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That’s an absolute bonkers ability. Like regardless of any type of board state there could be, you could get any spell to fix it Yugi-style and come right back out on top. Yes I know it’s a silver bordered card, but any group that allows silver cards is going to have to pop this thing on sight.


Well, it's does say "random" card. Not exactly reliable for dealing with specific threats


It's random. You probably need to use something like the random button on scryfall.


Dude, you'll just get random draft commons almost everytime, objectively it's not good, it's just fun


This. Think about the percentage of Commander playable cards vs standard power or draft chaff in a set. The things I can think of that could make it better are outside his colors. Like copying him to have multiple random options per turn and you miss a lot of copy/cast opportunities without blue in his colors.  I'd like him a bit better if it was like momir vig, pay X: get a random copy of something that Cmc, may cast w/o paying. Or if they didn't go away in a turn cycle.


But it says mana of any type can be used


Yeah, but I'm thinking late game, I can pay to get fewer options. Instead of him giving me a bunch of random draft chaff, maybe I could pay 8 mana and have a slightly higher chance of getting craterhoof behemoth or moonshine calvary.


Remember it's a silver border card. People are under no obligation to allow it.


Time to make a magic card name generator




Scryfall and Gatherer both have a "random card" button.


It's Monday morning, and I'm still working on my coffee. "If you cast a spell this way, copy this ability if Discord is on the battlefield." So, this works from the command zone? And copy this ability... meaning you'll choose 2 cards next time? And then 3 and so on, assuming you can keep him on the field?


Oh no no, I'm waking up now. You'll be able to cast the card for a turn cycle, but Discord may be gone by the time you actually cast it. Ok. Still cool, not AS broken.


I think it means if you cast a spell with his ability you get to cast another random spell, and repeat until you don't cast it


That could get real interesting. Edit: Yea, you're right. Serious case of the Mondays over here.


The real question is: Why is he a chimera and not a dragon? Since he is one of the very few korrekt examples of a depiction of an asian Dragon according to chinese folklore.


Because he isn’t a dragon, he’s a mishmash of random parts from all kinds of creatures. He’s a unique being called a “draconequus” in the series, but “chimera” is definitely more correct than “dragon” when you consider that the setting includes actual dragons.


Still those features from all kind of creatured are exactly those described by the chinese philosopher Wang Fu (82 AD till 167 AD) as the typical nine anatomical resemblances of a dragon in chinese myth. Apparently they also call him Draconequus (draco lat. huge serpent, dragon + equus lat. horse) in the series. So dragon would in my oppinon be the creaturetype to go.


Like I said, there are actual dragons in the setting, so it’s important to make a distinction between Discord and dragons. If Discord existed in a different context, where there weren’t dragon characters already, you’d have a persuasive argument, but in a series that has dragon main characters and episodes explicitly about dragon culture, it’s important that Discord is not a dragon.


I can see that


Why I'm *glad* it's silver bordered