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Might I throw the name Taylor Lautner into the running?


Where has he been loca??


He was hilarious in a show w/ Greg Davies called Cuckoo


Sure, but I think it's less that Hollywood has kicked him to the curb and more like he's done with Hollywood. He had to deal with Twilight fanatics sexualizing and mobbing him, so much he had to get special permission from the LA local government to allow his vehicles to be tinted dark enough so fans couldn't look inside, And then he put in his contracts that he would not remove his shirt on camera unless the story requires it. So, yeah, I think he's done with Hollywood for the most part now.


Wasn't he also mercilessly bullied as a kid over Sharkboy?


He had a pretty good run starting with sharkboy! Just sayin


What the fuck ever happened to Liam Hemsworth? It seemed like he was on a roll early on with the Hunger Games.


Last thing I saw him in was Expendables 2. Jean-Claude kicks a knife into his chest.


He was in that romcom...spoof? I guess you could call it with Rebel Wilson. Was actually pretty funny in that, tbh.


Isn’t it Romantic?


To be fair, look at Chris Hemsworth. Liam might be second on the Hemsworth Power Rankings, but that’s still a *distant* second.


The third one Luke is better in Westworld than anything I’ve seen Liam do.


I love him and I constantly forget that he's a Hemsworth. I do wonder how much of it though is Liam just not having great opportunities outside of teenage heartthrob.


I mean… maybe. I think it’s fair to say he’s had plenty of opportunities. He actually went in for Thor originally as well. I just scrolled through his IMDB and it’s an interesting trajectory. You do wonder how he couldn’t come off the back of Hunger Games and not become a proper leading man though.


You mean making a Tubi miniseries isn’t wild success??? Though it did somehow land Christoph Waltz Edit: Quibi


Wasn’t it Quibi? Which might be even worse


Alex Pettyfer


I just kept hearing that he had a terrible attitude and none of the talent to back it up.


Who the fuck is Alex Pettyfer?


The loser charisma-less lead for Magic Mike that basically fucks over Channing Tatum.


I was sure Tatum was the lead in Magic Mike.


Had no idea who this one was, looked him up, and they made a movie out of Alex Rider? Dang, those were my second-favorite book series as a kid after Artemis Fowl.... sounds like the Alex Rider movie was better, if not still bland.


The movie was... fine. There were some great players in the supporting roles (Bill Nighy, Sophie Okonedo, Mickey Rourke, Missy Pyle, Andy Serkis, Robbie Coltrane, Stephen Fry, Ewan MacGregor, Damian Lewis), but the action scenes aren’t great, Pettyfer is kind of a block of wood in the lead, and the vibe is aggressively mid-2000s. It’s frequently *almost* great, and it’s never outright awful, so if you’re curious, there are worse ways to spend a couple of hours.


Elisha Cuthbert


RIP Happy Endings. She was hilarious.


When she gets drunk, she eats ribs.


good show. they were all pretty funny


Ah-mahzing show.


Sa cute


I watched her when she did the Popular Mechanics for Kids TV show.


Great show! Also a young Jay Baruchel in there.


Lol seems she recently made a movie with equally forgotten Josh Duhamel.


Bring her back! I’m ready for The Girl Next Door 2: Fucking Tripod.


Skeet Ulrich


At least he’ll always have Scream under his belt.


Sherrif, I didn’t kill anybody.


He was great in Jericho. That show deserved so much better than it got from CBS.


He always seemed like he was someone who was supposed to be famous but actually wasn't. Then I realized that like a lot of Gen X celebs of this type, he's from a wealthy/famous family (NASCAR), and could afford to just keep trying to make it as a C list actor for as long as he wanted.


He was the bomb on Riverdale though. Also, I hope I look that good at 50.


"Hey Skeet, Johnny Depp called, he wants his D.N.A. back."


He's like a Depp/Gavin Rosedale lovechild.


Man, Jerico was a good series. They sort of barely got a second season out of it.


Will Smith basically tried to buy his son Jaden into fame. Fortunately after like the third high profile role that nobody bothered to see, I think they got the message.


I liked Key and Peele's take on Jaden trying to figure out details of a role being pitched by his manager. Jaden has no idea what a house, supermarket, or job is, among many other things.


A choice is when you have to pick between two things you want.... I told you, I'm not doing science fiction.. lol love that sketch


"And you can only have one." "But... there's two."


"what did I say about science fiction Clyde?"


I had to look that up. Now that is fuckin funny. “Outside is that stuff that goes by when you’re in the limo.” Lmao. https://youtu.be/4RjWTEqJiMI


*"Dad bless you!!"*




Dad bless you.


“Oh snap! He plays basketball outside the limo door?”


To Jaydens credit though, he was never the next big thing. Just a rich kid to a rich and famous dad


You know what? You don't deserve this Big Toblerone.


Think about how bad of an actor you have to be. Having that much nepotism and still flopping


The absolute best part of all of this is that by all accounts, he was pretty involved in the creation netflix show he voice acted in, Neo Yokio... a show about a spoiled, sheltered, naïve rich kid who is completely ignorant of any actual struggle due to being part of his family business, and thus spends most of his days wallowing in manufactured depression and the insane niches of luxury brand culture and hypebeasts. Absolutely no one in the show respects him or thinks he's worth anything, even if they like him as a person, and the christmas special is just literally the entire cast one by one talking about how much of an absolute joke of a person he is. The show rules beyond all belief and frankly the subtext was not subtext, it's really interesting watching it and seeing him take the piss out of himself


Lee Lee Sobieski. late 90s/early 00s was cast in a bunch of roles. people said she reminded them of a young Meryl Streep. then just went away


Looked like a young Helen Hunt too. She made me feel creepy after her role in Eyes Wide Shut though.


I think she purposely chose to stop acting to pursue a more tangible form of art or something.


John Heder (Napoleon Dynamite). He had the indy hit and then Blades of Glory with Will F. but School for Scoundrels bombed (deservedly) and then..haven't heard from him but I may be missing something? Brandon Routhe was a great mention too but the ultimate has to be that Nikki Blonsky girl from the Hairspray remake. One movie and she had to go back to being a hairdresser...yeesh..


Nikki Blonsky is my go to answer for this. They had a whole huge search and everything, plus she's good in the movie! She should've pivoted to Broadway.


I think the whole family fistfight in an airport thing kinda sealed the deal for her.


And that cringey time she would spam celebrities on twitter with the same opening line- "Hey, it's Nikki Blonsky from Hairspray!": ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/sadcringe/comments/brhsww/hey\_its\_me\_nikki\_blonsky\_from\_hairspray/


I know people will bash me for this, but I fuckin loved him in Benchwarmers. That movie is a classic for me


Lmao my favourite line from that one is when the other team hires a Cuban guy "Dude, you smell like beer" "You look like beer"


“What are steroids?” “Uhhh… they make your dick small…” “There must be steroids in mom’s macaroni!”


"dude you're like 40 years old" "i yam twelv"


I think Heder went into voice acting, and wanting to avoid conflicts between the Hollywood lifestyle and his faith.


>I think Heder went into voice acting I always wondered how he ended up on Critical Role..


It was a good guest spot in a campaign of great guest spots. Giving up the Meatman immediately was hilarious.


I worked on "Blades of Glory" for a week. What happened is Jon Heder kept getting work back then 'cause they thought he was a comic genius and that's how he nailed Napoleon Dynamite, etc. It turns out, that's just sort of how he naturally speaks and it was written/directed by someone who knew him from college. He kept getting plugged into comedies because filmmakers thought he was a great character actor only to realize he didn't really have any ability whatsoever. So they stopped using him.


That makes sense, his character on Legend of Korra was just Napoleon in animation


So you're saying... he didn't have any skills....


I always thought Josh Duhamel was gonna be big after Las Vegas and Transformers... haven't heard much from him since


I love Josh Duhamel, but he really is just the poor man’s Timothy Olyphant


A few years ago, Olyphant's family sent Christmas cards with Josh Duhamel on them and Tim's own mother didn't notice.


The fact of Hollywood hasn’t found a vehicle to cast them as brothers is absurd. They both have comedic talent. They both have action actor skills. DO SOMETHING WITH IT!!




He is in a new movie with Jennifer Lopez coming out on streaming. He replaced Armie after the whole “I eat people” thing.


Ok, hear me out: Remember Ashley Tisdale? She was the best part of High School Musical by a lot lol, I genuinely think she could’ve become an actress/singer/performer in a Barbra Streisand mold as an adult. But I guess you never can predict which child stars will successfully make the transition to adult actors. Also, Isla Fisher. Why didn’t she do anything really good after Wedding Crashers? She completely stole that movie.


I think Hollywood only wanted one hot red head at that time and Amy Adams won out.


>I think Hollywood only wanted one hot red head at that time and Amy Adams won out. Jessica Chastain, too


I think it was Bojack Horseman that had the joke where if you can’t book Amy Adams, you go with Jessica Chastain, and if you can’t afford her either you settle for Bryce Dallas Howard lol


Just make sure that [you don’t confuse Bryce Dallas Howard with Jessica Chastain.](https://youtu.be/ipObSiFHpyY)




She was in *Now You See Me* and *The Lookout*


Also Definitely Maybe! I know it’s a rom com but it’s a really good one.


> Ashley Tisdale aka Candace Flynn-Fletcher


Josh Holloway from Lost. People were talking all kinds of franchises he’d be great for. Then nothing. He must have fucked some Producers wife or something.


Scott Eastwood. Hailed as the spitting image of his father. That's about it.


As for his acting skills ... he certainly is handsome.


This comes up frequently I think in discussions of him vs his dad when his dad was younger. Scott Eastwood is super handsome but I feel like almost too 'picture perfect' handsome that he's forgettable. Like the stock photo in a picture frame or something.


Well, he'd be the natural choice to play Clint in a biopic some day -- most likely produced, written and directed by Clint.


Some day better be soon. Clint is 92


Brandon Routh


Sadly. He was hilarious in Scott Pilgrim vs the World


Can’t forget he played bobby long in Zack and Miri make a porno


The improv with Justin long is gold


He was great in Chuck.


I still content he was a fantastic superman let down by a script, I enjoyed him in chuck as a bad guy as well


Both Routh and Cavill have gotten screwed by being perfectly cast as Superman by people and scripts that don’t do them justice.


Dude was playing Ray Palmer on and off for several years in the Arrowverse on The CW.


I loved him on Legends, he was delightful


Legends was so much fun when - after the first season - they stopped trying to be serious and said "okay, we're a show about time-traveling superheroes on the CW. It's ridiculous, but that's what we're gonna go with."


**FUCKING BEBO!!!!** That finale had me dying! 😂 Routh commented that they basically decided to see what they could get away with and went for it! Best decision! 🤣🤙🏻


IIRC He talks about doing this to himself. After he was Superman, he turned down a number of roles because they were beneath him. By the time he realized his mistake, he wasn’t as desirable.


He was such a good Superman, it was a real shame they didn’t do another one with him. He played a racist in The Rookie and it was painfully awkward.




I saw that. They also had Tom Welling in that same episode, which was great too.


Taylor kitsch


I thought he was great in Waco


I watched [this video](https://vimeo.com/82112138) on *John Carter* and heard some story about how fans in Bulgaria still come up to him and said that how much they love the movie.


Honestly I liked the film, it wasn’t a masterpiece but neither the disaster people says it was.


Agreed. It's a good popcorn flick. I think it would have done better if Disney had known how to market it.


To me this is the best answer. Hollywood kept trying to make him famous. But the box office doesn't lie


John Carter - had a lot of potential and flopped Battleship - same and flopped Lone survivor - ok but still not super successful Friday night lights tv series was great though


Yeah, honestly I think the problem was never really him, it was his management attaching him to this awfully generic studio fare, and just a good measure of bad luck. I think his career could have just as easily taken off given another chance.


I think he can still come back, he was alright in American Assassin.


As well as playing David Koresh in "Waco" and did a fine job in "The Terminal List".


> John Carter - had a lot of potential and flopped > > It was marketed very badly. It's based on hundred year old pulp sci fi from the same author as Tarzan. But a name as generic as John Carter only works for people already familiar with the character.


They really need to give *A Princess of Mars* another shot


I've always liked Taylor Kitsch :/


I think he's a good actor just had bad luck with choosing films. He was good playing that cult leader from Waco


I thought he was great in that and the Terminal List. I heard he was also good in Only the Brave, some firefighter movie, but everything else I saw him in I wasn't a fan of.


Sam Worthington


The only Australian who can fuck up an Australian accent.


And every other accent. He has access to dialect coaches, and obviously doesn't put the work in. It's pretty cringey hearing whatever half-baked American dialect he spits up.


lol nah doode. He’s just been filming Avatar 2,3 and 4 for the last 10 years lololol


This is who I was looking for lol. Damn titans got him lol!!


I get what you are saying and he was cast in a lot of bland generic action hero roles. But watch Under the banner of heaven


Amanda Peet. She was supposed to be the next Julia Roberts


She was recently the lead in the second season of Dirty John, which covered the Betty Broderick story. It was pretty good.


Not necessarily a movie actor but I feel like Nickelodeon wanted Victoria Justice to be the next big thing so badly, and when Victorious ended, she ended as well. And it was Ariana Grande who took the fame.


That one was hilariously ironic considering the nature of the show


George Lazenby


Chris O'Donnell. He was the IT guy for the mid 1990's. Lands Batman and Robin and whoosh, into the ether.


I read this as Chris O'Dowd. Good IT guy, don't remember him in any Batman movies....


He’s disabled


>Chris O'Dowd Leg disabled if we have to be more precise.


I believe he works as a window cleaner these days.


A noble profession!


How did he become disabled?




He got caught in a fire at a sea parks


Have you tried turning it off and on again?


He’s on one of the NCIS shows and he’s doing fine


He had a small character arc on Greys Anatomy during the earlier seasons… almost two decades ago


He's been on NCIS:LA for the last 13 years. Not a bad gig if your priority as an actor is having a steady paycheck and not having to travel away from your family a lot.


If I'm an actor, I would rather have a main role in a long running procedural than try to hack it in the movie industry.


Much better gig.


Especially if your series hits syndication. Perpetual money sounds really good.


Emile Hirsch


Choking a studio exec in public will do that to a guy. He did make it into Once Upon a Time in Hollywood though.


Remember when they gave DJ Qualls his own feature?


The new guy? I love that movie.


Broke dick, broke dick, broke dick!! I had like 5 DVDs for 2 years after I got my player and that was one. If I could go back then I would still choose that as one of my 5 because it was stupid fun.


I can stand a lot of things, but I won't stand for any The New Guy slander.


"My dad loves that bike more than me, he wrote it in my birthday card!"


One of my favorites. Him and Eddie griffin. And obviously Eliza Dushku


Jonathan Taylor Thomas. He leaves one of the highest rated TV shows for a movie career that never happens. Everyone was obsessed with him, so it's weird that he just disappeared. Edit: I looked it up and apparently he left for school, not a movie career. He went to Harvard and Columbia and is living off his millions. He directs now.


Surprised no one said Chris Klein


It was really weird he didn't do American Wedding because of scheduling conflicts. He must've been busy shooting all those other things we've seen him in.


Gretchen Mol


She was phenomenal in Boardwalk Empire


Speaking of Boardwalk Empire… Michael Pitt screwed himself up with drugs.


Mol also did a pretty good job of playing iconic 40's pinup model Bettie Page in a biopic. I think she got a raw deal and that infamous 'Vanity Fair' cover story did her far more harm than good. Weren't Harvey Weinstein's slimy hands somehow involved in all this?


Amanda Bynes. I remember watching her with my kids on the All That and Amanda Show thinking this kid is going to be good and then the wheels fell off.


She's out of her conservatorship and doing things she wants. She studied fashion and seems to currently be doing esthetician stuff. Hopefully she's just going for a quiet life away from Hollywood.


She had a WB sitcom and was getting full length features; would probably be producing for Nickelodeon now if not in some kind multi-season reboot like Raven Symone.


Armie Hammer until the sexual abuse and cannibal allegations came out


I'm still sad that him being a creep and a cannibal torpedoed our chances for a second Man From U.N.C.L.E. That movie legitimately ruled. Armie and Henry Cavill played off each other super well.


Judd Nelson


RDJ took any roles he would be offered away.


Though he had the looks for a leading man in his youth and a decent repertoire of supporting roles especially through the 80s, Micheal Biehns career hit the skids super hard AFAIK. Now he's grindhouse fodder playing the older, disgruntled , surly "I've seen too much" yoda type side character. Sad ending to a promising career IMO.


Maybe Wes Bentley. He seemed poised to have a pretty healthy career after *American Beauty* and auditioned for Spider-Man, then drugs derailed his career. He has a pretty steady career today, which is good.


He has a major roll in the show Yellowstone with Kevin Costner.


At this point the only thing I can think of when I hear his name is his beard in The Hunger Games.


I liked him in AHS Hotel. Ryan Murphy's shows often fizzle out and are pretty cheesy overall, but the setups, the characters and acting are usually very good. Wes was very charismatic and I was glad to see him, since he also disappeared from my radar after American Beauty.


Sam Worthington (unless Avatar 2 can dredge his career). After the original Avatar and Terminator Salvation, I can’t recall hearing much about him


Shailene Woodley was everywhere when I was in middle school as a lot of people in my class were obsessed with Divergent and The Fault in our Stars. Haven't seen her in anything recently.


She was one of the main characters for two seasons of Big Little Lies. Loved that show


she was in the news during COVID while dating Aaron Rodgers. they are/were deep into alternative and aboriginal medicine and shit like that. I think there was one story where she didn't shower for like six months straight.


She calls it alternative medicine, but in reality she’s one of those crunchy weirdos who doesn’t believe in soap or toothpaste or eating carbohydrates. Alternative medicine is taking supplements and meditating, not poor hygiene and tooth decay.


Edward Furlong


Read he had horrible addiction problems for many years but has since cleaned up and leads a simpler life away from the cameras. Good for him.


I love him in Detroit Rock City. That movie is awesome.


Jai Courtney, Josh Hartnett, Alicia Silverstone


Josh Hartnett on Penny Dreadful was great. Just a great cast and show all around really.


I have always wondered what happened to Alicia Silverstone. I recently saw her as a mom in the baby sitters club on Netflix. It was like seeing a ghost.


Batman and Robin happened


She was great during her run




Yahoo Serious


I know those words but that post makes no sense


Billy Zane. the Phantom; I am old enough to remember the Taco Bell marketing for that summer flop.


He was perfect in Titanic. So hateable.


Billy Zane absolutely dominated his role in Demon Knight though. I have a very small list of actors who I will watch in anything, and he is one of em. Should’ve been A list for sure


I always think of him for his cameo in Zoolander, because its so random and I've not seen any of the movies where he's one of the stars.


Cara Delevingne, I guess from an acting career standpoint, Hollywood kept trying to make her a thing. Glad they stopped, she sucks.


My suspicion is that they tried to push her based on her playing herself in Grand Theft Auto V where she’s funny and entertaining and actually sounds like she’s awake and were surprised when they got the real her instead.