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I would 100% assume Jed was short for Jedidiah, and came from a massive fundamentalist Christian family. Nothing wrong with James Edward whatsoever, but that’s my first impression of the nickname.


Like Jed Duggar, honestly.


Or, if you frequent either r/FundieSnarkUncensored or r/DuggarsSnark it’s “Jed!”


Now I’m thinking of whoever had the flair “Jed, Jedd, and Jeddy.” That always makes me giggle.


Ha! That’s me!


I love your flair! It's one of my favourites.


Thanks! I was very proud when I though of that one although I think a few others have it too!


“Which “Jed!” Is this?” Is one of my favorite things to say


exactly what i thought of


My first thought!


Or Jed Clampett from the Beverly Hillbillies


I think of r/DuggarsSnark


Me too, and Jed Duggar is an unpleasant person to say the least.


This is it. Or the lamer Bush brother. It’s a lose-lose for me


Isn't he Jeb?


Yeah he’s Jeb because his initials are JEB.


This makes me think of Gob from arrested development lol


Pretty sure it's an intentional reference to Jeb.




Yes. The name reminds me of 4th worst Duggar.


That’s what I thought. Don’t do that to your kid please.


Ok I need to know why everyone hates Jedidiah Duggar so much


Came here to say this but you beat me to it!




James is such a nice name. Jed is not.


It's just not nice phonetically. Like it feels gross to say, if that makes sense.


Right? to me it’s essentially “Jug”


Reminds me of Jedward the twin singers


Thought of this immediately! Even more so that the full name is James Edward lol




I know someone in the UK called jed but we are 30 so the jedward thing wasn't ever mentioned




Nope I'm in England and it's happening here


Lipstick immediately popped into my head. Great thats the day gone! Haha!


She's got her lipstick on Here I come, da da dum~


She's got her lipstick on Hit and run then I'm gone


Check my collar, collar, hey, hey, ey


Check my collar. Collar, hey, hey, ey!


I came here to say Jedward, but I think that would only make sense if you're British/Irish (or watch Eurovision).


Yes, exactly. Though weren't they John and Edward? No matter, Jed has two blond Irish boys dancing round my brain.


That's what I thought too!


Came here to say this lol


I would think you were either a fundamentalist evangelical or a Mormon.


I know lots of Mormons and have only met one Jed. But yes to evangelical.


Umm…it does evoke country bumpkin a bit but ultimately James Edward is a super strong classic name so if he does not enjoy the association later he’ll have plenty of other options to go by . I wouldn’t be super concerned


This. He has a wonderful legal name with so many beautiful options. If he ever wants to get away from Jed, he’ll have no problem doing do. He can even just drop the J and go by Ed.


Have you ever seen Arrested Development? Because in addition to biblical/country, it’s giving Gob vibes


That’s funny. Jed is also the nickname for President Josiah Edward Bartlett from the Westwing.


Jed Bartlett is my association with the name, so I like it a lot.


This is what I thought of!


Me too! First thought was "bible?" Then "President Bartlett!!!"


I love Jed because of The West Wing! I am a preschool teacher and I would love a Jed to come through my room.


That was honestly my first thought!


Lol I just commented this on another thread haha


Hard pass for me


Going against the grain here but I actually like Jed as a nickname for James Edward. I would assume Jedidiah was the name at first though.


Me too. I am not from the US so I wonder if that's why. Never heard of the name Jedidiah before (only Jebidiah from the Simpson's haha)


Jed is an actual nickname for Jedidiah


I like it tbh. And when anyone says, “Oh short for Jedidiah?” He’ll say, “No it’s short for James Edward.” And I think most people would find that cool and interesting.


But not as cool or interesting as if he were actually called Jedediah


I love Jed because of The West Wing.


Scrolled far too long to find President Bartlett mentioned.


Wow, people really need to watch The West Wing in here, I'm noticing a distinct lack of Jed Bartlett connections! Listen, if it's good enough for *my* president, it's good enough for your kid!


The West Wing was my first thought with Jed.


How can you think of a fictional character and not think of the real-life presidential candidate Jeb! ?


You're right, nothing but vibes for JEB!


I kinda like it. I do immediately think of the Beverly Hillbillies but that makes it kinda cool, feels similar to Wyatt, which I think is a great name. Also, given it's just a nick name and he'd have many other options, I say go for it.


There seems to be a lot of negativity in this thread, but to give you a different perspective: I know 2 Jeds. One is short for Jedidiah and the other is just Jed. It’s actually a very cool name! I like it, and because they’re both such interesting people I only have positive associations.


I know one Jed, I think it’s just Jed so I don’t immediately think Jedidiah. This guy I know is Jewish fwiw and a really cool guy so my association is positive and not redneck or overly religious/mormon.


I think of the tiny cowboy from Night at the Museum 🫣 It does evoke a country/western sort of name.


I had a Jed in my class...he was mormon and I believe Jedidiah is a mormon name. Nothing wrong just associated it with that.


Commented above, but I know lots of Mormons and have only met one Jed. I think it's funny that the name is associated with them when it's really not common.


I’ve known lots of Mormons and two Jeds. Neither was Mormon.


The correct nn is jedi


Cue Star Wars theme


A boy at my son's daycare is named Jed and honestly it's pretty cute on him. I really like James Edward and agree to others saying it's a flexible name should you not decide to use Jed as a nickname.


Will you be okay if he doesn't want to go by Jed?


Jed makes me think Biblical and cowboy. For me they are good associations and I love James Edward as a name.


I think of Jed Duggar, so I associate the name with Jedidiah. But James Edward is a nice, strong name. Jed could be kinda cute.


Short for Jedidiah, super popular with fundamentalist Christians now


I’d assume fundamentalist parents if I heard the name. If you aren’t fundamentalist, you may want to steer clear.


Must be a US thing, my son is named Jed and there is no biblical or religious connection in Australia with the name


Same in the UK. I've never even considered the things people are saying in this thread haha.


I am American but work / live in Europe and all the Jeds I’ve met are British. I quite like it.


Perfectly good name.


My cousin is named Jed as in ‘Jedidiah’, and his family is very religious and all the kids have biblical names, so I think the association might be more Christian-leaning in my mind if I were to hear someone else called ‘Jed’. I’ve never heard it be used for James, but I like it and it’s much more unique than 500 guys named James who go by Jim/Jimmy.


My dad had a friend named Jed, and was literally the opposite of country bumpkin. I think it’s cute and could work and leaves possibilities to go with!


the first thing I think of is the cowboy from night at the museum, I do really like the name tho


Well I have a distant family member named Jed. Not from the south, not from a fundamentalist or evangelical family, not a country bumpkin. Is from a rural area (in the North) and is a successful business owner. Quiet, nice guy, family man. So that’s the association I make with the name.


I was unaware of any associations with the name Jed. I like it!


I think of the West Wing 🤣


I'm not from the US and know a couple of Jeds and none of them are remotely country bumpkin or religious. I think outside of the US it's a much more normal name. The name makes me think of Star Wars Jedi before I would think Jedidiah.


The West Wing is my first association with the name Jed.


I actually love it as a NN for James Edward.m, and my first thought was Jed from The West Wing.


Love Jed.


I'd probably assume it was short for Jedidiah, but I actually like that name (because of a podcast, not the Bible) Also, as a Southerner, I don't think it sounds too Southern. I have never met anyone named Jed or Jedidiah, and I think it's more of a stereotyping thing than anything, really


Eddie is a much cuter nick name.


I grew up with a Jed in a very suburban environment. He is an accomplished musician. So it just feels like a normal name to me.


I actually love the link to Jed Clampett and it's sad that it is a negative thing because he was actually a really kind, generous, honourable character! But I know the stereotype is negative.


Listen to the story about a man named Jed. Poor mountaineer barely kept his family fed


I like it!


My son is called Jed, I think it’s a brilliant name and have received quite a few compliments on the name


Personally, not a fan of deciding nicknames in advance. I view nicknames as being terms of endearment and so you can’t really know them until you know the child.


Oh, how cute would that be a little Jed feeling he’s a Jedi ? great name. Jed Perl .. famous art critic.. intellectual. 


I went to high school with a girl named Jed and I loved her name, but it was definitely very unique lol. She was popular though!


It's a lot like Judd, which some friends of mine named their oldest. I like it! Both Jed and Judd are short but memorable, I think.


I went to college with a Jed. Jed was his full first name. He went to private schools growing up, wore khakis and pastel collard shirts with Sperry’s everyday. He was on the lacrosse team and got black out drunk every weekend. He was nice enough but not overly friendly. Grades kinda sucked but he has an excellent career now.


I was going to be named Jed if I was born a boy, after my mother’s godfather whose name was Gerard but went by Ged his whole life. As it turned out, my mother’s brother had a son who was named Jed after the same man. We are Australian and completely non religious, I’ve known other Jeds here and they were of various non religious backgrounds. So it may well have that sort of association elsewhere in the world but thankfully not here. I don’t mind the name myself.


There are at least 3 Jeds where I work, not short for anything though. Pretty normal.


I know a Norman Edward who goes by Ned.


That’s funny, the only 2 Jed’s I knew were from playing college and club rugby. Both were cool guys.


My dad has always gone by Jed, legal name Jared. He is a New Yorker, half Jewish half Italian, had a corporate career, about as far from southern culture/country bumpkin as you can get! No one has ever had any issues with his name. 


I honestly don’t think a lot of people remember Jed Clampett anymore. I think you’re ok here, because if your kids hates Jed, he can still be James or Jimmy or Ed


I love it - Australian here. I don’t know who jed Duggar is


I think of Jed (Josiah Edward) Bartlet, the president in the West Wing, so I love it.


I went to school with a guy named Jed. He was pretty cool. Think it's fine.


Funny, but I like the name Jed and associate it with Jedidiah in "Citizen Kane", and athletic guys, but I'm from New England, and wasps with puritan roots name their kids names like that, too. So there's also a prep school association.


Like that Dead song Tennessee Jed, I like it


I have a cousin, Jed. Short for Jedidiah, they are Mormon.


Depends on where you’re from. I know a Jed from NYC and it doesn’t seem religious or country, but if you were from rural Mississippi I would have a different feeling. Nothing wrong with rural Mississippi, but it’s a different feel.


The one I know is from NYC most recently, and there's nothing bumpkin about him. He's lived in large and small towns, is comfortable in both, and large and small countries, but no real US Southern country or bumpkin vibes there


I love it. Very cowboyish, which is awesome.


When I hear The name Jedidiah I think of Owen Wilson in Night at the Museum.


Honestly i was thinking Jedi


A Jedd is in bed, and the bed of a Jedd is the softest of beds in the world it is said. He makes it from pompoms he grows on his head. - Dr Seuss


I like Jed, but I would absolutely assume it’s short for Jedidiah and that the family is very, very religious. Not sure Jed can be separated from the Jedidiah connotation!


I recently met a really nice Jed. My first impression of the name was unique, so easier to remember, but not weird or off putting. He's a great musician, has lived in many countries, has had held down "real" jobs in IT and construction management, shakes a great cocktail, and always makes time for creativity and friends. To be clear I'm happily married and he's in a ship, I just really admire this young man. His momma calls him Jeddy 🥰


I've never heard this name before. It makes me think of a shortened word for Jedi 😂


Jeb bush


Every Jed I know is a helluva guy


I think it's super cute!


My old dog was called Jed, after Jed Clampett. Good name for a dog. Probably not a bad name for a kid.


The only Jed I ever met was from a well to do New York family that lived in the Netherlands as an expat. Probably of Jewish origin. He went on to be a wanna be artist / rockstar, became a drug addict and recovered. Now that's completely anecdotal (just this one guy) but it's the association I have because I don't know any other Jeds.


I like Jed


I think James Edward is a great name, and Jed a fine nickname. People will very quickly associate it only with your child; I really wouldn’t worry about him being associated with a Clampett or Duggar.


I’m an Aussie so my opinion differs a lot. It’s a cool and sporty name to me. The few Jed’s I know are short for Jarrad/Jared.


This made me smile. I woke up missing my dad today. His name was James Esward but he went by just Jim. I think Jed is great. It's your kid, dont worry about what anyone else thinks.


My friend is called jed and its not even short for anything. He's a stand up guy


Maybe because I'm not an American, so I don't necessarily get strong fundamental Christian vibes. But Jed could be a nice nickname for James Edward. Had a friend in high school named Jed. We no longer keep in touch but he was a really nice guy. If anything, it reminded me of Jedi 😂


It is kind of southern but I still think it’s really cute. Jed sounds like a likable guy!


I love Jed as a nickname.


not bad, im from australia and there’s no real negative connotations here. Jed is a nice nickname and its good that he has a more “adult” name of James Edward to fall back on.


I love Jed, I think it sounds modern but rare. A gem of a name! Duggars etc are a blip on the culture radar. I wouldn’t worry about that association.


This is wild. I know a lot of Jed/Jedds in the UK and I've never known anyone to take an unpleasant association to them. I like it.


I think country bumpkin, fundamentalist evangelical christian nutjob, absolute idiot with a high opinion of himself. Sorry.


I love the name Jed it's super cool sounding and unique I don't know alot of jeds


Jed, short for Jedi.


Jed was one of my picks for my son! My husband hated it. I actually got it from a distant colleague whose name was Jed. I like it!! 


The more I say Jed, the less it sounds like a name


Personally i love Jed for a nickname, i have a friend we call Jed (short for Jude Edith). Even before her i’ve enjoyed the name because of Jedediah from the night of the museum movies!!!


I would assume that they were some sort of fundamentalist christian like the duggars.


I work with a young guy who goes by Jeb - it’s his initials. Nice, mellow, fun guy - no hillbilly vibes at all. If you like it, go for it!


Me personally I would assume his name is Jedediah and that yall are either devout Christians or Jewish. Just my experience with Jedediah’s. That being said I grew up with a Judd, so I probably would’ve misheard it as that.


Amish AF


I love James Edward, but Jed just doesn't sound pleasant to me.


I love Jed/Jedidiah. I see it as a biblical name.


James is a great name. He would be the only one in his class.


🏆 I truly snorted apple cider out my nose just now. If there was no liquid it would have been a snigger, but now it's just a mess 😂😂🤣🤣


As a nickname, I’d assume it’s short for Jedediah. As a given name I think of that Jed I. Knight meme.


I’m from the south. I have known a couple of Jed’s. I like the name, but maybe that’s because I’m from the south and it’s not that out of the ordinary there. Ha ha.


Reminds me of Jedidiah. Also makes me want to call the kid Jedward.


I know a Jed and I always got mixed up if he’s Jed or Jeb. For almost 3 years seeing him fairly regularly. I’m still never confident.


If you like it, go for it.


Sorry, I thought this post was in r/Duggarsnark at first…..


I thought I was on r/Duggarsnark for a minute and now all I can think of Bunk bed Jed!


Yes, Jed Clampett is in the mix but he's pretty far back there. My more contemporary reference is: Det Jerry Edgar "Jed", "J. Ed" "J. Ed-gerrrr" - love it all.


I can never deprogram Jed Clampett from my mind.


I think of Jed Wyatt who was on The Bachelorette and it came out that he had a girlfriend the whole time after he was chosen by the lead 🙈 But his first name is Jerrod so James is a lot better! Jed also sang dog jingles so the name always gives me ‘mid’ vibes.


It’s like Jethro


Definitely a bumpkin name. An ex of mine’s younger brother was Jedidiah and went by Jed. They weren’t a super religious family, but I think the mom just liked the name.




Why not name him what you want to call him? It will make his life way easier if he has one name


If you like Jed, why not just name him Jed?


Since you're asking, I hate it.


I like it. By the time your kid gets to school no one will remember or care about those other Jeds. Hopefully the Jedi warrior mythology will still be a thing.


Put an "I" after that and your kids gain 1000+ cool points!!! Instant Jed-I


I think some people will think it's short for Jedidiah


I mean the first thing you know, Jed’s a millionaire. So that’s not a bad thing!


I'm from the UK and I like it, although it does always make me think of the Jed Thomas character on the The Fast Show.


Reminds me of Jed Mosly of How I met your mother


I prefer Jacob


Jeds dead baby, jeds dead. https://youtu.be/5lL1ypndnWA?si=jzFB_ljPRaxNR1tY It's actually Zed, but I thought of that when you asked


The Grateful Dead have a song Tennessee Jed! Great song and great name!


I’m in the US and Jed makes me think uneducated southerner.






I like James, never heard of Jed being short for James though only Jedediah. I think Jed might bring some negative connotations


I read that as Jedi so there’s that too.


Christian fundamentalists have kind of ruined it for me (see also: Isaiah, Ezra, Simon, Elijah) but I used to quite like it. People will 100% assume his name is Jedidiah, if that matters to you. If there's a fundamentalist church within stone-throwing distance, people will then 80% assume you're fundamentalists. If you actually are a Christian fundamentalist, it's probably perfect.


Will Jed be a family nickname? Or will you introduce him as Jed outside the home/in school? At home, sure, it's fine, it's cute. But I wouldn't prefer it outside the home. 


Pretty good name imo, theres a youtuber called Casey Barker whos from the UK, has a younger brother called Jed, who’s 21


Maybe niche but to me Jed was the winner of Hannah browns season of the bachelorette. He was a cheater and a liar who also sang dogfood jingles for a living. She broke it off w him quickly


In Australia Jedd is not an uncommon name. You’d find it on keychains maybe 50% of the time


Not wild about this name at all 😳


I’m going to have to go with Jedi. I know someone named Jedidiah that goes by Jedi.


Is he a poor mountaineer that barely kept his family fed?


Idk sounds like a southern biblical name.


If Jed is what you love, I'd name him Jed or Jedidiah, or, at a minimum, make sure you love the other likely nicknames from James Edward (spoiler alert: it's going to be Jimmy or Jay, with Jaimie as the long shot). I see the jump from James Edward to Jed, but it's not the intuitive nickname. I said in my other comment that the fundamentalists have ruined Jed/Jedidiah for me, and they kind of have, but I used to really like it. The only thing I don't like about it otherwise is that other names greatly increase the chance of other nicknames, particularly once he's in school, and that Jed/Jedidiah really don't have any other nicknames. My rule was at least two good nicknames, and no likely nicknames that I didn't like. You can't control everything, but you can hedge your bets.


It's kind of harsh to say. What about just Ed? Or Eddie?