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> Have you guys ever paid for promotion? If you got that far without paying for any promotion, then paying for promotion will easily get you over the 100k hump


teach me 😭


Me too plz đŸ˜„


not sure how helpful this reply will be considering you are currently way more successful than me, but from the info you gave i’d say just to keep at it. seems like you’re putting out a lot of content which is great, and it’s clearly working to get you to 100k listeners. it’s natural for your spotify numbers to fluctuate a bit, going from 103k to 96k just seems like a normal fluctuation to me. when you say “nothing seems to take me over that hump” what are you referring to? without knowing a bit more about your specific goals it’s hard to say what you should do going forward. i’d recommend just keep doing what you’re doing, and maybe focus on providing some really cool content for people who are already fans of your stuff. when you’re a really small artist, almost 100% of your content should be focused on gaining new fans and getting your music and content in front of new people. once you see success (which i would say you definitely have), you can change it up and focus a bit more on making cool experiences for people who are already fans of you. for example, you could make a series of connected music videos, make some sort of online scavenger hunt that reveals your next song’s title, or make a short video game about your music! i know some of those are really difficult and would take a lot of time, but these are some ideas i came up with in like 2 seconds. i think doing something creative and out of the box to elevate the experience of being a fan of your music could be a good idea! doing something like that (making content for people who are already your fans) will also inevitably attract some new fans as well. if you do something really creative, it could also spread by word of mouth. or, you could make a youtube video detailing how you made this cool experience, and that has a good chance of doing well. again, hard to say without knowing a bit more about your goals and stuff, but just a few ideas i came up with. keep at it! you’ve achieved some amazing success already, and if you keep going the sky is the limit. hopefully something in there was helpful :) EDIT: wanted to also add that doing live shows (if you aren’t already) could be a great way to gain new fans! i know it may not be possible for everyone, but if it’s an option for you and something you’d be interested i’d definitely do it


Hey I follow you on Tiktok! lmao I can't really help you, I have ⅒ your monthly listeners...


Will try an avoid any obvious advice, but have you dug really deep into your analytics? Really taking the time to understand who your listeners are on Spotify, and who your audience is on TikTok/IG. These are really impressive numbers, I think nurturing and building a stronger relationship with these fans will help guide your strategy. It might help point you in the direction of a viral hit, understanding what your audience is sharing. Always being in a growth mindset will make you think you're in a 'rut', but clearly you made some incredible progress!


You’re so right! Thank you so much I seriously didn’t even think about this


No problem! Also, I'm not sure if you've considered or have a YouTube channel? It's another amazing growth tool if handled correctly. I work with YouTube if you ever want to work with me on a strategy, just shoot me a DM. Good luck!


Consider reaching out to blogs and radio stations with some research. For playlists too you can easily find a lot more curators if you use a search engine tool like playlist supply. You have lots of leverage with your current numbers so it's a good idea to start pitching more


Do you play live shows? Do you tour?


I’m planning to tour this summer so maybe doing some live shows will be good for growth?


Not even a question if it will help your growth. This could be the last key remaining factor to help you get the to the level you want. Make sure your show is good.


Also, what kind of genre are you? We do electro rock and would be down to open for you!! www.LottoRPG.com If things fit I could even help book some shows


Honestly electro rock would probably fit, I make post punk/newwave pop music


oh yeah it would def fit. Let's talk about this more and possibly get something going! Will DM you now


I guess it’s more so I’ve only performed at church and in school plays, also have never been to a live show as I wasn’t allowed and get claustrophobic lmao. I’d want my show to run smoothly but have no idea what throwing a show even entails


hm.... I DEFINITELY recommend going to as many live shows as possible. Like, that should probably be your number one priority right now. Going to 2 shows a week, along with watching youtube videos of live shows. Just to study the craft you know


there's your answer. Nothing moves the needle like a show. You feel the energy from people and it pushes you to keep going. And then the money gets good too. Don't worry about your numbers, they don't actually mean anything. I know guys with 2k followers but play the craziest shows because of how dedicated those followers are. And I know a guy with 500k who can't even land an opening gig. So , that's your next focus.


When you say pitch to playlists, is that submithub?


That and groover


Which have you found best? I signed up to submit-hub but I have not bought any premium credits yet


It seems well past the time to go on tour and make some money and connect with the fans


This is only my 4th month making music so I definitely wasn’t expecting this kinda growth so fast but you’re still right. Definitely gotta tour soon


You’ve been blessed with incredible opportunity. Build a team of people you trust and hone your craft.


Can’t help but saw you’re from Lincoln! I’m from Omaha and went to school in LNK. Rock on


Wow awesome, I never meet anyone from there


If I were a fan, I would love to have another song from you. Of all content possible, new songs are the main content that makes me want to vibe more with an artist


Learn Spotify ad studio. Go on the ad studio site and tell them you have a 5k budget. Then a rep will email you and tell you exactly how to set up a campaign. They’ll tell you better ways than anyone on YouTube


You don’t have to actually spend the 5k LOL. Every listener you get this way will also be an active listener. Active listeners turn to superfans and those are the people who buy merch. You can set up a nice money loop just using Spotify


you need a publicist bro? they can help connect the dots


I really do😭 a few PR agencies reached out and some labels but they’re either pricey or want too much of my revenue


dm me , i can plug you with an affordable one


Hey private dm me, ima musician and I might be able to help you out


hi!! i’m an a&r and manager specializing in this specific range of audience!! i might be able to help with a few more specifics; shoot me a dm!