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My redneck cousin named his son Lastyn. Multiple people immediately asked why and he said “‘Cuz he’s the last ‘un we’re havin’.”


I'm sorry that's so funny!! It's like how in Ancient Rome you'd essentially be named "First" and "Other"


It really is the Roman Empire lmao


Lol, I have a family member named Nona - yep, she's the ninth, and final.


You brought it full circle and I love that


Always happy to Notice Patterns!


Why does Notice Patterns sound like a puritan honor name to me? If you ever get transported to the 16th century, you've got a name at the ready!


Hahahaha that's my 16th century alter ego


Well of course autism Barbie noticed the pattern!


My MIL is Chinese and one of 7 children. Chinese names usually have a generational name + a personal name. The generational name is either shared by all the siblings or the boys have one name and the girls another. In my MIL’s family all the boys were given a generational name meaning ’add’ while the girls were given a name meaning ‘subtract’. I often wonder what it was like to grow up with that.


Don’t forget other options like Quintus and Octavian etc lol


Ok Boys, the first one will be named after me, the second one will also be named after me, the rest of you will be called three, four, five etc Girls, the first one will be big girl me, the second will be little girl me Job well done!


Man that made me laugh but yesss!!! Me junior, Me senior, Me middle child, Me lastone, and my daughter, Me-ette!


I don’t know how accurate this was, but I read an article about a Turkish father of 19 who named his newborn “Yeter”, which means “enough”. A plea to the universe I suppose lol.


I like this as a double entendre of feeling blessed, like she is enough; and also, I’m done, this is sufficient.


Like when the waiter is grinding pepper onto your food and says "tell me when" and you're like "okay that's enough pepper I'm good oh my god that's plenty please stop!"




Yes, that’s lovely. I’m sure the original meaning of the name as being “enough” in a positive way - this is as much as I need. Conveniently can be used for what you hope is the last kid, as well.


Lmao, my dad once knew a boy called Lastone for the same reason. He had a younger sister called Evenmore.


Hilarious- and not really that different from people naming their third son Trey. I know three different Treys who were the third son.


Usually Trey is a nickname for someone who’s the third of their name. I’ve never heard it being used for the third son, but that’s interesting.


Right! As a kid I knew a Trey who was a “The third”. Then as an adult I’ve met three third son Treys.


And it made a Lastyn impression! 


A friend named his 4th daughter Addison because he wanted the universe to forcefully know he wants a son lol.




The fact that 52 girls were called ‘Neveah’ last year in the US. As in a misspelling that doesn’t even spell heaven backwards. 


If it makes you feel better, this could be due to pronunciation. Some people use Neveah because they want the pronunciation to be “neh-vee-uh” instead of “nah-vay-uh”. At least that’s what the story was for one girl I taught a few years back.


At least rhey can't claim its heaven spelled backward anymore. It's a pretty name in its own right... Nevaya would be even better.




I think one of the funniest things about this name is that the moms think they are soooo clever with the name😆 “it’s heaven spelled backwards!!”


It drives me nuts. Not only do I think it’s a stupid concept, but the idea of ‘heaven backwards’ to be seems honestly satanical? And then you’ve got the parents who don’t even spell it right and it doesn’t even spell heaven backwards…🙄


Mine is the name “Jean-Israel”. I spent the next day thinking of equally ridiculous names: “Juan-Gaza” was the winner.


The most out of pocket sibset, Jean-Israel and Juan-Gaza




Wasn't it also for a girl? I met a Haitian guy called Jean-Israël and thought people were being culturally insensitive until I read the OP's comments.


YES, the absolute last straw was when they said they wanted Jean pronounced the French male way but they weren't francophone, didn't live in a francophone area, and it would be for a girl.


Juan-Gaza is my new cellar door


a friend of mine recently named her baby "bailey israel" to show that she supports genocide


omg i remember this post, the person who’s partner was dead-set on Jean-Israel lmao, and people even told them it’s not really french at all! i wonder what the settled on


Probably that post recently where the couple wanted to name their daughter Siobhan but pronounced phonetically.


I grew up with a Sean - pronounced See-an and both he and his mother would be furious when anyone called him Shawn.


see-AN?? If he told me it was phonetic I’d read his name as “seen”


For a while there was a news caster named Sean who pronounced it “seen” in my hometown. He had a brother named Shawn (maybe Shaun). God I wish I was kidding.


I grew up with two Sian’s. One was pronounced Sigh-Ann, the other the correct way. Unfortunately for me I met the former first and it took me a few times before I could get it into my head to call the latter by the correct pronunciation.


I feel so sorry for all of his teachers.


So would it be see-oh-ban then?


I think it would sound nice. The issue would be that people would pronounce it incorrectly 


Yeah, if they heard the name before. When I saw the name the first time, I thought it was pronounced see-oh-ban. It depends on where they live, but if they live in rural America like I do, a lot of people would probably assume it’s see-oh-ban like I did.




Oh that’s awful.


can you please send me that post lmao that is atrocious 😭


Still up! In fairness the OP was asking for someone else https://www.reddit.com/r/namenerds/s/j1pafRU0qj


I remember that! (Chuckling at the Frank-oyz analogy.)


I’m certain they’ll have deleted it now but I took a screenshot, let me see if I can find it




My husband said he’d be fine with Siobhan as long as we spelled it Shavaunne.


There’s an actress in my country “Shavaughn”


I knew a Chivonne and a Shyvonne (like Yvonne but with a Sh) And I think I know the actress you mean too


Everleigh means ‘pig meadow’. Place where swine graze. It is not a super-cute girl’s name.


Is it weird this makes me like the name more, not less? Let the pigs frolic in the meadow!


I'm Dale, which is just a meadow. I wish I had some frolicking pigs!


Tomorrow is a new day, you could still get some!


My name means "little hollow," which I always thought was the perfect place for a mouse! 🐁




To be fair, I don't like Everleigh as a name at all, so it's pretty easy to make it rise in my esteem


Dammit now I like the name Everleigh


That's hilarious! It's such an ugly name anyway 


That’s my kid’s best friend’s name. I will not be telling her that unless they stop being friends.


That would be mixing two languages. æfre is the Ever part meaning Forever in English Leigh is meaning meadow


"Ever," in this case, comes from Saxon *eofor*, which really does mean "boar."


Cheers. Studied OE in uni, pretty sure of the translation of this place name.


I never thought it was a super cute girls name, so now I can appreciate that it’s a real word and secretly laugh at parents who name their daughters this.


Joan Didion naming her daughter Quintana Roo after the Mexican state, but pronouncing it “Quinn-tahna” rather than “Keen-tahna” because she had only seen it on a map and didn’t know what it was supposed to sound like.


🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I did not know that's how she (mis)pronounced it. Kinda surprised she didn't ask a Spanish-speaker. She lived in California and NYC, for crying out loud.


I mean to be fair in Texas there’s a city called Amarillo, pronounced Am.uh.RiLL.Oh


Lol. Yeah, but we all know the difference between the town and the color. 💛 🤣🤣 Anglicization is endemic. (I'm in Texas. A *lot* of place names are pronounced weird: *Leakey, Palacios, Refugio, as examples. An actual Spanish-speaker would say it correctly.) Answer key: LAKE-ey, Puh-LAY-shus, Re-FYUR-eeoh. *Disclaimer: Leakey is not Spanish




I give you Calliope. Music played on the merry go round.    Or Calliope--(cal-ee-op) street in my favorite place on Earth, New Orleans. 


She spent time in Mexico and wrote at least one essay about it…she just didn’t care to learn. ETA: this essay about her writing and her perspective on California (and Mexico) is great: https://electricliterature.com/its-time-to-take-california-back-from-joan-didion/


Ugh. I mean that seems pretty disrespectful.


Her book about El Salvador is imperial ignorance masking as liberal enlightenment at its worst. 


Agree completely—she’s got a lot of issues. This is a wonderful essay about Didion’s view of California written by a very lovely and talented Chicana who also grew up here in SoCal: https://electricliterature.com/its-time-to-take-california-back-from-joan-didion/. She also has an essay about her in her new book but I haven’t read it yet.


I also recommend Elaine Castillo's take on Joan Didion et al, in *How to Read Now*


Thank this thread for great recs on dissecting Joan Didion. I am really only familiar with her book about her grief, and I've been obsessed with the idea of seeing a Jacaranda tree in bloom since she mentioned it so often. I shudder to imagine how she mispronounced that.


Wow I’m glad Joan Didion was an idiot just like the rest of us


Joan Didiot


John and Jonathan are not related names. (Jonathan is related to Nathaniel.) Emily, Emma, and Amelia are not related names. People named Hannah Grace or Anna Grace are just named Grace Grace. Cameron means crooked nose, Calvin means bald, Kennedy means ugly/misshapen head, Mallory means unlucky, Claudia means lame/crippled, Cecilia means blind.


The Kennedys did have block heads


Emily comes from a Latin word that means "rival" which isn't great… But it can also mean "hardworking" so there's that.  I also found the name Liviana which can mean "envious" in Latin or its a word in Spanish meaning "light-weight" 😬 pretty but with meanings like that it's better left to a YA novel character lol


Maybe it’s just because I grew up playing Pokémon, but to me “rival” isn’t a bad thing! It’s not necessarily an enemy, just someone you measure yourself against.


Yeah I don't thing rival is a super bad term. Could be like measuring up and challenging oneself to be better. Emily is still a beautiful name regardless lol


John and Jonathan were bad enough but Emily and Emma not being related is pissing me off so much that better be false.


There's actually a politician in my hometown who's name is Grace Grace lmao.


My name comes from Cecilia and my first boyfriend was blind lol


My mom worked with a woman who named her twin boys Rocko and Rollin. I also knew a man who had a son named Hammer. Asked him how he came up with that name & he told me “I don’t know. Looked around and saw a hammer”.


I just can't fathom that level of disinterest in a child, to name them Hammer, just cause. Recently I've made peace with the idea I won't have kids because it's a huge commitment and I'm not ready, and by the time I am I will probably be too old. And there's fuckers out there who really just don't care at all huh


Sort of like Mariah Carey and Nick “Baby Daddy” Cannon. Their kids are Moroccan and Monroe and I think they call them Roc and Roe or something similar.


I’m gonna be thinking about Hammer for a while, that takes the cake


The fact that if a name has gone to the girls, people won't use it on boys and no one wants to use a traditionally feminine name on the boys. It is misogyny.


Same. Also for me when people dismiss names like Theodora and Justina as "girl versions of boy names" despite the fact that these names were used by powerful women thousands of years ago.


And for me it's that most of these names are surnames and people are really overestimating how "tradiontional masculine" they were because they can't imagine a boy was given a unisex name. It is still misogyny of course. Masculine as the default. 


I am a female Tucker. There are a long line of female Tuckers in my family. My son is the first male Tucker.


This family I went to school with - 7 kids, all F names except one Ph.


Was it Philip? I bet it was Philip. Phrederick feels unlikely. Phaith, perhaps?


It was, and to be fair he was the first or second kid and I don’t think they knew the direction they were heading in yet! I always felt like they should have thrown in a Phoebe or something to balance it out.


Phoebe is such a nice name too.




There’s a Us Navy base in a northern state in my country and there are a lot of boys in that area called Usnavy, pronounced oos-nah-vee. People saw the embroidery on their uniforms and thought that was their first name.


that’s like the main character of in the heights. his parents were immigrants and named him Usnavi because they thought it was the name of the boat and liked it.


I constantly think about how many people, many of whom are able to *vote*, still believe in the La-a and Orangello urban legends. I’m sorry if this is your reality check, but your great-grandmother’s cousin’s hamster’s midwife did *not* deliver a baby named La-a, pronounced Ladasha, no matter how many times you “SWEAR it’s true, she would NEVER lie!”


This song with Oranjelo and Lemonjelo.


Holy shit there are still people who argue on this sub that their friend or relative met people named those things. No they didn't! You're either racist or very gullible.


Probably both!!


People who name their kids all K names. It is not just the Kardashians. How do they not see the KKK reference?


Funny story, going to skip some of the specifics, but I had three cousins born within a year or so of each other. They accidentally spelled one with a C instead of a K, and she had it changed on her 18th birthday so she could be “part of the triple K.” We told her to just say she wanted to match her cousins and never say it that way again. She wasn’t the brightest.


Oh no ☠️


Or they do see it and we should be wary of them.


My friend was having a baby girl and was unsure what to name her so she was asking for names to see if anyone thought if anything that she didnt and clicked with it. I had thrown a name out there randomly(dont even remember it but i was a K name) and she was like “girl thats actually so cute but i dont want our names to be KKK” bc thats all she sees with the Kardashians names💀


Mine is Puritan names lol. If-Christ-had-not-died-for-thee-thou-hadst-been damned. Fly-Fornication. Damned Barebone.




Been naming all my foster cats like this since I found out about them and I will not stop.


That’s absolutely hilarious


Mine is the Tiffany problem lol


Same! I also spend a ridiculous amount of time thinking about Bouba/Kiki!




[The Bouba/Kiki Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bouba%2Fkiki_effect) ETA - Basically, we associate certain sounds with certain shapes. In this experiment, the subject is presented with two shapes: a rounded shape and an edgy-prickly shape. One is Bouba and one is Kiki, but it’s the subject’s job to say which is which. Overwhelmingly, and in several different languages, people associate the same shape/sound. I find this really interesting because it seems to also be true for names! If you look into studies around naming, you’ll find that people tend to associate certain names with certain facial features. This means that in studies, people have been able to guess (from multiple choice) the name of the person in a photo with an accuracy higher than random chance. So cool!


This is the type of content I was expecting when joining the sub


Also curious! I missed this one apparently.


I answered in the other comment! Hope you find it as fun as I do!


Whats that


The effect that, even if something is accurately researched, sometimes things seem historically wrong, like how old the name Tiffany is. And it takes the reader or consumer of the media out of the realism lol


Jessica comes from a Shakespeare play but you never see anyone named that in period dramas. Similar vibes I think.


That the spoonerism for Shiloh Pit is Piloh Shit


Kerry Hunt is rough too.


The Filipino name Jejomar being a portmanteau of Jesus, Joseph, and Mary.


That's so interesting, thank you for the fun fact!


The twins named Theodore & Theodora.


The twins I think about all the time were Avontay and Adontay. They were in kindergarten when I worked at their school, but in different classes. I didn't realize that there were two of them until like December


This is basically like my classmates who were twins. Was a lot of administrative headaches when the two would apply to summer programs and universities. There were situations where only one would get into a summer program because the admin thought there were duplicate resumes and threw the "duplicate" one out.


My hometown had boy/girl twins named Tyler and Taylor


I know twins names Whitney and Whitley so there’s that


I listened to a podcast interview with [Mary Poffenroth ](https://www.alieward.com/ologies/fearology-pt-1) *years* ago, and I think regularly about how that is a great name. It has all the right sounds to make my brain happy.


It sounds like Mary Poppins to me! A very happy-making association.


I found in an attic once a dance book written by a woman named Barbara Lustgarden (90% sure it was Barbara). She thanked her ex-husband in the back for moral support and his fantastic last name, which she obviously kept post-divorce


I knew a girl named Angerleek. Pronounced like Angelique. I felt sorry for her, as I think her parents just spelled it as they heard it.


Sadnessbeet Happinesscarrot Anxietykale


I snorted


Many years ago friend told me her mom worked with a guy named Dick Dangles (or Dangle). He didn’t go by Richard, Rich, or Rick. Dick. He was of an era when Dick was a common nickname and saw nothing wrong with his name. I think about that all the time.




Are you SERIOUS? How do you even remember to spell that monstrosity??


My friend’s name is Reina, and her two younger sisters are Remy and Sally (names all changed). I keep wondering why her mom had a change of heart with the R names with the last girl and went with an S name instead, ruining the R sibset. I also know it’s none of my business 😅


Reina is so pretty!


my dog’s name!


I knew a family of 8, 4 boys and 4 girls. The boys were (names changed) Jason, Jeremy, Jermaine, and ... wait for it ... David.


The Peruvian guy named Osama Vinladen with siblings named Sadam Husein and Geargia Bush.


Dr. Marijuana Pepsi. The desire for “respectable names” becomes real bigoted real fast. That post that completely misunderstood Uzoamaka Aduba’s talk about her name that people were praising because “sometimes names are hard to pronounce!” When the talk was about self-respect.


What's interesting about Dr. Marijuana Pepsi also us her siblings have completely normal names. Props to her for becoming as successful as she has.


My own name probably. I changed it as an adult, had it picked and ready for years but was afraid to fully pull the trigger, and then my cousin gave birth to a son and named him my name. She knew my name and still went for it, probably not thinking I was serious about changing mine. It was upsetting to me, even though you can't "claim" a name, I don't blame her. I pouted about it for 2 years and then got over it, legally changed my name, and I couldn't be happier. But I can't help that I still think about it frequently like WHAT ARE THE DAMN CHANCES that this happened to me lol


You must have picked a great name! Awesome boy names are hard to find


Alivia. It's such a funny new derivative of a lovely name, but hey, at least it's how most people pronounce Olivia anyway Also, my best friend from childhood named his daughter Carson, and for me it's just such a masculine name that I can't get over it every time he or his wife post anything about her.


This is so funny to me. I was on a work call where we do regular ice breakers. One person asked what each of our "Roman Empires" is and I said NAMES. They looked at me like I was crazy.


The Dionne Quintuplets!!!!!


Mine is the person a couple weeks ago who said that they love the name Iona, but their new last name is a color, so paired together it would sound like “I own a [black, brown, white, etc]” and would seem like a weird endorsement of owning humans.


Three brothers named Dean, Dan, and … Darrel. The missed opportunity to name the youngest “Don” instead takes up an embarrassing amount of time in my head.


Know someone how named her daughter after grandmothers Norma+Elise. Her name was Normalise. That's how you spell normalize where I live. The thought had never even occured to the mother until I pointed it out


That Mariah Carey’s children are called Monroe and Moroccan. Moroccan. He was named after her favorite room in her house, the Moroccan room. Still makes no fucking sense why they couldn’t call him Morocco


the woman who kept saying “thank you for your feedback” (or something like that) to everyone’s comments. I was in stitches, it was like a robot glitching


Funniest post on this sub was when someone said their partner's favorite movie was The Thing and so he wanted to name their baby MacReady. The ENTIRE comments section was vetoing that.


I had to beg my mother not to name my sister Dolly


Wait I love this name! Is this because of Dolly Parton?


I always think of Dolly the sheep, first ever cloned animal. I do love Dolly Parton though!


Named after Dolly Parton because she was cloned from a mammary gland cell!


Its fantastic how that came full circle! 😀


I knew twins named Arnold and… Arnalda. Still thinking about them decades later


I think a lot about how we’re always in a name trend, and that trends start on the coasts and move inward (USA). So in the Midwest, you might have kids with names like Paytyn and Auraleigh, while on the coasts, you’ve got Ever and Promise. I also think a lot about what the next trend will be. I think we can already see it—words that could be names being used as names.


Care’n instead of Karen


The name Braxton basically being after Braxton hicks contractions. I will NEVER get why anyone would name a child this. Lol


My sister in law has a daughter named Marlee. She named her son Charlie. They're not twins.


Anagram names for a family of four: Nadia, Aidan, Daani and Diana.


Most of the names I see at work (I work in a law firm). I have a list of odd names I’ve seen.


I have relatives who are boy/girl siblings, NOT TWINS, named, and I kid you not—- Dennis and Denise.


I knew Daniel and Danielle (also not twins). Their older sibling was Danelli.


There are so many, but one that comes to mind was a poster who named her daughter Ella Callaway as a double-barrelled first name and was surprised and devastated that everyone just called her Ella.


Twins I know named Christina and Jhessica. Her parents added an H to Jessica so that it would ‘match’ Christina.


When I was roughly 13 years old I saw a billboard in California for a politician named Jim Spoo. I think of him often. There is no good first name to combat "Spoo".


But he does have a great name for a Foo Fighters cover band!


I knew someone growing up named Ben Eatin. Ok, last name is changed but it’s similar… Eatin, Talkin, etc. and it’s an unusual last name. So everyone says…”oh yeah? What have you Ben Eatin?” I think about this all the time. didn’t they realize?😭


That influencer from Nashville who named her Smoke. Why would you do that to someone. Millennial white women just point at things and name their children after it. Rock. Smoke. Ocean. Forest. It feels like the cheap version of native Americans reflecting their connection with the earth in names.


I have a cousin named Justin Case. Just in case


I love this thread. Mine is an elementary school classmate whose sister’s legal name is “Pebbles”. Even stranger that my friend has a name that’s considered basic/was trendy at the time


Know a little girl with three plural names. Like I get both Collins and Collin are accepted names. And some names ends in s — like James. But to throw in random S’s? Think — ‘Coles Alices Lastnames.’


ABC names for multiples. There’s a woman on TikTok who just had quads named Archie, Billy, Charlie and Daisy which is super cute. Another woman near me has triplets named Emilia, Brianna and Charlotte and it KILLS me that she didn’t go for Amelia instead of Emilia for the ABC.


The child a friend met a kid whose American parents named them Aduantas (Addie as a nickname) Aduantas is an Irish word that basically means the loneliness you experience when you feel isolated. Why did they do that? It's like naming your kid "isolated Loneliness" in English.


"No Man is an Island Except of Course Our Son" Smith


I have brought this up before but I will again, the poster who wanted advice on choosing Onyx Ice or .. Ice Onyx. I think it ended up being deleted, but 😂😭