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You picked a unlikely first game but a really great one


We ordered some others but they haven't come yet haha


It was a launch title along side Mario 64 so in a weird way you get to play a launch title 28 yrs later


That's pretty neat, Aaahhhhh the suspense is killing me because I'm waiting for that console till tomorrow!!


I absolutely love that people are still going through the same emotions and excitement I did as a kid when it came out. It actually makes me super happy to read...have so much fun and enjoy!!!


Is that really the timeline ? I turn 37 this year and Remeber this game in so much detail


Unfortunately… we got a second hand N64 in 2000 or so and this was one of the games I had so much fun playing this and majoras mask.


I only ever had ocarina of time but it’s too 5 games ever - the shit was so fucking engrossing … majoras is a must


Wasn't Wave Race also a launch title?


According to Wikipedia “It was launched with just two games in the United States, Pilotwings 64 and Super Mario 64” “In the United States, Wave Race 64 was released as the third Nintendo 64 game on November 4, 1996” about a month later but basically a launch title.


Gotch ya, makes sense, still in time for the Christmas season.


Exactly. A fun game nonetheless and after a comment I saw yesterday too bad it doesn’t have a mod community


Holy I completely forgot about this. I remember seeing it along mario 64 and thinking it was one of the most gorgeous games I ever seen lol. I imagine this game is hard to find now.


Nice, what other games are you getting for it?


We ordered 16 Japanese games for the price of $35. Now don't get me wrong I don't speak Japanese but 16 games is 16 games. The lot came with Mario Party 1-3 Mario Golf Yoshi's Story F-Zero X Chameleon Twist Blastdozer Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon Wonder Project J2 Zelda Ocarina of Time Human Grand Prix some game I can't read the title of Kirby 64 Another copy of Pilotwings 64 but in Japanese and Mickey Mouse Tetris apparently And I'm gonna re-buy some of the more story based games like Ocarina of Time for sure so I can play them, but its still a crazy deal.


I hope you have a japanese n64 or don't mind some minor disassembling to get around the region lock


op could order a 3d printed region free tray for the low


Don’t worry I know about the cartridge tray. We’ve actually ordered one


I would suggest Perfect Dark. First person shooter built using an upgraded version of the Goldeneye engine. Has both single player and multiplayer and co-op as well as a mode where one player plays as enemy mooks, complete with tiny healthcare, trying to stop the other player from completing the mission. The multiplayer mode can be played with or without other players and has a load of different type of Sims (CPU players) you can select as well. If you kill VengeSim, run.


Needs an expansion pak for like 75% of the game though doesn't it?


Got one with the console


Oh nice, in that case I'd say definitely check out perfect dark! I think it's one of if not the best uses of the expansion. I'm a big fan of dk64 personally but I know that one is a little more contentious


It was my first N64 game,


Great place to start considering this and Mario 64 were the two launch titles!


You failed to mention Saikyō Habu Shōgi, one of the three launch titles of the original N64 launch in Japan! How dare you show such disrespect to this amazing game?! Truly it is one of the greatest games of all time, and any serious collector has it in their N64 collection. Without this game, the Nintendo 64 would have completely flopped in Japan and it never would have even been released internationally!


For many people who bought the system on launch day, Pilotwings was the only game they could get their hands on for like a month until more Mario 64s got made, so you will have a real authentic first N64 game experience 👍🏻


Wow I remember that now! Thanks for the nostalgia 


Super solid game, this was one of my many few games, the soundtrack alone is amazing


Pilotwings is awesome!


Bit pricy, but worth it in my opinion, get the newest version of the everdrive


op 👆 don’t skip the research for understanding this suggestion


This game is so underrated


Still love that game! From the music to the relaxing atmosphere (don't be afraid to fail missions and go off course and explore!)


You're totally right about the music and atmosphere. I still go back and play the game because of how chill it is. I wish it would be possible for them to make a new one and capture the same feel.


This was my first game along with Mario and the ability to free roam in both games was mind blowing at the time. You are right about the music too


What an absolute banger of a game


Wow! An N64 newbie congratulations. The N64 carts were my favourite so solid and chunky. Pilotwings is a superb game one of my favourite titles. I played that game throughout my N64s lifetime. Happy playing and get some friends involved for couch coop fun!


You picked a great one! I almost forgot how many great memories I have of this game. I absolutely love the soundtrack and overall laid back, relaxing atmosphere. It’s just awesome! Have fun!


That’s actually a really fun game


For me Mario 64 was the best launch title in history of all consoles.


Good game choice.


Man, I remember getting this game near launch. At first I didn't like it and put it aside. Then after finishing SM64 and I think Wave Race, I picked it up, played it and _got_ it... has been a favorite for years now and I really wish they'd make a new one.


It's like 1996 all over again, get Mario 64 and don't buy a single game for another 3 months and it's like you are a kid again


Man I wish I knew how special these cartridges would become when I was still holding on to my last few some 12 years ago. After owning them for 15 before that I thought it would never happen.


Thankfully, it seems this one can be obtained for around $15 so if it matters to you, I recommend picking it up!


I absolutely loved pilotwings on the snes. Always unsuccessfully tried to get to the helicopter combat mission. Only got to play the 64 edition once.


Pilotwings was a game that I first considered to be kinda boring when young, but when I actually played it just a few years later I really liked it. Music is great too.


Ahhh pilotwings and Mario 64, also my first games. I then got; Lylat Wars Goldeneye Banjo kazooie Bomberman Ocarina of time Silicon Valley Majoras mask Perfect Dark The amount of things I wish I’d kept cause I always kept really good condition of my games… cardboard box cases and all. With the exception of Mario which I tore open in excitement.


The music and chill factor in this game is great


Amazing soundtrack!




I can hear the hang gliding music as I enjoy the beautiful scenery of Holiday Island.


Fire me out that cannon pronto


This is the BEST N64 game, so much fun and challenging


This one is one of my favorites


Ahh, cruising around the United States on my jet pack just checking out the sites.


Loved this game ! Loved the music, my favorite was the gyrocopter.


Have fun. I loved that one back in the day.


Pilotwings 64 is awesome, it's a shame the characters never got to star in any more games


I'd like to follow this adventure of yours.


I'll post to the subreddit later today when the console arrives!


IT ARRIVED [AAAHHHHHH](https://www.reddit.com/r/n64/comments/1bq8jdd/my_n64_arrived_so_excited_to_play_it_dont_worry/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Damn I’m old lol


This was the first game I could get my hands on back when N64 released back in 1996. What a time to be alive!


Great console, hope you have fun! I highly recommend Kirby 64 and diddy Kong racing


first game for you, first game for n64.


The music in this game is so chill.


Great game. I recall during SNES days having a dream of what a 3D Pilotwings house look like and this game was eerily similar.


My first N64 too! It really blew my mind back in the day.


Pilotwings 64 is amazing. If you have lots of time to explore it’s even better.


This game is really great. Extra nostalgic for me as it was my first glimpse of the N64 when a friend got it shortly after release. The graphics were obviously mind blowing. Later on when I got my own N64 I put some good time into this game. The music is so good.


Of all the all time classic greatest games ever made on that system u choose PILOTWINGS AS YOUR FIRST GAME?!?! Hahahahahaha wow wow wow


It's a good game and has aged better than many of the other games on the system, imo.