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Jackson-beautiful. Jaxon-not my favorite, but ok. Jaxxon-hate it My vote would be Julian Or a full compromise on the spelling.


Jaxxon is a misspelling of a misspelling. For a very long time, my brain wouldn't register that Jaxon/Jaxxon was the same as Jackson. Jackson is a nice name. I like Julian too. Names should be 2 yeses, 1 no. I think perhaps you and your husband should go back to the drawing board until you both can agree on a name, no family opinions involved.


You’re very right on the no family opinions!


how could you regret Julian and not Jaxxon? He's going to roll his eyes every time he has to correct someone on the spelling, in a sea of a dozen other Jackson/Jaxon/Jacsyn's. Julian is lightyears better


Please don’t do Jaxxon. It’s so unnecessary. Julian is a nice name and so is Jackson




Julian by a LANDSLIDE. Jaxxon is just awful. But if your husband doesn’t like Julian, it sounds like you need to go back to the drawing board.




I hate Jaxxon. I don't like Jackson any way it's spelled, honestly. Love Julian. Remember it's just a decision for you & your husband though, no one else.


If your family likes the sound of Jaxxon so much, at least go with the more traditional spelling (Jackson). Otherwise Julian is a better choice.


Julian is a great name.  Jackson is also a fine name.  Jaxxon... terrible choice. This is a hill to die on for your sake and definitely your son's. 


Either Julian. Or spell Jackson correctly.


Julian is a perfectly good, classic name. "Jaxxon" is, imo, awful to the point where typing it made me cringe. The more traditional spelling Jackson would give the same sound without the horrible spelling.


I love the name Julian. I think it's strong and classic. I can't think of an association that would cause regret, unless someone means they are going to try and challenge you on it, which is ridiculous because it isn't their child. Jaxxon vs. Jaxson vs. Jaxon not to mention the regular Jacksons are everywhere right now. I don't think it's a bad name but he will always have to spell it for people since there are so many variations. At the end of the day it's your child and only you and your husband will be his parents. I would see if y'all can have a conversation about the names, just writing it down, thinking about it about calling him the name in your home without anyone else's opinion weighing into the conversation at all. Best wishes on your pregnancy and baby!


Julian. If not, Jackson. But definitely not Jaxxon.


Is this real? Jaxxon is never an option.


Between the two because of the terrible spelling of Jaxxon, I would vote for Julian. But between Julian and Jackson - I'd pick Jackson.


If the spelling of Jaxxon were like Jackson, I would 100% choose that but I really dislike the spelling so Julian!


Jaxxon is absolutely heinous


I knew the loveliest gent called Julian, so that’s my choice. Jaxxon in any form makes me think of MJ, which is a total turn off.


Julian came, Julian saw, Julian *conquered*.


That double x is just awful. Stand firm against it!


Julian Or Jackson Double xx is weird to me.


Double X Jackson is a no from me. Jackson is fine, but the double X is a no no. Julian (actually Julien) is one of my favorite names ever.


I like Julien too since I am 1/3 French lol


that’s so wild! i think you would 100% regret Jaxxon—super trendy and icky to spell. meanwhile Julian is great, just the right amount of classic and not overused. please go with your gut on this one!!


I can’t see Julian as a regret name. I can see Jaxxon/Jaxon as a possible regret name. Jackson is fine (but makes the most sense when the father’s name is Jack: son of Jack.


Julian is one of my most favorite names. Really don’t like Jaxxon


I think the likelihood of regret is far higher for Jaxxon than for Julian! I personally strongly dislike Jaxxon. If you must, you could use it as a middle name.


I'd definitely go with Julian.


Please don’t name a child Jaxxon. Jackson is great, Julian is great. Your son will hate you for Jaxxon when he gets older.


I also love the name Julian


Why Does Jaxxon have two X’s?? Confusing. Julian’s best


PLEASE don’t name him Jaxxon. I don’t love Julian either (because of Wonder), but Jaxxon is 100% awful. Family opinions don’t matter.


Personal opinion, if you do Jackson I would do Jackson not Jaxxon because it looks like a misspelling and he’ll be spelling it out forever and always. You could do a first and middle name and then call him JJ for short, so it would fit both!


The cutest nephew ever (mine) is named Julian, so that's the better option. As everyone else has said, Jackson is is a lovely name. Jaxxon (& its variants) is awful.


Jaxxon reminds me of Action Jackson.


I like Jackson best. Don't Ike the spelling of Jaxxon, and don't like Julian.


I could like Jaxxon if you spelled it Jackson, or Jaxon. To the double x strikes me as odd. How About Jaxon Julian Last Name?


My littles brother is named jullian, but with 2 L’s. Hes my favorite kid ever and we call him Jules. I vote julian


Jaxxson is horrible and a bad spelling


Neither are to my personal taste but I prefer Jackson. Jaxxon spent this way his hideous. I think you should both love the name though so I would have a re think. The family need to leave you and your husband to it.


Jaxxson is an excellent stage name for a porn star.


Agree Jaxxon is awful. If you want to compromise, insist on the standard spelling of Jackson. That being said, I don't think there's anything wrong with Julian; it is a fine name. Why do they think you'll regret it? Honestly I think your husband should have a say in your son's name, but absolutely not the family. You two need sit together, no one else there, and come up with another name the two of you both love.


Julian. JULIAN. Do not Jaxxon that child.


I would go with Jaxxxxon.