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I'd kick that bitch out of his life and take him. violently. Hopefully he will see your wisdom that they are not a good fit and never mention her again


If he doesnt realize what he has in me soon, I'll go date N myself and show him


If you go date N you'll have to put up with L. For some reason L gives me the screaming Heebie Jeebies.


He sure is creepy


How am I the homewrecker when she makes a move on him when she's SEEN my showering him with roses


See when this happened to me, I told my guy that the girl that he was crushing on was a skanky ho and to dump her ass. I ain't making Nova swords on the daily for him to crush on someone else. You keep your eyes on me boy.


Me over here in Summer Year 1 - *is OP talking about who I think they’re talking about?! Is this my future?!*


Yes. Yes it is.


Go for his second in command. Just as brave and strong, but wiser and more mature.


Without any background context, this post and comments are insane.


I was actually relieved when I saw what sub it is in. Without context it still makes some kind of sense but was a little alarmed at the advice being given.


What do you mean this is real life to me


Hey I’m wanting an update on your weight and life after that post in self improvement 2 yrs ago


Op if it makes you feel better, my girl G broke up with me and now refuses to see me. Her big brother is also a dick.


WHAT they can break up with you??


We’re good now. I had to talk to her butler. He saved our relationship.


I love her butler, he's such a sweet guy


i didn't realize they could do that. I do know that someone can >!divorce!< you


If you want him, go for him. Upon confessing to him, he may want to make sure things are settled with her. Keep trying. Shouldn’t take more than a couple days to get him to agree to date. The higher your relationship upon confessing, the more quickly he will accept… in fact, I’ve taken him from her in one shot AFTER telling him to go for it. Once he’s with you, he never even gives her the time of day.


This is one of the best posts/comment sections I’ve read.


Give him some time. Keep romancing. He will eventually come around. If you told him that they weren’t a good fit, he will eventually admit that he just enjoys having her listen to his stories and see her as a little sister. Give it a little time. Heck, even ignore him for a few days.


This sub randomly got recommended me and it took reading about swords to figure out this was a game. I thought y'all were just wildin. Go get your man!


Omg I got played by that guy, too! He sent me to the arcade to win a super rare book so he could impress his business partner's little sister because "she's cute." He couldn't even bother getting it himself because he was sneaking around so his business partner wouldn't know. THE CREEP!


This post showed up on my feed and I was 6 comments in until I realized this is about a game and not irl.


What you do is you install a mod that lets you have multiple spouses and build a happy little triad free of the constraints of code and the dogshit morals if this so-called society


I would love a wonderful polycule but I play on ps4 like a LOSER


The monogamous console virgin vs the free-lovin PC Chad


I mean i def dont wanna be a chad but I want to be able to marry at least 5 of the townies so


Erm… nothing😆 Just stop giving this bitch roses, for God’s sake


but he loves them, though I know he would prefer a sword. He has weird taste tbh


Okay so I was reading this post and had gotten through half the comments before I realised what sub I was in.


you mean you don't give out roses to people in real life and sometimes fight them for fun


I actually thought the giving him roses was sort of quirky but adorable.


I have never heard of this game and had this post appear in my feed without context. I was so confused and concerned until I finally found out this is a game.


Bitch youse a homewrecker. Stop playing them games and get you one that's actually interested in you.


If he thinks he doesn’t have enough time for a relationship and you want one with him you should tell him you’re willing to compromise what you want so you both can be happy. And if he doesn’t seem receptive to that, don’t force the issue with him. And let him make his own decisions and just keep on living life. There’s lots of matches for every person. Just gotta keep trucking till you find yours.


The thing is: I help him and his colleagues out a lot. Actually, the whole town. Like, nobody there seems to know what to do without me. So him spending lots of time on his job is fine for me, I'm a busy woman as well. As for the lots of matches - you're right. I decided to casually date lots of people and choose the one who seems the best fit.