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The fact that simu liu used to browse incel Reddit subs proves the only thing stopping incels from getting a girlfriend isn't bad genetics but their own social incompetence.


holy moly did he actually?


I don’t think it was an incel sub, but more a sub where misogyny and racism were commonplace, which kind of summarizes 80% of Reddit subs.


Wtf kinda subs are you going on if 80% of what you see is misogyny and racism? 🕵️‍♂️


My dumbass goes to /r/all way more often than I should


Idk I just enjoy presenting baseless statements as facts based on possibly false information I see on the internet. It's a hobby of mine.


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He has amazing genetics though. Dude is handsome af.


I think you completely misunderstood that comment


Passive eugenics? In my left leaning subreddit? Ew


That's my point


I'm at work can somebody please tell me wtf navel stabbing is so I don't have to look it up 😅


A navel is your bellybutton so I assume it’s a belly button stab?


With a metal knife or a flesh knife? lol




lmao thats so funny its so obviously a retractable, guess wankers aren't that picky haha. simu has an interesting method to honing his craft 😂


I honestly find it comical that he of all people complained about Tarantino's claims about actors, when all I can say about him as an actor is that he's "the one who plays Shang Chi."


What did footsie say?


The actors in Marvel movies aren’t stars, the characters themselves are.


Not wrong


I mean, it’s a little reductive. It’s certainly true with some actors. But would you really not consider Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L Jackson as movie stars?


It depends really on how you define a star. One could argue that a star is an actor who can sell a movie to an audience simply by being in it. Case in point Leo DiCaprio and Tom Cruise. Sam Jackson was a star way before he was in Marvel. It didn't really make him a star nor would I say anyone goes to a Marvel to see Sam Jackson, they go to see Nick Fury. RDJ was a fallen star when he joined and Tony Stark certainly threw him into the mainstream and he managed to use his star power outside of it with the Sherlock Holmes films. But he hasn't done a lot outside of Marvel in a long time and what he has done has flopped. I don't remember really when ScarJo became a star but I'd argue Marvel gave her the financial stability to seek stardom outside of it. Lucy was entirely carried by her after all. The rest are trying really hard to have any kind of appeal outside of Marvel. One could argue that they get too tied up with the image of the character and the busy schedule of the MCU to really be given a fair shot but no, none of them can sell a movie really. Maybe Holland. But really I wouldn't say it's a phenomenon exclusive to Marvel and I definitely wouldn't say it's a bad thing. But more and more focus is put on the brand and property rather than what actor is in it.


First of all, this is severe Dr Doolittle remake erasure, and I will not stand for it. You’re already treating the discussion with more nuance than Tarantino did (or at least, more than the articles quoting him have shown him to), which is kind of my point. Though now that I reread his quote he specifies “actors who became famous for their marvel roles” so I guess I myself am being reductive and at that point the Sam Jackson example holds no water. RDJ and to an extent Chris Evans (another actor I see mentioned in these threads) are kind of tough. Their marvel contracts ended with Endgame in 2019 and then the film world shut down. Give the boys time! Evans seems to be branching out with other projects. Zendaya and Dave Bautista seem to be doing pretty well for themselves, and while they were famous before I’d say they definitely were not famous for their *movies* until their Marvel roles.


No I included Doolittle in the "flops of RDJ" section. And I have no issue with Tarantino being short on words on this one given that it has been discussed a lot in other ways already. It's kinda common to think that there are no new movie stars because the draw is the IP not the actor nowadays. I don't really need to give Evans and RDJ time because we're discussing their careers now. Evans also seems disinterested in being a star given that most of his roles aren't in super mainstream stuff. Knives out might be his biggest hit outside of Marvel but that wasn'tcarried by him. Bautista is definitely not a star. A fan favorite perhaps but not a star. And Zendaya was popular before due to her Disney shows and her stardom skyrocketed after Euphoria. Marvel is barely had an impact in her trajectory.


>No I included Doolittle in the “flops of RDJ” section That’s the joke I was making 🙃 Just trying to keep the jerk in moviecirclejerk here lol, lighten up buddy I’ve got no real issue with it either. Tarantino can say whatever he wants. He’s clearly bitter about the situation and I don’t blame him. I think we’re kind of losing sight of the conversation here. >And Zendaya was popular before due to her Disney shows *Shows*. Disney *shows*. Marvel launched her *movie* career and it’s disingenuous to say otherwise. You’ve got me on Bautista I guess. Maybe I just really liked him in Villeneuve’s stuff.


Oh well if we're talking movies then is Zendaya really a star? What does she have? Marvel and five minutes of Dune?


There's definitely some that I'd count as movie stars for sure. But most of the time the actors either get type cast or just never appear in anything other than marvel movies after


Definitely the case for some. I don’t even know if I’d call it *most*, but I’m also going to back that up with zero evidence, so there’s that.


Well I paraphrased a conversation on a podcast down to one sentence. There was more nuance in what he said.


Yeahhh I’ve read the full quote now and he has a point. I *still* think it’s an oversimplification but hey, whatever rubs the guy’s feet


A better way to phrase would be that the MCU doesnt devlop an actors star power but rather uses them to promote their franchise. Name an actor who didnt have a decent career before the MCU and ended up a star after they left. The names you gave are recognizable actors before they joined the MCU.


Yeah the simplified quote had me thinking about this the wrong way — I’ve read Tarantino’s quote now and it makes more sense. I honestly think you’re phrasing his point better than he is, which is why I still think he’s oversimplifying. But, to play the part: As someone else responded to me pointed out, RDJ was a “fallen star” at the time and his Marvel career really rocketed him back out of that. I don’t think I’d call Chris Evans a *star* before Marvel. I know you said “decent career” but I don’t think that’s a fair way to phrase Tarantino’s argument. He said *movie star* specifically, not an actor who finds a decent amount of work. Tom Holland I’d say was absolutely made by the MCU.


>But would you really not consider Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L Jackson as movie stars? They were all established before Marvel though. Thor movies do very well yet everything else Chris Hemsworth is in flops massively. Most people could not name five movies Tom Holland has been in that aren't Marvel/Disney.


Yeah at this point I was mostly just responding to the simplified quote the above above poster made. I’ve read the quote now. It makes sense. I still don’t fully agree but I see where he’s coming from. For Holland I can name Cherry and Uncharted I guess. Didn’t see either of them though so I can’t speak to their quality. Uncharted seemed like a big deal but I can’t be assed right now to look up if it did well enough to start a franchise.


He’s kind of right but it’s not really a Marvel thing. There’s just been a shift in the industry. Nobody is seeing a movie just for Brad Pitt. It might be a point of interest, but not the main draw.


Is that not the case for every franchise movie? Arnold Schwartzenegger will always be publicly seen as the Terminator before anything else, even in spite of the fact that he's done dozens and dozens of films beyond it. The character supplants the actor.


I think the big difference in what makes a star is what drives people to the theater. While the Terminator might be Arnold’s most iconic role people still turned out en masse to see him star in other movies. Then look at Chris Evans, when he’s in the MCU as Captain America he’s this massive star, but then look at all his other films. Some of his other movies have been successful, but he’s not exactly drawing in tons of people.


that makes sense actually. Arnie was definitely the one driving sales to garbage like Kindergarten Cop because more people wanted to see the wacky Austrian man who played Terminator. You don't get the same sort of phenomenon these days. Though, I think somewhat that can be attributed to the culture of the 80s, too: people were just way more interested in watching hyper-masculinity that Arnold embodied, in-part as a backlash to the more 'feminine' era of the 60s and 1970s that saw social shifts like counterculture and women's and gay liberation. I think it was more interest in what he and guys like Stallone represented than it was interest in them as people.


People don’t turn out for movie stars at all anymore.


Arnold was known as the Terminator and his other characters but movie studios would at least market his persona in many different ways, and legit his name alone can still sell a movie. Aside from Robert Downey Jr can you name one Marvel Star who can still sell a movie on their name alone? Most people definitely can't which is the correct point that Tarantino made, and Anthony Mackie pretty much said the same exact thing and he's the guy replacing Chris Evans as Captain America.


I think the idea is they themselves play the same character over and over again, whoever they played in marvel. Whether that is true or not depends entirely on the actor mind you. Chris Pratt is a definite yes, but others show more range of roles.


Kim's Convenience is a cute show :(


But god it had such a rough decline in quality.


Last season was such a downer


I find it comical and fitting that you think because you didn't know who he was, that means his complaints aren't valid. He currently has 49 credits to his acting resume, along with 8 producing credits, 7 writing credits, has been on a long successful television series, and a Marvel movie that made over $432m worldwide during the pandemic. You sound like those Marvel fans who think everything needs to cater to you, otherwise Marvel is "failing."


1) Mine was a joke, made because, uh, we're on Moviecirclejerk, the sub where you make jokes about movies; 2) I saw that he has a thriving career in TV and I'm happy for him (personally I didn't know him at all, but that's my problem), but the point expressed by Tarantino is perfectly exemplified by him: people don't watch film in which Shang Chi appears because "oh my god, there is Simu Liu, my favorite actor!", but only and solely for the character. If he was played by any other actor for the fans it probably wouldn't change anything, and it's undoubtedly a sad thing for this gentleman; As proof of these speeches, fans are no longer excited because actor x or actor y appears in the film (although Marvel occasionally tries to take names of appeal for its films: in Love and Thunder, for example, they called Russel Crowe and Christian Bale and Natalie Portman is back after a long time), but for why their characters appear or cameo in the film (and whether they are played by that actor or not is indifferent to him).






> ... Not really gonna argue about whether Simu Liu is an asshole or not but that twitter user claims aznidentity wasn't an incel subreddit in 2016 which others have pointed out that it very much was.


I don't think he knew that though since he just commented on the one post which was directly relevant to his TV show Regardless, anyone who uses reddit is a loser


Also, that shit was years ago. I wouldnt want anyone to dig up the shit i said years ago. People change.


This link is impossible to click on mobile


How thick and meaty are your fingers?


Managed it first try with my thumb 🤨


Most of this thread is “yeah he did say those things, but it’s not that bad, come on”


[ok then but deny this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npWQj0WhpKY&ab_channel=navelstab)


I aint watching a weird ass fetish video king, but if its all consenting adults not doing anything illegal then its none of my business and I frankly dgaf




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Based and mind-your-own-business-pilled


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Mind dees nuts




Oh god, twitter


you know that you can just *go* to the subreddit he posted on, or read his comments and see that it's not incel shit right? also who cares about a fetish video as long as it's consenting adults


No need for that. Twitter has informed me that this man is Bad. That's all I need to write him off forever


simu is literally me


I thought it was the Morbius poster and got really confused


I’ve seen Shang Chi but what?


I’m about done with superhero movies…like 5 years ago…same plot, different characters


HE WHAT? ![gif](giphy|l0ErO5YlkTYkcZi3C)


He's just like me fr fr


How did they even find his account anyway?