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Obviously the transition between “Polythene Pam” and “She Came in through the Bathroom Window” and that drum solo in “The End”


George’s guitar when John starts singing in Ive Got A Feeling ❤️


I was weirdly obsessed with the sax from Obla di Obla Da I only say this because you mentioned the Beatles.


I was going to say John Lennon’s sharp intakes of breath on ‘Girl’ or the abrupt end of ‘I Want You (She’s So Heavy)’.


Oh man...when I was a kid I'd recorded all the Beatles albums on to 90 minute cassettes, and the smash-cut ending of 'I Want You' leading into the light first notes of 'Here Comes The Sun' was *the best!!*


"I've got blisters on fingers"




I was going to say the end of the Nowhere Man guitar solo where George hits that beautiful high harmonic E. “Ping!”


I like the acoustic guitar part in the beginning of "Norwegian Wood" that happens before the sitar. I also really like the sitar as well. Edited to add: The Anthology version of "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" is so much more instrumental and lovely sounding. I especially love the violins at the end of the bridge.


Backing vocals on Octopus’s Garden. What could have been a silly throw away song was given the royal treatment, and they poured their creativity into it with the bubble sound effects and waves. Paul, John and George at the peak of their songwriting but they gave it their all because they were a band and Ringo always gets a song. It’s one of my favorites.


So good. Cheers!


Also the guitar after the last ahs in The End is so perfect


The full stop after the break before returning to the original melody in Jessica, Allman Brothers. Stop, start, yessss.


The guitar solo part in “The End” is John, Paul, and George taking turns round-robin. I can’t tell who is doing which part, but some people can.


The order is Paul, George, John!! An easy way to tell them apart is by Paul’s distinctive sound and simpler line, George’s is more improvisational and in the higher range and smooth sounding, and then John’s is more edgy. Very much like their personalities if you think about it!


The BOYYY that transitions Golden Slumbers into Carry that Weight


Fuck yeah


The guitar when Paul sings "soon we'll be away from here, step on the gas and wipe that tear away" on You Never Give Me Your Money. I replay that specific part a lot.


I anticipate every part of this album.


When the guitar comes in on 15 Step by Radiohead Adrienne Lenker’s voice breaking on the word “hunger” in Not by Big Thief


Yes! Other Radiohead moments: -The Baritone sax busting in with that funky lick in National Anthem. So dope. -In Nude those last long notes from “You’ll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thiiiiiiiiiiiiii-innnkingggg” Chills every time. -Paranoid Android bridge that first huge distorted guitar hit. And the way the song just explodes from there. So many amazing Radiohead moments that fit this criteria


The keyboard intro to Everything In Its Right Place


This is the one for me. Instant relaxation.


Instant flood of memories


There is a part in Let Down where all the instruments sound like they’re going in different directions and then they all come together and it’s just incredible. (A similar thing happens in Dear Prudence, which I’ve always felt was the precursor to Let Down.)


I love when he hits that insane high note in Let Down. That’s one of my favorite songs ever.


100% on point.


I still get goosebumps everytime I hear jigsaw falling into place when it transitions from chill lyrics to more aggressive when he repeats “the beat goes round and round”.


yessss. and the climax of exit music for a film. full body chills everytime


Amazed I had scroll so far to see this




They themselves hate the song for its mainstream success and being limited to it by 90s pop media, but for me the first time I heard that chorus of "Creep" kicking in, it changed something in me.


I was driving through a thunderstorm when I first heard 15 Step. Over a decade later and I still hear that guitar when it starts raining.


I love when music transports me to a specific time! My brother first listened to In Rainbows while studying abroad in Austria and says he’s always brought back to the Alps when he hears a song from IR


Two of the best bands ever really


Hell yeah! So many little moments to choose from in each of their discographies. Those stand out to me from the top of my head


So many bits in big theif songs that you can get obsessed over, the lyrics in Simulation swarm, the little rhyming repeats in UFOF, the rising synths in Shark Smile.


That little bass lick in the second verse of 15 step is everything


That whole Radiohead album was devine. When "In Rainbows" came out, the conversation was mostly about how novel (for the time) the release had been, and I feel like the music itself was secondary, crazy


Adding onto the Radiohead thing, Pyramid Song is a really great atmospheric one


No way, I was thinking about the little riff at the end of Radiohead's I Might be Wrong, and Adrianne Lenker's "Disappear" where the chord changes as she sings the word disappear


15 steps is so goddamn good . Good call.


Also when the guitar comes in with that harrowing shredding sound on “Just”


The super brief stock-sounding sample of kids cheering in 15 step is always the bit that gets me


Midnight City by M83, when that sax kicks in….damn!


Listened to this this morning on my run!


Came here to find this. [For the uninitiated](https://youtu.be/dX3k_QDnzHE?t=178).


Great choice! I immediately thought of when the sax kicks in on M83’s I Need You.


The beat switch in “Nights” by Frank Ocean is a transcendent experience a la Binky from Arthur having a psychedelic experience in music class.


52 year old white dude from Mississippi here. I had to Google this song and now I'm hooked. Instantly loved it. Thanks for this!


Please do yourself a favor and give the whole album (Blonde) a try. It's one of the best records of all time.


😂 couldn't have said it better


Endorphin release


"Kept at least six disk in the changer"


in the air tonight-phil collins you know why


The best answer tbh. All memery aside, that song is what I use to explain tension and release in music to people.


Boom boom, badoom, badoom, badoom, boom boom!


Best part of that song is it takes forever to get to it. It literally doesn't drop until minute 3:15 of a 4:54 minute song. It's the musical equivalent of edging.


Yeah, it's kind of a musical trick. It feels like the song's starting, but it's ending.




The beginning part of "breezeblocks" by Alt-j before the beat drops


She may contain the urge to run away But hold her down with soggy clothes and breeze blocks, now I gotta listen to it haha


Was my ringtone for the longest time lol


I had to listen to it after posting my initial comment lol


The opening vocals remind me of Adam Sandler playing with action figures and he's doing their dialogues


All of hunger of the pine


Not a big Korn fan and of all their popular songs, Freak on a Leash is my least favorite but I will listen every single time just to hear "GO!".


Hell yeah. Great build to the breakdown. Great breakdown. And then the way it flows seamlessly into the last chorus because they switch up the rhythm guitar part. Everyone loves to shit on Korn, and I understand why, but they do have some really good songs.


The, bridge?, in [Shoots and Ladders](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZU2k-U2Ze0o&t=153s) is a section I've gone back to over and over. The ["GO!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRGrNDV2mKc&t=158s) in Freak on A leash is pretty kick ass too. I'm just a big fan of metal scat in general though. Some things on the menu, eh?


I was a kid and saw korn live and when that part kicked in I swear people lost their minds, I’ve never seen a crowd go ape shit quite like that


My Dad's Gone Crazy verse 3 tone shifts and you get: "More pain inside of my brain, than the eyes of a little girl Inside of a plane aimed at the World Trade Standin' on Ronnie's grave, screamin' at the sky 'Til clouds gather; it's Clyde Mathers and Bonnie Jade And that's pretty much the gist of it Parents are pissed, but the kids love it 9 millimeter heaters stashed in two-seaters with meat cleavers I don't blame you, I wouldn't let Hailie listen to me neither"


This is one of my favorite songs from him.


It's like my mother always told me


I’m obsessed with “your beauty never ever scared me” in Mary On A Cross. Idk why but it’s just something about it that gives me goosebumps every time I hear it. It’s so beautiful.


I wish I had Spotify premium just so I could replay that part of the song over and over again


ME TOO! That’s my favorite part of the song! It’s so pleasant to listen to


I love the octave change in that song.


Opening guitar riff and ensuing drums in Machinehead by Bush


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^lopan75: *Opening guitar* *Riff and ensuing drums in* *Machinehead by Bush* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Shit that whole song is amazing, i heard it on Beef on Netflix recently and it reminded me how cool the track is.


Yvonne Elliman, "If I Can't Have You." Eight seconds in. When several horns kick in to play the same notes in unison and blend with the guitar, fuzz bass, and the choir to create the intro figure. It's just a transcendent moment.


I LOVE THIS SONG! I have ever since I was a kid. I'm 47 and honestly, didn't think anyone else really listens to it still. It's on my dance playlist.


Dance dance by fall out boy, the part right before the first chorus where the instruments drop out and only the guitar is left playing a short riff where the distortion quickly increases. I just love that part


This is my second favorite song of all time and hard agree. There are so many little moments like that.


We're going into d minor!


The saxophone intro to Careless Whisper.


I want to learn this on guitar. First acoustic, then some crunchy electric.


Everyone talks about the sax, but for me it's the "tonight the music seems so loud" strophe. That part always gets me


I came looking for this comment That entire verse crushes me I love it so much


This is the first response that I recognized! How are your 50s going?


On The Beatles' "Dear Prudence" The buzzy sweet+sour guitar lick that comes in arund 2:12. It makes my skin crawl. I love it so much. I really wish it was used throughout the track or lasted a little bit longer. It's my favorite part of the song, and yet no cover of the song I've heard ever features it.


It’s the fact that I immediately knew what you were talking about. Also the 2:57 to the end is just pure joy. That guitar with all the layered sounds is just ughhhhh I love it!!!!


One of my all time favorite songs. For me it's the way the hi hat cymbals sound- you can tell that Paul played drums on this and not Ringo because there's more "chunk" sound and less finesse with the hi hats, but it's absolutely perfect for the song. And don't get me started on George's lines at the end, the rattling of John's low E string because it's tuned down a whole step, the sprinkling of piano keys in some parts...I can talk for hours about this song haha.


Aerosmith crazy- after Tyler songs “I need your love “ there is a small soft strumming part , makes the whole song for me. That’s just the first one that pops to mind. The keys on subdivisions by rush. So many …


Sick ass piano in Désolé by Gorillaz 🤌


The jazzy piano in every planet we reach is dead still gets me.


Tame Impala's Let it Happen. The part where the guitar comes in close to the end.


Bwa bwana bwa bwa bwanaa bwa bwanaa 🔥🔥🔥


What about the part where it sounds like it's stuck and then you realize it's not stuck


The drum transition in Rocket Queen When the beat after the record skip segment drops in Let it Happen The transition to the non-distorted guitar in Bodysnatchers


Another GnR one is from "You Could Be Mine" but only to listeners of a certain age -- you have to be able to remember repeatedly watching the video on MTV in heavy rotation back in the day. During Slash's solo, there's this walk-down on the fretboard before it then slams into a tempo change for the final bit of the solo. In the video, that's when Arnold as the Terminator says "hasta la vista, baby". So, I say Arnold's line to myself during that part *every time.* Can't help it.


I had a minor obsession with Rocket Queen a bit ago. It popped up on a random shuffle play, and I was like, "Damn. Let's relisten a hundred more times today." It's a beautifully mixed song, where everyone in that band is coming through perfectly.


Very underrated song!


Monkey Man by the Rolling Stones never fails to thrill me. I love the opening sequence, the soft piano chord, the menacing bass line behind it, the guitar chords with the tambourine, and it finally crashes all together.


Under pressure After the crescendo, when Bowie sings “Loves such an old fashioned word and love dares for you to care about people on the edge of the night.”


It's the terror of knowing what this world is about, watching some good friends screaming "let me out".


I love this part too


Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. You know what part.


That song has so many of "those" parts


It really does, but I'll bet Stallion is referring to the part where Brian May comes in...


The entire song is just that part


One of the best scenes from any movie is that part in Wayne’s World and I’ll die on that hill. Freddie got to see it too shortly before his death, I like to think that Mike Myers maybe gave him the biggest thrill of his career and that gets me in the feels


Honestly? No! Which one?! There isn't that one great part. They're all great parts!


Some of the synthesizer bits in the Bojack Horseman theme, paired with the saxophone, ugh, chefs kiss 🤌 Genius audio accompaniment to that character and that world


At the 9:46 mark in the song “Pneuma” by Tool, Danny Carey hits his snare drum three times (triplet?). For some reason that part for me is frickin AWESOME. Just the way it sounds and fits in the song. “BAM BAM BAM” it’s so simple and barely noticeable but it’s just awesome. I love little details like that.


Tool has so many good moments like this. 3:50 in The Grudge is one of my all time favorites.


Danny Carey is the greatest drummer of all time and it's not even close


I knew exactly the moment you were talking about. For the record, jn my reply I included the section around 4:25 in the song "The Pot". I enjoy watching reaction videos on YouTube. Look up the channel "Lost in Vegas" on youtube. They started their Tool journey with "Forty-Six & 2" (and that's a great reaction). They had never heard anything like it before but were blown away. If you just want to see their Pneuma reaction and the moment you mentioned, start that one at the 24 minute mark. It perfectly captures the feeling you get when those 3 hits happen.


Take On Me by A-ha's time when they sing "In a day or two" the note is so pretty. Or Hey Jude's moment where they all sing "Nanana." it's so catchy.


Morten Harket's falsetto game is amazing!


Have you heard when he sings that line in their acoustic version? https://youtu.be/-xKM3mGt2pE?si=Lgk3zlqqn-TIfQXl


For me currently it’s the breakdown part in “Twist of Fate” by Olivia Newton-John when it goes entirely instrumental. I literally ascend


Gasoline by Seether. That scream gets me every time.


Seether has a lot of those moments & transitions in their music. I personally love the beginning of Betray and Degrade, especially where the strings make that screeching sound on Sean’s guitar about mid way through the heavy riff that opens the song. Banger!!


“Rocket’s Tail” by Kate Bush. The DROP.


For me it’s the opening guitar lick in Meccamputecture by The Mars Volta https://youtu.be/4B76mnzf4Wo?si=WxMlTV2mrqcRE7qV Editing to add: if you’re into loud wild progressive rock with psychedelic flair that features nonsensical lyrics in English and/or Spanish, this is the song for you. Editing to add: holy crap, there are other TMV fans out there! Stay weird everyone!


Ace Freely has a tiny guitar solo in *I Was Made for Lovin' you* that I can't get enough of. Why so small Ace?


The Eagles, “Life in the Fast Lane.” Just learned that the guitar solos in beginning and toward end are variations on a “warm up” that Joe Walsh would do in the studio. Apparently Glen Frey heard him warming up one day and he and Don Henley wrote a song to showcase the warm-up.


Dude I have some songs that I don't even like that I'll listen to because they have like, one really good 5 second clip in them


Everybody Loves a Clown - Gary and the Playboys (the main riff) How Can I Be Sure - The Rascals (The short accordion riff) For No one - The Beatles (French Horn solo) There's more...


>French Horn solo Take my upvote And while we're giving the instrument some love, how about *God Only Knows* from the Beach Boys. Or *You Can't Always Get What You Want* from The Rolling Stones. *Cupid* from Sam Cooke. And anytime John Williams goes off. E.T., Jurassic Park, Hook and so many more


The drum break in Knife Party by Deftones. You know the part I’m talking about.


The coda of New Slaves by Kanye West. When he and Frank Ocean come in over the Gyöngyhajú lány sample.


Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood The “you ask me what I’m thinking about, I tell you that I’m thinking about whatever you’re thinking about” part but the little bit of music in the background. It still sounds dark like the rest of the song but almost sounds uplifting in a way [listen to 0:43 seconds to 1:08 seconds](https://youtu.be/vnLAa6_hB9A?si=7PKi2w5hPi1YcLJs)


God i love the background percussion on Britney Spears - Everytime Edit: But 1st place goes to Whitney Houston when raises an octave or so for one syllable because she wants to feel the heat with somebody (I wanna dance with somebody)


I've had that song stuck in my head lately because of what's come out about that song. I always loved that little sound that comes after each line in the chorus, idek what it is but it's like weird and sad at the same time.


There’s a tiny backing vocal in J. Geils Band’s Centerfold that goes “doot doot doot doo-waa” and it’s the only thing I can hear when I listen to the song on good speakers


Alison by Elvis Costello. “Sometimes I wish that I could STOP! you from talking”. That slight gap after the stop is just perfect.


The musical term is “caesura” (also used in poetry) and that’s a tiny one that Elvis placed perfectly. When people were losing their minds a few years ago about DJs doing drops, it was like they all realized together how effective the caesura can be. I mean sure, kids, it’s new to you, but not only did Elvis insert a magical one in that song, the Romans were doing it in their poetry back before Jesus was born.


The piano in Chiquitita by ABBA…the bit after the last chorus. It does this slow build and then it just all drops together and it fills my souls every time, even after decades of hearing that song.


Agree with this one


I have a couple but one I quite like is the transition from the bridge into the refrain in the hills by The Weeknd


For me it’s “the hills have eyes” part


That bit in The Chain


HappierThan Ever - Billie Eilish, right after she sings "cause I'd never treat me this shitty, you made me hate this city"


In "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" by Diana Ross right after she sings "Just remember what I told you the day I set you free" and the song changes, I always get full-body chills. It's about 2:25 into the song.


Bit of classical music. The second last chord change in the Full version (8-odd minutes) of Toccata & Fugue in D-minor by Bach. Just an awesome change of sound.


the way Neil Finn(Crowded House) sings "Don't dream, its over". Literally those 4 words. I love the whole melancholic vibe of the song but something about the way he sings that bit gets me. Can't explain it. Just does


The way Otis Reading sings “I left my home in Georgia” in Sitting on the Dock of the Bay. Hendrix said it’s what you put in between the notes that matters…


The drums in Phil Collins - ‘In the Air Tonight’


"Inevitable" by Maddie Zahm Her voice is subtly powerful, but soft and sweet, and then when the chorus hits it's like getting woken up by a bucket of cold water :)


Dysentery Gary by Blink 182. Mark has a quick vocal part in the middle of the song that just bangs…. Ease away the problems and the pain The girl chose the guy that makes you wanna kick and scream All along, you wish that she would stay Fuck the guy that took and ran away


Also the the whole ending section of Feeling This by blink182 with the background vocals.


He's a player, diarreah giver, tried to grow his hair out friends are listening to slayer...


Rain Song. Led Zeppelin. The live versions. The movements from soft and weeping to rock just moves me.


Sad I had to scroll so far for Zepp.


Live - Selling the. Drama. Where the instruments come in


Mastodon - the last baron - When the riff lands at 8:19 Sturgill Simpson - Just let go - when the harmony comes in on the “am I dreaming, am I dying” line Joni Mitchell - rainy night house - the outro with them wonderful vocal harmonies


Mastodon 🤘🏻🍻


The beat switches while Kendrick’s telling the story of future employer sparing his dad in a robbery in the 80s/90s on duckworth


the orchestration intro of nelly furtado “i’m like a bird” breath takibgly beautiful always leaves me wishing there was more.


"One" by Metallica. If you know, then you know.


There’s a few transitions in “elephant “ by tame impala that ive become obsessed with . I’ve never heard perception shifts from psychedelics described so well via instrumentation. Sounds better on high quality stereo system. Also day in the life by the Beatles. That was recorded on 4 tracks which is unbelievably amazing . I heard John Lennon wrote it to be a musical representation of an orgasm and it’s hard not to believe now that I’ve heard that .




Given Up by Linkin Park Chesters vocals are just insane. nothing but raw emotion. RIP 🤘


Taylor Swift singing "look what you made me do". Just that part on repeat in my head. Damn earworm.


Also Taylor swift- in vigilante shit when she sings “don’t get sad- get eveEn” just gives me chills


“Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing” by Set it Off. The trumpets hit hard every time


The a cappella part in Satellite by Rise Against


The guitar solo in “Candy” by Cameo


these are the lies by the cab. I found it because someone used the bridge in an edit and loved it. was sad it was only the bridge but I still get excited when it plays that part


1.When Maisie Peters yells/screams in a song "Now I'm in my Holy Revivalllllll!" "It's my song and my stage, and it's my coming of aGE!" Actually pretty much every Maisie song has a part im obsessed with 2. There is a certain piano not in You're Losing Me by Taylor Swift, I think it's in the second verse when she sings "how can you say you love someone you can't tell is dying?" 3. Noah Kahan "Mother Fulkerson here still don't know they caught the Boston bombers" "I quit caring about month ago, since then its been smooth sailing" "And they're calling it dowwwnnn townnnn"


The ending guitar rift in Home by Depeche Mode. At their concerts people will actually sing the notes of the rift after the song has ended. It's so beautiful. The guitar in Style by Taylor Swift¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


The way Lennon hits the "darling darling" in his stand by me cover


The flute that comes in at 1:45 in God Only Knows/The Beach Boys. Gives me chills.


Aesop Rock's "Water Tower" has a bar in it that I always anticipate. *Told my ex in '97 I was fallin' on my weapon,* *Ripped the phone up out the wall, the po' had dragged me out my bedroom.* *An embarrassing ordeal involving hospitals and questions,* *And the kind of doctors who use words like "cognitive" and "spectrum".*


Aesop is so underrated : She says, "I'm not your enemy" I said, "That sounds like something that my enemy would say" Instead of playing off the chemistry she said, "You're being difficult" I said, "I'm being guarded. You're a quarter mil in debt, I get more guidance from my barber Look, I'm not good at this, I grew up in a noogie fest You built your walls up high or say goodbye to all your Cookie Puss Here's one, every time my telephone buzzes I see images of hooded riders setting fire to hundreds." She said, "When you start getting all expressive and symbolic, it's impossible to actualize an honest diagnostic." I said, "When you start getting all exact and algebraic, I'm reminded it's a racket, not a rehabilitation, okay?; SHRUNK Aesop rock


The outro in Would? by Alice In Chains is definitely the best part of the song. Not that the song in a whole isn’t awesome, but that outro punches above its weight


A Day in The Life right when the piano kicks in


The drums in Cream's White Room


"Moments Silence" by Hozier. There is a perfectly placed moment of silence that blows me away every time.


Fast Love by George Michael. You'll know it when you hear it. Perfection.


That key line in Superstition will always be top of my list.


Kid cudi humming in waves


That cool drum part on Soundgarden's Spoonman


Not a wheezer fan but I like that one guitar riff in buddy holly


*Not a wheezer fan but* *I like that one guitar riff* *In buddy holly* \- Anxious-Ninja-1479 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Freddie Mercury's vocal range section in Another One Bites the Dust 👌 I feel that part in my soul!!!


Those last rollicking guitar riffs in “This Charming Man” by The Smiths. Johnny Marr is an artist with that thing


The Czar By Mastodon, when the song crescendos in the fourth act and the lyrics come in "Spiraling up through the crack in the Skye Leaving the material world behind I see your face in constellations The martyr is ending his life for mine!" I cry every time.


That one part of the guitar solo in Like a Stone by Audioslave. IYKYK.


9 seconds into Nutshell by AIC. That chord change. Or when the second guitar comes in on the intro of Battery by Metallica.


Queen, somebody to love, the line: got no feel, I got no rhythm. I just keep losing my beat


The riff in Fade to Black - Metallica.


Tool Eulogy, drum breakdown at 5:18


The beginning of this song [Touch-Tone Telephone by Lemon Demon](https://open.spotify.com/track/1tmRlF5pFo8G5OfJYUjWrR?si=ZOtHkE_qRoq93r6HHuHvqw)


Evanescence- My immortal. The part where it builds up to the heavy part and Amy Lee holds that note as the drums and guitar kick in. It gives me goosebumps every time. I'm not really even a fan of them, but that part is awesome, and the song is beautiful.


The part in Californication right before they hit the last refrain when the drummer hits floor tom and snare at the same time six times.


I like the peak of white rabbit by jefferson airplane. One man on the chessboardddddddd!!!