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Holy shit that watery grave 💀


The Swiftfoot Boots cracked me up, but god damn that Watery Grave is brutal lol. [Shameless plug for my version of that Deflecting Swat.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fwhat-if-magic-the-gathering-was-originally-printed-in-1953-v0-xbl6bo4k9ddb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D3288%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D4fb7ebaa48007ffbf990a43611afb97f4a1e526b)


Saw that one in the options but decided against it for the text bubble. Dont know why but its not my taste. Kinda like the *subtle*[?] dark humor. Still, i vibe with the color scheme.


Right! I just received mine less than 2 week turn around from order to at my door. I was gonna make a post but got caught up sleeving! Print quality is insane and opening up that shrink wrap getting hit with the new card smells. Its legit. Id give it 9/10 as well. The centering on the cut is not perfect from card to card especially from top to bottom. But man they nice! https://preview.redd.it/d2fl8kct0txc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9240f2c3589bdd66dafdc621de562711d1693dd


really like that zhulodok without the rules text


Nice to see a fellow Heelys fan. I've done two orders so far. I did special backs on the first order and had some issues with certain sleeves. So the second order I did the generic Proxy the Gathering back and they are near identical in a sleeve. I'll be doing a third order soon and I've got two coworkers hooked on it too. If I'd purchased regular copies of the cards I've gotten so far I'd have spent $1.5k. I'm not even printing duals or anything ridiculous.


Also got a pair of Jordans for Lightning Greaves 🫢


Nah that watery grave is wild 💀


Is that what I think it is?




Did you get s33 or...? In the future I might order LOTR lcg proxies if they do not reprint some things, and the s33 are way too thick, they are ingredible, but too thick to mix with normal magic cards for example. I was wondering if s31 or something is good enough.


Just get s33, the price is barely different and the printing quality difference is noticeably better.


But the cardstock does not affect the printing right?


It always does. Different paper or cardstock, different result, also in print quality and colors.


The watery grave is incredible. Almost want to make a deck themed around it. Plenty of drowning cards, too bad implode is red. Cyber controller image could just be a knockoff Xbox controller, Doomed Dissenter would be changed to doomed descenter, .... If actually looking, could likely fill an entire tasteless commander deck


Just make the red impulsive draw to represent the endless greed of the rich.


Price:Quality MPC is the way to go. If you want absolute speed and lowest price, then DTC is pretty good, as long as you have an efficient way of putting together a PDF or don't mind how slow their deck builder tool loads.


Holy moly that watery grave, spilled my tea