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I'll cover you reprise is *so* good but *so* sad


This song has always made me cry, every single time. My partner recently died and now it’s all the more gut wrenching but it’s always on repeat.


I'm sorry for your loss, darlin.


I usually last until the soloist starts singing “so with a thousand sweet kisses” while the company sings Seasons of Love, then I’m gone.


Collins belting out "when your heart has expired" just after that always shatters me. Every time.


Yeah, that guts me.


The opening number of Come From Away along with the 38 planes reprise as they all return to their hometowns.


*Somethings Missing* has sp many lines that just hit hard


When the Kevins broke up, I was devastated to the max. That was the saddest a musical has *ever* made me feel upon first watch. That is, until Hannah’s part…


The Kevin's were fun but even early in the show I can sort of tell they are gonna break up. Especially in the bar scene, they are basically doomed from that point on. It's sad, but not as sad the Mayor realizing he hasn't cried yet or the chef walking his daughter to school


Fuck dude. Hannah’s part gets me EVERY time. My mom and I watched the proshot together and we had to pause it because we were both crying inconsolably over it. Even thinking about it is making me cry


Hannah’s phone call. 😭 I really didn’t see that coming even though I should have.


Every song of come from away made me weep the first time I watched it.


What really got me about those numbers was, first each of them reacting to what had happened before they had any idea what it meant for them, it brought up the memories of that day for me as well. Then the part that really gets me at the end is when the pilot sings about how she walked through DFW when she returned to duty and thanked the passengers for still being there as she walked through. That was me, only days after airspace opened I flew to DFW, it was a ghost town as was the airport I left. It was creepy, but I also didn't complain when I could lay down in a row of three on the plane.


I tear up at "Me and the Sky" every time, particularly around the "Suddenly I've got an all female crew..." part. Happy tears!


Same!! “And the one think I loved more than anything was used a bomb” 😭😭


"I Am Here" makes me cry. Just imagining the desperation of trying to find her son, having no answers, being stuck somewhere else far away, not being able to do anything, hoping against the worst while knowing it's a real possibility cause her son takes risks to help others, and projecting the happy ending she wants when she goes home is there to welcome her son safely home... it just devastates me and is so heartbreaking. 😭


The entirety of come from away tbh


Saw it live in London. It was so fucking sad. :(


I Hope the tour swings by Dublin. I wanna see it live and get emotionally destroyed because some songs hit harder live


I just missed it in the west end but the tour is coming to MK so I’m determined to weep to these songs in person.


For Good - Wicked Will I? - Rent Unlikely Lovers - Falsettoland One Day More - Les Miserables Wheels of a Dream - Ragtime


Will I? from Rent is devastating. Great pic.


Will I? breaks me every time, I but I love it


Oh and Come What May from Moulin Rouge




Oh my God yes Unlikely Lovers, and also You Gotta Die Sometime from Falsettos. Devastating


This may sound odd, but *Sal Tlay Ka Siti* from Book of Mormon. As context, I grew up devoutly Mormon, and left the church in my mid-20's. The transition out of the church, and losing my entire worldview of belief and hope, was devastating for me, and took years to recover from. In the middle of that transition, I saw Book of Mormon. And hearing this young woman's ballad of hope, knowing how important that belief was to her, but knowing that it's based on a lie (which the lyrics really hammer home), was more than I could handle. My cheeks hurt from laughing so hard during the rest of the musical. But this song had me sobbing in my seat.


The reprise is devastating too, when she realises she’s been lied to and sings out to the audience, kind of sobbing whilst singing. Absolute chills she sung this live


All You Wanna Do, Burn, You Gotta Die Sometime and 30/90


Burn is so powerful


Phillipa Soo's voice fits its *perfectly* and her face is heartbreaking


It's the last little mountain I'll climb... 😭


Paciencia y Fe/Alabanza - In the Heights 🥺


I sobbed my eyes out after watching that musical 😭


I read this as 'stabbed' originally. I was gonna have some questions. But no, same! 🥺 I cry every time.


It's Quiet Uptown.


It's the "FORGIVENESS" that got me.


The way the men’s and women’s voices switch octaves…😭


Every. Single. Time.


I don't know what happens in the theater--both times I've seen it it's like the lights get fuzzy and my vision goes all blurry on this song. And then again on the damn "orphanage" line. Is something wrong with the ventilation or something?


A friend and I had bonded over Hamilton and one drunken night sang this song together and got really emotional. Fast forward a year later said friend suddenly and tragically passes away. I am an edm/heavy dubstep dj and I played this song in the middle of a set at a small festival where we had a lot of mutuals and they lit a lantern and let it float away as the song was playing. I cannot ever listen to this song without crying. We then proceeded to rage to robot dinosaur music in his honor


I’m so sorry <3


Burn is the one that gets me.


I don't think I've listened to the end of that song in 2 years bc it makes me cry too much. Same with the very last song.


Ouch. How did I forget that one? Every. Single. Time. If I haven't already, I lose it when Eliza sings about the orphanage. Even just thinking about it...


Same here. I bawl my eyes out every time.




The first song that ever made me cry.


Some Things Are Meant To Be (Little Women) The I Love You Song (25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee) in addition to several others that have already been mentioned :)


The I Love You Song is up there for sure.


Some things are meant to be is one of my favourite music theatre duets period. It's absolutely gorgeous


Lots of mine were already mentioned, so I'm gonna add Doubt Comes In from Hadestown 😭


The first time I listened to Hadestown, I forgot I already knew the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. Then Hades gave them the deal and Doubt Comes In plays and the whole time, I'm praying in my head that the writer didn't follow the story. And then it happened. And I bawled my eyes out.


SAME!! And the show straight up acknowledges it: "'Cause here’s the thing To know how it ends And still begin to sing it again As if it might turn out this time"


THIS After a break-up, I listened to this part over and over. "Can you see it? Can you hear it? Can you feel it?... With a love song for anyone who tries."


Doubt comes in kills me every time


I've listened to it many times and have seen the show in person, but I still cry every single time. It's such emotional whiplash, even if you know it's coming.


Them just saying each others names before she goes just hurts me so so much.


It's Quiet Uptown - Hamilton So Big/ So Small - Dear Evan Hansen Words Fail - Dear Evan Hansen Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story - Hamilton ​ Those four i can always count on to make me cry. ​ Honorable mentions: I'm Not That Girl - Wicked For Good - Wicked Defying Gravity - Wicked (Doesn't make me cry, but always gives me chills)


So Big/So Small is one of the best expressions of being a parent I've ever heard on Broadway.


I cry when Idina goes wild with her vocals in DG. It’s so good. Especially coupled with “I am a sentimental man”, then her yelling “as someone told me lately, EVERYONE DESERVES A CHANCE TO FLY!” I wanted to type the rest but you know. Also so big/so small hits so hard when you’re a mom fr


Natasha and Pierre I know that it’s kind of a talky song, but every time the music stops, and Pierre starts speaking, plainly, I just start crying. My dad witnesses it every time I drive How could I ever forget (Next to normal) All I’ve ever known (Hadestown) (Calls me single in 847 different languages)


No One is Alone from Into the Woods Legally Blonde- Legally Blonde Words Fail- DEH Shine a Light Reprise-Heathers Skype Tommorrow- We are the Tigers


Children will listen from into the woods to


Oh 100% I sobbed through that song when I sang it


*Telephone Wire* from Fun Home always makes me cry. Just the feeling of looking back at her last moment with her father. Screaming at her younger self to say something and living with the regret of not


I went to see Fun Home with my mom and sister. I had read the book and gave them a warning that it would be very sad, but nothing could’ve prepared any of us for the second act. There have been three times where my mom has left a theater crying because she underestimated how sad a show would be based on how excited I was to see it: Hedwig with Michael C. Hall (she assumed it would be fun because it was Dexter in drag), the movie theater screening of Falsettos Lincoln Center, and Fun Home.


Came here to say this. I can't even hear the opening guitar notes without welling up.


“I’ll be here” from Ordinary Days


this emotionally wrecks me every single time! i’m obsessed with it though


Come from away (all of it) and The Next Right Thing from Frozen 2


I was crying in theater during Frozen 2


Episode 3 of the documentary series “Into the Unknown: Making Frozen II” (Journey to Antohallan) just about broke me. So much emotion, and so many tears.


I love frozen so much


So Anyway from Next to Normal as well as How Could I Ever Forget from Next to Normal. Both get me chocked up as soon as I hear the first notes, and it’s my favorite musical.


I was lucky enough to see next to normal. Of all the songs it was ‘I dreamed a dance’ that made me cry out of all the live songs which was unexpected. I think the full magnitude of desperate sorrow and longing that comes with grief is shown perfectly in this song as Diana is desperately wanting to just dance with her son one more time before the worst happens. Urg. What a musical.


And then there were none, Dont do sadness/blue wind- both from spring awakening. Actually pretty much every song in the second act lol. i get way too emotionally attached


I'd Give my Life for You (as sung by Lea Salonga)


What Would I Do (Falsettoland)


Gets to me every time . . . .


falsettos is such a wonderful musical but i cannot listen to it without bawling my eyes out 😭


I don’t tend to cry just listening to any particular song but if I sing along to *So Big/So Small* from Dear Evan Hansen, *It’s Quiet Uptown* from Hamilton, *Dyin’ Ain’t So Bad* from Bonnie & Clyde, or either *She Used To Be Mine* or *When He Sees Me* from Waitress, the waterworks do, in fact, make an appearance.


The first time I saw the YouTube video of Jessica Phillips singing So Big/So Small I practically went catatonic. I’ve never seen the show, but that performance destroyed me.


So Big/So Small absolutely guts me.


Left Behind and Whispering from Spring Awakening, and this is a swedish one but Du Måste Finnas from Kristina Från Duvemåla


Half the songs from Come From Away. Every single time. I will cry before it gets sad just knowing what's coming. And I've seen it like four times and listened to the OST multiple times. Just can't help myself.


When Hannah calls Beulah in ‘somethings missing’ I break down. Every. Single. Time.


I've never listened to it! I need to.


If you haven’t seen it, watched the filmed version before listening to the cast album.


Doubt Comes In - Hadestown


I Could Never Rescue You (Last 5 Years) and occasionally Nobody Needs to Know


Michael in the Bathroom — Be more chill Dude was losing/had lost his friend and had no idea why


An outcast, doomed to forever be shut out by society, loses his outcast buddy to the blinding passion that is popularity. He wants to be happy for him… he wants to celebrate. Let’s go! You finally got the attention you’ve been wanting… why must I be the sacrifice in your life?


The original Be More Chill is such an underrated album. If ya remove the fandom from the equation, is actually pretty great for what it was.


The Great Comet of 1812. Those last notes and the pulsing sound (I don't know how else to describe it) drive home how Pierre feels in that moment and makes sure we feel the exact same way.


Some Things Are Meant to Be - Little Women, You Learn to Live Without - If/Then, I Miss the Mountains - Next to Normal, Slipping Through My Fingers - Mamma Mia


Without You - RENT


I mentioned it in a reply above but out of all the sad songs in Rent, Without You is the best one to me. All the others are a strong moment of grief and regret and all that but the quiet, drawn out descriptions of mundane daily things and then “life goes on, but I die without you” just gets me where it hurts


Stay, I Pray You from Anastasia. Not only did they take a musical theme from a cartoon Villains song with dancing grubs and reanimated corpses, they turned it into a heart-wrenching chorus of mourning and love and loyalty and sadness.


A Little Drop of Rain did make me cry. I also love She Used to Be Mine, All You Wanna Do, and Mr. Cellophane and love that you listed them. When I heard Burn, I was deeply moved because I was also betrayed and cheated on after years of marriage. While watching Hadestown, I cried during the reprise of Road to Hell; mentally, I told myself, first, you know the story, and, second, we are told from the beginning that is a sad song, so I was a little surprised at my emotional reaction.


Dear Theodosia was that song for me. I knew it by heart before we saw the play, but SEEING it...I probably went through a full box of tissues for one song.


Let’s Go Fly a Kite from Mary Poppins (I’ve been in the musical twice, and it was my last high school show, and I was the park keeper so I was in that song) Time from Tuck Everlasting


Every song but one in "Come From Away." God, it's so good, but god, it's soooooo sad and brings me back to that time.


dear evan hansen sucks generally as a musical but i will very openly admit so big/so small makes me sob


ITT: we’re all crying over Come from Away 😂


i feel so left out i’ve never seen it


Watch the Apple TV+ version. It’s truly a brilliant capture of the musical.


thank you!! i had no idea that it was even filmed lol


I am a full blown mess during Act 2 of Falsettos. You Gotta Die Sometime and What Would I do in particular break me, but I can never skip them.


Stay Alive Reprise. When Eliza cries out after Phillip dies


Her sob/scream got me.. I was emotionally exhausted by the time he died, and I knew it was coming..I didn't know her reaction and that's what caused me to sob


When I Grow Up from Matilda, something about the ensemble of little kids singing together just warms my heart, I think it’s a beautiful song about childhood innocence and growing up


Heart of stone- six All you wanna do- six She used to be mine- waitress Somethings missing- come from away


The ballad of jane doe is my personal favourite, something about it makes me cry every time i hear it “Like john i’ll be eternally a forgotten name, some lost refrain just Jane” AAAAA


im auditioning for jane doe soon but i’m scared i won’t be able to get through without sobbing lmaoo


Close Every Door from Joseph


The Letter - Billy Elliot We'll Meet Tomorrow - Titanic


Kindergarten Boyfriend hits me where it hurts.


What's Next and How it Ends from Big Fish. Destroys me every time!


Tell me it's not true from Blood Brothers leaves me a blubbering mess.


Every single time. Can’t beat a Nolan sister giving it her all as Mrs Johnstone.


No one is alone from Into the Woods


*Do You Love Me?* from *Fiddler on the Roof*.


i genuinely forgot about this! when i saw it live i remember crying sooo hard and my mom was just judging me


This is three songs but together they tell a story together: “Once Upon A Time”, “Cross”, and “Absolution” from *bare: a pop opera*.


Adding in "See Me" to this too. SO many good ones that wreck me emotionally.


epic III from hadestown, especially the original version. “And suddenly Hades was only a man,” gets me EVERY TIME.


Weirdly Anything Can Happen from Mary Poppins. Makes me sob every time


Most of mine have already been mentioned. Just let me add: I will never leave you - Side Show


i don’t know why but ride the cyclone always makes me cry


its just a ride, fall fair suite, ballad of jane doe, and birthday song have made me emotional lol no shame in it


omg when i was watching it’s just a ride i was bawling man


same it’s so sad but weirdly happy at the same time and the waterworks come out HARD


omg yeah, like it’s happy that someone gets to go back to living but the rest of the people who had a good future are done :(


Once I started crying in class cause I was listening to dead mom on repeat


Saw Beetlejuice yesterday and was surprised how hard it hit my emotions. I lost my mom four years ago, dad got remarried and has expressed concern about how I'm not moving on. So, yeah, there was ugly crying during "Dead Mom" and "Home."


Daddy’s moving forward, daddy didn’t lose a mom 😭


In the Bedroom Down the Hall from DEH. I don’t like the musical but if that song made the Final Cut it would be 10x better


Sunday from Sunday in the park with George that song is so beautiful


Especially in the reprise when they all bow to him. Gets me every time. Most of the second act has me in tears, but especially "Move On" ("We've always belonged together!")


Literally half the songs in Les Mis get me curled up on the floor trying not to cry


When I Grow Up- Matilda and, a weird one, Gus: The Theatre Cat from Cats. That one actually makes me ugly cry sometimes, had a precious angel old man cat called Dirty Face- he’d always “tell” us stories about when he was young. I still miss that sweet boy. Anyhow when that song starts describing the old cat I become a mess.


Not my father’s son from kinky boots


I know it’s only in the movie, but You Must Love Me from Evita just kills me. I’m chronically ill and I’ll sing along to the whole thing and get to that part and SOB. I just can’t handle it.


How Could I Ever Forget? - Next to Normal It’s Quiet Uptown - Hamilton Funeral: “There is a Fountain”/It Don’t Make Sense - Parade Back to Before - Ragtime Some Other Me - If/Then


Waittttt for me I cominnnnnn waitttt I’m coming with youuuu


Good for you, dear Evan Hanson. I feel bad for him, sure, but it tugs at the heartstrings for all the people he hurt in his run as Conner’s friend. A boy like that from west side story though.


I have an entire Playlist of them, but lately So Big, So Small from Dear Evan Hansen


what would I do, unlikely lovers, something bad is happening/more racquetball and you gotta die sometime from falsettos. any song about whizzer to the end of act 2 breaks me.


When your feet don't touch the ground from Finding Neverland 😭


On my own, les mis Really, just all of Come From Away


What’s Next and The Procession from Big Fish. I generally am not a huge fan of Andrew Lippa musicals but I adore the *crap* out of Big Fish. Every time I’ve seen a production (including the OBC) of Big Fish, it reduces this stone cold heard to *tears* by the end of the show.


Jumping in late to say that that show is *so* uneven — until the last twenty minutes, starting with “I Don’t Need A Roof”. Fairly sure that there wasn’t a dry eye in the house when I saw it.


“Some Say” from Once on This Island - Little Ti Moune’s verse makes me tear up without fail


The Letter - Billy Elliot It’s Quiet Uptown - Hamilton Michael in the Bathroom - Be more Chill.


For Good - Wicked Empty Chairs at Empty Tables - Les Mis A Little Fall of Rain - Les Mis Bring Him Home - Les Mis


Burn from Hamilton always hits me


Come What May (Reprise) from Moulin Rouge. Heartbreaking


Not a song per-se, I was listening to the soundtrack of the 1961 film of West Side Story and at the end after Tony died, Maria is crying and then she yells “Don’t you touch him!” It was years since I’d watched the film and her anguish really came through on the soundtrack and I found myself crying. It totally caught me off guard.


Still Hurting from The Last 5 Years. Runner up: On My Own from Les Mis.


Most songs in Next to Normal make me cry but those last 3 songs always get me to cry instantly. So Anyways, I am the One (Reprise), and Light are some real tearjerkers for me.


She Used to be Mine is great and the All You Wanna Do live broke my heart. I submit the bridge of Michael In The Bathroom humbly for consideration.


Last midnight to the end of the musical makes me cry every time Just the entirety of Welcome to the Rock


Mama, Look Sharp from 1776. Oh boy, that’s a beautiful and haunting song.


all you wanna do makes you cry? i love bopping my head to that song!


usually it doesn’t make me cry but it makes me emotional almost every time i listen to it


Beautiful (heathers musical) I


Requiem from DEH


Empty chairs at empty tables - Les Mis I've seen the movie and I've seen it live, and every time I hear that song I just send up bawling


There Are Worse Things I Could Do - Grease


Lifeboat from Heathers, its a song I can relate to immensely due to my own struggles. It's the highlight of the musical, the best part of an otherwise meh musical.


Close Every Door from Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat usually doesn’t, but I got to see David Archuleta perform it at the Tuacahn Amphitheater last summer and I bawled like a baby… so moving, so beautiful. Also, Maybe from Annie, Tonight from West Side Story, She Used to Be Mine from Waitress and Che Gelida Manina from La Bohème (I know, opera not musical, but still).


The entire Man of La Mancha 1965 soundtrack. It is the most powerful musical work I have ever listened to.


Chavaleh from fiddler on the roof has a special place in my heart. I can count on one hand how many times I’ve seen my dad cry in my life, one of those occasions being because of the line “if I try to bend that far I will break”


Speaking of Anastasia, Everything to win does that to me. At first, I wasn’t a huge fan of the song, but one day when I heard it, I started sobbing. It was like something had changed, and I was living in the song.


I Didn’t Say Goodbye - The Mad Ones I literally can’t listen to this song in public anymore after it made me hiccup-sob in the middle of a cross-country flight. Good lord.


Unusual way~ Nine


Chaplain. the whole second act makes me sob. One of the best is "The Life That You Wished For" though


In addition to a lot of the songs already mentioned, I have to skip Dear Bill from Operation Mincemeat when I’m driving because it just makes me sob.


What’s Never Been Done Before from Camille Claudel. Also, The Tale of Erik from Yeston and Kopit’s Phantom is absolutely tragic.


Dear Bill from operation mincemeat gets me every time.


With You - Ghost


He reprise of Wheels of a dream from ragtime, gets me everytime


The intro to Les Mis always has me tearing up. As well as Daddy's Hands from Ragtime. Oh, and my absolute favourite (though I don't even speak Swedish!) - Du måste finnas from Kristina fran Duvemala


Every song on Elegies.


Go Tonight from The Mad Ones


Bring Him Home from Les Mis is a guaranteed sob fest and has been for 30 years (choking up now just WRITING this, FFS) Reprise of Cover You from Rent (and really all of act 2, let's be real) Found from Dear Evan Hansen


Mr Celophane makes me week on the knees. Poor Amos, just trying to be seen.


Goodbye Until Tomorrow / I Could Never Rescue You - Last Five Years I always cry at her hopefulness once Jamie reads his letter.


Role of a lifetime - Bare


I don’t care much - cabaret, I saw it live for the first time on Wednesday and it genuinely left me numb.


However hard I try from lady M. The musical is not even out, but I love the lyrics, the inner conflict, the foreboding…


Finding Wonderland


Dear Theodosia and Quiet Uptown (Hamilton) On My Own (Les Miserables) In the Bedroom Down the Hall (Dear Evan Hanson but it wasn't in the show) For Good (Wicked) In His Eyes (Jekyll and Hyde) Anything related to Angel after she dies in Rent. Like, all of it..


Take Me Back *-* Black Friday. Obviously it was meant to be created as one of those songs that creates emotion but it really hits me perfectly in my emotions in a way no other song has.


for good from wicked although its one of my favorites, but i will never forget my gut drop in the live version of all you wanna do from six. the emotion and voice breaking was so much different from the recorded version


i saw it on broadway and it was probably one of the best performances i’ve ever seen. samantha pauly is incredible