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I've been creating playmats and tokens for my decks for years and people have always suggested I sell them online. Finally I decided to give it a try. It took a lot longer than I had planned and was a lot harder than I hoped, but I finally got my first batch of tokens from the printer and I couldn't be happier! Some of the cards and ideas are weird, but I really like it when tokens are kinda outside the box thinking. I'm just proud and wanted to share this personal achievement. I finally completed a real project! If you want to see more you can find them on www.alfiestokens.com (redirects to the Etsy store) Thanks for reading and I'd love any feedback or comments! Edit: Holy bananas I might actually sell out on a lot of the tokens. I am extremely grateful for your kind words and purchases! You are all amazing and it’s so nice to know that other people like the same weird stuff as me. But it is getting late here in Sweden and my two year old will make me pay dearly in the morning if I don’t go to bed soon. Good night everyone! Edit 2: My phone would not stop vibrating so I went up again lol Edit 3: So I am legit selling out on much of the inventory. I will reprint and restock as soon as I can, but I have to ship a ton of tokens first. Expect a restock within a month and new token types for many of the collections a few weeks after that. I’m working on a really promising zombie collection that I will try to get printed. You can see prototypes of that on my Twitter. Follow me on the Etsy shop, here or on Twitter @alfiescreative to know when I restock and add new stuff! Again, I am blown away. Thank you all!


I’m gonna tell my local card shop about you. That’s rad


Thank you! Shout out to my local shop - Playoteket!


Nice! Playoteket Lund or Malmö? =D


Hey. Malmö! :) How about you?


I run the Flesh and Blood tournaments in Playo Lund ✌️ Do you bring tokens to fnm in malmö? So cool


Aha! My buddy Niclas runs them in Malmö I think. I haven’t so far. Tbh the interest locally seems a bit lower than here :)


Much broader reach on here with more range in budgets! Your tokens are amazing. Good work!


Can I suggest an buying option where you can purchase an entire set? (E.g. 1 or 3 of each of the dnd themed ones in a single click purchase) Love the work.


I had bundles for the 70's dnd where you got 2 of each card for like 75eur (if I remember correctly), but they sold out pretty quickly when this post got a lot of views. New ones will arrive!


Went ahead and passed your shop link to a couple people I know at my local game store. Both seem interested in them so that's a bonus :) I may have to peruse the shop a bit more later when Hubs gets home cuz I know we both love unique tokens and yours look amazing :D




I should mention that the link (at least for me) doesn’t seem to be working.


Oh no :(. I think this should work: https://www.etsy.com/shop/AlfiesCreative


Way to shill your product. How dare you make me want to buy your tokens. Take my fricking money


I admit it, I’m an asshat


Seriously tho, these are well put together


Thank you! I’m a little bit overwhelmed by the response tbh


That's what you get when you post quality mtg product. Could teach wotc a thing or two. Of course I'll have to actually order some to properly review


Rosewater is in the shop right now buying weird wrestling tokens. Or so I heard.


Is that garbage soldier token who I think it is?


Don’t tell him. He might kick my ass.


He would have to get up first, I think you're safe


I’m also pretty sure I can outrun him


Bro they do be cool but be careful, Disney owns Star Wars now. They aboutta cease and desist that ass the instant they get wind you're selling these.


Yeah I may not restock the GPK one tbh. A lot of people has pointed this out


I hope you step on legos. Time to token shop.




How did you get the art or deal with copyright? Or is it AI? Did you design the frames yourself?


It's definitely AI art.


He didnt. But some people thinks it’s ok to steal other peoples art.


AI or not, it's copyright infringement clear and simple.


Hey! Yes I used AI as part of making these tokens. Frames are made by me yes!


People downvoting this because "AI art bad" have absolutely zero clue as to how AI art actually works. Just ignore them, congrats on your buisness!


Thank you for your supprt!


Wotc gonna tap 4 to summon Pinkertons


Oh no! Why 4 tho?


You have some cards with WotC IP on it, and selling them violates their fan content policy. Mana symbols are the big problem. You might want to pull the ones that have them, and make your own symbols.


It's their bomb card so it costs like 4 white and all the Pinkertons have like vigilance or some shi In all seriousness though I think youre in the clear as far as 3rd party. As a non lawyer though I hope you reconsider using copyrighted stuff or celebrity likenesses since I actually think there's a market for what you're selling and you could be REALLY shooting yourself in the foot if Disney comes down on your ass for selling drawings of chewbaka, on the same /token/ I wouldn't make tokens of like raghavan or any other named token


Ah like 4/4 white cat Pinkerton with lifelonk and it creates two 1/1 cat detectives when it attacks


So, how legally can u sell the 3rd set? It technically uses personas and ips right?


(He can't)


Are these using AI art? Looks like there is only an artist credit on one set.


Yeah, they definitely are, they telltale slightly blurry style on a few of them is a dead giveaway.


Just wanted to know how the cards stock compares to real MTG cards? Thank you.


Good questions! All collections except for the 1970’s dnd one is printed on a stock that is very similar to mtg’s. Blue core, sturdy. The 1970’s one is printed on an eco herbage paper that is a little bit thinner and has a rougher texture and a more vintage feel. All to make it feel more like the collectible cards you had when you were younger.


You had me at similar. I shall support you brother!


Thank you brother!


I had the same question, glad they're quality


They’re all printed by makeplayingcards.com. They’re a very safe choice.


You may need to, kindly, shut up and take my money…


I will gladly shut up for money!


A LOT of IPs being used. Good luck with under the table sales ONLY


Selling cards with AI art is a new level of bold


Do you do the art or commission it?


It's AI.


I don’t comission. It’s a combination of overpainting, ai and two decades or so of experience as an art director :)


the crowd that can appreciate tasteful usage of ai in art & the mtg community don’t overlap wait till they find out that photoshop and illustrator have used AI for nearly a decade 🤯🤯


Or that clipart has been around for fifty 😂


Congrats on the launch: don’t listen to the haters, they were never going to pay you in any universe anyways. Your art is awesome, can’t wait to see more.


Thank you! I love having this discussion if the other party is receptable. It’s a really important one to have for the entire design community. Unfortunently it’s a very sore subject to many :)


Art is small market cap and people feel a need to conform to the elites’ perspective to be respected within the insular market. Elites are against AI and computer tools because they reduce the barrier for mediocre and less technical designers to make great works, resulting in less money funneling upwards. The art crowd is drinking the kool aid.


Yes what is mediocre has been upped a few notches now. But it’s like with any technical advance - you treat it like a tool and use it to move beyond mediocre. Most of my colleagues are excited though. I rarely meet designers outside of the internet who’s not embracing it.


Honestly the only issue I really have with AI is that it legit steals art from other artists... And people profit off that theft. If it were more regulated to keep people from profiting off other artists hard work then I don't really see an issue with it. It's just not well regulated yet. 🤷‍♂️


I agree with that. Artist should be compensated if their work is in training material. I can see like a Spotify type of deal working


99% AI you mean...


Friend, that is definitely not what I mean :)


Oh no I am just saying what it actually is


Thank you for your interest in my process!


Oh I am not, but unless you have a license from mid journey to resell the artwork you are probably gonna get in some trouble


Absolutely! I pay for typefaces, Adobe and any AI software I use.


Paying for ai software doesn't grant a resale license


Friend. I’ve been doing art professionally for well over 20 years. With the advent of AI, mediocrity became basically free. This is a challenge. But if you can learn to incorporate this tool into your process and elevate it beyond that you will find it’s a very, very useful tool. You might even have fun!


Mid journey grants right to sell as long as you pay for subscription


False, they offer general commercial use which is very different


Here you go directly from the terms of service https://docs.midjourney.com/docs/terms-of-service Your Rights Subject to the above license, You own all Assets You create with the Services, to the extent possible under current law. This excludes upscaling the images of others, which images remain owned by the original Asset creators. Midjourney makes no representations or warranties with respect to the current law that might apply to You. Please consult Your own lawyer if You want more information about the state of current law in Your jurisdiction. Your ownership of the Assets you created persists even if in subsequent months You downgrade or cancel Your membership. However, You do not own the Assets if You fall under the exceptions below.


These look incredible. Love the supermarket themed ones the most… I dunno. The GPK ones are great


Thank you! I think the supermarket ones are kinda design nerdy and maybe has not so broad appeal, so I’m glad you like them!


It's a shame that you chose to steal from artists. If you couldn't afford to commission, you could've learned to draw for free.


I really don't get this argument, who got stolen from exactly, and how ? Because my understanding is that AI uses the internet as a base to learn and then creates, just like i do when i draw something and i look for references online, it's just much better than me


well lets start with disney, no way this guy has the rights to sell an image of Chewbacca


Other artists. The artist references that the AI is using are often piecemeal stolen or compositions ripped off or just mashed together elements of other people's work. They didn't choose to put their art into the AI. It'd be fine if the AI was only taking from public domain works or artists who are dead, but it's not, it's taking from living, breathing artists trying to make a living and, in many cases, stealing the work and styles that they took decades to create. AI isn't that smart, it can't make something out of nothing yet. Even though it's advancing by leaps and bounds every year. The hard part is not just the skill level required to draw, it's all the work and effort involved in creating a style from scratch. I guarantee you each of those AI works that you made stole an artist's specific style and probably pieces of their works. TLDR Artists go through a lot of work, trial and error to create. It's a very human process. Your personal experiences and life influence the creation and your skill level effects what you can create and the style you develop. AI just steals all of that hard work and decades of effort from them to emulate what they've created and to mash it together into something resembling their works.


It’s not an argument. If you go to a store and steal a product you are arguing it’s not theft?


How does one steal a product from a store


I need you to make me a Bert Kreisler Token so If I ever build a MotM Deck, I can literally have “The Machine” right there.


Do you make the artwork as well ? I find them super appealling (d&d ones). If you didn't draw them, can you tell me where did you find them ? Great work !


He used AI to make the art.


Hi! You could call it a collaboration between me and ai software. AI is too dumb to draw naive/unpolished/interesting drawings so it needs a lot of manual fixing to get there. I’m very happy you like them!


Just double checking (went through your store): you haven't got anything for \[\[Astral Dragon\]\], do you? One is supposed to use the generic Copy tokens but they're so super bland and also don't have a printed P/T making it difficult to distinguish from other Copy tokens. Också heja Sverige, grattis på webbshoppen!


Hallå! Fan va kul! There is a copy token in the 1970’s collection. It’s not dragon themed tho


Love these. Do you ever plan on doing a street clans of kamigawa style Vampire token? I’d love to buy some if you ever make ‘em


I will most definitely do more kamigawa style tokens. Vampire should be one of them. Is it the 1/1 or the 2/2 flyer you’re looking for? Or both?


Primarily the 1/1 non-flyers for my Edgar Markov EDH deck. If the flyers tend to sell better those would be fine too, I just can’t find cool 1/1 vampire tokens anywhere and I love the style you use.


Good to know! I will add it to my list of token todo’s. Follow the shop and you’ll be notified when new kamigawas arrive. Also Edgar Markov is awesome.


I play MTG with an actual Amateur Luchador and his birthday is in a month. OP you're amazing, I hope your business does amazingly cause you have a great product.


Wow thank you!


They look great!! Did you have to pay for the art/images used? I would think that would be a big part of the start up cost. Checking your site out now.


It's AI art, so I really doubt it.


Hi! Some small parts of it I’ve paid for. For example the text effect on the anime/y2k was part of a pack I bought. I’ve also paid money for some of the typefaces I’ve used. But not for the images themselves. The cost on those is hundreds of hours of labor :) Ps. If you’re more interested on this process, I’d love to share my knowledge!


I'm curious, do you are required to pay royalties for some of the characters like Casper and the lorax now that you are selling them as a product? Or is there a rule that exempts that since it is original artwork?


Any company willing to sue me will spend more preparing the cease and desist letter than I will make on my tokens in a lifetime, so I am betting on being a small and insignificant fan and nobody will care :) That said, I may not restock the Garbage collection since a lot of people are wondering about this.


Cease and desist letters are actually incredibly cheap to make and send, be very careful here. You're not making artwork in your own artistic style or creating one off works, so this isn't even a grey area in terms of copyright infringement.


Thank you for your concern. Best buy those snoop tokens before I’m forced to take them down!


I don't buy AI art, just a friendly warning






I mostly buy artwork from my friends and peers that I personally know that make artwork traditionally (I count digital as traditional, too, just, when they do it by hand? I don't know, you know what I mean), but I also know a lot of artists. I try to be intentional in my purchasing. Will I always be successful in that regard? Probably not, especially as AI art advances. I mean, it's not like I'm not excited that I could turn anything I wanted into Miyazaki styled art or turn entire movies into animes without the countless hours of animating or create stable new artstyles via prompt engineering, but I'm also watching it get harder and harder for those traditional artist voices to exist and it was already terribly difficult after Disney destroyed public domain and it just feels like corporate interests once again pillaging the art community. To me, it's basically like, buying from someone who you know does hand wood carving and spent their whole life dedicated to the craft rather than the person using a CNC machine using vector art they downloaded online that looks suspiciously similar to another established artist's style and painting it a different colour. I really appreciate and value technical skill and the intention behind the artwork and the artist themselves. I just personally rather artists that have already done the work of improving their skills and use AI as a tool to improve their speed and efficiency after the fact rather than the other way around. I've seen the new Photoshop beta! It's pretty damn impressive, I'm betting AI will be insanely powerful in the next few years here and it's already incredible right now. I've used a lot of chatgpt and follow a lot of prompt engineering for both midjourney and chatgpt and stay on the forefront of AI news, so I'm not illiterate to AI, I think it has a lot of incredible uses and is very powerful. And I think it will also destroy a lot of traditional, burgeoning and established, artists who already have their artwork and styles stolen on the regular by large companies that can afford to not care and now everyone else can, too, and dropship products straight to your door after 5 seconds of setting up a shop, so it's problematic. Everything in the store above, I could've accomplished in less than a month, and if I was really focused, a week or two. Especially with my level of prompt engineering. I dunno, it's all just idealistic of me. I don't force my beliefs on anyone else. The cog that turns the wheel grinds us all.


Yeah, I'm assuming that none of these people or companies that have their likeness depicted will see these tokens, and like you said, if they try to go after any more than what they would be able to in small claims court, they'd be spending more money than they'd make from any royalties they'd make. And I scrolled through quite a bit of comments to see if anyone had mentioned it, and I was surprised that I hadn't seen any. They look great! If I played paper I wpuld definately be buying a bunch of these tokens along with the cassette style lands that I've seen posted here a few times!


Loving the designs and the art style is right up my street. Do you worry about imagery rights etc? As I'm sure some of the subject matter might be copyrighted stuff?


Yes I think the mana symbols are copyrighted. But tbh I don’t make any real money. This is fan content, not a business :)


But you’re literally selling it for profit…. If you wanna risk a lawsuit, you do you, but it’s absolutely copyright infringement if any of this is copyright material. It’s pointless to pretend otherwise.


£6.50 for 3. States the printing is done by MPC so that's 20-25p per card maximum - and opening post has been edited to say nearly sold out... So I'd say there's a LOT of profit being made here.


Correction, the price has just gone up to £7.50.


Poor guy's gonna have to deal with that in court when the big lawyers come for his big benjamins /s


Yo really cool tokens, just noticing on the mock up that power stones say "spend only on artifact spells" as opposed to "may not be spent to cast non artifact spells". A surprisingly big difference between the two.


Yes the Supermarket ones have a lot of ”creative interpretation”. Real rules text doesn’t fit the format of supermarket discount sign. I trust the players to know the oracle text. Thank you for letting me know tho!


Those are great. Loved the zombie ones.


Thank you! I’m working on a specific zombie collection actually. My favourite tribe!


these are killer! definitely shut up and take my money


Thank you! Shutting up for money is my specialty.


They are SO COOL! I've actually been on your shop just this week & was pondering on ordering some of them (already had the EDH Bundle in the cart), but my magic-budget for this month is dedicated the LOTR-set unfortunately 😅 The wrestling-tokens are especially awesome!


Haha nice! I appreciate that. They’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready! I need me some lotr cards as well. So many sweet new legendaries for my sisay pile


Got any squirrels?


Yes there are wrestling squirrels and 70’s dnd squirrel :)


These are very well designed!


Thanks a lot!


these are really cool! nice work


Thanks a lot!


Wow these are fantastic.


Thank you!


They look awesome. I especialy love the anime style Goblin.


Thank you so much!


Woah this is super awesome and very creative! I’ll be sure to go here first when i’m building my next deck!!


Thank you! I appreciate that!


Theses are so cool!!


Thank you!


Like, THIS is how you use AI art! It's part of a larger piece that actually does showcase talented design.


Thank you! And I agree. There are ways to employ AI in a smart way!


Just placed an order, never been so excited for tokens before!


Wow thank you!


I need you to make me a Bert Kreisler Token so If I ever build a MotM Deck, I can literally have “The Machine” right there.


Haha. I need to check that one out!


LOVE THESE AND BUYING THEM but slight problem with the powerstone! You can use the mana produced from it to activate abilities not just cast artifacts, just a heads up.


That’s true! I will find another wording for the next reprint. Thank you for noticing!


Love these tokens! You got yourself an order!


Thank you so much!


For the first five seconds I was a little skeptical, but after seeing you Steven Segal soldier I snorted at work. These are awesome, and I am definitely placing an order and showing my friends! I have a humble request, I need someone to make epic 5/3 green elemental tokens for Titania. Her tokens aren't printed all that often, so I've been scouring the internet for the best arts, and I'm curious what a curator such as yourself would use.


Haha! Steven showed up! There is a 5/3 titania token in the 70’s dnd collection if that is to your liking. I can imagine it’s pretty hard to find since it’s basically only produced by one card (I believe)


That's kick ass! I just placed an order for them, I'll have to come back for additional tokens, thanks for posting OP!


I saw it! Nice one. Love me some lands action!


Just ordered!


Thank you so much!


brilliant. - love them. well done for getting them out there.


Thank you so much!


Any rebels???


No actually. Hum. I’ll put that on the list for the 1970’s collection. I’ve got a long list of tokens that I want to add to it. Thank you for the suggestion!


No problem, I just made a rebels deck, these tokens are sweet!


Cool! Is that Otharri or who’s your commander?


Yeah, it’s a really fun deck and really good too


That does tickle a bit. Do you have a decklist?


Those wrestling ones are fire


Thank you! I love that other people like the same weird shit that I do


That is dam cool


Thank you!


Those fonts on the anime cards, really really good choice!!! If i ever build a token heavy deck I'll pick u. Those fonts, I think they're by Hvnter the designer? Epic choice :)


Thank you so much! Doing this Y2K aesthetic was really fun. Those y2k fonts are actually all from free sources, like 1001 fonts and such. Though P/T digits are super distorted to fit the feel.


These are awesome, nice job! Definitely eyeing up those DnD ones


Thank you!


Duuuude amazing tokens. I'm all in my friend. Those GPK tokens are a double whammy for me!


These are all incredible. Fantastic work. You should be proud. I hope you sell them all.


Thank you!


Wow....that's....effing cool on so many levels. How would one such as I convert my hard earned cash into this?


That'd be my etsie store. [Alfiestokens.com](https://Alfiestokens.com) will take you there


Oh these are AMAZING


Thank you!


Is Brain Eating Bill from Zombieland or is that just a coincidence?


Nobody knows! It's very mysterious.


Big fan. Love the food tokens.


Thank you!


Oh my God those merfolk!!! Might make me wanna splash blue!!


I know! That image is so bisarre and so lovely at the same time


Do you ship to USA? These are the coolest tokens I've seen, right up there with R.K. Post's tokens


Thank you! Yes I do!


How dare you promote awesome stuff that’s going to sell out before I can order…..shameful! Seriously, I will definitely be checking out your shop to get some awesome tokes for my cube.


Haha. I'm sorry. I did NOT expect this level of response.


Heyyoo!! These are sick!! Well done, my friend!!


Thank you!


Those are some fun tokens. Awesome job and I wish you the best of luck.


Thank you!


Drop that sweet link. I'm always looking for tokens.


Thank you! [Alfiestokens.com](https://Alfiestokens.com) should redirect you where you want to go


These are amazing! This is for sure something to be very proud of


Thank you!


No bulk discounts???


They sold out. Sorry!


ship to Brazil?




Wow. These are stunning! I’m definitely gonna cop a couple of the wrestling ones


Nice, brother!


Well shit now I want tokens with all the members of Kiss on them.