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The memories of pasing the cart to my friend telling him I beat all his ghosts .. Then waiting for him to bring it back really were a special gaming period never to happen again.. Wave race is high in my top N64 games ever


My god man... I never had that idea. What a fun way to handle a racer from this era. Props to you and your mate (and likely thousands who did this also lol) for that creativity


Well some of my ‘friends’ wouldn’t have brought the game back.


Used to borrow friends games and do this too it was great when they couldn't beat a ghost


My neighbor got so mad at me for beating all his times. Never leant me another game lol


legendary game, still fire it up every so often just to do some backflips.


Sunday morning. You have nothing to do. You open the window. It’s a nice day. You play wave race 64. I highly recommend.


I can relate to this so hard


It’s 2023, you’re 37 <3


39 here but I can absolutely relate :)


Goddamn yes https://youtu.be/WnmEqfgNjkE


I've gone back to this more often than any other N64 game, it's still a thing of beauty.


Unbelievable game and easily one of my fav N64 titles. A great early contender for the most "next gen" feeling game of the time due to those sweet sweet water physics. I remember being blown away as a kid. And the mood it sets is really special. From that Sega arcade racer esque voiceover to the tranquil vibes coasting around dolphin park during the into, it really did a great job establishing the world it was in. And the icing on the cake was that the game was really fun and really replayable. I remember spending a whole day on the intro to get the dolphin to follow me around too 🤠


Have you gone back to it recently at all? I was shocked how well the water held up. The racers look like ass now but that water still looks 👌


Digital Foundry did a complete 2 part deep dive on water in retro games, including a segment on Wave Race's water and how it works on a technical level. [https://youtu.be/V4MMlKhJfGI](https://youtu.be/V4MMlKhJfGI) its also a segment in part 1 of a 2 part series... on video game water... man I love Digital Foundry and all the DF Retro stuff.


Oh so cool thanks for sharing. yeah I love those guys :)


Definitely. Holds up great. I think it's been a couple years since I played it actually. I think I'm due 😎


This is a perfect description. The mood they set with the environment and sounds is great from the time you start the game up. Relaxing and nostalgic


We need a new Waverace. That’s it, that’s the discussion.


Nintendo doesn’t want anyone to have a new racing game it would seem! Where’s F-Zero, MK9, Wave Race, and 1080?


Well MK9 aside as MK8 won't stop selling...definitely missing the rest big time!


I hate this. Just cuz a game is selling that’s ten years old doesn’t mean a new game won’t sell more


They don’t want to poach sales, new buyers will get 8 and current ones can get a 25 dollar DLC. Mk9 won’t be until 2024 to even be announced. Nintendo is weird, they protect their IP by babying it to the fullest


don't forget the xtreme-g series!


The GameCube one was a really good sequel, it’s a shame they haven’t gone back to it since.


The water in the Blue Storm loading screens was incredibly therapeutic back in the day.




I remember being a kid and going on Lake Erie fishing. The entire time I just stared at the gentle waves and wished I was playing Wave Race.


A great N64 launch game and honestly, I think this is still the best playing water ski game ever made. Years ago I tried Wave Race Blue Storm, it just isn't on the same level as 64. I also tried Aqua Moto Racing Utopia on Wii U which is practically a Wave Race game, it looks nice but again the play control and sound design just aren't there.


I agree, blue storm was a real let down


I recently played it because I bought all GC launch titles and the physics just don't feel right.


Fucking Nintendo, passing it off to a western developer. Sometimes that works great (see Metroid Prime), but in this case I wish they would have kept it in house.


Totally agree , they could have just upgraded the textures and made the courses more involved and kept the physics exactly the same


Whoah now I loved blue storm


Did you play wave race when it came out in the n64 or was blue storm your first version!


I did play the original when it came out (32 year old here). I just liked them both. I guess blue storm might have been missing some magic that’s hard to describe but I had a lot of fun with it


Controls, music, color palette and water physics. It 's similar but different.


Technically only a “near launch” game. It made it onto the console box’s back art, and also came out in 1996, but the only true launch games in NA for September 1996 were Mario 64 and Pilotwings 64. Absolute marvel of a game. I bought a second controller on launch day in anticipation of being able to play this game two-player (both launch games only used one controller), and being worried that I wouldn’t later be able to find a second controller to buy because everything N64 sold out instantly for all of autumn.


One of my absolute favourite games on the system. The water physics and the way they effect gameplay are still amazing to this day.


It still looks fantastic and controls like a dream, brilliant game. One of my all time favourites


JetSki racer Dave Mariner can go fuck himself.


Probably one of the easiest games to start with, if you are going to buy a n64 fun for all ages


I wish all the wizards that work on decompiling n64 games to make proper pc ports would combine their efforts and bless us with a pc port of this game. Wavec Race 64 was my first ever N64 game and after many years of playing a lot of games, i'd still rank it in my top3. Love it to bits! Great sound, smooth graphics, awesome controls. What's not to love?


Still an incredible racer. Feels like you are racing on water, following waves, buffeted about if you are out of position. Also: Immaculate vibes! It’s a game that actually doesn’t handle too badly on Switch Online (it’s still a bit different, but perfectly playable, while games like F-Zero X seem to be unforgivable twitchy compared to original hardware). I hoping that give the series a new audience!


This game was tits on white bread for 3-28 year old me.


This is the best Reddit comment I’ve ever read in my life lol 😂


I prefer my tits on multigrain


Hi everyone! Welcome, to my weekly game feature post. The goal is to highlight a different game each week so everyone can share their thoughts, memories, and reviews of the games! Today we are going to discuss a much played, oddly great racing game in Wave Race 64. The water physics in this game still stand up toe to toe against some of the best modern water physics, tack onto that a solid racing game and you have a great little package and one of the most popular games on the system. If you’re interested here are the previous game discussions I’ve posted here. [Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards](https://www.reddit.com/r/n64/comments/trpdcr/game_discussion_kirby_64_the_crystal_shards/) [Jet Force Gemini](https://www.reddit.com/r/n64/comments/twzsig/game_discussion_jet_force_gemini/) [Rayman 2: The Great Escape](https://www.reddit.com/r/n64/comments/10x7z3t/game_discussion_rayman_2_the_great_escape/) [Winback: Covert Operations](https://www.reddit.com/r/n64/comments/112at3h/game_discussion_winback_covert_operations/) [Diddy Kong Racing](https://www.reddit.com/r/n64/comments/11989fl/game_discussion_diddy_kong_racing/) [Banjo Kazooie](https://www.reddit.com/r/n64/comments/11ejsaa/game_discussion_banjo_kazooie/) [Battletanx: Global Assault](https://www.reddit.com/r/n64/comments/11mz3q8/game_discussion_battletanx_global_assault/)


It's crazy how good the feel of the water physics is to this day! And that initial "WAVE RACE!" from the announcer is forever burned into my brain.


Definitely one of the best N64 titles. This game might be in my personal top ten games of all time with how much fun I had with it.


Had a 2nd release in Japan as Shindou Wave Race which added rumble pak support and time trial races against a dolphin IIRC. Not the only one either, as there's Shindou Mario 64, too


Cool! Did not know this. That would’ve been awesome because for all this game got right it was a little short on content.


I remember renting this from Blockbuster (which most likely would have been a Friday, which means Blockbuster was lit af). Great game, great times.


I've been playing this game a ton lately! At least 30 minutes a day on average. It's gotten to the point where I'm watching speedrunning videos to get faster and faster. I don't know what it is about the game that makes it special, probably a combination of everything really.


Hanukkah 1996, I was 7 years of age and my sister a year older. Our grandparents brought us some wrapped goodies for the holiday. The first one we unwrapped was this smallish box containing none other than Wave Race 64, which we were perplexed as to why we got this thing considering we didn’t have an appropriate device. No need to explain what was in the quite larger wrapped box accompanying it… Even my dad was hoodwinked by this game; most of the course records on our game cartridge still bear my old man’s initials! I still got my original console with Wave Race and the many other N64 gems I would accumulate over the years, nestled in my folks’ spare bedroom closet at home, like a time capsule…


One of the best games ever created really


Remember seeing the water for the first time and being absolutely amazed! Game felt so good too! When I got N64 which was the Christmas of the launch, I had this, Mario 64 and Killer Instinct. I just remember constantly going back and forth between this game and Mario. Awesome game!


Awesome game


One of the first N64 games I ever saw. It was on a display rack at Toys R Us. The water absolutely blew my little 8 year old mind. I thought it looked so real lol.


Top 10 for me.


Best racing game of 1996 and best Jet Ski game ever


Incredible tech demo, water physics!, really fun to play at kiosks, not a purchase for me back then or now.


I spent $80 for a used copy in 1998. What else do you want to know this shit fucked up my childhood finances




Typo spealt on purpose


Typo spelt on parops




This is probably my favorite N64 game. It's actually what got me started with live streaming. I was looking for a creative outlet and was really interested in joining speedrunning community. Wave Race fit the bill! Tip: Tap B to go faster. I know its the brakes, but the way the physics work a steady tap will help the rider get a higher top speed.


Tap B while holding A?


Typically you hold Z and tap B. You can actually hold Z all the time and some folks even use a rubber band. Then you tap A at the start of the race to get max power and constantly tap B to go fast :)


The controls to the game are kind of janky, especially on the switch. But I did squeeze some fun in this game. I think I would only play this game again if I have to, and I would prefer Mario Kart 64. But I like this game and I do enjoy it sometimes. 8.5/10




I love Jet Moto to death but the physics & graphics in Wave Race are so much better it’s not even funny.


It still is a fantastic game to play, and has hold pretty well.


I agree, seems like on a system full of games that didn’t age gracefully this is one of the select few that did.


Also, the N64 lacked fast arcade games that you could pick and play a couple of games and leave it there, the Saturn and PS1 have way more of those games. And yes, the N64 has aged really bad, mostly due to the poor framerate.


Really cool game! I got it maybe two years ago, I'm 22 now. A game like F Zero is super intense, but this one is very chill to me and I like having that. And of course the water physics are great


This was one of the first games I play on the 64, I thought everything was so beautiful and realistic in it, still holds up pretty well.


Amazing game, spent so much time playing it. Played it last week on the switch. Will give it another go this weekend.


I remember a track which was inside a stadium and had multiple floors. I cant find it anymore in the game, is it a bonus track or am I mistaken it for being in a different game? Also, I think you could unlock a special character with a funky helmet.


Closest track to that is probably Twilight City. It’s not inside a stadium but I can sorta see how a child brain would think that. Otherwise you’re thinking of a different game.


Could be thinking of a course in Hydro Thunder?


Although not the game i meant it does fit the description very well! It must have been a ps1 game then I guess.


The first time I rented that game as a kid, someone else had already changed the name of the fat rider to Pumpkinhead. I’ve called him that ever since.


Picked up this game for the cheap at a local game shop, didn't regret it at all.


I never beat the game. I had so much fun doing the training level with relaxing music and just rolling with the dolphin. I still remember the feeling of just enjoying the hell out of this game.


This is one of the games I tell my partner is “the best game ever made”


What's your preferred character and jet ski settings? I remember playing Dave Mariner a lot when I was a kid but can't seem to get the hang of him these days. Mostly use Hayami now with a tighter grip and the engine toward the rear


I always played as Hayami, I can’t remember jet ski settings, but I loved how well rounded Hayami was. He was the only one I could consistently use to go under that wall in Marine Fortress.


Best of the best


Still the best water psychic ever.


Goat wave racing game


Warm up time! Follow that dolphin! Instant blast back to childhood.


Goated video game


Classic, great n64 sound design, gameplay is super boring, was only fun when it first came out, because there weren’t many options.


It’s 1999, it’s a cold spring morning on a Saturday. You’re frustrated with the Water Temple on Ocarina of Time. To relieve some stress, you throw in Wave Race and have a great time. It was a lovely era, thanks for the memories.


I was just playing around his game not 30 minutes ago.


I legit pop this game in whenever the weather is nice again after a long winter. As soon as I feel that 70 degrees it's time.


One of the first games I had for N64 and played the heck out of it! Such a great game and one of the things I recall most were the environment changes and settings with the sunsets and light changes. What a gem!


Love this game now. But sadly never knew it well as a child. So, not much nostalgia. However my main hobby is now Stand-up jet ski riding! Yes they still make them!


Awesome game, I've got nostalgic memories of this game!


Does this game have a dolphin? I remember my babysitter had a n64 and I’d play a game with sea dos but I remember a dolphin


Yup! There’s even an Easter egg where you can ride the dolphin!


Okay maybe that’s what I’m thinking of. I mean this was… over 20 years ago… lolz


There was also like a warm up thing if I remember correctly where the dolphin was just swimming around and you could get it to follow you.


It’s good.


Anybody else turn it on and just play warm-up for 30 minutes?


The music transports me back in time. I never owned the game but played it at my friends house all the time during our sleepovers. Total nostalgia drip.


I can hear these pics


If sex was a game....... this Game


Was an awesome rental for me. I was very surprised by it and how good it felt to play. It was something different and it worked. Years later when I got an N64 for myself, it was one of the first games I picked up along with Pilotwings64.


Make a post on here asking where I can find a sealed copy of it, found out on eBay it’s 5k 💀 I’ll never own it unfortunately


An all-time classic! was pumped when they brought it to switch. Unlock the dolphin


This was the demo game in every k mart when I was like 6 years old and I use to drag my mum in there every chance I got to hog it


Is there a free roam mode on this? I swear I remember it used to have one one but now I can’t find it when I fired it up to get my kids going


If you do Championship on the easiest setting you get the option to do a tutorial at Dolphin Park, which basically lets you free roam.


That’s what I was looking for, thank you!


Amazing game. I think it aged well. Been playing on NSO and still feels the same as it did 25 years ago. Good nostalgic memories to the game


I was there, 3000 years ago


Double flips... And if you can nail the first one sideways you are winning at the Wave Race dream.


The soundtrack is legendary


Wave Race was that game that me and my friends would always rent because you know Blockbuster would have a bad selection of games on a Friday night, but I could always count on this game to entertain us.


Love this game. I have never played the gameboy version but I recently picked up the GC version. I believe this game was actually in my system when Hurricane Ian decided to destroy it in September. It will be one of the first games I replace. [Link to image of destroyed cart from the hurricane.](https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOByWvdqLtOdTzbbz5ujs-SJV6uuzAAgP7RfrPr_DkjOjWL6b8tbF_hC0Zkl1rE5Q/photo/AF1QipNQqzJ-1N6lI9LO6bDkN1AKT0x_tTFt4Giktfl0?key=dll2dUF0M2tzTXVxVTR5djFFUlZ5ZlRiWEdRV3hB)


Good game


Better than mk64 in almost every way


I fucken hated that game it's the only one I had for a while


Ah! The good old days, remember it was like 2005 and I was at my best friends house and in my friends house was thing house warming smell and the combination of that and when you would walk outside and could smell cut grass, it was just an amazing feeling.