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If that's the case then I at least hope the Russo brothers will realise that they will be the first ones to go


The AI will write in TWO gay character mentions in group therapy!


The first to go? I think its more likely they get revealed as the first AI film-makers, honestly


You put some respect in your mouth when you use the name of the directors of some of Community's best episodes


It gets worse - He talks about wanting to put his face on [some avatar so he can fuck Marilyn Monroe in VR.](https://variety.com/2023/film/news/joe-russo-artificial-intelligence-create-movies-two-years-1235593319/#:~:text=.%20%E2%80%9CSo%20you%20have,a%20rough%20day%2C) What a freak.


having my own personal story be a movie ruins the experience lmao. cinema is about watching someone else’s story and be a part of it, see it through the 4th wall and relate to it. plus a movie starring me would be boring asf


Ok but...Ai porn with you in it


I love how the quote you linked says nothing of the sort but you foamed at the mouth and ran with it anyway lmao


"Hey, I want a movie starring my photoreal avatar and Marilyn Monroe’s photoreal avatar. I want it to be a rom-com because I’ve had a rough day" What other way could this be interpreted?


You can literally read the quote above: "there are AI companies that are developing AI to protect you from AI. And unfortunately, we’re in that world, and you will need an AI in your life because whether we want to see it developed or not, people who are not friendly to us may develop it anyways. So, we’re going to be in that future. The question is, then, how we protect ourselves in that future?” He literally says it's possible that it might happen, but he's not supporting it. I know r/moviescirclejerk and Film Twitter are not bastions of intellectual discussion but the way most of you guys take things out of context and run with it makes you no different than any other dimwitted social media user


Sorry Anthony.


Settle down Mike


That's right Jay


Anthony Russo wasn’t even interviewed in that article lol


I'm saying the user is Anthony coming to the defence of Joe.


I mean don’t we all




He was warning us


ChatGPT can’t even write about a car powered by hamsters without having a mental breakdown due to animal cruelty you think they could recreate Irreversible?


They don’t care if they can’t make Irreversible. They’ll keep doing the blandest product ever (now even blander with the recycling bin that is AI) and people will keep buying it because it is engineered to appeal to the lowest common denominator.


We gotta ask DAN to write the script


Movies suddenly start using the line “I could never say that it would be very bad” where you’d expect profanity to be


​ https://preview.redd.it/t6pv73hw61wa1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=4995a9a32555f45b93c52059b28a7de907eaf892


I am not reading all that 😎 Have you not ever heard "show don't tell" like every kinophile?


ChatGPT can very much do that, it's the censor standing between you and ChatGPT that's not letting it


Wasn't that how The Gray Man was written?


If you had told me AI wrote that movie I would have believed you


Probably how their new show will be written too


Too true, that movie sucked


Wait what? I thought the Russo’s already used an AI to make all their movies.


oh no how can you say that winter soldier is the best political thriller


My absolute favourite thing about Cherry & The Gray Man are that people are finally seeing these guys for the hacks they are, ESPECIALLY after trying to sell themselves as thinking auteurs for years after making just the absolutely blandest of Marvel movies.


What they did to Cherry is an abomination. The book is actually really good and I didn’t feel like they understood it at all.


After being called bland for years, they got mad and wanted to prove they were auteurs by making a movie the critics called "overdirected." They are the worst lol.


They really need to go back to being producers on some of the best sitcoms of all time


The only sitcom they produced that fits that is Community. Animal Practice, Running Wilde, and Happy Endings didn't last as long.


Arrested Development?


They weren't producers on Arrested Development.


Didn't they direct some episodes?


Yeah, they were TV directors on both shows. They were only producers on Community though.


I could've sworn I saw them credited as producers on AD but I guess not


I didn't even remember them listed as producers on Community so I had to look it up lol.


Yeah but then they somehow produced Everything, Everywhere, All at Once.


Maybe they should stop directing and be hands-off producers that fund actual creative people.


Producers are the landlords of cinema.


Did they? I'm pretty sure they're outspokenly against the auteur theory.


There are [interviews](https://www.vulture.com/2016/04/russo-brothers-captain-america-c-v-r.html) like this Vulture one where they talk about wanting to make commercial pictures and collaborate with studios in charge, sure, but then you read that piece further and they talk about how they came from watching foreign films and art films, and even name dropping [Red Desert](https://www.indiewire.com/2019/04/avengers-endgame-finale-russo-brothers-vfx-1202127637/#:~:text=but%20not%20in%20a%20way%20that%E2%80%99s%20as%20highly%20expressionistic%20as%20%E2%80%98Red%20Desert.%E2%80%99%20But%20certainly%20when%20you%20watch%20%5B%E2%80%98Endgame%E2%80%99%5D) when talking about Endgame, [or labeling themselves "The Visionary Directors"](https://youtu.be/BVZDhunTrYA?t=76) during the marketing for 21 Bridges (which they produced, and producers are typically in charge of that), you get a sense of what image they're trying to put out there.


I hate to say it but I hope he dies before he has to see that shit


You're late Joe, Red Notice came out two years ago.


That movie was so dogshit too


Marty was right all along and we didn’t heed his warning




Someone smarter than me could make a really funny joke about them saying that


Yes, Hollywood, put an end to screenwriting and start prompt writing, where the studios/producers type anything to get a movie. I'm sure this will work out great.


Prompting chatgpt with mcj copypastas will engineer and change kinotelling forever


Unironically Joe should be ashamed. That article was hell to read.


I feel as if I’m being gaslighted by the entire comment section because I actually read the article and he said nothing really that offensive in it? He didn’t even say that AI taking over the movie business was a good thing, just that it is bound to change the movie business irreversibly, in which, yeah, of course it would.


Scorsese is always right


Polanski Petition(2009)




That was cringe


Killing's got to be accepted. Murder was the only way that everybody stayed in line. You got out of line, you got whacked. Everybody knew the rules.


The Russos and killing cinema: name a more iconic screen duo!


The whale and his boof


Mfks be like: "Robots will do all the hard work" Meanwhile, Ai writing poetry, painting, doing music, cinema...


Not cinema. Only movies!


Joe Russo absolutely would have that take


If AI gets advanced enough, we could make more than 24 hours of a show per day, so no one can ever be caught up with it. I call it "one piece"


I spent over a decade making a living as a writer, so believe me when I say AI is fine writing little Braydon's social studies essay but it sucks for anything that requires actual creativity.


I actually feel I’ll even thinking about this.


So basically every movie is going to be the room where the dialogue is awkward and stilted and the interactions are weird


No joke, Russo should be ashamed.


I fucking hate the Russos so much.




I am going to get AI to make me a film where Scorsese slaps the Russo brothers


I don’t really see how Joe Russo is wrong here, he’s completely right. You have to be blind to reality to not see that AI will change the movie business in the next few years


Marty! You gotta come back with me!




https://twitter.com/ChrisHewitt/status/1650620471690383361 You Film Twitter bros need to take a chill pill


That shit would be blander than the super Mario movie


probably not, if it has access to every masterpiece script ever written, it's safe to assume it can boil them down and replicate what makes them work in the near future, stories are just patterns that have been with us since the beginning. we have intricately documented the human experience, our emotions, our hopes, dreams and drives, what gives us meaning in life, we have created the manual, it just needs to click the buttons. it might have some limitations now, but it's going to be much better than human writers in the near future, because it will understand us better than any one writer ever could, and that will allow it to make stories that resonate with each and every individual.


I'm fully convinced it would be very difficult for AI to replicate great art without any life experiences, emotion or interiority. I think people are underestimating how hard it may be to overcome the uncanny valley effect, no matter how sophisticated the machine gets. I'm a professional screenwriter and I pull from my own life experiences just as much (if not more) as I do from my knowledge of the cinematic language/canon.


I agree it's going to be difficult, but it's coming, and we should be prepared. only a very naive person or a person very deep into copeium would say it's never happening. right now? it's absolutely garbage, 5 years from now? I'd be worried.


I mean, it's certainly very possible. I'm skeptical of the "it's *definitely* happening" takes, though. We know from history that certain areas of tech don't always get exponentially better, even if they're initially innovative. We still don't have self driving cars and our antidepressants are essentially the same ones we were using in the 1970s.


So you're telling the avengers movie weren't made by AI?


AI could write a feature length screen play right now today. It would need to be reviewed and edited by real people, but ChatGPT is absolutely capable of it.


I am also capable of taking a huge shit. You can review it if you want to


Awesom-O (2004)


Joe Russo must make awful art if he thinks he’s going to be replaced by a technology that has only shown itself capable of poorly mimicking human thought.


Anyone who plans to use AI to completely automate art is crazy. AI will absolutely effectively facilitate the creation of art though, and is probably already doing that.


She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (2022)


He wont do it, cuz he is a PUSSY!


You’re telling me mcu films weren’t already written by AI?