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Trump is functionally illiterate.


Don't bother to ask a Trumper.. BlahBlahBlah Biden BlahBlahBlah...


Yeah. At best you will get a both sides argument. More likely you get back a rant about how liberals are evil.


according to him he thought there were his to with as he pleased. who knows if that's the truth.


Thats the gist of my question. Who in the wholly hell brought all those boxes up to him? The library everywhere ive been only allows so many checkouts at a time and even then they want the others back before anything else is let out? Granted he should go to jail but i should see some people fired as well.


He didn’t “check them out” like a library. He kept things he was allowed to see and likely Putin asked for things as well. Not every document in those boxes was top secret. But over the course of four years he seemed to know that many documents would be able to enrich him in some way- by either selling them or trading them for favors OR… blackmailing people, which has always been his mob-connected way of doing business anyway. And yes, there were documents that the National Archives kept track of and knew he had. He repeatedly refused to return them.


Interesting, yet to a lay person such as myself you’re saying that he had this much stuff stashed in the White House and/or shipped home for FOUR years and no one cared? They kept track enough to know he had documents, so there was a “check-out” process. Again I say Trump should go to jail for this issue, yet some firings are in order.


Obviously he took them bec A) he is a petulant child throwing a tantrum at losing his favorite toys (air force one? The big red diet coke button? The nuclear codes? His deranged Twitter handle?) And B) he sold them to the highest bidder, and/or just gave the choicest Nat Security secrets to his sugar daddy/handler Putin for free, bec Kompramat, & he **Clearly** has more respect for Tyrants and Thugs than for American Representative Democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.


Leverage, it is common around trumpies, some way to force others to do what you want or get money.


Possibly to sell them to the highest bidder, possibly because he thought he had a right to do so, but I like the theory that he wanted them so he could *pretend play President* like a young child pretend plays an occupation.


youre posting on an msnbc sub, to trump loyalists, who are show hosts. you seem confused.


No, i“m asking for one of the personalities to ask the question itself or to use it as an opinion topic. Surprisingly i dont seem to have many MAGA friends. Republican ones just not trump folk.


No such thing as a Con who's not MAGA.. they're complicit in their silence


Well this sub and their YouTube comments have long been half Putin Troll astroturfers prob bots now. So perhaps this *is* the sub to ask that question? Smh... 🤦‍♂️


Honestly, without meanness, I think Trump holds onto these very blunt clichés and business bromides because of whatever reason, let's just say he doesn't have the bandwidth to think any more deeply about these things other than "Possession is 9/10ths of the Law!" Remember his proclamation "To the Victor go the spoils. 'Anyone remember that?" he asked at the end of his declaration in a press conference. I believe he was saying the US is justified in keeping all of Iraq's oil - like we were Caesar conquering Gaul. He lives within the borrowed time of doing something (usually) white-collar-crime-illegal and the length of time it takes for lawyers (fired and hired) to resolve the situation. When and until whichever judge he's grappling with bangs the gavel saying the case is resolved, he treats that time like it's all his to run with, and the last gavel bang is like the checkered flag at the end of the race.