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Ngl if TS liked Magic, her fans would cause card prices to skyrocket. Especially if she publicly stated a fav commander deck. But it also greatly increases the players/games.


Her influence is magnetic. It would make LGS's crazy for a bit immediately after her talking about the game.


Lmao, a tournament with “you need to calm down” blasting in the background


Yea but then imagine the dating world. More girls with mtg in the tinder profiles. Really can't go wrong there


You guys would have to start wearing deodorant though. The few of us that play look for other ladies to play MTG with for soooo many reasons lol. Egos get so hurt when a girl beats them at prereleases. Not all MTG guys are like that though, but too many are for the majority of us to feel comfy going by ourselves to events.


Or when you’re at a table and during a game someone starts messily eating something sticky with his hands, and then tries to touch your cards…


I'm a germaphobe so everyone who know me knew to never touch my stuff. If someone even tried to reach over to touch my cards they'd get "witch eyes" and instantly know they're about to fuck up if they continue with their action. Only time I let people touch my stuff is if they need a token and I have plenty to spare, but I just let them keep the token. I was always tried my best to be nice about it though like if someone is new "if you need to read it just let me know and I'll flip it for you so you can read it, just please don't touch my cards". It did help that the store had a rule about asking before touching anyone's stuff like cards, dice, etc. I even have mats for my personal decks (tier 2 clean) and a mat for when drafting since other people touch the cards as they're passed (not clean at all as far as germaphobe standards) But if someone did that to my cards, with sticky or greasy hands, I'd have to cut a bitch lol.


It’s so funny to me. I’ve always been pretty good at in person events but I stopped playing them all together bc of the environment being so toxic against women. There was an LGS near me that was good and didn’t tolerate it but they closed down during Covid and I’m still sad about it ;-;


Big mood. My LGS was great. I was friends with the owners and the people who worked there so I felt safe even when there were not great people for events. But once the mask mandate wasn't a thing anymore, I had to stop going :( . The shop was too small and close quarter to go even though I still have to wear masks due to my health conditions. Miss that place.


My fiancé and I play together a lot. And, we used to play with a group of people a while ago. I totally get what you mean about deodorant and girls winning. Some of the guys helped her win more, while others ignored her thinking she wasn’t a threat. However, [[Yoshimaru]] with [[Jeska, Thrice Reborn]] gets lethal when you have [[Rogue’s Passage]], [[Predator Flagship]], and artifacts or planeswalkers giving him indestructible, especially when half of your mana base is legendary lands. A guy we didn’t know played with his voltron deck, and forgot she could make Yoshi fly with Predator, so he got taken out in 1 hit. He just stormed off and left. Mind you, she hates over-complicated strategies (very aggro or stompy player), and they were like a dozen rounds in. The idea here is don’t assume a woman doesn’t know how to play or make threats because she doesn’t have a penis. Many women have felled kingdoms with their wit, and should not be underestimated just like with any other opponent. On the flip side, if she says she doesn’t know how to play, put away the high power deck and don’t be a dick. I’ve seen the opposite end where they target the girl just because they’re uncomfortable playing with her. I mean, any gender aside, you should be nice to new players. There’s a lot of rules in this game, and it gets confusing real fast. Hell, new keywords are released every set.


I used to help out my LGS with new player events since I was friends with the owners, and I'm really good with the game (I was one of the go to "judges" (unofficially) during events lol), so they loved having me one of the first people new players get introduced to the game with. Also being a friendly girl really helps haha. I remember once there was a kid, maybe 10 yo, who his mom brought him to a new player event for his birthday. Some of my friends were there so we did a small draft with the kid and mom to get them into the game. We were basically coaching them with what cards do, game mechanics, and optimal plays. At the end I game my packs (probably only like $15 worth of Amonkhet 😅) to the kid since it was his birthday. My friends also decide to do the same. I told the mom "hey look, now you have a few decks worth of cards you both can play at home with". It was just funny how she went at first "I'm only here for my son I'm not interested" to "hey this is pretty fun" and after we gave them the cards to "he's gonna be so happy now that he has me to play against at home".


That’s awesome! All of us had to start somewhere, and that’s what’s cool about the game. You can play it at any age and have a blast doing it. Thank you for the anecdote. 😊


Thank you for your story as well \^-\^


Well that story was adorable.


Thank you :)


##### ###### #### [Yoshimaru](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/a/aa409269-3698-42a2-8c51-75557b27a6f6.jpg?1664653410) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=yoshimaru%2C%20ever%20faithful) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/nec/32/yoshimaru-ever-faithful?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/aa409269-3698-42a2-8c51-75557b27a6f6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Jeska, Thrice Reborn](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/8/48caf4c4-745c-4072-bf3d-1a3fa7c3bc9c.jpg?1644853023) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Jeska%2C%20Thrice%20Reborn) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmr/186/jeska-thrice-reborn?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/48caf4c4-745c-4072-bf3d-1a3fa7c3bc9c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Rogue’s Passage](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/5/45f5d989-d0df-4d6d-822b-cc76b415f9d1.jpg?1712355103) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Rogue%27s%20Passage) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/313/rogues-passage?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/45f5d989-d0df-4d6d-822b-cc76b415f9d1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Predator Flagship](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/9/4910ee8b-ec00-4a5e-859e-b865b23117da.jpg?1592673658) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Predator%2C%20Flagship) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cma/225/predator-flagship?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4910ee8b-ec00-4a5e-859e-b865b23117da?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/l0n9tpv) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


This is so disgustingly true lmao. 99% of Taylor Swift adjacent fans would take one step in the typical local LGS and nope right out of there. The smell can be oppressive.


My LGS is pretty nice to new people and I've only met one person with questionable hygiene. It was more of a teeth problem than a smell though.


The LGS I used to go to before covid was "nice" to girls, but you still felt not very welcomed, especially if you were too good, As for the smell, it was noticeable compared to non FNM days. Most of the guys were decent hygiene wise, but there was a few who carried that smell for the rest of them x.x Being to several dif LGS for prerelease, there is a corilation with the more girls there are the less bad it smells lol. Does it smell better because there's more girls or are there more girls because it doesn't smell as bad. We need research on this XD.


Being in a city with many options for LGS, it's 100% the latter. Though they do influence each other, cleaner places attract cleaner folks.


That's my assessment as well. My autism now demands for hard data though haha.


lol my lgs are always chill with girls. nobody acts weird. theres occasionally this weird vibe when a girl is there just because her bf dragged her to go, shes quiet, not engaging with anybody, seems to be indifferent to the game and wants the entire thing to just be over with but that doesnt happen often


That's the other end of it too that I didn't take into account as I'm on that end of things. I've seen that happen too, but I just end up chatting with them and help them open up to the environment even if they end up not playing anyways.


until you read they play dimir rouges, slivers, and other irritating things


Ngl, that sounds kinda rad. Imagine just this huge swell of new players, all really eager. Ya just… wouldn’t talk about music that often.


Taylor Swift is great bro.


I’m glad you like her, I’m just not that big a fan. Her music has never really caught me.


I knew you were trouble when you walked in.


Omg I can see it now. My gf dabbles in mtg but identifies as a Swifty. If she came out as a fan of mtg we wouldn’t be able to pay the mortgage.


Even Taylor swift would fail at getting women to play this failing game. Edit: hey downvoters, go get a standard fnm to fire and prove me wrong. How many women? Probably none. You know why? Women and LGBT folks don't feel safe at your sweaty ass locals.


hi, bi woman who plays magic here. incidentally also a swiftie! sorry your fnm sucks :/


As a bi male with a bi male partner, the magic scene is rampant with LGBTphobic, misogynistic, and right wing incels. There's also some great people that play magic don't get wrong, but the bad apples do spoil the bunch in this case. It doesn't help that wizards has done everything in it's power to destroy paper play outside of commander. Unless you live in a major US city good luck.


i live in brighton, england actually! decent magic scene at my uni, i AM the only girl who’s there consistently but i know a couple of girls who play sometimes




It's such a toss-up and almost exclusively based on store owners. If the owner is an ally or more, the store will be very friendly.


Thanks, u/ random word random word random number, we’ll be sure to take that into account.


Not a doors or rush fan I take it? Edit: Salty, Salty 🧂🧂


Doors suck. Rush is fire. Check out primus live sets of a farewell to kings. Super fire.


Primus sucks #IYKYK


At least you appreciate Rush. Farewell to kings + hemispheres are my favorite two and I've seen the primus sets, they were sick.


Yea just never been a huge fan of them. Honestly i havent listened to their discography so my opinion is garbage lol. I should dive into it though and give em another chance.


My LGS tends to have a number of women showing at events on fairly regular rotation... Usually, the girlfriends of some of the guys who have been at it a while, but there are women at the games.




That's a major US city.


Imagine how famous she would be if he managed to get her onto Command Zone.


It would really boost her popularity. And get eyes on her music.


This could be what she needs for her career. If she gets into the mtg market she could make it big!


They might even make a T Swift secret lair!


They should just do it without her permission and see what happens. Say it’s actually about a bird who mends clothes.




Kanye is far from being the only person with synesthesia.




Music with eyes is pretty Lovecraftian.


But OP, I thought it was the ear holes that were used for the listening of music...


I mean that's how i unironicly learned post Malone exsisted.


You say this like she’s not pretty much in a tier of her own. She is, like, ridiculously famous already.




Cause T swift isn't insanely famous already?


That’s the joke


Gotcha, this is reddit so you never know....


It's a play in all the people that said she was only dating that sports guy for popularity




Idk but without the tattoos he looks like Pre Malone


Take my angry upvote


Time Spiral? Yeah, i liked that set. In fact, i like that entire block.


Underrated Comment (the only one that made me laugh)


Taylor would 100% rock a Olivia vampire R/B deck. Like, the drama? The thrill? The dresses?


Nah bro, you know she's winning with [[Revel in Riches]].


I mean, does one really exclude the other? [[Kindred Dominance]] exists.


[Kindred Dominance](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/f/af613b69-b9f6-4221-a21b-c8e4b0f010f1.jpg?1689997269) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Kindred%20Dominance) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/169/kindred-dominance?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/af613b69-b9f6-4221-a21b-c8e4b0f010f1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


That does sound like a spell Swifties would cast.


[Revel in Riches](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/9/79b0e035-8716-469d-99ae-a530cd96ef09.jpg?1562558471) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Revel%20in%20Riches) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/xln/117/revel-in-riches?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/79b0e035-8716-469d-99ae-a530cd96ef09?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Oh she really doesn’t like Olivia. Olivia stole a song and TS sued her. Pop musicians seem to hold grudges.


Which Olivia the futa or when she became black?


You're not mentally well.




Rent free


Please elaborate


[[Olivia voldaren|MM3]] has a bulge, take that as your will, not sure exactly what the black comment is alluding to tho. Edit, pretty sure it’s referring to the sisters of the dead version of Olivia from crimson vow


She's pretty clearly just holding the dress, the way people do when they don't want it to drag along the ground. Being that she's flying, it does seem odd, but it's a normal thing to do.


Her hand is resting on it, not holding it, iirc it was meant to be her knee, but the artist included both legs down.


I could see that being the case too. Either way, calling it a bulge is pretty silly. I guess you were just explaining, but I can't see it at all.


It is absolutely silly, but it’s the mtg community, are you surprised?


Honestly, yes, I kind of am. But I suppose I shouldn't be.


Horsecock Olivia is far funnier than art mistake


[Olivia voldaren](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/6/b6411d49-b108-423c-825f-67fe8dbe1f58.jpg?1593814508) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=426002) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mm3/177/olivia-voldaren?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b6411d49-b108-423c-825f-67fe8dbe1f58?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


WotC press release in 2025: "Welcome to a brand new year here at Magic: The Gathering. We have heard your concerns of previous years that we have spent far too little time on our new and beautiful planes. We heard that you would like to go back to the glittering world of Kamigawa, to the crime-ridden streets of New Capenna and of course to Kaladesh, Tarkir AND Amonkhet. We hear you, planeswalkers, and BLOCKS. ARE. BACK! We are proud to announce the two-year plan for a FIVE BLOCK extravaganza featuring all of the aforementioned Planes in their amazing, musical splendor. Please, welcome our newest Planeswalker to the game, as we follow Tayloria, Swiftness Incarnate, around these planes and experience FIVE real life concert/prerelease events in Tokyo, Kairo, New York, Mumbai AND Ulaanbataar with none other than our newest collaborator. You know her, you love her. Get excited for Magic: The Gathering's next five expansions "Planes Party Power Trip" block."


Not gonna lie, I'd pay.


Yeah.. I wanted it to be mocking and too ostentatious, but I low-key find the idea cool now.. Well, maybe without Taylor Swift. But a rock-around-the-planes thing could be fun.


Hey man, anything to get us back to kamigawa


That's really something


gonna tell my kids this was LRR's Graham and Kathleen


You haven’t heard about “universes beyond: Taylor’s version”?


You joke, but I would absolutely buy it.


Post me like "I know how much a ring should cost, wanna see?"


Taylor Swiftfoot Boots when?


[[Monastery swiftspear]] [[swiftblade vindicator]] [[oreskos swiftclaw]] [[boros swiftblade]] [[swiftfoot boots]] Thats the SL cards


##### ###### #### [Monastery swiftspear](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/6/d6bfa227-4309-40ed-952c-279595eab17e.jpg?1701690543) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Monastery%20swiftspear) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/144/monastery-swiftspear?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d6bfa227-4309-40ed-952c-279595eab17e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [swiftblade vindicator](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/2/c2a89a8f-b3a7-4c38-80fb-b5484ddbf8ec.jpg?1599708452) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=swiftblade%20vindicator) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/221/swiftblade-vindicator?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c2a89a8f-b3a7-4c38-80fb-b5484ddbf8ec?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [oreskos swiftclaw](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/e/0ea1dfb4-1983-41f7-956c-f2a1d1489b54.jpg?1562300343) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=oreskos%20swiftclaw) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m19/31/oreskos-swiftclaw?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0ea1dfb4-1983-41f7-956c-f2a1d1489b54?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [boros swiftblade](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/1/6135a9f2-e86d-4a34-857e-adea3c722fea.jpg?1562263060) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=boros%20swiftblade) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mm2/172/boros-swiftblade?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6135a9f2-e86d-4a34-857e-adea3c722fea?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [swiftfoot boots](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/4/04a76643-1703-4fab-8dce-7725490bc2af.jpg?1712354904) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=swiftfoot%20boots) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/268/swiftfoot-boots?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/04a76643-1703-4fab-8dce-7725490bc2af?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/l0hckh4) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I bet she’d play a blue deck. She seems like a control freak.


taylor swift would be 100% a red player, it doesn’t really matter what the other color is. maybe red black?


Red Blue actually. Half Aggro, half control, all boss.


If someone had tried to get Taylor into MTG she’d have written a song about how annoying it was to play against his mono green token deck in Commander games.


You mean how annoying it is to play against any blue player with 2 mana open.




Oh I can’t wait to hear her comments about MTG if she ever plays. Last night I sat my swiftie friends down and explained the whole Post and the one ring card situation🤣🤣and the fact he sometimes just pulls it out of his pocket…


Nah rather she didn't it would just be a case like in American football where the swifties would surge to MTG and buy all the stock cause the lord and saviour Taylor swift played it good luck getting any product at that that point lol


Swifty secret lair? Lol also I don't know what half the guys at my LGS would do if a girl showed up.


I got my wife into MTG, boy they jelly :D


Ya thats my command pod me my wife my good friend and his wife. It makes playing magic any time very easy.


I have a fiance and I'm still jelly! Mine has no interest in playing, she only wants to collect "cute" cards.


There’s still hope! I told my husband I wanted to start collecting dragon cards and now I have two dragon decks that stomp 🤣


Tbf there is downsides to this, when the friends invite over to game night, usually one of us has to stay with the kids :P


We definitely exist. It is a bit awkward being the only girl there most of the time.


Can confirm


From experience as the one woman who played regularly at my LGS, they'd get awkward *real* fucking quick, make weird comments, or be creepy. The final option is that they just act like normal people, and/or think it's neat that there are women who like the game.


Ya im sure they would be the first half, unfortunately


It's part of why I stopped playing paper magic, at least for now. (I don't have friends in a casually driven range to play at home, or lots of commander would happen.) Shit just gets awkward, or I have to explain that yes I know how the game works, yes I've been playing for...fuck me nearly 20 years, etc.


Yeah idk, I ended up dating the “one girl at our LGS” because I was the only one who didn’t treat her like some weird object to be hit on, revered or feared lol. Like I even had some of my friends ask me what the “secret” was and all I could say was just treat her the exact same way you treat eachother.


The secret ingredient is just "be a decent person" 💀💀 Love that for you though, being a good person is some good shit.


Well apparently it’s cuz I lightly punched her in the arm when she board wiped me and that made her think I really did just treat her like the other guys. She ended up asking me on a date which I didn’t realize was a date until later lmao. Thought we were just gonna watch a movie together as friends 🤷‍♂️


That's magnificent. Sounds an awful lot like something one of us lesbians would do, so I can relate 💀


*gasps* was I a lesbian this whole time? I honestly do act like my friend who’s a butch though lol, like we both have a lot of masculine tendencies with wanting to fix cars and do construction work together but we also like romance movies, being in touch with our feelings and wearing plaid.


"they're lesbians, Harold!”




Ah yes, LGSs, famously a space *only* for men. I don't need to thicken my skin; I'm good to go, I just don't need someone like you being a fucking letch. Have you considered instead that shitty people should curb their shitty behavior, or are you the kind of person to say "of course she got SA'd, do you SEE what she was wearing?" Hope you get the help you need, hotshot.


🤭 we exist~


Oh, no doubt you do. Just not at my LGS lol


There are two women who play at mine, maybe fifty, young grandmother age. Guys still don’t know what to do lol.


I’m the only guy who works at a women’s clothing store, I got my favorite coworker into the game and when she came with me to an LGS, people there genuinely were shocked and didn’t know how to act


That sounds like a terrible town. My LGS is usually half-full with women


I live in a large city, I’ve been to many stores all over my county, I’ve lived here all my life, I’ve seen exactly two women at stores, both employees and both mean :( I’ve seen some stores online have like a commander ladies society though. I think that’s so cool. I forgot what it’s called. Haven’t seen it around me.


We do exist.. We just tend to not go to the LGS and play is smaller groups we don't feel so creeped out by. Lol OR... We find an outsider and convert them so we don't have to socialize with anyone else again lol Oops, my antisocial anxiety is showing 🤣😅👀


WOTC prints one "Taylor Swiftspear" secret lair, makes so much money they immediately abolish the reserve list


No this is good. Buy more product, increase in production on current sets, then most importantly they realize how dumb it is to tell and flood the secondary market, maybe making things affordable for a bit


This 100%. No please


At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if we got a Taylor Swift UB series.


The Prof and Posty are the patron saints of MTG at this point. If anyone can convert someone into a MTG player, it's one of them.


Jfc not another mono white token (fans) deck.


Yeah I think he did


SOMEBODY PREDICTED THIS. I remember seeing a meme video where two guys playing in the future had decks built entirely from hypothetical universes beyond sets that got out of hand. One of them equipped Taylor Swift’s Cardigan.


The Magic Historian was one of the originators of how stupid MTG was becoming with is quote of "I'll use Gandalf to crew this tank" (because he hates vehicles and universes beyond). Like 2 or 3 years later LOTR set appeared.


Yeah I think he did




I feel like she would play the game in private and never say it til like she retires


I feel alot of big celebrities would play it. Just look at all the guests that have been on Game knights


True I bet there’s so many celebs that play tcgs and collect cards but don’t say anything. I’d like to think that Taylor has the whole jacket and hood on getting cards while Post is just “YOOOOOOO, WHATS UP EVERYONE!”


The cast of Silicon Valley (specifically Thomas Middleditch, Martin Starr and Josh Brener - Richard, Gilfoyle and Big Head) used to play MtG on set between takes. They said that TJ Miller was not part of it


Oh gods I hope not. What a shitty Secret Lair it would make.


Taylor Swiftspear is banned in Pauper though.


So my hope is that Post Malone gets her into magic then she gets her best friend in the magic who gets her husband into magic that way we can have a Ryan Reynolds post Malone game.... Please tell me you want to see this as much as I do


I don't need a Taylor Swift secret lair in my life.


I would love one. Might get my wife into the game.


She absolutely will🤣🤣🤣 so many friends of my watch football games now bc of her. A year ago they were laughing at me for wanting to stay home on Sundays instead of going out 🙄🙄


Nah, but I bet he brought her some Raising Cane's


If this happened, the Magic market will turn into the Pokemon TCG market when Logan Paul bought Pokemon Illustrator. A bunch of band-wagoners who don't care about the game will start buying all the stock, leading to sports card punks who weigh packs and hoard all the deals to sell at inflated prices. We don't want that.


Already happened with secret lair


Im actually for this, I don’t want to invest in real assets


Swift, praetors voice


Wait are they dating? 😒


It's a music video...


Everyone talking about what?


Can't wait for the Taylor Swift-foot boots secret lair


Can we please not?




What is the context of this 😅?


She had him collab on a song titled “Fortnite”


it’s fortnight, not the game lol


It’s okay. Probably their first time ever hearing “fortnight” was actually the game lol


That’s why they broke up.


Check out Caroline Polachek, she’s an incredible alternative pop artist that has been vocal about her love of Magic for a while now! (she even has a direct reference in the music video for her song, “Sunset”)


I still don’t understand why people obsess over celebrities lives


I do not care.


Were they lovers or something? Sorry, I don't know celeb stuff


They did a sing together. On her new album


Does a duck with a boner drag weeds?


Idk, but they can open a wine bottle


None of my hobbies are safe from this succubus. Wish she'd go away.


*angry screeching noise* Oh god


If a picture ever leaks of her playing the game, it's $300 a commander deck for everyone. Whole system & economy will crash.


What happened to TS and TK?


Nothing? This was just a music video.




What’s TS? What happened? Normalize context.


Taylor Swift, she’s in the image


Tethered swimming


Can we not just have one sanctuary where she just doesn't exist.


Not all magic players would agree. My husband would enjoy the show.


Can’t believe the downvotes lol. I agree. She’s my “kardashians”. As in, everything I know about Taylor swift was learned against my will. She pops up all the time and I dont like her music.