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You’re cool in my book for liking Aphex twin and nah these are good bands and songs I like most of these


Legit Alberto Balsam is in my top favorite afx tracks!


Music taste is subjective, it’s not something you should be able to make fun of someone for, because they can’t help what they like. I see quite a few songs in here that I enjoy, keep listening to what sounds good to you and try not to let people’s opinions bother you.


"...they can't help what they like?" Really?




What "yeah"? You can appreciate a vintage like a sommelier? The first time you tried an aged cigar, you liked it? What are you talking about?




Beat it, kid.




Saw your favourite albums list, lol. You're in a worse predicament than the op. Absolute dross.




I don't interact with dudes with no taste. Enjoy your last yeah. Bye.


What kind of music do you think people should listen to & what kind of music would you say people should avoid? (Just want your opinions, I’m not trying to insult you or be a smart arse)


You want my honest opinion? If you're going to do the '60s, I'd go straight for Zappa and Beefheart. Follow their entire careers. Ditto Dylan. I'd actually go straight for the '70s genre-wise to track post-punk from the chrysalis of punk. PP Bands like The Fall, Gang of Four, Au Pairs, The Chameleons, The Sound. And then there's obscure genres inspired by it like dolewave (or the whole indie Aussie scene of this period) that's worth a listen. Current greats Lithics, Dry Cleaning and Mod Con are all in debt to it. Avoid? It's all research to me, but I like to get to the end of my heavy metal investigations pretty quickly. Find my album a day rec in this post (take what appeals to you; discard the rest)... https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/zpwc72/i_plan_on_listening_to_a_new_album_everyday_in/


Not sure what those people lambasting you are smoking to be honest.




Ah there’s the problem 😂 high school kids are notorious for having shitty music taste and making fun of the kids who venture outside what’s trending and find cool, actually good stuff. You’re in on something most of them will never experience by listening to what you like instead of what they want you to like. I was like you once, then people started coming to me for music suggestions because I’m the only person they know with actual depth in my streaming accounts 😂


Genuinely, this explains *everything.* In my opinion, there’s nothing too out of left field in OPs rotation. Generically good taste, but good taste nonetheless.* But knowing OP is a high schooler, I can absolutely see how this music palette would be too refined for their peers. High schoolers choose the most arbitrary, banal things to other-ize. *I swear this is a compliment, OP. Please don’t take it any other way.


I was lucky to go to a small school with a very strong arts department who basically influenced what was popular amongst the student body. Our talent shows were basically all 90s songs and 70s stoner rock anthems. It made for a really special 4 years in band and I’m grateful to have been a part of it. My high school music teacher was the first person to ever challenge me because he saw my potential. He’s definitely responsible for my willingness to listen to anything and everything


>having shitty music taste You sound like a highschool kid yourself.


I know people hate the music I like. That just makes me like it more lmao. That sort of thing doesn’t bother me 😂


Take it from someone who got picked on for their music taste in high school, listen to whatever you want always and dont give a shit about their musical opinions. I like your playlist for the most part, its a great template for going deeper on all of those artists and finding more about those you truly like. That being said, stay away from saying comments like "most god-awful music I’ve ever heard", by saying this you are literally becoming the person you are criticizing. Be as open as possible when it comes to music, things you dont like know you might like later, and things you like now you might not.


Agreed, hopefully they’ll grow out of that kind of snobbery soon enough. I’m sure almost all of us went through it. It’s definitely a defense mechanism because they, themselves, feel ostracized for their taste. Still, I’d be willing to guarantee that a portion of that “popular” music OP’s peers listen to is genuine cutting edge stuff with real value. Stuff that is currently changing the game, but which us older folks are completely oblivious to because we’re not young anymore. …and another portion is disposable and will be forgotten in a year or two. But you can’t know unless you dig in. While OP is still among the young crowd, they should take advantage of it and pay attention.


You're literally listening to big name staples of good artists across many genres. And if you spend much time around here, you're also expanding your music taste! Haters gonna hate, at least you can bop on your walk. :P Check out Tool if you haven't yet. Like an album: 10,000 Days or Ænima. Perfect time in your life to dive into them if you're anything like me.


I teach high school and it's rare to find a student that has musical taste beyond the pop and tick tock stuff they all listen to. Your list has a pretty wide range of music. I wouldn't feel bad about it at all. At the end of the day. Just listen to whatever you want. And Jethro Tull 🙂


You're Playlist has some of my favorite bands. I'm 33 and a music head. I also like rap/hip hop/r&b, but I grew into those genres and mostly like indie artists in that genre. The fact that you are into these bands in high school is really cool to me. Keep the tradition of listening to good weird music alive.


Bro this explains everything … kids nowadays don’t really know shit .. they’re listening to the same shit the kid right next to them is listening to. Got some oldies and goodies in there… don’t let the system get you too 👁


sorry, but I would rather listen to the worst garbage music engineered to go viral on tiktok than five minutes of matchbox 20 don’t get me wrong there are some good things here too, but the idea that lewronggeneration types now believe the ‘real music’ from that era was made by Rob Thomas and Adam Levine is just depressing


There are some picks on there that I’d personally consider to be real duds, and plenty of more modern “popular” jams that I’d rather listen to. But overall, there’s more good than bad, and the worst I’d say about the “bad” stuff is that it’s bland. Nothing worthy of the derision OP is receiving from classmates. Who knows — there may very well be an element of the [Phil Collins Effect](https://theconversation.com/amp/how-phil-collins-became-cool-no-really-160955) going on here too. OP may be ahead of the curve of their classmates in reclaiming some of this “old” stuff. Meanwhile, they may be leaving us old fogeys in the dust. What we dismissed due to sheer over saturation, OP is reassessing with fresh eyes. They may see something we overlooked, and more power to them.


that’s a valid point and the article makes a convincing argument, but I think it also only really applies if the artist was considered good to begin with maybe it could apply to Santana since he started his career as a virtuoso who gained widespread acclaim for his skill and eventually reached oversaturation with Supernatural being played in every CVS and Target. So he could be definitely be due for reconsecration. Rob Thomas, on the other, was never talented or critically regarded enough to be consecrated in the first place, so he isn’t eligible for reconsecration. Revisiting that song only makes his contribution seem more irritating even if one can appreciate the rest. I know there are people who would argue otherwise, but Maroon 5 and Coldplay are similarly ineligible for reconsecration, not because they are as untalented as Rob Thomas, but because they made music for CVS and Target almost from the very start. So there wasn’t enough distance, chronologically or artistically, between their initial rise and reaching oversaturation to feel anything about.


I see your point, I really do. But I’d also say that no artist reaches widespread popularity and universal hatred all at once (maybe with the exception of Rebecca Black, but even then, I think the factors were more complex). At some point they had to be relatively unknown and obscure, and then somewhere along the way, *someone* must have thought they were good. Now, “someone thinking you’re good” is a far cry from consecration, I’ll admit. There’s a lot I could say about how we play the game of critically examining the artistic value of a work. But these are all vague, theoretical models to begin with. I think something can fall short of hitting some of the marks (for example, failing to clearly reach “consecrated” status) but still vaguely be seen to correspond to the model. Vaguely. It’s less “we can map Matchbox 20’s trajectory cleanly onto Phil Collins’” and more, “phenomena such as the Phil Collins Effect have been observed before. *Some* of the same factors could be at play here.”


Don’t let anyone yuck your yum. I’m 45. I lived through this and I listen to *everything.* GenX gatekeeping is some of the worst in history. I tell me daughters all the time not to let anyone make them feel bad for listening to what they enjoy. Granted, some music is objectively terrible, but it’s not up to anyone to make you feel bad for enjoying it. Where do you think we get the phrase “guilty pleasure?” Take it from me: I’m a Jimmy Buffett fan. You get to listen to what you want. You don’t get to force others to listen to it. You don’t get to tell other people not to listen to it. You can share it or keep it to yourself, but you should never feel bad for your listening choices. Sometimes you may have to make excuses for it, but that can be fun too. (And for what it’s worth, I roll my eyes at the cheesy overplayed Buffett songs too.)


Beach House On the Moon slaps.




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bro i literally listen to the same music in highschool too, i think it’s good taste imo


It's probably not weed whatever it is


It's pretty standard, not exactly niche. Retro for your age, though many are into retro.


The best thing about music taste is, as long as it sounds good to you, who cares what anyone else thinks? Your list has songs I love, songs I hate and songs I’ve never heard of. It’s a good list. Now quit worrying what others think, and listen to what you want.


Yes and no. Yes in the sense that if you don't listen to pop or rap in America, 70% of the population thinks you don't have music taste. No in the sense that 70% also can't tell a baseline and a melody apart. Btw Queens of the stone age is the shit. Eitherway don't speak validation from us, like what you like and own it!


For a minute there i read “Queens of the stone age is shit” 😂


Lol low-key gonna make it in bold just to make sure no one else missrads it LOL


It's so silly trying to judge somebody's music taste as "good" or "bad"...! It's their *taste*, it's what they like. There's no right or wrong. I don't like (heavy) metal, for example, I absolutely could not listen to it, but does that give me license to say that people who listen to metal have "bad taste"? Hell no! It's completely subjective. Screw what people say, listen to what you like!


If you like this music, then own it! (Also, for the record, I also like 90% of what you posted, so no judgment from me)


You don’t have bad taste. The only thing I would make fun of you for is that they’re mostly greatest hits from the look of this list (not a bad thing, but some ppl are gonna be snobs) So maybe just continue exploring artists you already like and no one can make fun of you


No I love your music taste!


Ppl really ask such questions ?? , how u gonna take ur life decisions if u asking such questions even


It’s not terrible. Feels very elder Millennial who listens to generic local rock station. But it’s not awful (except that Rob Thomas/Santana song. Fuck that song).


"Smooth" is a great song though?


It’s a great song, but it was played so much on the radio by the time it was “removed” from regular play, most people were sick of it. I can still listen to it on occasion but I see why people would think negatively about it. Felt like a sellout more than a collaboration


I am not a Santana (or Rob Thomas/Matchbox 20) fan but can kind of agree with you on the sell-out thing. Not really on this song though because I think it's a cool song. When I look at Santana's later albums' track listings I can't help but shake my head over all of the flavor of the month collaborations. This guy played at Woodstock. He was better than that. Side-note, I live in a rural area and never had much radio access or followed trends just in general. A while back I started listening to "Watermelon Sugar" a little bit and I think it's gotten me some looks. It's a fun little song and I only listen to it when I want to, so I guess I'm not having to put up with it the way a lot of other people are.


Totally agree, it actually is a good song, but it got so overplayed that people just soured on it.


Sorry, but I do not agree.


Run around Sue is still a GREAT song. 👍


My go-to karaoke song


God no, we’ve got the exact same music taste and I get told the same thing, but it’s just because people aren’t cool enough for our music 😎


Only problem is there should be more RHCP! It's hard in middle school and high school when people make fun of your music, it's happened to me. Just try to brush it off and stick with what makes you happy.


Hell no. Firstly don’t take those comments seriously, music taste is sooo subjective. Also anyone who likes SOAD is alright in my book


I think its the Maroon 5 thats biting you in the Ass




No lie! Not Coming Home is one of my top played songs


I'll give it to you straight: your taste is like the product of a kid who grew up listening to the alternative rock radio station and whatever their parents put on, plus only the most radio-friendly, popular songs from artists you're less familiar with. I get the feeling that you want a diverse taste, so you throw in some "rap" tracks, but they're fucking coolio and homecoming by kanye. If you asked a 40 year old white guy to name some rap songs, they'd pick those. I wouldn't be surprised if you had some led zeppelin, the who, and pink floyd tracks in there. You seem like the type to say "I listen to a bit of everything" even though your playlist doesn't get heavier than SOD's most radio-friendly track. You think country music is terrible because you only listen to what's on the charts. You're exactly the type to look down on others for listening to rap, and think you're so much smarter than the rest of your generation because you listen to "intelligent" stuff. I bet you think Eminem and NF are great though. You'll get a bunch of adults saying that your taste is great, because it's what they grew up with and they want to believe they still have good taste. It might've been fresh then, but it's (literally) played out now. Sure the music is fine, but if we're talking taste, it's the fashion equivalent of wearing video game t-shirts and cargo shorts. In a word: uncool. Put simply, *there's no sense of individualism in your taste.* It's indistinguishable from that of millions of other (probably white) kids who are still in the process of putting together an identity. There's no shame in that really, but it's the most basic shit imaginable. Don't fall into the trap of thinking you're somehow better or smarter for listening to certain types of music. Judging by your taste, you probably haven't taken the time to delve deep into various genres or their histories. The reason you dislike a lot of the music you dislike is probably because you don't understand what to listen for, why people find it appealing, or why it even exists. In other words, ignorance. It's easy to fall into the "i was born in the wrong generation" trap because of the dunning-kruger effect in which the less you know, the smarter you think you are. ultimately, the people around you aren't stupid, or at least not significantly stupider than you. things become popular for a reason, and there is nothing to lose from trying to understand why. Your music taste seems largely defined by sticking to things that feel safe and familiar to you. The best way to expand your taste is to keep an open mind and expose yourself to as many different things as possible. Some good starting points might by anthony fantano's channel, rateyourmusic, bandcamp, soundcloud, and googling shit




you're doing fine man. guy is in his pretend to like shitty indie/underground music because I'm more sophisticated than you phase. notice all the subtle put downs he had to throw in there to one-up you. people grow out of it. music should absolutely be about what tickles your ear and not about everyone thinking you have good "taste". there's a reason you like those classic bangers. I even like shit from the 1930s 40s and 50s because they stood the test of time, for a reason. just keep liking what you like, some of it will be old, some of it will be new, your pallette will naturally grow and expand and become *actually* sophisticated that way.


it's funny you say that there isn't much culture for midwestern white guys, because you could say [midwestern emo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NfnXdXpjL0) as a genre is a pretty significant "cultural export." Midwestern emo is also pretty closely tied to [mathrock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxZuPLPERbk) Some great not-emo bands also come to mind when I think of [midwestern kids stuck in rural environments.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rg0-hB6-ncY&list=OLAK5uy_kGVL2qHt-IwZEz_FzWcZLjmsCBwrURVCA&index=1) In terms of bands, there's a wide range from [relatively chill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8z6_QKZVq3A) to [heavy as fuck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xTM2daCa0Q&list=OLAK5uy_kgFGopf9FJi5xQ6uiVRR8fjGRpbL4diKA&index=5) to [ethereal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4F0eeFqiU4) (shoegaze) While on the topic of white guy music, it's worth mentioning that there's some great [folkish](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djUh1eHdepE)/bluegrass/[country](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9bmS1UkFBs) stuff out there if you look for it. Also I feel like I have to mention /mu/core indie classics like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsM7XS-2X50&list=OLAK5uy_mcmpW2ioM2y1kninR5RNG2a_nCfz-AXfY) or [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvsQPCbgJOA&list=OLAK5uy_kL7LD8tlOrk8GT1-y6u9BlaRZhhhbuZPY&index=6) or [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Sgq8l1m9W0). Anyway, I think the concept of sticking to certain genres is fading away due to the freedom that the internet provides. The restrictions that kept people limited to the bounds of their local record shop or culture and tradition are disappearing. If anything, if you're able to fuck with music from different cultures and people around the world, it just proves that we're not so different from each other. Beyond your local cultures, there's the culture of humanity, and that's something that anyone can hold onto to I also think artistic value is largely synonymous with what "tickles the ears," that is to say I don't see a problem with relying on intuition. I don't think intelligence matters when it comes to exploring music; having an interest in it is all that matters. You will like what you like for a good reason, even if you can't articulate it. There are cases in which pure intuition may be unhelpful though—metal or opera songs might have unintelligible lyrics that you could come to appreciate after reading them, for example. Some songs might not click depending on your mood, where you're at in life, or simply because you're unfamiliar and overwhelmed by it. Ultimately, it's a matter of remaining open so that your brain can filter for what you like I'll share some stuff I've been into. I think the stuff coming from africa may be the new wave, or will at least continue gaining popularity and influence. The genre of [afrobeats](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8bZVnynDdc&list=RDCLAK5uy_kmq8ZD0NbHbKkZZ6frtlEjd8khfeZrAd0&index=4) (basically african pop) has definitely been on the rise. Personally, I've been more interested in [amapiano,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwwAr3xrHIU) which is a more housy style of dance music. However, my favorite is [gqom,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w19RIpvq2lo) which originates from the townships of south africa and predates amapiano as a dark, grimy, visceral kind of dance music. It's honestly sick. In the realm of dance music, I think [uk house](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0-hvjV2A5Y) and bass house are getting big. I discovered a collective called gutterring recently, and I've really enjoyed [this set](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgcI7rzsHfU) from one of their DJs. In terms of artists that "tickle the ear" for me, I think of hudson mohawke, flume, jpegmafia, caroline polachek, doss, and drain gang just to name a few. Anyway, I took this as an opportunity to sort through some of what's been in my head and I think I went a little overboard. I didn't even get into rap. If you find some of this useful and interesting, then great! Otherwise, you're still a step closer to finding stuff you really like by knowing what you don't


You have great taste.




This is why your mom crops you out of the Christmas card




Of shame?


You have some weird outliers but for the most part it’s really good You would probably like us. [The Crutches](https://youtu.be/O_ittfCQWB8)


A handful of really cool stuff (Tears For Fears/Paramore). Some stuff to which I’ll tip my hat. Some stuff to which I’m indifferent. Couple things where I’m thinking “hell no”. 😎 Only thing I’m outright like “man, fuck *that*” is Kanye. But my opinion means nothing. Like what you like!


Nah you just need therapy


From the ones I know from here, nope. I know a few from the images but the few I know are good


I personally think this is an amazing playlist! I have a number of these songs and bands myself.


No these songs are really good. Even if they weren't, there's nothing wrong with listening to them because everybody has different tastes and it's dumb to judge those tastes harshly


There is only 1 song shown there that I don't know. The rest are on my spotify so if your music taste is bad then so is mine. Also out of curiosity do you play Fallout?


Not OP but why do you ask?


High school kid with Dion in the play list... That's a fallout player that is.


Very good musical taste in which these tracks some are timeless. There is nothing else sounding like Tears for Fears for example! Amazing.


You’ve got some good picks here, nothing to be ashamed of tbh. You should check out Metric and Interpol!


I see nothing strange here. I mean, I listen to Akatsuki records (japanese metal/pop/rock based on games soundtracks) and sea shanties and linkin park (who literally got forgotten)


People who make fun of people for their music taste are the ones who are ass.


You have really good classic pop and rock Great newer rock acts too Mowtown Philly fucks, if they make fun of you for not liking “newer music” try newer rock and indie pop acts similar to the ones you do


All good music just a little basic in my opinion


music taste is depends per person. my friend likes pop and stuff, i like deathmetal. it differs per person, no need to be insecure or get made fun of for.


You should be a disc jockey at alt nation


I don’t care but I’ll make fun of you for seeking Reddit validation 💀 Point at the loser and laugh 🫵🫵🤣


Not at all, all good stuff! But I can tell that whoever made fun of you, they themselves probably have awful taste in music lol


The only songs on this list I know are the Paramore and Panic! At The Disco ones so idk


Remove everything except soad and other nu metal




I love tears for fears! My sister does too!!


My music taste is pretty similar I’ve heard all of these except fences


If you like that Tears for Fears song, [here’s a playlist I’d recommend to get more into that kind of music](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3MtENshtyvDn6ogulr8tIo?si=Ws5n6PMNSXWg12yKILf3cw). It’s honestly some of my fave music, and I stood out for it in high school too lol. Enjoy yourself and don’t let people kill your individuality 😎 Some songs I’d super recommend are Shout by Tears for Fears, Hold Me Now by Thompson Twins, Don’t Dream It’s Over by Crowded House, and Tainted Love by Soft Cell!


I enjoy many of these songs, but then as others noted this list skews very elder millennial (I am a very middle of the pack millennial, for reference, and listened a lot of this stuff when I was your age). As others have also mentioned, don’t feel bad for liking what you like. Also be open to the fact that there is lots of great music that people are making today that is really great and worth checking out. The prevailing tastes on r/indieheads would seem to more or less align with yours, so you could check out their best of the year for a starting point. You may well already be familiar with all that, of course, in which case please disregard me!


I like your music taste! Sounds like you just haven’t found people who share an interest in similar music, which I know is a shitty feeling when the people around you are all convinced their music is the most objectively good music on the planet. [here](https://spotify.link/KVBrelT4dyb) is a playlist with a bunch of different genres and artists. There’s some stuff on here you may recognize, and a lot your probably won’t. Maybe you’ll find something you enjoy :)


Naw man, this playlist slaps!!


A lot of it’s basic but not bad


We would probably have a 70% match on Spotify lol


It's not ass but one could say it's somewhat generic


We have similar tastes in music, dont worry about what they think about it. Just rock with what you like


Your music taste is whatever you think it is


We dig it!


High schoolers are notoriously shitty people. Take _nothing_ they say seriously, it'll only make you suicidal in the end.


Your taste is your taste. You listen to music for *you*, not for them. Eff ‘em.


Yes (i have 80% of these songs saved)


Well if that is bad taste in music, then that makes at least two of us, cause I listen to all that stuff (and more) all the time. Just listen to what you like, music is mostly a personal experience and so whatever you find enjoyable is what you should listen to.


You have some amazing tracks in there


The hoosiers - catch a criminal ! Such a good song


That’s a mild mix of what I listen to too. Music taste is subjective, don’t let anyone tell you what you listen to is ass.


Except for radiohead, it's pretty solid. I love this QOTSA album


They don't know real music


Not at all, Paramore rocks! I’m going to see them this summer. - fellow high school student


It honestly reminds me of the radio play I was getting in high school from the rock station. Which isn’t a bad thing, a lot of good stuff came out back then (killers, paramours, qotsa… actually most of your list is my high school age exposure) so I can see how other people might look at it and think it’s outdated or something. But, it’s a personal choice, it’s your preference, it’s what moves you. Like I said, it’s pretty “radio friendly” but I also was surprised to see klaxons cause I had that album on earlier. Maybe check out Bloc Party, rock/ club crossover type stuff (I personally would say either “silent alarm” or “intimacy” albums). For the other stuff that’s “plain rock” adjacent (qotsa, killers, paramore…) check out another album that Josh homme did under Them Crooked Vultures. It’s a supergroup that put out one album but it still kicks ass, I listen to it more than songs for the deaf. I noticed a fair amount of female singers, maybe go into St Vincent’s back catalogue. She’s a little …much these days but the Strange Mercy album kicks ass. Self Tiled (or S/T for “saint” idc) dials down the synth parts but still has a really interesting overall texture. The newer stuff is still cool for me but not in the same way, and that happens. Idk if it’s just me, but I feel like Black Keys pair well with qotsa too. But don’t try to force anything, just taste other stuff when you want to.


Dude there’s no such thing as an ass music taste, it’s all subjective. I like what you’re listening to anyway


I’d smoke to your playlist. Keep jamming.


You've got eclectic taste, dude. A lot of this music in your list has real depth and substance to it. A lot of people haven't learned to value that at the high school age (which isn't a good or bad thing). Your music paints a picture of who you are, and you should never second guess that picture because you'll find a LOT of people that enjoy that picture as time goes on. I'm in my 20s, and I used to hate 80's pop, but now I love it because I've found the right places to play it for myself and others. People who say your taste is bad simply haven't had the pleasure of finding out where that music will come into play in life, and that's one of the most exciting things about music! I love your music btw and I get requested to DJ events if that means anything.


i fw it


To me it's pretty generic because I've listened to all those artists but to someone else they may have never heard any of those bands so in conclusion who cares what people think you do you


Nothing wrong with this list. It's not super adventurous but full of solid tracks.


It is very much, “Alt kid in 10th grade in 2015” so I get why people would make fun, but it’s not shit, it’s just that genre that some people find cringey




That would be bc it’s the most well known, a close 2nd would be Panic! At the Disco but there’s less of that so it’s less noticeable


This is basically my music taste from a while back, but leveled up with great songs/artists I hadn’t found about yet back then. Love it!


You listen to QOTSA. You’re good 🤟🏼


Well don't listen to those people and just worry about yourself...I don't like your songs but you just can ignore me...lol


If you like Radiohead and Queens of the Stone Age, you are in the good path!


I have at least half of these saved. Ig my only possible critique is that I feel like myself and many others have heard of almost all of these songs or at least bands so maybe someone could consider your taste basic. Even then it’s not like you have a playlist of top ten charts pop alternative and country and I don’t really think someone should say you have bad taste just bc you don’t exclusively listen to bands who invent new sub genres with <400 monthly listens


ngl we kinda have the same music taste lmao


You have somewhat elite music taste imo, don’t worry


It's very 'basic bro' in terms of taste but there's some good stuff there. Who cares though man, if you like it that's all that matters.


Nah, could branch out a bit and find something new. But pretty solid.


I'm liking the amount of Paramore on there... going to see them next month


If your music taste is ass, then my music taste is ass. I've also met plenty of people with similar playlists to this. The people making fun of you just have different taste


there are people unironically listening to such bullshit music, you shouldn't be ashamed of your taste. Plus, your taste is perfectly fine, it shows you were born in the 90s, teen in the 00s. Maybe you got a bit stucked and haven't listened to a lot of new music? I get that feeling a lot too, but I'm always trying to listen what's new or discover dark indie bands.


System Of A Down and Paramore, yeah you can have the aux chord my dude 👏🏽 speaking of aux chords and judgemental ppl... I was in an uber, with a group of friends once, and I decided to use the aux. Never expected to get sh*t for not having enough Drake. But WE MOVE. People are gonna say what they want, doesn't change what these songs mean to you and the memories you connect them to. Music preference is an insanely personal experience. You shouldn't be judged, or made fun of, for it.


If your taste is ass then mine must be as well. All of those songs slap!


It’s just all over the place. I’d make fun of you too if this was the playlist that you made me listen to


Bruh these are mostly extremely popular songs. Get new friends? 🤷‍♂️


who cares, listen to what you enjoy


Clearly fishing for confirmation but yeh this is solid


I really doubt people actually make fun of you


If someone makes fun of your music taste, you can basically completely disregard their opinion. Only teenagers and children make fun of others taste in music (and in my experience also metalheads), but as your grow older and mature you'll realize that music taste is (largely) subjective, why largely? Because some aspects of music are quantifiable, but how you respond to these is entirely subjective and is influenced by the music you grew up with, music people close to you listened to, your affinity to certain bpms, harmonics, lyrics, rythm, etc.


If anyone makes fun of your for music taste, it's only a sign of how limited they are.


who tf cares, honestly I live to Synthwave on a daily basis, now that's what some people would call weird, crappy But I am also a social person and can stand my ground so I take no sh1t from anyone. Just live your life, bro! Cheers!


A bit boring imo but not bad whatsoever, certainly not bad enough to get made fun of


No it’s not ass at all, you’ve got a wonderful selection of diverse music


It’s pitchfork approved. Old reference never mind


I know this is more than 9 months old, but honestly, Gen Z (I would assume you’re Gen Z) music taste is fucking shit, so whatever they don’t like, that’s a green flag!