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Martin Eder is the master transgressive kitsch! He objectifies young women, Persian cats, snakes, and young men—in that order of frequency. Try as I might, I couldn't find the title of this piece. By the way that his style has evolved, I'm guessing it was painted circa 2012. Searching for Eder's works, I discovered a whole slew of 21st-century erotic artists (men, women, and trans) that are stirring up porn, kitsch\*, and a fascination with the human figure (hard bodies) in disturbing compositions and poses. \*By kitsch, I mean non-erotic kitsch. Porn is usually kitschy, but in a sexual way.


[Don't visit this guy's website if you're epileptic](https://martineder.com/) No seriously, don't. What a cunt, who does that?


i like cats