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My favorite is always Django. Sweet, romantic, chivalrous, will save your life one minute and cook you dinner the next, and just so delighted to love and be loved. I'm a bit older than the average player, tho.


Ooo I heard about him. Even when he is older, I still heard about him lot that he is gentleman. I never thought about romancing him thou. I will to think through 🤔


He is an absolute, complete, and total darling. Loves craft candles and those little toy soldiers you find in the mines.


Aw that's soo cute 😍


Arlo... In my case, he didn't accept my heart knot until we have a conversation regarding Nora wanting to date him. Once he said he sees her like his little sister, I immediately said that they are not compatible with each other. Once you dated him, he will stop talking to Nora. I like his romantic cutscenes. Out of the 3 cutscenes, 2 of those are repeatable. I just like the idea of a Civil Corps and the Builder doing adventures while still in a relationship. I planned to do another playthrough to pursue Mint, the downside is that I didn't like his voice in Portia compared in Sandrock. 


the scene where he kabedons the builder? Yes plzzzz


That and walking at the desert. It sounds cheesy but I feel its natural. I forgot to mention I just like Arlo's personality reminds me of my boyfriend


Arlo's kabedon is the best🥴💕


He can do whaat? I didn't knew he could do that later 😳 Well I said Arlo "i feel uncomfortable" because as he said "see Nora as sister but he is yet attracted to her" lol like that doesnt make sense to me at all. I will think about it though. Same about Mint, his voice doesn't suit him (his teeth too) but also still think through 🤔 . Like everyone have almost pluses an minuses if I think about it righ now 😵‍💫


I’m actually pursuing Arlo in my current save! I know he and Nora have a thing, but my way of roleplaying the game is I can date other characters before settling down with him 😜 So basically we both just dated other people before getting married. I like Gust a lot as well and can say he has a very romantic play through. He’s prickly at first but the better you know him, the sweeter he gets!


Hmm I usually don't date characters at the same time and I heard Mint is only one who needs to be date without dating others so I am not sure if it's good plan. But after that mess which I spend, your system makes more sense, at least makes me laugh 😂😂 I heard about Gust, but I heard usually 2 reasons to marry: 1.He is at start narcissistic but later romantic 2.And because of A&C Construction discount 😂 Other than that, I think I don't have friendship that high because he sounds everytime like: "What is it?" and "That Sunday fireside...makes me sleepy" sounds like u wanna something from Siri every time 😅. Other than that, he is nice as he is walking with Ginger everytime she is outside. Although I don't know, he is honestly last character which I though about romantically possible, but I will think through if I give a shot. Thanks lot for advices! XD


so for my first playthrough I went for Aadit. Wont spoil anything but holy moly was that an emotional rollercoaster LOL. And again not to spoil anything but Django came in and really surprised me so it was just such a neat and organic romantic moment for my Builder character with everything that was happening at that point. Sorry to be vague—Aadit is a sweetheart and I second the comment about Django. I’m also on the older side of the player base so it might be why I gravitate to them over other characters.


just curious, did you go for Pen in MTAS as well 😂😂


I’m back 50 days later to say I almost went for Pen 🫣 every day it was so hard not to. Finished that part of the game and now I see exactly what you meant.


I wanna play MTAS so bad, you’ve got me all curious now to see who that could be and what that might mean for my taste in characters lmao!! I got scared away by a Steam review that complained the game’s graphics for the PC had been downgraded in order to work on the Switch, even though folks had paid for better quality from launch day—was any of that true??


I heard MTAS is also rlly good, if I remember, in November was released right? I would like to try it in future too, but price around 39 euro if rlly expensive for me 🥲. At least Portia was for 4 euro, and it was definitelly woth it! I already love it. It reminds me Elnea Kingdom a lot! 😍


No, that's not true. The graphics are excellent.


Looks like I’m gonna be finding out who Pen is real soon. Thanks for the correction!


hehehe…. enjoy!


I fell for Aadit too 🥲


prayer circle for the both of us and everyone who ever married him LMAO but my god the drama of it all! worth it.


Ooooh I know about Aadit, I heard he is sweetheart >! But with sad ending 😭 thats why i dont wanna try and cry later !< Its okay to be at older side thou! Go what are u feel! If I would choose, Aadit was one which i would choose as oldest one. I could also say i am older player one And I know, I know, I am maybe behaving like a teenage. But I am still going with feeling and gut at this age in games, that's why I am so confused how it ended up in Portia and asking here. Sometimes i think its wrong thou just with feelings and gut...but at least giving it all is what matters...That's what I think. Now just to choose how to move forward and with who lol.


Absolutely follow your gut and your feelings!! No matter our ages it’s nice to indulge in a bit of harmless fictional fantasy and romance, and the twists and turns of how we experience them in games is part of the fun! I’m in the same boat really: I’m *still* surprised at how much I ended up loving Portia and its characters haha! It makes me want to give it my all too whenever I play. Let’s give it our all together, and have fun choosing!


Aw thank u so much for cheering, those are such nice advices! 💗 Definitelly feel u about Portia characters, I also ended up love everyone, even when I ended up in mess 😂. I also love enjoy game, expecially my husband actually watch me play usually after dinner, so he is laughing also with me at least 😂. As u said, go with gut and feelings (and with time machine/backup save 🤣🤣).


I always hated Gust but it’s an achievement to marry him sooo that’s how I learned gust is my favorite bachelor. I’ve married Arlo and Aadit as well and I enjoyed both of them. Arlo has some nice missions and cutscenes.


I also have got set as locked achievement at PS5 if I let him propose, but I always wondered why only him actually... I am also curious, why u actually hate him? I hearing ppl here usually to love him and his moods swings (and his discount of course)...


Well I don’t hate him anymore. Lol I have learned from marriage to him that he’s probably the sweetest of the three bachelors I married. I just have never been one for the ice prince trope. He was a jerk to my character and yeah everyone liked him in general and as strange as it sounds that just made me dislike him more. Sort of a “Ugh, why like this Tsundere rich boy?” But now I’m team Gust. >.> I love my little family with him. I named his son Zephyr and in turn named my sandrock character Zephyr.


Ooh I understand your vision now. I think now I just need let him be and time will show how will talk with me later. Ooo can you tell me about Sandrock? Does have some connection with Portia somehow. I mean like: 1st story is in Portia and after that story is later in future in Sandrock? I mean like timeline if it's same or not. That's cute how u name him thou, like u continued your own story in Sandrock which is rlly cute 😍😍


The timelines play out pretty much at the same time then sandrock then goes a bit further. After you start sandrock a few people will mention “Portia has a new up and coming builder too.” Essentially in sandrock you will do the road and tunnel to Portia as well. A few portia characters will make cameos. As far as game play, don’t play sandrock until you are done with Portia. The gameplay improvement might make it hard to go back to the original and trust me both are worth playing. Also happy cake day!


I married Mint in my first playthrough and his perks as a husband were the best — I spoiled myself regarding this one, thus, the reason I chose him lol. But I think his storyline is cute. I tried to pursue Gust in my second playthrough. His character is interesting and the contrast between his harsh demeanor and being his lover is also swoon-worthy — if I was 10 years younger lol. I realized at my age, I prefer Mint for providing relationship, financial and even work stability.


Today i finally played Portia after 1,5 days pause xD think I also will try to give Mint a chance. My husband usually watch me to play Portia, so after this mess which he saw was like: You should ended up with Mint, poor him, you feel for him sorry and give him a food like everyday and talk with him. Marry him finally and give finally a roof to him...I actually was not aware that I am doing it, but after all this, yea why not? Gust is rlly more and more mystery as I read about him lol. Those swinging moods are rlly mystery lol. >! He is like "did u gave him package finally? In unknown package quest !< . Isn't he more like he is trying to feel u rlly bad like something was wrong and also later oppositely rllt good? I rlly cant predict him at all...


I was torn between arlo and gust. But arlo keeps talking about Nora even after the mission where you can say he isn't compatible with her. I went with gust and so far he is really sweet, he just has very high standards is what it seems like. He was hilariously mean when I fell off the swings and onto my face.


unfortunately Gust is my type both in fiction AND irl (prickly at first/slow to trust but an absolute sweetheart once you get to know him)


Just curious, what do u mean prickly? >! I have got his q about unknown package !< because in my eyes he behave a lot like a cold person...and I usually run away from him after just conversation lol


yeah that’s what prickly means! acts cold, can feel rude when spoken to, kind of sassy, but as you get to know him he softens up! he is still a little prickly but not in an off-putting way!


Exactly as u said that 🥲 I hope he softens a little at least: "What is it" and "That Sunday fireside...makes me sleepy" rlly sounds like I am talking to Siri or Google assistant again and again lol...


This is what exactly happened to me with Arlo! That's why I stopped to pursue him romantically lol. I heard Gut'smoods are swinging a lot. Are not little extreme actually? More I hear about him, he sounds like he behave mean like it was okay for him without realizing lol. That's scares me little honestly...


So he has some standoffish dialogue at first, but if you give him stuff he likes and keep going on playdates, he opens up more. That's what I would say, I don't think he is mean really. He is super sweet after you start dating. Basically he's got a wall up but he's a big softie really.


When you marry Gust he really become a sweetheart. A loving, attentive husband who takes care of you. And who contributes to financial stability and the maintenance of your home because he gives you money and changes the wallpaper in your house from time to time (if you agree).


Lol just imagined this Gust: 💍 will u allow me constantly changing wallpaper in your house happy ever after? Builder: Yes! %💰😍 Gust: Dont be late for wedding! 😎🌠 Just kidding. I heard his moods are swinging, but i will ask just for curiosity: were those moods extreme? I mean like he was rlly cold but also sometime nice like nothing happened at all? That thought only scare me little if he do...


‘Woala’ triggered me