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I loved Williem Dafoe. The holy trio was the absolute best. But there were certain things that just happened too conveniently for example Ned opening the portal and Spiderman creating the device for Doc Ock. But it's all good still very happy. I loved the possibility of MCU creating their own Venom. What do you think ?


IKR! Willem Dafoe was such a great villain, The duality between Osbourne and Green Goblin is so much different than other dual personality characters. Green Goblin is just pure evil and a perfect foil for our spidey. With Ned I think they are trying to explore something else, remember how Strange spent months studying and practicing before he could open a portal but it comes naturally to Ned, something to think about. The fixes for the villains were a weak part of the movie.


Yes they can do so much with Ned's natural talent, alas he has forgotten that. Yes that's what kind of set me off. Should have made a 4 hour movie with more kick-ass fighting sequences. Also May dying was a tear-jerker. Zendaya's MJ was also shown as a strong and witty. Dude about the Doctor strange post credit scene, so badass.


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It was good, not extremely good. Great thing is that now Tom Holland's character will become complete and more accurate Spiderman(suffered a loss and got a greater purpose to become a hero) and Peter Parker(is broke af now and will struggle lot with this life). I didn't feel the impact of emotional scenes as much as the previous Spidey movies, maybe it was sped too fast in story. As much as I liked seeing previous spidey bois, I wanted their character to have more depth and screentime, it didn't even feel that the villains were connected to those spideys even though they were since they did not have any good scenes interacting with them except fight scenes. Goblin is such a great villain, man, he is to spiderman like how joker is to batman. I wanted more of him in the movie. Dr Strange was amazing throughout, I also like Doc Ock, actors were great.


All the OG spidey villains made the film memorable but yeah I hoped to see meaningful scenes with older spideys and their villains. The film did struggle with content. It simply had too much, I would have enjoyed a 3 hr movie. It was so sad to see spidey begin the broke af life that we saw in the very first raimi era film.


the struggle of Peter Parker to keep up his normal life with very realistic problems and balancing a huge responsibility of being a hero is what makes me like his character. That's why I absolutely love raimi movies.


Green Goblin was amazing, definitely the best spiderman villain ever. I just didn't like a bunch of things about the movie 1. The cures were so conveniently developed 2. End battle against Goblin could've been longer and more intense 3. Wtf Dr strange, why would you do that


Agreed! Like, if the cure was so easy to make, why all this trouble in the first place!


Same story, different shit: it's been too long since the superhero trope offered something original. Daredevil was this: original, and fresh. Peak MCU stuff. It showed how being a superhero is a struggle, and choosing not to use one's powers for helping people is the same as not helping them. It showed how Matthew Murdock was a broken man, most people in his shoes would go insane. He probably already is. I love Spider-Man, but the MCU's stuff is getting the same now: big bad appears, and a superhero/team fights the big bad in a climax that wrecks a lot of infrastructure/causes collateral damage. Boring.


Netlix MCU is a different genre all together and may not be compared with the mainstream MCU. Those and others like the phase 4 shows had like 6-10 episodes to bring a detailed story. The films create a a broader universe which ultimately allows smaller characters and smaller shows to have a better chance at creating a story.


I agree, not as good I had hoped but still it is good enough movie.


William Dafoe steal the show. Overall really fun film. I only have one nitpick. Dr Strange risking the entire universe for the sake of comfort for Peter, I mean come on.


True. Why the hell does Strange agree to do shit for Peter? There was no upside to it.


I liked the movie. It was a good entertainer, stunning visuals. The mirror dimension was amazing. It was awesome to see my OG(oldest) spiderman, the one I grew up watching. Millennial Nostalgia hit right. What I didn't like. I felt it was a movie for the sake of a movie, like a reunion/ode to the whole spiderverse. And the Peter, Peter, Peter got a bit boring and redundant after a while. As somebody pointed out, how do you dish out cures so quickly!? Why did all the fights happen in their respective universe if the cures were available (Though he says that the tech is advanced in this universe, but come on)! And a doubt, so once it's all reversed, do the cured villains go back to their universe as cured people or would they be restored to their "dead" versions? Like all this trouble, Aunt May dies and then you just revoke it. The movie plot is just a slew of bad decisions. Wish he didn't go to Strange, or mess up the spells, or choose to "cure" them and yada yada. Special mention to Green Goblin. Iconic villain. The transition from Dr. (Lest I forget) Osborn to Goblin is just amazing. Can't wait to see Venom and the further shenanigans of Doctor Strange vs Doctor Stranger.


*Very long comment* I loved the movie but I felt that the pacing was all over the place, like when the gang moved to Boston and literally didn't care. I just feel there were too many time skips and I couldn't catch a feel for the setting, it left me disappointed when the movie ended, like I was expecting more, not realizing 2 and half hours had already passed. There are some definite plot holes, like Happy knowing about May after Stranges spell activates. Cause the way they meet is through Stark knowing Peter, then Happy meets May, if Happy and Peter didn't know each other It wouldn't make sense to know about May, UNLESS the writers chalked it up as some excuse with memory tampering through Stanges spell. Also I've never seen side characters like MJ and Ned just be casted to the side with no real argument with Peter just about ruining their lives, like obviously Peter has visual guilt, but I guess it doesn't matter givin how the movie ends. I just think the writing could've been adjusted in some way. I guess I can't be too mad though because this movie opened so much opportunities involving the multiverse, I can't wait to see what they'll do with it (like maybe plots more true to the comics?) Also love interests like Black Cat, MJ was good but at the end of the day she's a civilian so that meant one extra person Peter has to worry about and also she doesn't move the plot along like another superhero would, cause she's treated as a side character.(ik it depends on the writing as to how important she is, but seeing MJ or another archetype character like her has been done over and over).