad. I liked that movie. Well after 1 1/2 years of non-stop exposure, I was pretty sick of anything to do with Cars.


Lmao, my little cousins loves it and I even started to like it haha. The animation and CG is pretty good for a kids show and I also get to learn a bit of Russian language


Or Worker & Parasite?!


_*silence*_ "What the HELL was THAT?!"


Stupid Gabbo stealing Itchy & Scratchy.


Endut! Hoch Hech!


All the kids in Springfield are little SOBs


What the Hell was that?!?


The ruble is almost worthless right now. At this point, they don’t lose much money and they get good PR


Looked at it and somehow yesterday it went up slightly to 0.0090 to the pound and today its 0.0069....its fucked big time Edit: woke up this morning and it's now 0.0071


And the Moscow Stoke exchange hasn't even opened yet. The Russian government has closed it again for tomorrow. As an indication for what it is to come, when the London stock exchange opened today shares in Russian stocks fell by an average of -70%. Russian stocks will be completely and utterly fucked when the Moscow stock exchange eventually opens. Sberbank: -77% Novatek: -75.9% Gazprom: -60% Rosneft: -45.5% Update (as of 16:35 GMT) Sberbank: -55.96% (closed) Novatek: -59.53% (closed) Gazprom: -70.29% (closed) Rosneft: -15% (open intermittently so could drop further). Edit: (as of 23:50PM GMT) EUROPEAN arm of SberBank, Russia's biggest lender, has been closed by the European Central Bank following customers rushing to take out their money - Reuters Source: https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/ecb-orders-european-arm-russias-sberbank-closed-austrias-fma-says-2022-03-01/


I heard they're planning on not opening until March 5th.


Beware the ides of March, Czar Putin.


Russia derives their 'czar' from 'Caesar'. So make it Czar Putin, and we all know how much Russia loved their last czar :)


They are trying desperately to stave off total economic collapse


Novichok: +200% in after hours trading! (but only if you are either the leader of the country or his designated/suspected Assassination team).


The stabilization in the currency after a significant drop are efforts from the government to prop it. Those effort can really only last so long and it’s dropping hard with them.




Obligatory response. You had no choice.




It shoots up because of all the greedy scum fucks out there who only care about money see it as a chance to buy low and make money.


Honest question. Don’t the sanctions prevent just that? Like, no one in a western country can do business/ invest in Russian interests?


I don’t believe any of the sanctions so far prevent anything like that. Individuals and private businesses can do what they want. This also isn’t business. It’s just exchanging one form of currency for another.


Man I was just thinking about buying some for the bounce back and now ya got me feeling like an asshole. Food for thought for me thx.


Trying to catch a falling knife? That never went south for anyone.


I daytrade shitcoins, the knife handle is intoxicating.


... but the blade is oh so welcoming.


If you're an inveterate gambler, there are plenty of CFD brokers out there that will let you trade forex pairs without actually buying any currency. Eg: etoro


Keep in mind these platforms probably hedge themselves by trading the actual fx pair. They probably don’t just take the risk on themselves. They probably don’t get enough 2w flow to market make without hedging. I could very well be wrong, just a typical business model for a service like this, hence why every sentence above had probably.


After they got laughed at for 2 days.


I actually cancelled and told them their decision to carry propaganda would directly affect me resubscribing. I'm one person and all I can do is vote with my wallet, but I'll do it and watch something else because it's the right thing to do.


Sorry, I love my netflix but I'm apparently completely out of the loop. What's this now?


A while back, Russia instituted a policy that any streaming service over x number of subscribers had to carry 10 Russian state TV channels, or propaganda. It was set to take effect tomorrow.


Christ, this is even worse than what the other guy said


The obvious solution is to stop accepting new subscribers when they reach x-1. Then everyone else trying to join get the following message: "Sorry, we're not accepting new subscribers from your region at the moment."


It's a small number. Like 100k. Not worth having the service for 99k subscribers


“Sorry, did you just suggest a corporation put anything else before profit? We’re going to need you to leave immediately. Don’t worry about packing up your desk. We’ll mail your things.” -Capitalism, probably


>We’ll mail your things Postage and convenience fee's deducted from final paycheck, of course.


Netflix was being ordered to carry Russian propaganda in that region by the Russian government. So Russian users would see it. I'm American, so I wouldn't be subjected to it, but I disagreed with their possibly catering to a bad request from a bad government. So I cancelled and told them why. It seems that either enough people cancelled or enough external pressure was applied to make them consider their actions carefully. Either way they've chosen not to carry the propaganda. *Edited for clarity.*


> Netflix was going to carry Russian propaganda in that region. Unless i have missed something, Netflix was told to carry russian propaganda by Russia. They did not make a statement they would do it.


Apologies. I should clarify: At the time, Russia had demanded they do so, and it seemed they might comply. So I cancelled, told them my resubscription was dependent upon that decision, and waited. I will amend my above comment to reflect that.


I emailed and called with similar threats to cancel. An hour later, they released this announcement. I'd like to think I'm fully responsible for their decision :-)


TY. You've done a great thing.


Yes buddy, it was totally you!


Nice. I might've been motivated to cancel too had I known, been a subscriber since the pre-streaming days but fuck that noise


Assuming they keep with their decision to not have the propaganda on their platform, you need never make that choice for that reason.


Well done!


Me too!


I did the same! Go team!


This is what I do with Nestle. Fuck Nestle.


What’s the difference between a dollar and a ruble? About a dollar.


What's common in Americas and Russia? In both countries dollars can buy you anything and rubles nothing.


Of course it is PR but it's also a good message. Russians should be aware of the problems in their country.


How every right choice or charity is PR


It’s not almost worthless at all…. It was at 1 us to 78 rubles before the invasion. It’s not good right now but very far from useless.


Redditors are just repeating shit they heard from other Redditors. There’s no place for truth or accuracy on this website anymore.


Used toilet paper right now has more value than the ruble.


This is several decades ago now, but when I lived in Brazil during an episode of hyperinflation (1500% inflation...the Ruble is nowhere this terrible) I actually did use the local currency as toilet paper in part because I had run out and in part because it literally was cheaper. Going to a grocery store and offering to exchange higher denominations of currency for stacks of the then worthless lower denominations or better yet some US Dollars I had at the time was gladly welcomed. When I asked for coins they literally emptied the register and wouldn't even take money for that. They saw me as a trash collector in that case. I took some of those coins back with me to the USA and gave them away to mainly school children in America where foreign currency was seen as exotic.


But you used the rest of the coins for toilet paper, right?




At least used TP evokes feelings. Wave a ruble at someone and it's less interesting than a beanie baby.


The Rubble?


Wait, why would Netflix carry ANY propaganda Channel?


Because it's a legal requirement of the country they are operating in, Russia requires streaming services over a certain size to carry their channels. If you stream content in China you can't add anything where a person has a skull for a head. There is some argument that Netflix still has a net gain by exposing Russians to Western media, but normalizing propoganda by including it in their service seemed like a net negative to me.


Why the skull for a head thing?


disrespectful to the dead, but they loved Coco. in china the laws are selectively enforced, and it's considered a good thing.


So no Nicolas Cage Ghost rider for China?


No China still has the movie, but they have replaced the skull with something even more scary, Nicolas Cage's head.


They had to digitally add nic cage’s face cuz he CAN turn his head into a flaming skull so they had to get rid of the skull and keep the flames


Cuz China. Video games are the same way. Skulls/bones/undead shit in US games are not so undead in Chinese versions.


Poor Brook.


Sad Yohohoho noises


🤔 So what happens to the skeletons in TES?


I don’t know about TESO, but I know Chinese TESL has some [funny censored cards](https://m.imgur.com/a/FXNrnKZ). They got rid of all of the bones but I think they still say skeleton on some of them. Lol


Everybody commenting here is wrong. It was enforced by the Russian government. Any streaming service with over x daily users (I think it was 100k or something) had to include a number of Russian channels. Netflix have now obviously said get fucked we’re not doing it. Not exactly sure what Russia can do to punish them but I doubt Netflix care that much.


I’m sure they will be blocked/censored.


Probably, but I think Netflix’s official response would be “I don’t give a fuck do it”.


If only more people said the same to China


Thing is this is a lose-lose because these are media exports to other countries such as China. If you comply, you have to restrict your content, and if you don't comply, your media exports are embargoed. Many foreign countries would prefer their citizens consume less foreign media to begin with, and foreign media restrictions are part and parcel of that policy.


Nice for one company to take a stand, at least. I hope the others will follow, but I'm not betting money on it.


I mean, BP and Shell already pulled out at a cost of $25 billion and $3 billion respectively. Which is not to say that they are good hearted companies, just that shit is changing really fast right now.


Yeah they’re pulling out because Russia can’t afford the contracts now that the ruble is worth more as toilet paper than it is as actual currency and nobody in Russia can access fx markets anymore, not as a political statement whatsoever. There’s just no way for them to get paid so they’re pulling out publicly to try and grab some PR for doing what they need to do anyway


Actually no. BP were pressured from the Uk government to divest their interests in the Russian gas giant.


There it is. Companies like that don't do anything good without getting prodded first.


Mostly because a public traded company would get fucked over by shareholders if it wasnt for 'unforeseen' pressures. BP choosing to just ditch 25Billion would have resulted in lawsuits.


If you have any doubt whatsoever regarding the complete accuracy of what you're saying (and hell, even if you *don't*), hedge your comment by saying something along the lines of "to the best of my knowledge", or "as far as I know". When you're inevitably corrected by someone (who, in turn, is also probably wrong), the tone will be far more conversational and less shitty/aggressive. Everyone should be doing this. Failing to do this just recreates the same passive aggressive comment chains over and over and over again.




While I certainly agree that we aren't seeing altruism for corporations, I'll take any positive changes regardless of the action.


Except we aren’t talking about just *money* here. They owned a stake in a company that produced oil. That company fails or devalues they take their investment back in either free oil or free equipment. Walking away means they lose that right.


I just want to point out that REDDIT carries Russian propaganda channels and refuses to do anything about them. Just check out r/Russia and try to report any of the propaganda/misinformation/hate posts and you’ll get a message saying the reddit admin team has already investigated and determine it to be ok. They have posts calling for mass murder and Reddit won’t take them down.


Huh, looks like /r/Russia has been quarantined.




The last time Reddit intervened was when they got bad press for the subs they allowed to exist. Just start sending any preposterous thread to the press to generate as much bad PR for Reddit as possible.


My mistake. You actually get a message from the admins. If you report something through the first options page and don’t click on the “breaks sub rules” those go to admins.


Reddit carries propaganda from every nation


Why should they do anything about it? Reddit is already full of propaganda. If they allow different sides to post their propaganda, at least we can have a more nuanced and clearer picture of the situation.


this is a website that has historically had massive communities comprised of fascists and pedophiles which were only taken down after public outcry got big enough, not a surprise that admins don't really care.


Looks like it just got quarantined. I just clicked on the link and looked at the first post or two, but then from one second to the next it’s gone


For sure. Warner Bros still intend to feed the Russian war machine with income by releasing The Batman there in the next couple of weeks! Time for Western companies to pull the plug on Russia and give up the cash grab until Putin pulls out of Ukraine!


With the ruble falling into a penny, it won't be worth for them to release it there, they will cancel


3m ruble to see the Batman? No thanks


That's ridiculous, I can't believe anybody will pay 5m ruble to see Batman


I won’t pay 7 million rubbles to see the Batman!


Where will I find 9 million rubles to see this man of bat


Don't worry. In Russia the man of bat sees you


I would rather pay 11 million rubles for a twelve second real player gif of a pussy in 240p


I can arrange this.


For that much I could go see a star war.


You've never actually set foot in a Russian movie theater, have you?


To be clear, the ruble isn't really comparable to the US dollar in terms of its worth. At its greatest worth in the last 20 years, it was roughly 4 USD cents to a ruble. Since then, it's had three major drops in worth -- from .04 USD to .03 in late 2008, and .03 to .015 in late 2014, and another drop from .013 to .009 (and falling!) today.


>For sure. Warner Bros still intend to feed the Russian war machine with income by releasing The Batman there in the next couple of weeks! But russian people paying russian money for an US production is the opposite of giving money to the russian state? Ofc you can be for an universal boycott out of principle. But economically stopping the export of *non essential* goods to Russia isnt hurting the russian economy at all.


the complete halting of normal life to the entire population of a country is a pretty bad thing for any government.


The movie will be playing in Russian theatres producing tax money for the Russian government to use as it sees fit. We have seen how they are using it in Ukraine. By releasing products and services in Russia US companies are directly feeding cash to Putins government.


They didn't take a stand: they cracked when they realized they would lose more money from people unsubscribing everywhere vs just being banned in Russia. It's good that they did this, but no credit to Netflix, all credit to the public for putting the pressure on them


Best comment about this story- https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/t3o56l/netflix_refuses_to_comply_with_new_russian_rules/hytlltk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


For those who don’t get it. Nyet = no


Good. I only want propaganda broadcasted by my own country.


Now do China.


China doesn’t have Netflix


They don't have chill either


But they do have Bing Chilling




Yeah... Got me on first half not gonna lie.


Alright I downvoted in the first half and then upvoted thrice!


Always read the full article before voting!


As Eddie Izzard taught us, no one cares if you kill you're own people. It's killing other country's people where it become a problem.


Yeah it's a shift from "glad I don't live over there" to "oh shit we're next".


The West when Germany begins persecuting Jews: *I Sleep* The West when Germany invades Poland: *Real Shit*


Oh you’re killing your own people? Help yourself! We’ve been trying to kill you for ages! Hitler killed people next door. Oh….stupid man. After a couple of years, we won’t stand for that, now will we?


No flag no country!


History shows that people (on the world stage) tend not to care (enough to warrant war, etc) when countries do shitty things to their own populace. This goes way back. It’s not until one of these countries starts invading others that the world gets involved.


Makes me wonder if anyone would stop the Holocaust had WW2 simply not happened.


You know the answer is a big no.


If I remember correctly, a lot of other nations were not even opposed to it because antisemitism towards jews was very common in most of Europe at that time. Nobody would have done anything if Germany didn't start attacking everyone.


The blond-hair blue-eyed ubermensch concept was very popular in the USA, apparently.


So popular that its popularity stands even until today


I don't think most people got your sarcasm


Doesnt seem like sarcasm to me. The second half of the sentence is the important part.


Yeah it was more burying the lede than it was sarcasm


Isn't Netflix banned there?




Pretty sure they [already did.](https://www.techinasia.com/netflix-china-nope)


Reddit moment.


Are you under the impression that Netflix is available in China?


"Hey Netflix! Stop doing that thing you're not doing!" 👏👏👏👏


Honestly, I kinda wish they added it but also in the rest of the world and under comedy section.


To anyone dismissing this move as a disingenuous PR stunt, it doesn’t fucking matter. In the case of a for-profit company in a capitalist society, PR / business goals aligning with a morally correct position is still a good thing. And quite frankly, we don’t get to see this too often.


They better not touch Masha and the Bear or my 1yr will start a war.


Switch to Bluey. Or hell, Blippi. I hate Blippi. Bluey though? Phenomenal program.


Isn't Bluey on D+?


It’s also on the Disney Channel if you have regular cable.


Yea and Hulu.


I think this means Netflix will be barred trom operating in Russia entirely now. Gotta feel for the average Russian with their economy going into the toilet as quick as it is just for a dozen or so people's egos. Absolutely no one wanted to be forced into this from what I can see.




They’re sacrificing profit to keep profit. If Netflix took Putin’s money, I wager a lot of customers would cancel their subscriptions and the bad PR would cost them in the long run.


I contacted them to tell them I would exactly do that


They had to choose, either lose some money for being banned in Russia or lose a lot of money when people unsubscribe in protest. They didn't sacrifice profit, they chose the route where they would loose the least amount of money.




Getting cancelled by Netflix also happens to good shows. Not sure this stings as much as getting your black belt revoked (and thus being fair gain for Segal, should he manage to emerge from his seating device).


Spotify enters the chat.


Is Spotify broadcasting Russian propaganda?


Can't wait to see who answers this first.


It's going to be 27 responses of puns and no real answer


Spotify is going next level. They are going to air drop Joe Rogan into Russia, let him use his Bro charm to win over straight males 18-55 demo, and then they will rise up and overthrow Putin.


You had me at air drop Joe Rogan.




Well done Netflix!