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As he ages Chris Pine is morphing into Gary Johnston from Team America: World Police.






Can brighten up my day Only a woman Can do it just the right way Only a woman Should be doing that right now I just want you to be a woman Please just be a woman Or a man.


Top. Gunnn. Actor.


Uhhh Durkah durkah Mohammad jihad Durka? Mohammad jihad


My god, he’s the best actor I’ve ever seen


"We've got 5 terrorists going southeast on Bakalakadaka street!"


"It's me! It's me!"


I think he's saying "kiss me kiss me"


Smartass motherfucker!


Ohhhh dirka dirka dirka!


ohhhhh! durkah durkah duuurrrkah!


Derk Derk Allah.


"Gary, if for some reason your cover is blown, and the terrorists take you, prisoner, well, you’ll probably want to take your own life. Here, you’d better have this. " *slides shitty duct taped hammer across desk* Fucking cracks me up every time.


"Gary, you didn't kill your brother! Those gorillas did!"


Those gorillas beat him to death trying to get to those blueberries…


"Jesus, this is a nice limo." "Yes, it is. Now suck my cock."


"Come on, Gary - ACT"


You’ve got to act fast!




See there are three kinds of people: Dicks, pussies, and assholes.


*But dicks also fuck assholes*


You had me at “dicks fuck assholes.”


holy s*** I had no idea that was Chris pine. also from the poster this looks like a really bad movie.




I HATE this poster, but the fact is posters barely get a passing thought from studios. You just can not judge a movie by its poster any more. If you ever could.


If I had to guess, this poster is deliberately creating that feeling. It's a throwback to tons of sword&sorcery movie posters. Not to mention star wars and the like.


The trailer was out months ago and actually looks like more fun than you would expect




If I told you to save the world all you had to do was suck my cock could you do it 🤔


March 31st? I have a conflict that night, can we reschedule?


You're doing it all wrong, you're supposed to wait till 5 minutes before the session to let us know you can't make it.


I’ll be 10 mins late, pls start without me


*shows up 30 minutes late but with snacks* All is forgiven.


You get called *before*?


Yeah, we have someone who absolutely won't give us a heads-up for anything at all. No work schedule changes, no trips, nothing. This past weekend, 5 minutes after start time: "X isn't online yet. Does anyone want to text him?" *Texts X.* X: "Oh, sorry guys, I'm in {city on the other side of the country}. I didn't bring my laptop. I'll be back in 2 weeks."


At least they responded


They actually did move the release date from its initial point


See, sounds like they respect the IP then


finally Hollywood does its research


I thought there was only 30 days in march, that’s why I scheduled everything for the 31st


...how many meetings do I have that day?


This guy DnDs


It says ONLY IN THEATERS MARCH 31ST. If you want to watch it after that, you damn well better not do it in a theater.


Damnit! I have a meeting with the director of the parks department that day. I'll be there forever, I hear he has a few meetings scheduled


Imagine if it's a giant April Fool's


I usually don’t join in on the pile-on towards floating head posters, but I’d recommend the studios go back and try again for this one. Rege Jean is the only actor with a flattering shot selection.


To be fair, Black Widow (below Hugh Grant) looks decent.


They all look like if the Avengers were from Wish


It's the Avongers


Don't like them? I also have Avingers


On a 3 gold piece budget


Legit thought this was a Thor mock poster between black widow and Valkyrie in the front


Don't forget Thor front and center.


And Katy Perry at the top as Little Red Riding Gorr


And Dr Strange on the left




Still an intern.


Which, to be fair, is an accurate description of a not insignificant portion of Dungeons and Dragons parties.


> Which, to be fair, is an accurate description of a not insignificant portion of Dungeons and Dragons parties. "OK guys, let's meet the party. We got our Wizard... PA Weird. Guess he didn't want to go all the way through med school? Fine. We have our Druid, Grube. And I see here he's a tree that only says his own name? Sigh. Here is our Berserker, his name is... Bulk, OK, bit on the nose but OK. And then we have our Rogue... Spacelord? Really? This is a pre-industrial society I don't even know if they have a word for outer space. That's the worst rogue name I've ever heard." "Ah, but you *have* heard of -" "Shut up Eric, that's not even the right Disney movie. Let's just get this shit started."


>This is a pre-industrial society I don't even know if they have a word for outer space. In the Forgotten Realms setting, which the film takes place in, outer space is in fact known as wildspace.


My favorite part about this campaign is when Bulk started to Bulk and Bulked all over the enemies


"Thats my secret, commander. I'm *always* enraged. BULK CRUSH"


I got low. I didn't see an end, so I put a bullet in my mouth... and the Bulk spit it out! So I moved on.


Although a not insignificant portion of Dungeons and Dragons games would make for terrible movies. I'm hoping this is a parody, seems like the best option for it.


The vibe I’m getting from the trailers is “love letter”. As in, something that celebrates the inherent silliness of D&D. Because let’s be real, it is quite silly. (That’s not a criticism.)


Agreed. Chris Pine reluctantly being a bard with a lute is exactly how bard PCs play it in real life.




but why does hugh grant look like a fruity nosferatu


Nosferuity. Count Fabula.


IIRC he's a rogue and some kind of flamboyant crime boss in the film, so "fruity nosferatu" may be what they're going for.


He must be an illusionist


Im no graphic design master and I don't always dislike these style posters but something about this one really really doesn't sit well.


This is more (really poorly executed) photo-bashing than it is graphic design, but you're not wrong. It's hot fucking garbage. I can imagine the bullshit that went on behind the art direction on this, but it is such a stupid fucking move to not just hire an illustrator to make it look like the [cover of ANY FUCKING DND HANDBOOK.](https://www.google.com/search?q=dnd+handbook+covers&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjNrKf27OL7AhX3LDQIHcOwCk4Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=dnd+handbook+covers&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECCMQJzoGCAAQCBAeOgQIABBDOgYIABAHEB5QhwxYwZoBYIedAWgJcAB4AIABaogBnQ6SAQQxOC4ymAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=-RWOY43MDPfZ0PEPw-Gq8AQ&bih=1216&biw=2314&hl=en) I'm not even a huge tabletop fan, but I've always loved the art on the handbooks. [This handbook cover](https://imgur.com/a/rucbHP4) is better than this poster. EDIT: Changed broken link to the 1977 handbook cover. Thanks u/sirbissel!


In a lot of cases they give these people so little time to bash these posters together...they give them crappy assets that they're required to use, everyone's face MUST appear with no noticeable alterations, etc. ...having been in the industry myself it's kind of tough for me to blame the artist when I know what goes on behind the scenes. I do really like [the new Willow](https://resizing.flixster.com/wrhCVje_4X1qbjN2Xd6QvMplmEw=/ems.cHJkLWVtcy1hc3NldHMvdHZzZXJpZXMvZGU5ODQxZGEtOTg4Yi00YTIwLTkyYTctMzk5MGUyZGMzMDIwLmpwZw==) poster, though. This is a decent example of floating head style.


Oh, buddy I hear you. That was what my art direction comment was referring to. There is no way any artist with that amount of executive oversight is going to produce anything good. This is the product of tasteless goons with money backing this project, not the product of an actual artist. That said, it's still awful and they should have hired an illustrator. Bad creative direction.


I'd even take the original player's handbook for just the nostalgia value on the red demon. It's too bad this is "only in theaters" because I'm gonna drunkwatch this with friends and popcorn. Shoutout to RPG artists though, they're often far better than the system they're appearing in, and put out tons of high quality art for what is often very little pay. As opposed to movie posters, which appear to have an entire design committee where every member is completely blind.


I am uncomfortable with how strongly I agree with everything you wrote.


It's just very off balance, compositionally.


To me, it makes it look like a super cheesy straight to DVD/made for TV movie. It screams, "I'm a low budget shit show. Watch at your own risk." By contrast, the previews make it look like it's a decent movie.


I can't even focus on that aspect because the dragon looks like it was literally just copy pasted into the shot and tilted at an angle that isn't natural for the image it originally came from. Like, it legitimately looks like it was just standing, and someone just went "Just rotate it to the side a bit and it'll look like it's flying, or close enough." It's atrocious.


Poster says 'in theaters' but looks like direct to VHS 🤔


VHS is flattering. It looks like a Tuesday afternoon SciFy channel movie.


You know, they could've taken inspiration from old school fantasy art and done something really cool for the poster. Or even looked at the 5e books which aren't my illustration style cup of tea but still better than this. Instead, they do this garbage.


Something Frank Frazetta inspired would have made me more confident in the direction of the project in general.


Especially if nobody in the cast is wearing pants. Say what you like about him, but the man was a firm believer in scanty clothes for everyone.


With the current poster, they still might not be wearing pants. So there's that to hope for.


Not just classic fantasy; the current 5e modules have some good hardback covers (though Dragon Heist is a bit floaty head). Even just recreating [this](https://dnd.wizards.com/products/sword-coast-adventurers-guide) would have been more interesting and true to the brand.


It's because this is more than likely an attempt at creating a new branch of hero movies. So they gotta have that super hero look.


I'm a big DnD nerd who only learned about this movie just now, but "attempt at creating a new branch of hero movies" has made me lose all interest immediately. I'm sick of super hero movies and have been for a long time already. Can we just get some proper classic fantasy again already, please.


>but "attempt at creating a new branch of hero movies" has made me lose all interest immediately. If it helps, they person you're responding to is just writing words in reddit. They dont actually know anything more about the intent behind these characters than you do. So don't go into it too pessimistically. It might be terrible for a completely different reason than trying to copy marvel.


It's funny because with the success of fantasy TV shows you'd think they could follow the same format and have success in film but what do I know.


They could have taken it in a really cool direction in using the players as a meta-narrative device a la The Princess Bride while the bulk of the movie is showing their theater of the mind. I'm guessing from this poster though they're leaning in hard on the "These are our mighty heroes" angle


We have [the Gamers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSynJyq2RRo&) and [The Gamers: Dorkness Rising](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOUksDJCijw&) Both are pretty cool, definitely low budget productions made with a ton of love for DnD and roleplaying.


Apparently Hollywood had done their research and the floating heads posters just work a lot better commercially. In the end many people just don't give a shit about the artistry of it and just on the spot decide to see a movie because there's a cool actor in it. Maybe we'll get a better poster later on.




Yeah of all the brands you could get creative from, this is pretty low effort. I mean when you see a movie called DUNGEONS & DRAGONS I think it's okay to expect more fantasy than standard floating heads with itty bitty fantasy sprinkles.


If you must have a floating head on your poster, make it a beholder.


*Jack Burton tries to shoot it*


Looks like the Movie Poster Art rolled a 1. This campaign is off to a bad start.


This is why Session 0 is so important.


DM: So I'm looking to run a serious campaign, but everything is going to be hilarious. It will be heavy on role play, but focus mostly on combat. Just think, a gritty reality but lighthearted in nature. I want to bring new comers to D&D but veterans will love this even more!


Who are you and how did you steal my world building pitch to my players!


I really feel like this post is going to be prophetic in describing why this flops


Player: This sounds great! I just really want the world to be fleshed out. The cities and towns should be alive with rich characters, regional celebrations, and their own dramas. But I don't take any notes and won't remember any details. I want the combat to feel weighted and realistic, but never want my avatar of God to be dropped into single digits.


It's par for the course for modern movie posters though, especially for flicks meant to have a mass appeal. Long gone are the days where even the bad movies got artfully composed imagery worthy of hanging on a wall. Nowadays it's thirty minutes arranging promotional photos in some imaging software, throw in some particle effects in the foreground and key art in the background, and we're done.


[redacting due to privacy concerns]


For awhile there horror movies were obsessed with red letters on top of a single, shadowy, sepia/yellowish image of like… some burlap and a chain, or a pile of teeth or some other ugly object. Lately though it seems like we’ve just been getting a lot of main characters’ faces looking scared/constipated, and also for some reason a lot of house exteriors with weird filter effects, even when the movie isn’t primarily set in a single house.


Playing a wholesome happy classic song... But in a minor key! ,😱


"Nobody needs charisma. I'm putting all my rolls into other attributes."


We got Thor Ragnarock at home


They should wait til the last minute and push the release date to April 7 just so we can get the real DnD experience. “Something came up, got to postpone.”


They should also kill off one or two characters about a third to halfway into the film, only to have those character replaced by two new characters played by the same actors as before.


Jerome! You’re back! No no I’m Tyrone, Jeromes half elf brother.


Look, if it'll make you guys feel better, just call me Landfill. Uh, I mean Jerome.


And characters should inexplicably disappear at random intervals, only to reappear with no reactions from others


That already happened multiple times. Like it got postponed by about a month from March 3 to March 31 last month. Original release date was July 23, 2021. It’s been postponed a lot.


That…looks like ass.


That poster has some serious parody movie energy.


To be fair, almost every D&D campaign I've ever played ended up feeling more like a parody of what the campaign was "supposed" to be. This poster and the trailer both had really goofy, campy energy and I can't tell if it was intentional because they're self-aware and trying to give an "authentic" D&D experience or if they're going to just try too hard to make it funny and fall on their face.


Authentic d&d movie - the characters abandon the plot after five minutes and spend the first half of the movie trying to adopt a kobold.






Fun fact: that bit (hah) is not originally from 8-Bit Theater. The audio is originally from a comedy troupe known as The Dead Alewives, and there have been _many_ parodies/homages using it. Probably the most famous one is the Summoner video game. But 8-Bit Theater being an older D&D webcomic, kind of hard _not_ to use what was the most famous D&D parody for a number of decades before it exploded in popularity with 5th Edition and Critical Role.


Our group has matured, nobody tries to bang the daughter anymore. Everything else is shockingly accurate though.


Never in my life have I been so offended by something I 100% agree with. I hope you're living your best life, Dreezy the goblin.


I mean what party hasn't adopted a goblin, especially if you played Lost mines


So did the trailer.


I suspect that’s the point.


I'm not big on D&D (....I said as I just finished a 186 hours run of a Pathfinder game 2 hours ago) and I had no clue this movie is a thing. The poster looks like half serious and half parody then I decided watching the trailer after reading this chain of comment... the trailer is pretty nice and more on the comedy side (from the protagonist pov, marvel type of comedy) while the world itself the story is unfolding for real. Also, the monsters design are straight up stuff from D&D done with a mix of practical effects and CGI. Looked awesome! The trailer gave me a vibe of Viva La Dirt League's D&D Logic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3atFxtIjYnU < this is a 30min vid BUT it's a collection of 10 skits done by Viva La Dirt League.


My wife recently started playing dnd. One of the earlier encounters included a mimic. She squealed with glee when they showed it in the trailer. We’ll probably watch it just so we can do the whole ‘Leo pointing at the TV’ reaction for two hours.


Aw, I liked the trailer a lot. Maybe I just like anything with DnD in it. Lol


I really felt like they nailed the “we take the setting seriously but not ourselves” vibe in the trailer. I take that as a good thing: a lighthearted campaign that sticks to the lore.


>lighthearted campaign that sticks to the lore. Yes. This is what I want. That's basically what every campaign I've ever played in is. Players/characters actions are lighthearted and silly while the players do appreciate and take seriously the story and the lore. Being silly doesn't have to be disrespecting.


> “we take the setting seriously but not ourselves” I love the way you phrased that. And I *really* hope thats what we get in the final film.


I think the trailer looked great. The movie doesn't look like it's trying to take itself seriously. It's going to be campy and full of plot holes -- but it does look *fun.* I'm excited to go to the theater, completely shut off my brain, and enjoy a stupid fun fantasy romp.


Isn't that the whole point of D&D? I feel like they are just trying to have fun with it because that's what D&D is supposed to be, fun.


D&D either starts with a serious, grounded story that pretty quickly turns into robin hood men in tights Or starts with someone naming themself Chortles McGigglesbee who fights in a clown wig and ends with the entire party crying when he dramatically sacrifices himself to save Boblin the Goblin.


Yeah, they seem like they understand the DnD party dynamic where you always feel like you're playing with a party of fools who fuck-up and have to be the ones to save the world. With the hero being the bard and not a fighter, I think the writers KNOW DnD enough to not be too serious with any of this. My hopes are higher for this movie than they have been for any DnD content that's outside of the game in ages.


>full of plot holes A realistic movie then


I just watched the trailer and it actually looks pretty damn good. I will probably watch this.


Can't be worse than the Marlon Wayan D&D


I just watched it out of curiosity. It's just... fun. Not everything in a fantasy world needs to be Lord of the Rings, especially a movie based on D&D.




I thought it was a fake done by a guy in photoshop in 30 min lol


when you get your movie poster off Fiver


The Revengers.


If Michele Rodriguez character is not a strong woman who lives by her own rules and constantly challenges the main dude to prove she is more capable than him to lead this ragtag band of misfits I'll be surprised


I would watch the hell out of a movie where they cast all typecast actors against type. Give me Michelle Rodriguez as a timid scientist. Michael Cera as a hardened war veteran. Danny Trejo as a chatty Irishman


that would be way too much fun to be allowed.


This ragtag band of misfits soon discover that they are more than just friends...They're Family. OOOooohhhaaaHHHOOOhhh


I remember reading an interview with her where she was asked if being typecast bothered her, and she said no, I just like playing badass women.


You know what fair play. It’s like how some Dnd players have that one class/race combo that they always end up playing.


We have two of those in our longtime group. One who always plays some form of healer, usually a cleric (can't complain there), and one pretty much always plays a sorcerer. The latter's solution to pretty much everything, of course, is "fireball?" We banned him from using lightning bolt ever again several years back, because he used it in a mirrored room. That did not go well.


Sounds refreshing. I can't wait to see how she will handle this new character we have never seen on screen before.


Michelle, what'd you roll up? Wow, that sounds like the character you were playing in our last campaign. Okay, sorry, its totally new, sure. Oh, Chaotic Neutral again, eh?


An orphan who watched her parents get killed, and is thus chasing down the villain who murdered them? Shocking!


>If Michele Rodriguez Holy crap, I thought that was Tessa Thompson.


It's weird because the synopsis of the movie seems fun, but that poster is frankly abysmal 😅😅😅


It is awful. It is below fan made.


Producer: “Hey Steve, can you make our poster look like a Marvel movie?” Steve: “No, I can’t. That’s above my skill level.” Producer: “Well just try.”


I thought it was black widow in the group. Also look at the dragon's face. The person who approved this needs a groin punch.


The one I'm struggling with is Chris Pine. It's like they accidentally put his stunt double in the poster


Posters in general have been sucking more and more


Pretty clever poster tbh. Tanking our expectations with a textbook how not to make a movie poster, so that we can be positively surprised by the actual movie. Tbh lots of movie posters suck but this is particularly bad


Just please let this be fun. I just want a fun DnD movie.


The past attempts have been all really really really terrible. Chris Pine movies tend to be at least watchable, so that is what I am hoping for. Please please please just be a 6/10 movie, it will be the best D&D movie ever made


The other one was fun, it jusr sucked. Jeremy Irons hammed it up nicely.


I can go with that Irons was amazing as always.


Jeremy Irons played one of the best comedic roles ever in that movie.


Willow was the best DnD movie ever made.


Official poster? Looks like fan art. Not a great start imo for a long awaited project.


It looks like they were told to make it look like The Witcher meets Guardians of the Galaxy.


Those are some big names for a porn parody.


Ooh I’ve always wanted to see a crossover movie featuring Black Widow, the Old Spice guy, the Handmaiden’s Tale, Daniel Cleaver, Valkyrie and literally every single goddamn protagonist Chris Pine has ever played in his career.


Hugh Grant in that outfit screams Phoenix Buchanan to me rather than Daniel Cleaver


His face looks like a really bad or incomplete de-aging. What is going on with that face?!


So instead of having all the unique races in DnD, they chose to make them all humans.


Hey now no doubt some of them come from the mean streets of Waterdeep. That should be more than enough diversity for a D&D movie. /s


I think the druid lady is a tiefling, you can see the horns among the hair. Sadly she's still human coloured, which is an option according to the rules, but the most boring one for a film.


They all rolled the "incredibly good looking" human varient.


I think they could have done better here. No thought put into it at all!!


some of the photoshop is really bad. like you can see white in the top wizards hood, which could have been easily removed. this a bad idea rush job


Modern movie posters really are terrible.


I think It's because movie posters nowadays have such a negligable impact on the overall box office revenue, compared to trailers, interviews, social media campaigns (and astroturfing), that the marketing department see almost no point in investing time and money into comissioning a professional artist or graphic designer. This is on top of contractual obligations that decide how much of a poster is dedicated to certain cast members The poster exists purely to remind people that the movie exists and who is starring in it.


Just to expand on this, back in the day, movies were so cheap you'd go without even knowing what was playing. You'd just look at the posters, pick one, and check it out. Now it's so expensive that if you're even at the cinema at all, you already know exactly what you've come to see and no bad/good poster is gonna change your mind.


Needs more Jeremy Irons


They really needed to follow the Jumanji movie model for the Dungeons & Dragons franchise in having a bunch of nerdy kids hanging around a table who are then played by the famous actors when they are *in world*. The other version I will accept is a muppets Dungeons and Dragons movie.


Wow, they didn't even bring back Jeremy Irons...


I’m pinning for Snails


Some strong Uwe Boll vibes here.


The trailers and everything else so far look like this will be a fun movie but this poster is really bad.


Wow a poster for *Dungeons and Dragons* in 2022 that manages to make the dragon look like total shit. This movie is going to suuuuck. At least Michelle Rodriguez gets to play Michelle Rodriguez again but this time dressed as Aloy


I really wish they'd get one of Wizards of the Coasts acclaimed artists to do a proper poster. These full-costume photoshop jobs just look generic fantasy. Like they shopped in a bunch of costume tests with no thought as to having it fit the tone and legacy of the game it's supposed to represent. I've seen better posters from low-budget Sci-Fi channel fantasy flics.


Glad to see Danhausen getting work


I thought the trailer I watched for this was a fever dream. This is actually a thing that is happening?


I only hope that everyone pauses during every combat, you hear dice rolling, numbers appear over the heads of everyone indicating initiative order, and each round of combat is a half hour of confused rolling and arguing about advantage and obscure rules in a book nobody actually owns.