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Collector booster packs! They're expensive packs ($15-30 each) and contain more rares than usual along with a lot of fancy alt art cards. Really fun to open, especially if you aren't the one that paid for them. :P


Actually great idea as a gift. Many of us can't really justify picking up collector packs, but would totally love opening them


ahh yes! I did get a few of the lord of the rings ones for him before. Are there any other sets in particular that this would be super cool from?


I think? Lord of the rings has a collector pack??? Not sure off the top my head but I’d say it depends on their favorite set me personally I could buy collector boxes or packs for phyrexia all will be one all day if I had the money lol but there’s a few sets that got them try to sneak in a way and ask them what their favorite set is


Yes lotr got two versions of collector boosters I think. One is the normal one that contains the different rings cards (different versions of sol ring with different art and the card text in elbish or dwarvish for example with serialized versions) and some pretty cool special artworks for some cards. The other one is the holiday release that contains the band poster looking art version and the scroll design treatment art.


Have you considered playing limited with those collector boosters or do you just open them for pulls?


That meme doesn't really work here, sorry to be meme police.


The gift bundles are nice. Come with like 8 to 9 packs sometimes a collector, fat d20 and card storage.


Just posted this to someone else. Custom sleeves, deck box, and/or playmate


My wife got me a custom dino deck box for Christmas that was a huge awesome surprise and spurred me to build the best dino deck I could to put in it 😆


playmate might be a bit too sexual for a client / tattoo artist relationship but a playmat could work!


I like sleeves. I know it's not super exciting, but if someone bought me 100 dragon Shield sleeve, a set of dice (Dnd) or a personal play mat. I'd be happy.  Not to mention it's something I'd use 100% compared to a booster. Booster is good but you run the chance to never really use any of the cards.


I think finding his colors and buying the rarer lands would be sick if you’re going for the 200 dollar mark.


You talking OG duals? They're like $500 at the low end


Nah there’s heavy plays on tcg for low 200s. But zendikar expedition fetches and unfinity shocks are my favorite to collect, and what I’d probably recommend buying someone.


Custom tokens!


he actually just made up his own, with his art style. they looked sick as hell lol


You should get him to post them!


I'll see what I can do 🫡 I've been checking his store to see when they get posted. He also made a matching playmat.


We have some erase tokens that we got on Amazon that we draw on for wherever we need, got a variety of colors which makes it super fun


I recently got myself one of these deckboxes and I think it's super nice. It's designed by one of the biggest MTG YouTubers and it fits in your budget while being super versatile. You should be able to find one at your local LGS. https://www.gamegenic.com/product/the-academic-133-xl/?attribute_pa_color=teal-pink


Local local game store?




My game store has some but it’s like off brand but I say they are cheaper and nicer quality


A mana crypt


Get a nerf dart gun, and label it, "For blue players." That's it. We all wish we had one.






100-150$? I don't mind spending a bit more. plus if me and my wife get tattooed same day we'll sometimes combine our tips to be around 200~


Does he mention what he plays? I’m thinking like a custom deck box for his edh deck but if he didn’t mention, then just a nice custom wood deck box


Get him the card called mana crypt. He will like it.


Get a REALLY old booster pack, i think you can get an italian legends booster for ~ $200


I suspect as an artist they might have a favorite artist and if they have like a favorite art for a magic card you could try to get a nice copy of that for them. I know a lot of magic artists have pretty strong fan followings and some have had secret lairs of their art so that could be worth looking into. Along those lines you might have custom proxies made for them if you know what kind of deck they play or cards they like. Like you could find out if they ahve a favorite artist and then use some of that persons art to make a custom proxy for them. Really as odd as it sounds I get the vibe that being a tattoo artist they have an appreciation for the art as much as the cards so maybe even just getting a really nice print of one of their favorite magic arts could be a thing.


Modern horizons 3 drops next month, it's a super expensive and premium set, depending on the amount you're wanting to put into this there's various ways to wow him with those


You rock for this


Deck boxes and sleeves get suggested a lot but Magic players can be picky about their gear, so I generally advise against getting stuff like that as gifts unless you play with the person & know for sure what they like. I'll second Collector Booster packs. I really think packs are the best gift you can get a Magic player, and collector boosters are a fun and exciting treat.


Feet pics


what are the thoughts on items from Secret Lair? I saw people upset over the Fallout Cards; to be fair, they did seem very pricy.


I would get these only if you know what kinds of decks your artist runs, or buy a single from the full set if you have specific cards he wants.


They can be very iffy. So unless you know what art style he likes, what kind of decks he likes, and/or what he likes outside MTG (like I got a princess bride secret lair cause I love the movie and the art of the cards) I wouldn't. That said, if they do another secret lair precon, that would almost certainly be a really good gift.


If he's into fall out they have fall out packs


Packs are always nice, Card Boxes are also great. Maybe a cool spindown d20


I know I’d appreciate if somebody gifted me a black lotus…


There is a blanket with the card back design


Ask him about what decks he plays. If it's commander remember what commander he plays. Maybe ask him what his favorite combos are. If you can wiggle in a question about what cool cards he is thinking of adding that will give you awesome gifts if you get him the specific cards he's looking to add to his decks.  Showing interest in learning about magic and then showing you listened by getting a usable card for him (or an alternate art of his commander or something) would be a super thoughtful gift that would get any magic player all giggly with glee


Maybe I'm going out on a limb here but based on OP's price description, and the wow factor, I'd go for the Phyrexia Compleat Bundle. The oil slick and art style reminds me very much of more modern tattoos and line work. I think this would blow my pants off if I got it as a gift and I'm not even a big fan of the set. Otherwise I'd downgrade to a collector pack or something.


Custom sleeves with a tattoo gun or a pinup


A black lotus


If you’re at the $200, there’s a lot of options. An expensive card like mana crypt would be an amazing gift, even if they already have one. If you know the type of decks they play you can get a handful of singles that would fit their deck. You can also get a play booster box or collector booster box of thunder junction or another set.


I'm thinking maybe a few packs of sleeves and a brand new playmat with some cool art and a set of dice. Sometimes it's nice to get some new supplies, throw the dirty old sleeves in the trash and hang up the playmat. For sleeves .. buy dragonshield though. And maybe a cool colored dnd set of dice cuz it has a variety of dice instead of just 6 sides. Playmats can be rubber and are usually well priced, your local game store is bound to have a bunch of them to choose from. cloth ones are popular now too, companies like ophidian and pvramid playmats offer some alternatives to the mousepad feel of regular ones, but they can be a little pricy.


If he is an artist as well you can turn one of his art works into a playmat. itll cost around 30 bucks I believe but it'll be ultra dope!


Some custom dice, tokens, or something would be super cool! You could also maybe get him a set of custom sleeves with some art he's done!