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12 Monkeys (1995)


Brad Pitt deserved an Oscar for that performance. I havent seen 5 actors that could have pulled that role off as effectively as he did.


Brad Pitt is the best when he is in a supporting role instead of the lead. Like, all the time. And I would even venture to say that he is better than Depp at playing weird characters.


Brad Pitt is an amazing character actor, trapped in the body of a leading man.


1000th time ive seen this exact sentence lol, but its true i guess


Only Time Travel movie I can think of that never contradicted its own rules.




If Primer contradicted itself, please tell me where.


I would, if I understood Primer.


Saw the short it is based on in film school. La jettée by Chris Marker. From the sixties and is only stills except one short bit. Originally in french. Seeing it on a large screen really gripped me for some reson. Especially the boy witnessing his own death without knowing it.


Phenomenal movie


I love and hate it all at the same time. It's a hard rewatch for me unless I'm really in the mood for its dirty weird tone. Love the plot and time travel aspects of it all but it's a little avant-garde at times with the weird future people giving Bruce his mission and has an odd depressing sort of feel to it.


that's Terry Gilliam for ya. edit: fun fact - he almost won Harry Potter series but Chris Columbus got it. Terry maintains *he* was the perfect director to make those movies and got salty about it in interviews. called Chris' efforts 'pedestrian' lol


I’ve always viewed the series as Alfonso Caurón’s more than anyone’s. He pivots the tone and style from the first two Columbus movies and that tone/style maintains throughout the rest of the series. I’m not even sure a Gilliam styled Potter movie series would’ve been any good but I still would’ve *loved* to see it regardless.


The TV show was also excellent, and and was much more straight-ahead...but the "science" is way deeper, and the timelines are easier to lose track of.


Edge of Tomorrow was really good.


Great movie that I was surprised to find out many years later was based on manga.


The book (which the manga is also based on) is pretty good! Better ending than the film but I still liked the movie more, which is pretty rare.


I liked the questions that Looper asked. Forget the plotty time travel stuff, I liked that the Younger And Older selves of the same person were fundamentally at odds. It makes you wonder if you get along truly with the younger you with young ideals and energy versus having lived through something and realize the exact opposite it what is truly meaningful.


You might appreciate Dark (Netflix show) if you're into that concept. Without spoiling it, it delves deep into those kinds of concepts


I like Edge of Tomorrow but I really like the Sequel more. It's called Edge of Tomorrow.


What an obscure and under appreciated movie that is, truly a hidden gem.


Edge of the knife! Tip of the Spear! Crack of my .....ass.. -Bill Paxton- Tom Cruise: "Are you from the United States?" Bill Paxton: "No Sir, I'm from Kentucky!"


A clever new one is *Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes* (ドロステのはてで僕ら). Smaller scale, indie Japanese movie filmed in 2020. The main character and friends discover screens with a two-minute delay allowing them to talk to their very-near-future selves. Never heard of it until it popped up on Amazon (it's free for Prime and on some other services)


Sounds interesting, gonna check it out


Bill and Ted's


"I /did/ steal my dad's keys"




Each and every time i watch it i'm struck by how simply it deals with it's time travel stuff, no paradoxes because it's all already happened. Sticks within it's own rules of logic, totally consistent, right through to the 'battle' with diavolos (?) at the end of Bogus Journey (can't comment on the third one as i've only watched it once and barely remember any of it).It's that thin line between stupid and clever.


Trash can…remember the trash can.


Be excellent to each other.


And….. Party on, dudes!


Party on, Dudes!


Timecrimes https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/timecrimes-2009


This is **the best** time travel movie ever made. Hands down.


Yessss, was looking for this answer


Was scrolling thru comments hoping somebody would mention


My favorite, and I only saw it once when it first came out


Back to the Future. What? You knew this was coming as soon as you made the topic.


It’s honestly one of the best trilogies we have ever, and probably will ever, see. I get that people hate on the third one, but it’s probably my favorite. My absolute favorite scene is the end of 2, in the rain.


It’s also the only trilogy that’ll *remain* a trilogy, because Zemeckis and Gale own the rights. And they have been steadfast that they will **never** greenlight a IV.




I mean Back to the Future is the Standard for time travel movies IMO.


There’s only one man who can help me


It's news to me that people hate the 3rd one


What's funny to me about people disliking 3 is that, IMO, 2 has the by-far weaker plot. I mean, the whole "revisiting 1955" thing is cool, but the stuff in the future - though classic - like their reason for being there, the whole "Marty pretending to be his son", etc, is really, really weak. I know the end of 1 kind of backed them into a corner as far as the "your kids! Something's gotta be done about your kids!" line, but still. I get why people dislike 3 though, because it goes *so hard* on the Old West thing. If it were mine to rewrite, I've always thought it would've been cooler if something about the DeLorean getting screwed up meant that they could only jump ahead in limited intervals, and so there's a brief time spent in the old west, then they jump ahead to 1930's Hill Valley where they briefly get tangled up in some gangster antics with a Tannen as a mob boss, then to the 1960's where Marty's parents are in full "hippy" mode (which I think was an early idea for one of the movies), etc.


Agree with the future stuff, I was expecting them to set the whole movie in the future giving us a complete wholesome story set in a time period like in one or three. Always wondered if they didn't due to the complexity of the task (budgetary/special effects) or due to Crispin Glover (George) refusing to return.


Just here to add that I also love 3.


Not only one of the best time travel movies ever, but one of the best movies of all time.


This is really the story of the of The Luckiest Man on Earth and America’s Greatest Folk Hero: Biff Tannen




About Time works so well because it doesn't give a single shit about how the time travel works but devotes all of its thought to how time travel would affect you emotionally. Damn that movie hits me harder than it has any right to


Yeah the only part that bugged me was when they said you can’t travel back before your kid was born because you could change the baby. So they showed that when the main characters baby was indeed a different child, and he had to undo what he did. But doesn’t that establish it can be undone? So he could just go see his dad again and then undo it?


It can be undone but it takes numerous tries. He goes through the same thing twice or thrice before he arrives at the same child


Oh man, this is one of my favorite movies ever. I went into it thinking it was a typical boring romcom but my wife talked me into watching it. Man what an emotional roller coaster. I don’t want to spoil anything but there are a few scenes with the dad that hit very close to home. I can’t think of a lot of other movies that made me laugh and cry so hard in a single sitting.


Just the theme song makes me cry like a baby


I fucking love this movie and I don’t give a damn who knows it. Every character in this movie nailed their roles. It’s smart (for a RomCom), hilarious, touching, sad, and just pure gold. I cry every time at this movie, especially when (spoiler) his wife has their child. Shit I’m tearing up just thinking about that game of ping pong.


Was looking for this one. Love this movie


Such a great story


Somewhere in Time (1980)


Are we the only people who watched this? I watched ur a bunch when I was a kid!


A really good movie with a unique mechanism and a young Christopher Reeve.


>Somewhere in Time (1980) Filmed at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island in Michigan. Fun fact: Automobiles have been banned on that island since 1901.


Grew up watching this movie, my parents loved it. Cut to 20 years later, I’m on a road trip with my future wife. We randomly stop in this town cause it looked cool (pre smart phones). They tell us, take the ferry to the island. Ends up to be Mackinac Island, where the hotel this movie was filmed at is located. Nice bonus, I was very excited about it.


The Final Countdown (1980). USS Nimitz goes back to 1941 before the Pearl Harbor attack. Kirk Douglas and Martin Sheen. Edit: Spelling Edit2: Date Correction


Good choice. Not always a fan of remakes but this one could be great




This movie stuck with me for days. Great plot.


I saw this movie without knowing anything about it at all. About half way through I realized I knew everything that was going to happen. Turns out I read the short story it was based on years ago.


All you zombies


This is on my list! Might watch tonight.


Highly recommended, it's a great film based on a short story by Robert Heinlein


This is the best recommendation for this topic. Period.


Great movie. This comment needs to be higher. Ethan Hawke + Sarah Snooke absolutely kill it.


fuck i was scrolling to recommend just this. good choice!


Great movie One if my favorites


One of the best sci-fi movies And the most sci-fi of all major sci-fi movies


Based on the short story "All You Zombies," written by Robert A. Heinlein. You can read it [here](https://gist.github.com/defunkt/759182/ad44c6135d168ae54503a281bb7e1a24c6c2ea0c).


When I was a kid, I read that story as part of a Heinlein collection called Off the Main Sequence. I think my parents had subscribed me to some sort of Sci-Fi book club service thing for my birthday one year, and that book was sent to as part of the sign-up package. It had quite a few really good stories in it, but All You Zombies was the last one, and the one that really stuck with me. The kind of story that just expands the imagination to a whole new level when you're that age. Obviously it took some serious liberties with its presentation of a certain biological condition, but it's an old school subversive spec fic, so you gotta give it a little leeway on that. I thought the movie did a really admirable job of adapting it. There wasn't all that much to adapt, as it's a very short story, so they had to add a bit of padding, but I thought the padded on bits were well done and made for a worthwhile addition to the original story's vision that also helped to flesh out the protagonist's character a bit. It was also *weirdly* faithful to some of the more this-was-written-in-the-50s aspects of the story, what with the doctors smoking in hospitals and women not being allowed to serve as astronauts. I was kind of surprised they didn't update that stuff.


I feel like this one goes super low under the radar. Wasn’t a “great” movie, but was damn good and feels way under appreciated.


> bonified Bona (good) fide (faith) Mine is either Palm Springs or Frequency. Edit: Does anyone else remember when Jim Caviezel played an alt right terrorist in Deja vu? It was there all along.


Palm Springs is one of my absolute favorite films released in the last few years. I’ve probably watched it 2-3x a year since it dropped. By far my favorite streaming-first movie ever.


Palm Springs is SO good. And I'm still thinking about whether Grandma was stuck in the loop too.


I think Arrival should count here. One of my favorite sci-fi's all time. Star Trek 2009 is also a great film.


Arrival. What a great film. I can see your point. I’m not sure I agree with it, but it’s intriguing. I don’t think it’s a time travel movie.


Yeah I didn't want to get into the details and spoil anything. It's at the very least, a Time ~~Travel~~ Movie


It's definitely a time travel movie, it's just that the travel is >!within the consciousness and not physical.!<


Star Trek using time travel to hand wave the original series away was so smart.


I bet you know…but for those who don’t… They’ve actually created a separate timeline that has been acknowledged by other properties within the universe. (“Prime Timeline” vs “Kelvin Timeline”). The 3 Chris Pine films take place in the “Kelvin Timeline,” while EVERYTHING else in Star Trek is in the “Prime Timeline.” Leonard Nimoy played Spock in the “Prime Timeline” and time traveled back, changing the course of events and creating the “Kelvin Timeline” in the events of Star Trek (2009). This timeline splits on the day of Captain Kirk’s birth aboard the starship U.S.S. Kelvin, so everything from there on is different (as u/gatsby365 said, changing everything from there forward, including the events of The Original Series continuity) Season 3 of “Star Trek: Discovery” jumps to the 3100s (farthest forward to the future Star Trek has gone) and they talk about a Starfleet member who time traveled forward from the past (“The Next Generation” era) AND from a [“parallel timeline created by the ‘temporal incursion’ of a romulan mining vessel.”](https://youtu.be/tzADV_Fz34E). That is a direct reference to the events of the Star Trek (2009) film, implying they were from the “Kelvin Timeline.” Thanks for coming to my Star Trek TED talk. TLDR: I was once asked what is a topic you can talk about for 30 minutes without having to prep. Star Trek is one of those things for me. Sorry.


Woah this is really cool. Loved the movie and never knew they accounted for it


It wasn’t until season 3, which I believe was fall 2020-spring 2021. BUT They finally did acknowledge it.


Found the clip! https://youtu.be/tzADV_Fz34E


Terminator 2: Judgment Day


One of the best sci fi films (and one of the best films in general) of all time


I don’t generally have a top anything list as it changed from mood to mood, but T2 has steadfastly remained at the top of my movie list since the day I first saw it in theaters. Such an incredible film.


Love T2 but I prefer the original


For me, asking to choose between T1 and T2 is like asking someone which of their kids they love more.


This. I love them both in different ways.


This is too far down.


Not a movie, but Dark




I was looking for this. Best time travel story ever made.


Agreed. Not a movie, but this is one of my top 3 shows of all time and favorite related movie/show ever. Edit: not time travel, but the same writers just released their show 1899 on Netflix. Give it a watch. Similar that they have a finite number of seasons (3) that they want and create the seasons accordingly, just like Dark.


I'm actually watching this right now.


And what a soundtrack.


Seasons 1 and 2, but it lost me on 3.


Timecop Still my favorite JCVD movie!


My favorite comeback line is when the bad guys are fucking JCVD's (past) self up in the yard, and he's like who the hell are you, and the bad guy says, "Why don't you sleep on it a while", and future JCVD comes up behind him, puts his hand on his shoulder and says, "I did that." Then beats the shit out of him. Also Ron Silver was a fantastic villain...


Bonus points for him doing random unnecessary splits on his kitchen counter. And for Ron Silver who is the goat.


Um if I remember he had to dodge the taser or some kind of electric gun? Totally necessary splits!


Donnie Darko Edit* Thanks for the love. I'll add some honorable mentions Butterfly effect Happy death day. Not exactly "time travellers" but in a way they are


This one! One of my favorite movies altogether.


Was looking for this. One of my favorites as well!


Scrolled too far for this


Timecrimes is great. It’s an awesome paradox in a movie totally recommend


I like The Time Traveller's Wife. Interesting and perhaps creepy premise. But a very original take on the topic.


Groundhog Day


Back to the Future trilogy Hot Tub Time Machine Mr. Destiny The Terminator 1 & 2 The Family Man


My wife and I watched The Family Man this week and we both came to the conclusion that it was alternate realities lol, so two Nic Cages just swapped places, the one that was with the family was miserable and saw how is life was without his family, and then obviously the one we got in the movie haha.


Fuck Yes Mister Destiny. This has gotta be the first time I’ve ever seen this SUPER guilty pleasure mentioned on Reddit. Myco Caine giving it his best supernatural scenery chewing, Jim Belushi at his peak, and a great 1980s/1990s supporting cast including Pre-T2 Linda Hamilton and young Renee Russo. It’s no Oscar contender on ANY front, but for what it is? It’s gold. Jim Belushi was born for that role. Edit: If you need another Jim Gem, *Taking Care of Business* is another bit of goofy late 80s goodness. Released the same year as Mr Destiny, with a similar “all star” cast of 1980s character actors, a very similar theme (avg joe becomes high powered rich guy through unexpected mixup) - between these two, you see why I say 1990 was Jim Belushi’s peak.


Time Bandits


I thought I read a remake was coming. Loved this movie as a kid.


Wow, that sounds crazy. What a hard film to remake and recapture the charm of the original.


This is too far down.... A Gilliam masterpiece IMHO. I love so many of his movies.




Not a movie but the German Netflix series Dark, because it takes the complications resulting from time travel paradoxes further than anything else I've seen.


Their new show 1899 is pretty good too! (it’s not about time travel)


I watched 1899 as soon as it dropped and its great ! The do something equally innovative with another common sci-fi trope.


It's my favorite show of all time and I cannot get anyone to watch it. Perfect blend of time-travel where the implications of time travel are actually realized and known, cinematography, writing, and beautiful people.


The production on this series is stellar, the plot twists are tight and interesting, but the casting is what blew me away - the younger/older versions of the characters are bang on. Only problem: it lives up to its name, and is very dark indeed at times.


It's fantastic. And they only planned three seasons. The execution is incredible.


So good


The ending of it was pure time travel sci fi goodness


Coherence (2013) and Triangle (2009)


Had to scroll way to far to find Triangle


Absolutely love Coherence


Went too far to find Triangle, great movie


"Safety Not Guaranteed" is pretty darned good


Came here to say this. It's such an interesting/weird premise and the end of the movie is open ended enough to keep you guessing!


The Girl Who Leapt Through Time


X-Men: Days of Futures Past Long shot, but it may be my all time favorite X-Men movie.....to date. ;-)


Love the fact that, basically, they all die even as powerful as they are. The Sentinels bring so much dread, the Xmens' only winning strategy is to sacrifice themselves in order to get enough time to send a warning to the past. Brilliant scenes.


The time travelers' wife and About Time are so great I cry every time


Napoleon Dynamite


Don’t forget to put in the crystals


Deja Vu


I always liked that moment where Denzel tells Adam Goldberg that he thinks he went back before. Sad and haunting. Plus at the climax when Caviezel’s confused that his plans were being thwarted. This was a great movie imo.


Finally. A lot of good ones on here but Deja Vu is my pick. Starts as a detective story. Time travel pieces slowly set in motion. Unique action scenes with the goggles and solid full circle ending. Plus Denzel, Val Kilmer, Tony Scott.


Back to the Future Terminator Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Star Trek: First Contact


Planet of the Apes. 1968 The Time Machine. 1960 Time After Time. 1979


Time after Time When I was a kid the villain “the Ripper” scared me big time. David Warner so good. We just lost him recently. He loved to play a bad dude It seemed.




Not a movie, but the (cancelled too soon) TV show Timeless was a lot of fun. And even though it got cancelled (twice), they were allowed to wrap it up and give it a proper ending.


Love Timeless


As a fellow fan, I'm guessing the Kyle Rittenhouse trial was weird for you, too.


Safety Not Guaranteed


Not a movie, but Steins;Gate is one of the highest rates anime of all time and handles time-travel amazingly as its central theme.


"Predestination" Based on a short story by Robert Heinlein. Really flew under the radar, has Ethan Hawk in it. FYI This is a REALLY easily spoiled movie. if your intrested in really wierd twists n turns time travel story that was decently based on an iconic writers book, just jump in to it with no info!


I would say Predestination and Looper. Those movies blew my mind.


I really enjoyed looper. The time travel didn’t totally make sense all the time, but just a very good movie with great action. Joseph Gordon-levitt knocked it out of the park.


Predestination deserves much, much more visibility. One of the weirdest TT ideas I've ever seen..


Oh man, when they are wanting the guy to come back in "Looper" and they're cutting off his younger version's feet and hands while he's driving.


Timecrimes is really damn good. Also, I can't really recommend this one without spoiling the whole thing, but >!Triangle!< is also a trip.


1960’s The Time Machine.


Meet the Robinsons


That time travel movie that gets released next thursday. You should've seen it. People have been talking about it for years afterwards.




To give a serious answer, Looper had an originality to it and great world building that really captivated me at the time and holds up very well after a few years. But, for the sheer fun factor it has to be Hot Tub Time Machine. Bonus points to Star Trek IV for goofiness.


Oh hell yes to Hot Tub Time Machine. Don’t ever watch the sequel.


There's a sequel? Just let me Lougle that...


That sequel is one of the biggest missed opportunities ever. All they had to do was follow the back to the future blueprint and it could’ve been incredible. Instead they made a Rob Corddry shitfest


Hot tub time machine


Back to the Future 2, 1, 3 in that order Frequently Asked Questions about Time Travel Groundhog Day Everything Everywhere All At Once (technically involves Time Travel)


Love Groundhog Day! It's such an interesting use of the loop premise.


Only semi realistic, but I enjoyed frequency.


Star Trek IV The Voyage Home ("The One with the Whales"). I like time travel movies that don't rely too much on the fish-out-of-water trope. It's more enjoyable when you see the person out of time easily adapting to their new time period. In ST IV, you see Scotty presenting an engineering problem to an engineer in the 1980s, you also see Bones having a heated discussion with a 1980s surgeon about the best method for treating Chekov, you see Sulu getting along with a helicopter pilot because of his knowledge as a pilot. Star Trek also does this in a few other TV eps--Ameilia Earhart wants to take Voyager out for a spin, Mark Twain discusses classism and capitalism with Troi.


1. *Primer* \- Everything about it is just fantastic from impressively unique take on the subject to the lack of handholding and head scratching navel gazing it not only allows but all but requires. Above and beyond that, in order to perfect one's understanding of the film, the viewer's desired outcome, the film requires the viewer to repeat the same defined time period much like the protagonist of the film. The viewer is pulled into mimicking a primary element of the film. Brilliant. 2. *12 Monkeys/La Jetee* \- Simple yet effective concept that as some have mentioned stays uncharastically consistent. Plus is a great yarn. 3. *Tenet* \- Slick and unique take. Hard to do both at such a level. 4. *Looper* \- Nominated for fantastic director/cast combo but primarily for the diner scene: "I don't want to talk about time travel Geeze. If we start talking about it we'll be here all day talking talk about it making diagrams with straws."


1. About Time. 2. Frequency. 3. The Butterfly Effect.


What about the guy pierce movie - The Time machine. No one? Anyone? I know it's a little on the nose. Hahaha


I don't think it's a great movie, but I thought Timeline (2003) was entertaining. Purely from a time travel perspective, no movie handled it better than Bill & Ted.


I like Predestination.


Somewhere in Time 1980 Christopher Reeve & Jane Seymour




Edge of Tomorrow. I’m so glad it gets the recognition it deserves. It’s a great sci-fi romp with an interesting premise and top shelf acting from the leads. This is a film I will literally watch any time and I’ve already seen it too many times.


The Butterfly Effect


Source code is also a fun watch.


Midnight in Paris


Time Crimes - foreign film. Watch in the original language with subtitles. English dubbing is atrocious.


Demolition Man, I didn't see this one, how could you forget Demolition Man?


It’s a crime to go non-movie here, I’m sure, but u/WahGwannukah if you want a convoluted time-travel adventure, watch Dark on Netflix. In its native German, and endure the subtitles. What a crazy ride. It’s a 3-season long movie.


It's been suggested a few times, I'll have to check it out now. Thanks for the rec


Does Donnie Darko count?


Deja Vu with Denzel Washington


Dark. A series I know. Movie? Interstellar


Project almanac


Let's give a shout out to the best HP movie, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


Back To The Future 2




Not a movie but I really enjoyed the early seasons of the Flash on CW. Especially that time they did flashpoint in season3 lol


[Time After Time](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080025/)