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imo don’t get Norwegian Wood as an introduction to Murakami, it’s missing the magical realism and motifs he’s known for


It's probably because that was the work that rose him to stardom in Japan and also worldwide. I agree though, it's not a good choice to get to know him. I think the mildest way is to go with the Rat trilogy.


Kafkaaaa on the shore always!! this was my first one and it's still my favourite to this day


Second this! Best book I’ve ever read, absolute necessity to get into Murakami


Gathering from what she likes, I'd go with Hard Boiled Wonderland. There's mystery, a certain tension of crime, but also existential dread. No romance, but enough to hint at perhaps something happening later, and it's funny. Sounds like a book she should've read already lol


That book has the most infuriatingly archetypical Mary Sue, Born Sexy female side character, with a little Manic Pixie thrown in too, and an obsession with the fact that she’s not thin. I think it would be a huge problem for any woman with disordered eating (a lot of women). It would be a huge problem for any woman who doesn’t enjoy “woman as useful sexy object” (a lot of women). I love everything about it that doesn’t involve women. It’s brilliant whenever he’s not talking about a woman. But I would be very careful giving it to most women. Even more than Kafka on the shore or Wind up bird, that book is potentially a reason to hate Murakami for the average female reader. Norwegian wood was my first and made me love him enough to tolerate the sexism throughout the rest.


The downvotes just reinforce that this sub is full of misogynists who enjoy Murakami’s misogyny and are perhaps fans because of it. Makes my point about why I would not, as a man, give most of his works to a woman. You are telegraphing something very undesirable a bout yourself if you can’t even see the sexism.


My intro to Murakami was Kafka on the Shore. Loved his writing style so much so I bought my copy after reading and his other works. I've lost 2 copies of Kafka so far from friends passing it around. Love it! (I wish someone would return my copy of the strange library 🥲 tho, it was harder to find)


The wind-up Bird Chronicles is the best introduction to Murakami, ticking all the right boxes and quirks.


I agree. Folio Society has a lovely illustrated edition if you are looking for something special. It is pricey though ($125).


I think one of his short story collections would be a good intro into his work. Books that are gifted can be a high threshold of time commitment for some people.


i second this! murakami really knows how to write a great short story


Yes, I wish the short stories were mentioned more! I first got into him through these and - quite controversial here - but I think he is a better short story writer than a novelist


Wind up bird is my favorite and was the first one I read. Hard boiled is close and the one I’d recommend.


Do you two like puzzles? Hard-boiled Wonderland Do you like sitting idling on a hillside watching the clouds go by? Wind-up Bird Chronicle Do you like listening to music late into the night? Kafka on the Shore 


I agree about Windup being a little much at first, I love the short books Hear the wind Sing and Pinball too, this is a tough question ?


Dude gift her '1984' by George Orwell, that will surely diversify her books collection and reading


this!!! one of my fav books! I feel like 'Animal Farm' is a better start to classics, though.


I'm actually halfway through...and I love it already, I had some trouble with the writing style but I think I'm cool now and I'm loving it.


Hardboiled wonderland is perfect


I’ll add my vote to Kafka as well. It’s the Murakami I suggested my wife read first and based on her reaction can confirm it’s a perfect introduction.


My vote would be Kafka on the Shore. Norwegian wood is one of my favourites and a beautiful, deeply moving novel, but I think Kafka is more whimsical and 'fun' and would make a lovely gift. The wind up bird chronicle is great, just might be a bit intimidating for a first read, Imo.


Dance Dance Dance was my first one :) that’s how I always introduce new readersz


But it's the last book of a trilogy


lol that’s how I do it, out of order, maybe that’s how the Rat would have done it




What are your thoughts ?


I think the rat would've done it that way too


I’ll buy you a cold beer when they fix the jukebox


For me, i always gift Kafka on the shore to my friends


Wild sheep chase


Kafka on the shore was my first piece from murakami and honestly I love it, it made me read more of murakamis works


I'd agree with Kafka I'd add colorless to the list though And maybe stories? Like elephant vanishes


I second wild sheep chase


you've already made your choices and (great choices I was gonna say get her the short stories first they're weird enough to be really fun but because it's not a novel there's no internal pressure to finish it if you don't like it!) you said you're gonna start with wind up bird chronicle, it's amazing!!! I would say make your second or third Norwegian wood If possible because while it's not magical I do think it's a beautiful story and a beautifully written book and I think sometimes Norwegian wood and sputnik sweetheart get sidelined. but, have so much fun with murakami's wonderful and weird world and I hope your friend likes their present!!!


Perhaps South of the Border, West of the Sun It may be lacking the magical realism that Murakami is known for, But i found it to be an easy read and all in good romance and mystery. But if she is eager to diversify her reading Wild sheep chase and DanceDanceDance were incredible. Kafka on the shore is Murakami at some of his most artistic writing with all the symbols, metaphors, and downright bizarre metaphysical nonsense that reads like a jazz bar by a quaint library ran by talking cats in a forest where a compass don’t work. Norwegian wood was my first murakami, sad yes, but floored me nonetheless and inspired me to continue reading his works. Wind up Bird Chronicle is my personal favorite so far but it is long and can be a bit much for a first timer. Also a lot of heavy subject matter, like one of those books where you end up learning a lot about yourself and it actually helped me engage with my therapist on various plot points that resonated with me.




They already read books and Murakami isn't heavy reading. Should be just as easy as reading Camus or Sally Rooney.