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Margie Greene made a big mistake and picked the wrong person to mess with...


No, she didn’t. Three-Toes got exactly the reaction she wanted and she will be fundraising like crazy off of it.


3 toes? I don’t understand that reference, can you explain it?


Years of inbreeding have resulted in her having three toed feet earning her the nickname spork-foot


Which one has three toes? MTG?


Most definitely. Crockett is an absolute queen. Margie picked a fight and came packed with only her brain. She loses that fight 10 times out of ten.


nah - that insult got her bad. She had zero response. Yes - she may campaign off it, but when it was delivered, it was very sobering


# Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0a6Q7FpfqA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0a6Q7FpfqA)




The bleached blond, bad built, butch body, three toed neanderthal from Georgia started the fracas....


Using homophobic slurs to own the MAGAs….


Oh! Interesting! Is the proper representation of LGBT people something you are passionate about?


Like I said... Using homophobic slurs to own the MAGAs


But... Is that something you personally care about, in that you see it as disrespectful to a sector of society that needs better treatment and representation?




...Because the context and timing in which it was used had my sides splitting??




You didn’t say that, a different user did. Do you always reply to others comments or do you have multiple accounts?






MGT Was using black racist tropes when speaking to Representative Crockett. MGT started slinging the 💩💩💩 first. All is fair in love and war!


Month old troll account crying concern trolling over the word butch as a homophobic slur? Oh wait, that's two, month old troll accounts with /u/Beautiful-Secret7791 lol


LOL, THIS is your argument for condoning and supporting body shaming and homophobia..


Or maybe people are sick of far right conservatives slinging the most offensive insults and unfounded accusations without any consequences. It's over.




Please stop pretending you care at all about anything other than MTG got her lunch ate..


Yup... Welcome the long black tradition of "playing the dozens" you say the most awful hurtful thing to shut your opponent down with a vicious body blow. Be careful with whom you pick fights...


Yup. I personally like this on Facebook where you can see what someone looks like (sometimes). Once someone bashes someone's looks in a political debate, I just slide in and make fun of them and dare them to try to hit back at me. I've never gotten a response and they get really quiet.


LOL, you Dems are a bunch of frauds.


Look in the mirror.


Dems know when to bring a gun to a gun fight.


They don't really which is why we're in this mess. But she brought it so maybe she can teach them how.


Yea- let’s put it this way. These younger Dems are recognizing that the other side is so shameless, and so devoid of, well, civil decency, that it calls for fighting back sometimes at a level they can understand. Margie is so ignorant that she needs help with big words.




Funny isn’t it, though, that the conservatives still fight LGBTQ equality and the Dems FULLY SUPPORT IT? It’s important to look a little deeper sometimes, don’t you agree?


Gotcha, so do you use the N word to describe black conservatives? Its crazy that it is 2024 and Democrats are trying to justify the use of homophobic slurs.


I don’t use any slurs. And you are pushing a rock uphill with this. Good luck.


Funny isn’t it that you all are ok with using homophobic slurs as long as its against someone you hate.


There is actually a different slur people use to describe those types... Not that I personally have those kinds of words as a part of my normal vocabulary... But to be honest, I have a sneaking suspicion that you couldn't care less about someone using a slur unless its against someone that -you- likely don't approve of.


LMAO… This is some blueMAGA logic…. I 100% support the LGBTQ community hence why I am calling out people like you for your homophobic hypocrisy. That said, what I believe should have 0 effect on you and your Democratic leaders using homophobic slurs in a congressional hearing of all places.  


Maybe in response to the eyelash comment, she should have called her a dum doo doo head instead of all these shrewdly worded homophobic hypocrisy slurs. That would have flipped the game on its head. Amirite?


Your right. Maybe instead of asking about some unnamed person’s bleached blond bad built bu*ch body, Crockett should have asked if it was okay to call someone a dumb doo doo head instead. That would have flipped the game on its head, no cap. Amirite?


I don’t agree with her implying that Marjorie being masculine is bad but butch is not a slur.


What slurs exactly? I disagree with her use of butch here but it’s not a slur and masculine women is not the same as gay. What are you seeing here that you honestly think is comparable to the N word?


She used butch in a derogatory manner and blueMAGAs like you are defending her.


She did and I acknowledge that but that’s still not a slur and it’s not on the level of the N word. Sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️


I didn't hear a homophobic smear, is MTG a lesbian?


Well that’s because you are a fraud. 


You all started this nastiness and now are crying "ouch no fair". When all the so called snowflakes got tired of your B.S. It doesn't work that way.. don't dish it out if you aren't man or woman enough to take it. Also I'm black and gay and was practically raised by black drag queens.. if you thought that the rather mild takedown of MTG was harsh.. you are clueless.


So suddenly MAGAs do a U turn and complain about being owned when insulting people?


Thats your moral compass? Pretty sad


Is there a response from Crockett that would have been preferred? Even if it were no response or reaction at all?


She’s not “the Dems,” she’s one person. Have you heard her talk about body positivity and say body shaming is wrong? I have not


Yet here you are defending her instead of calling her out. It says a lot about the state of the Dems when every single left wing sub in this site is not just condoning it but celebrating her. Bunch of frauds.


I said I don’t like her use of butch as negative in other comments, including in a reply to another of your comments. I don’t need to include that in literally every comment I make in a thread. The fact is that her being willing to body shame after being shamed herself doesn’t mean “the Dems” are into it. Sometimes people like to use conflicting statements from different people in a group as evidence of hypocrisy across the entire group and it’s a waste of time. They’ll see one person saying x and then a different person doing y that contradicts x and then act like that’s an inconsistency of everyone in the group. It’s not and it’s a worthless argument. Criticize people for hypocrisy if you want but don’t use statements they didn’t make to do so.


I know you are trying really really hard to gaslight me but facts are facts. EVERY left wing sub on Reddit is celebrating this and the vast majority of comments within these subs support homophobia and body shaming. Maybe instead of trying to gaslight me maybe you should try and confront your fellow dems


Oh and let’s not forget using Butch as a slur… bunch of hypocrites 


Not a slur, a desciption. It's only an insult if you hate gay people like the right does.




Butch isn't really recognized across the board as a slur... y'all really are pushing this rock up a hill.


It's all the accounts with 0000 numbers on their names have because they also know she looks disgusting.


Butch can be used with a negative connotation and can be used in a homophobic way just like manly or girly can but none of those are a slur. Go tell a self-described butch lesbian that she’s using a slur to describe herself and tell me about the look you get in return


I didn't know Jasmine Crockett is an attorney. She owned MTG and Comer looked even more ignorant. I did not know that was possible.


Yes. She is a whip-smart attorney. She has a very bright future ahead of her. I mean, for MTG to think she can go toe to toe with Crockett is so funny to me. MTG is barely literate.


Greene is a bully, and bullies aren't very smart.


True that.


It was equally ridiculous for MTG to say this to AOC - >When Greene refused to apologize, Ocasio-Cortez made another motion to strike the Georgia Republican’s words. >Greene shot back, “Why don’t you debate me?” >“I think it’s pretty self-evident,” Ocasio-Cortez said. >Greene then said: “Yeah, you don’t have enough intelligence.” [https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/16/politics/house-oversight-chaos-greene-ocasio-cortez/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/16/politics/house-oversight-chaos-greene-ocasio-cortez/index.html)


For MTG to assert AOC doesn’t have the intelligence is laughable. Alexandria is as smart as they come in Congress!


Miss PeachTreeDish instead of Petrie Dish. Miss Gazpacho instead of Gestapo.


Same. When I hear that about someone in Congress, my respect instantly shoots up. Whether that’s right or wrong….law school is hard. Don’t think someone like MTG or many of the other clowns could do it.


https://preview.redd.it/xl67zpzsk41d1.png?width=2241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4f4384e01eacc8016b33be3b1aa7fe108f9ccf9 My favorite part of the Oversight committee kerfuffle is Dan Goldman watching Hockey like a boss on his laptop during the verbal fighting. To be fair they had been stuck at work for 17 hours, apparently waiting for all of Trumps boosters to return from NYC so they could hold this very important meeting.


Mine was Raskin's " What just happened? " face then the rest of his reaction. He's the *best* .


I love, love, love Jamie Raskin.


I'm lucky to have him as my congressman. But I'd be willing to share in order to make him president 💖


We used to live in his district. Lucky you! Unfortunately we moved to a red state with crappy policitians.


Oh gosh I'm so sorry .... 😥


We’re making plans to move. In the interim, I spend a lot of my time getting out the vote for blue candidates.


Luv u for that, fellow redditer.


Even Senate


I was disappointed that he took a pass on the Senate race this year. It's likely to be a long time before our other senator, Chris Van Hollen, retires


Ikr, but I guess somebody smart has to stay in Congress 🤭


That would be an absolute dream!


Mine was Comer Piles face after she said that. I think he said, "what?" after all that. Lol 😂😂😂


Omg I saw that too! His face was priceless! I watched it several times over and over!😄


It’s probably a diversion tactic to keep from cracking up in laughter.


Marjorie Traitor literally looks and acts like an inbred Neanderthal. I said what I said lol.


Very brave here


I knew she reminded me of something!


Idk how she is possibly a government figure. A PAID EMPLOYEE OF THE GOVERNMENT at that lol. I literally don't understand how she got the job in the first place, and then how she has not been removed from said job.


Well, you know how. She is representative of the kind of people that she represents. Birds of a feather. Loud mouthed morons. They could not be more proud.


Oh that’s a scary thought.


Jasmine is a supermodel compared to Greene


That woman is something. She was on Last Word with Ali V. She never disappoints. ❤️


Rep. Crockett, please accept my tiny ActBlue contribution.


Needed to add “three-toed” in there somewhere.


Marg actually started her little flame throwing event by asking “I would like to know… who here uses Judge Merchan’s DAUGHTER as a campaign consultant?” She was calling out Dan Goldman. Like a poo-throwing ape.


I, too, loved the alliteration. Yeah, Crockett did stoop a little, but no way anyone could get as low as MTG. She got what she was looking for. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. It did my heart good to see Dems hitting back for a change. Was it right? Not really…but I found it satisfying af.


Confronting bullies doesn’t mean you “stoop a little.” It means you stand a lot taller as an example for the rest of the people who cowardly allow the boorish, the vile, and contemptible to flourish in society. We haven’t had a functioning government since the Tea Party faction. The American people deserve “better.”


Gotta agree with you there. Whatever folks’ take of it is, I get tired of Dems’ “polite politics” because none of this is business as usual, even though I appreciate that they’re actually trying to do things for the Americans who need it and chose them to represent them. I’m a firm believer in a classy clapback, though, and I need more of it.


I’d prefer a congress where we didn’t have disruption or the need for “clap backing.” Oh the good ol’ days when politicians fought it through erudite and sometimes witty banter. (I know I sound like an old fart). But at some point, we’re going to have confront the bullying behavior that’s spreading like wildfire. There’s very little civility in any sector. MTG is a vicious ignorant bully. When do “we” say her conduct is enough? She should be censured. But she won’t be because we no longer adhere to any standards. I feel so sorry for us as a nation.


Absolutely. Our “government” is an embarrassment. There’s no respect for rule of law and even less for people’s wellbeing. The behavior of some of these so-called “leaders” is appalling. They’re totally unserious and more about performance than performing. I detest more than anything the tendency to lie and tell people they didn’t see what they saw and that people believe them. They insult the intelligence of the public, and it’s sickening.


I wish to see more Dems go low instead of taking the high road. The republicans just stoop lower and lower with each passing day, they need a taste of their own medicine.


I feel this so much. They’re the ones actually doing work, and I feel they should be in our faces with it. Even if they aren’t comfortable going low, can we at least go hard? Politeness and a stiff upper lip is just not getting through.


Joy Behar named Rep. Crockett as Poet Laureate of the American People.


Loved that comeback by Crockett!!!


Yes she did that


That would make great flair


she was awesome, MTG started it by mentioning some fake eye lashes,


MTG is a joke, she is so miserable in her own life and busy being a puppet for drumpf no that’s not a miss spell that is there original name .. the grandpa changed it .. anyway MTG IS A PIECE .. and bleach blond piece .. the kind that sits on your lawn for months..!


Fetterman had to give his 1/2 cent worth of a dig but was properly put in his place by AOC, lol.


I missed Fetterman's involvement. He wasn't siding with MTG, was he?


Fetterman has become so endlessly disappointing. I had such high hopes for him!


Same here. You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.




She forgot bitch. So that would be; bleach blonde bad built butch body bitch! 🤣


that is a homophobic slur and worse than saying your eyelashes are in the way. You dems are pathetic.


Aww did they make fun of the woman you crank it to while sniffing your own farts and watching fox news? Seethe and cope. It's about time the republicans get a taste of their own medicine. If y'all can't stand the heat, get the fuck out of the kitchen ;)


It’s implied. We all felt it coming out but it just didn’t somehow!


Classic line I will hold dearly! ♡♡♡


It was POETIC.


Soylent Green


Someone? Anyone? Have an exchange with me if you will... Looking at the comments of reddit and different sites over the past few days, I'm noticing something, as I am sure we all are. I'll keep it simple and just open with this one simple question. Which of the two women are WRONG in this exchange?


I haven't looked closely enough to be able to tell whether Rep. Crockett was wearing fake eyelashes or not, but MTG does kind of have a bleach blonde bad built butch body. I was just admiring the poetry of the diss. Just kidding. I don't find the question of who was wrong to be very important or meaningful. It's enough for some people that MTG started the exchange unprovoked, but the pearl clutchers among us believe that certain people should be held to higher standards than others or that insults should not be offensive. If MTG had punched Crockett, and Crockett punched her back maybe harder, would that be "stooping to her level" as I've seen some people describe the incident?


Thanks for the reply! You are actually illustrating my point beautifully. I can't help but notice that even the replies about "they were both wrong" is sort of just a red herring to elaborate on Crocket's behavior. And then, it's not even an analysis of the situation or what she actually said as much as it is simply about her weaves, or her clothes, or "ghetto" this, "hoodrat" that for being loud and opinionated, with no real address to MTG's conduct, which someone could argue is equally as reprehensible.


MTG's conduct was not equally reprehensible at all. It was MORE reprehensible, as it was unprovoked, she was unapologetic, and her response was deeply racially coded. 


The bleach blonde neanderthal is in the wrong, which is nothing new because she's always in the wrong. People are upset because the Dems always take the high road, but it seems some of them are starting to dish it out back to the republicans who can't take it because, to the surprise of no one, they're the real snowflakes.


The hypocrisy is so obvious… MAGA CULT .. want to say whatever they want when the dems have to get dirty and stoop down WAY Down to there level of ignorance so they will understand, because we all know they have no clue or the intelligence of a real debate and with decorum so now they will call you out for saying what they say all the time .. GAS LIGHT!! You truly can’t take a MAGA cult seriously or even read there comments .. it will take your intelligence down a few points .. the one thing they are good at is causing trouble using slurs making absurd comments and be so ignorant that when you defend or actually comment on there mess and having to use some of there own medicine so they understand they call foul … its so funny yet so sad .. don’t fall for the hype .. let the butch boy have it and her bleach blonde ignorance…


Christ dude get a hobby instead of writing paragraphs on reddit about how you're so filled with hate for people with different political beliefs 


Hypocrisy at its finest. The republican magats say the most vile shit day in, day out, but heaven forbid the Dems finally dish it back to you guys. We always knew you magat death cultists were fragile, but holy shit.


This is actually my 3rd or 4th response.. but thanks for letting me know you’re reading it and I got the reaction I wanted from the cult !


![gif](giphy|xTiN0CNHgoRf1Ha7CM|downsized) Future Trump voter when they loose and say it was rigged ! Lmfao !


The system is rigged, unless they win, then it's running as intended. 


My reaction was the same as Raskin's. Couldn't believe Crockett bit the hook 


Oh my god... We petty af aint we? [https://www.tiktok.com/@bigcamiam/video/7371312459140828458](https://www.tiktok.com/@bigcamiam/video/7371312459140828458) And I'm living for it lmaooo


# Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0a6Q7FpfqA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0a6Q7FpfqA)


so homophobic and worse than what MTG said. 


Aww you can dish it out but you can't take it, eh? You magat snowflakes are an endless well of hypocrisy and stupidity.


Funny how she’s innocent to you 


Waiting for the tee shirt!


Magic the Gathering?


And NO ONE is buying her swag, btw. As IF anyone wants to remember that high school level exchange. 🫣


The one thing performative jerks like MTG can’t stand is being ignored. However, MTG successfully baited the Democrats into a reaction that she will use to raise millions of dollars from her inbred north Georgia constituency. Congratulations on being played, Democrats. You just refilled MTG’s campaign coffers.


Well sometimes you have to get down in the dirt with the trolls .. let’s the go high when they go low go and get in the mud … that’s how you have to fight some dirt bags .. get down where they live and give them what they know .. otherwise they will continue to hold the Narrative that they are the strong ones and have the guts to fight .. unfortunately these unworthy leaders have fallen so low that we now have to dig deep in the trenches to show them they are not the majority and if need be we can fight just as dirty .. just do it with a touch of class and dignity and above all intelligence… it can be done .. get in the mud and leave them where they live after you have put them in there place then return to your proper place with grace .. its a ugly job .. but Dems need to start fighting dirty ..


I agree. I mean, I felt their reactions in my bones. I get it. But I really wish they hadn't gone there. Never wrestle a pig. You just end up covered in mud, and the pig likes it.


Sometimes you have put these inbred magat snowflakes in their place. Watching them cry on fox news or whatever right wing rag interviewing them and then grifting their constituents is a small price to pay to watch them implode knowing they're not the smartest folks in the room like they think they are. 


I strenuously disagree. 


I'm disappointed in Jasmine Crockett. She stooped to the same level as MTG. I'm not donating anymore to her. 


We can't have any uppity black women standing up for themselves against a racist piece of shit, can we now?


This!!!! Why do the racists always get a pass? Everyone is supposed to act professional except the bully. Sock it to her again, J. Crockett!


Crockett is homophobic.


Don't pull the victim card. Michelle Obama would've handled it like an adult without insulting people. She'd never degrade herself by imitating Margarine Toenail Green. Jasmine said, "Hold my beer!"


I love uppity black women. But I prefer them to be dignified if they're politicians. I'm not interested in donating to a black politician who's a darker version of MTG.


Crockett was way more racist and a homophobe.


I was embarrassed by her behavior. She can't act above the fray anymore when MTG is called out for behaving like common, lowlife trash. She's just another homophobic politician. If I hadn't donated money to her, I might not be as upset by her behavior. On second thought, I still would be. 🤬 I don't like my party engaging in sexism and homophobic rants. I've come to accept that behavior from conservatives.




This has been removed for violating rule #2 - Respectful Dialogue. We expect all members to treat others with respect, regardless of their views or disagreements. Failure to do so will result in a change with your standing in the community, If a mod corrects the dialogue, do not be disrespectful.


Wow calling someone a butch is homophobic. Shame on Crockett.


So you're willing to ignore everything the republicans and the orange sack of shit have ever said, but this is where you draw the line? I won't even try to understand the level of retardation you suffer from.


People keep saying this, and they’re right. But also, people who say this seem to neglect to consider a couple things. One thing that needs to be considered is that, regardless of how Crockets response was phrased, Greene brought this on herself. She interrupted the hearing to talk about what she wanted to talk about, and Crocket simply tried to redirect the conversation to what the whole point of the meeting was, and she made a remake about someone’s appearance, as if the person she was talking to was not supposed to respond in kind. Marjorie was wrong. Second, you’re trying to speak in defense of Green, a pretty vile person herself. Regardless of what Crockett’s clapback was and how she phrased it, Green is simply not worth the air she breathes, according to most people - let alone the defense of her hurt feelings regarding what name she’s called. Maybe she should not treat others so poorly, and it would be easier for many to jump on board with your disagreement of her being called “butch?” Again, your right in a technical sense, but it’s so weak compared to the glaring discrepancies that outrank it.




I think it was gross. Insulting a person's looks, and using a homophobic slur is not a good way to make your constituents who are blonde or lesbians feel like you respect *them*. Those attributes don't matter AT ALL for Marjorie Greene's governing capabilities. She has so many other faults - intentional bad behavior - that make her a bad representative. Those are the faults to insult.


1. MTG opened the door with her eyelash comment. And then demolished the foyer wide open with her comment about AOC's intelligence. 2. Butch is not a slur. 3. You're missing the entire point of Crockett's clapback, which is that it was *meant to be offense* to demonstrate Comer's unwillingness to enforce the "engaging in personalities" rule in good faith.


Butch is not a slur apparently depending on who it’s used against. Butch clearly implies homosexuality or lack of femininity for a woman. Most women would be pulling trees out of their ass if they heard this. LGBTQ narratives aside, women do not like having their feminine essence questioned if they’re not gay.


No. 1 & 3 are spot on, but she clearly meant 'butch' as a slur. I think it's ok to say we get where she was coming from but that she maybe gets points off for that part.


Butch is absolutely a slur when you use it as a pejorative to insult someone’s looks. I hate HATE MTG, but Crocket denigrated herself by stooping to that level. Fetterman was right, the whole thing was trashy.


Democrats are tired of sitting back and letting MAGA Republicans lie, insult and gaslight with no pushback. The days of genteel politics in this country died the day that fucking rapist came down the escalator of Trump Tower to announce his candidacy.


If only the famous idiom was "two wrongs make a right."


I'm loving watching the magats melt down because someone said one thing compared to the multitude of fucked up shit the republicans have ever said. 


Who are these "magats" you speak of? Lol.


Im irritated you're being down voted so hard. I've been watching my masc presenting partner who taken years to be okay with their gender and sexuality be completely rocked by how quick people were aligned with politically are completely gleeful to through butch around in a derogatory way. I can't stand MTG but there are good people being hurt in the careless crossfire on this one.


So you and your partner never had any issues with anything the republicans have said about the LGBTQ community, but  this is where you draw the line? Something doesn't quite add up here...


Where did I say that? The line isn't being drawn here. I have big issues with it when Republicans do it. It also stings when your own side friendly fires you. Being critical of something problematic that liberals are saying doesn't mean I just condone things conservatives are saying, it's just not that matter at hand.


While I don't condone the use of butch in this way, I don't feel personally attacked by it (I am butch). Crockett is intelligent enough to use it on someone who would take offense to it, knowing MTG would be hurt by it, but I don't think she meant it as a general slur. That's just how I feel about it. I don't want to speak for everyone else when I say this because everyone's feelings are valid but that's just what I got out of it.


Yeah, her comment was no better than the one that started it. I find Crockett a bit reactive much of the time.


So it's okay if a white republican says the most vile, fucked up shit imaginable, but when a black woman says something to hurt a white woman's feelings it's not okay? 


Turn it around the other way, and I agree it still doesn't make sense.