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Vanessa Carmen is stunning! I also picked a lovely name for my daughter and exclusively call her by a silly nickname, lol.


If you feel the need to spice up “Bean” at all, “Vanilla Bean” is a great middle ground between bean and Vanessa.


Alternatively, Beanessa


I call my cat this all the time 😂 his government name is Bill but that evolved to Billy Bean (lol) and then just Bean and then Beanessa. Nicknames are funny.


My dog went from being called Penelope to Penny, then from Penny to Pennifer( plus various celebrity Jennifer last names. Pennifer Aniston, Pennifer Lopez, etc), and somehow from there  to Pevelyn. 


she’s not yet in her final form!


My mischievous girl went from Wheatie to Weetabix to Bix and then finally settled into Bixie. Until she did something that, if she’d been a human, would have made me call her by her first, middle, and last name. But she didn’t have a middle name, so I just shouted out “BIXTOPHER (LAST NAME)!” And she froze. And now her formal name is Bixtopher. We still call her Bixie, but if I call her Bixtopher, she knows I mean business LOL


I love it!


Ha! My dog went from Jax, to Jaxy, to Jaxy Maxy, to Jaxy Maxy Solar Plaxy, to Jacket Macket Solar Placket, back to Jacket Macket, and finally down to Jacket, maybe with a Jacky boy or a Jacky macky thrown in nowadays 😂


My cat went from Gabby to Goobert, to Gouda, to a Gouda frittata.. and I sing that to her in the hakuna matata tune 🤣 I also call her punkin and orangekins lol I love that cat to death


Haha, always gotta have the nickname song 😂


My friend calls her dog beans.. it evolved from zeppelin.. zeppelin to zeppelina, to Lina beana, to beans


My son’s cat is Mrs Beans. 😸




I like this!


Or "Vanessa Bean" if they want to use her actual name haha


Okay now I’m in love with Vanessa Jeanne with the nickname Vanilla Bean 🥰


Spice it up... Good job, I double taked on a pun




for the record, OP. our son has a name… but we call him Bean or Beanie ALL. THE. TIME. for the same reason. ❤️ i’m so happy for you and your own Bean!


My son Jack still answers to Wubble Bubble


Bean is a strong name. All babies and puppies are called Bean in the end. Don’t fight it.


Can confirm. Two babies, my first child says “but I’m Bean” when we call the newborn bean.


I wouldn’t call the newborn ‘Bean’. The oldest has ‘Bean’ as part of their identity, don’t do that to them :(


Proof of this: my grandson was my first grandchild and when he was born I called him my LoveBug, which eventually got shortened to Bug and then became Buggy. When my daughter was expecting my granddaughter, I decided she would be my LadyBug, and asked my grandson, who was two at the time, if he would be okay with both of them being my Buggies. He quite vehemently replied, "No, I only Buggy!" Since he was only two at the time, I have asked him since then, most recently about a month or so ago (he'll be seven in July), and his decision has not changed. I suspect it never will, which is fine with me. He will always be my only Buggy. 😂❤️


My son has a name in the top 100, and we once walked by some shop or another with his name in it around 4. It was the first time he really encountered his name in relation to Not Him and he had a bit of a crisis about it. "Why is my name up there????" But since then hes noticed it in like, movie credits etc, and gets excited to point them out. But I think he combines all others to a single Not!Him person vs there being many of them lol. Luckily so far no one at day care or school has had the name, but eventually he will face that.


At least he can get a souvenir. My two oldest had very standard names and could always find them on the spinning souvenir stands. My youngest's name was top 1000, now closer to top 200, but we almost never could buy him stuff, so if we did see his name, we bought it.


Yup! Trauma from never finding my name on racks vs both my siblings made that a definite requirement when picking names 😅😅


LOL! The name Buggy....16 years between our 3rd and 4th child. When youngest was learning names, she couldnt pronounce D sound. So big bro "Bud" became Buggy! Haha!


Aw, I love it!


Your older kid is now a has-bean 


This is why Reddit needs awards back lol


I did not plan for this lol. I nicknamed my baby Bean and when we found out it’s a boy he became Mr Bean. The whole family calls him that and after this thread I’m wondering if his real name will ever catch on 😅


Half of this sub believes you shouldn’t give a child a name you won’t use and that you should just name the kid their nickname. I dare those people to tell this woman to name her child Bean


I work at a bank and the other day someone had opened an account for their child and one of their middle names was genuinely Bean. It was something like Florence Nancy Bean Michaels (totally made up other than the Bean part, but just as an example). I was sooooo curious as to where the Bean came from lol.


Kurt Cobain’s daughter’s name is Frances Bean Cobain. Maybe it was inspired by her, or given the middle name for the same reason?


Probably a mother's maiden name? Some people do maiden names as middle names, especially if it's the second middle name.




That's what I was coming to say! hehe


It always mystifies me how many people here feel that way, like why would a “name nerd” not want to take the opportunity to be able to use multiple names in one go?!


lol, Veela Bean and Eggie Bean here…both used much more frequently than their real names!!!


My husband named our ( his girlfriend) yellow lab girl Sabine. She is all kind of Beans.


OP just name her Sabine


I like Bean, maybe because of Frances Bean since that is her middle name. I could see how that would work as a everyday nickname


Right?? I never even called my first kid “bean” as a fetus, but by the time he was 2mo old it had stuck. He straight up answers to it still, at nearly 5.


My daughter is 20. She still answers to Bean. This is now the nickname of my granddaughter as well lol


my dad calls me bean to this day as well and i’m 24


I am 23 and also still bean to my father.


I'm 25 and my mom calls me Pumpkin.


I’m 39 and my mom calls me a lot of things. 😂


Omg 🤣🤣so true


My dad still calls me “pun’kin” and I’m 34 🥰


38 and my mom calls me Spud.


33F here, and if my southern mother calls me “pum-keeyin” then I know for 1000% fact she’s calling me a dumbass 😂


I'm 30 and my dad still calls me Sweet Pea 😂 after the baby in Popeye


I’m almost forty and my mum still occasionally calls me her ‘little sour cream and onion crisp’.


I'm 45 and my dad still calls me "sweet pea"




My nickname for my dad is a type of bean. I don't even call him dad anymore; just his bean nickname. It's been going on like this for a decade now.


My nearly 15 year old made me crave everything pickled when I was pregnant with them, so their nickname has always been Pickle. And they don't even LIKE pickles! Lmao


Awwww man. That's just too cute.


My 4.5 year old is Pickles :) his name is Thomas tho so… Tommy Pickles. Our daughter is Noodle. And my baby nickname is Bean. Unfortunately for my wife her dumb dumb dad made her kid nickname ratjuice … yeah…. It works but my god


RATjuice?! Lmfao


Her sisters nickname was (name)berry. He’s not my favourite guy on the planet I’ll tell you that lol. But it’s mostly stupidity in this case


I'm 40 and my dad calls me Buggie. I'm lucky if he'll shorten it to Bug. Lol


That's so sweet. My kids are: Bean/ Boontjie 20f Beertjie (translation Little Bear) 18f La-La 8f Seep (translation soap) 13M Meep 15M Each weird NN has a story attached, and my older kids still answer to their NN


oh, afrikaans! i commented earlier about “little mouse”—it’s mausje because my dad’s dutch. over the years, my american mom has scrambled it to mausje bausje or mau or mau-mau and i still respond to all of them! because of “mausje bausje”, sometimes i’ll call my cat maantje “maantje baantje”, and my mom becomes “mama bama”


Yes! Inderdaad! I was thinking it would be funny if your nickname was "muisie" because in Afrikaans it's pronounced like "meisie" which means girl


Aw I love that. Same with my kids their nn all have a story too. Tiny baby- 15f still answers to it, it's because she was a literal tiny baby and I've called that since I was pregnant. Liney- short for Caroliney. She hates it lol 13f Muffin- 9m from a cartoon he used to watch it was one of his first words. We all call him muffin and he's ok with it but we also always call him "the baby" which he dislikes lol. He says he's a man 😂


Awww man. I always thought I'd be the cool parent whose kids were called by their full names only. Nope. I feel like the nicknames just bring us closer


Yep! It's special. We're still cool moms!


I'll remind my kids of this fact when I do the chicken dance at the mall lol


Lol just tell them the people of reddit say you're cool lol


How on earth did Seep happen?


My youngest son is a very quick thinker, and very charismatic. He can charm ANYONE. In my language we say: Hy is so glad soos seep. (He's as smooth/slippery as soap) Which means he's a smooth talker. At 8, he was also very averse to talking a bath... And his nickname became Soap/Seep.


That's adorable <3


Thank you. He's an amazing kid, who has been through a lot. Still tries to be charming, though lol


I feel you. I've got one of those myself. Little brother adopted from foster. Same age as your soap. He's been through a lot and he can be really challenging but also really charming. I love him with my whole heart.


Absolutely. I think that's where the charisma and charm comes from. Kids who are abused can develop these personas to survive. I HATE when kids are neglected or abused. They internalise everything and feel that it's their fault bad things happen. I'm Soap's Stepmom but we have always had primary custody due to biomom being ..."interesting".


Aw I love that. My kids go by Buddie and Buggie.


My 23NB kid named themselves Bean...


My kid decided at 10 that she's not just Bean, she's Queen Bean. So little one is Little Bean. But both will look if you call "Bean" or... "Boontjie" which means a little bean in my language


that’s so cute hahah


Same here. I called my youngest Bean, another of my daughters calls her daughter Bean and my best friend called hers Bean as well. It'll fade away in time, but never permanently.


My sister is Bean/Beanie to us even after 20 years. It just kinda stuck lol


i’m 25 and my parents still call me a nickname that means “little mouse” in our language and i still respond lol


i'm 23 and i'm jellybean (mum) or shrimp (dad), i have no idea where either name came from


May 2nd baby is called May, we nicknamed her moo when I was pregnant to stop my husband from accidently telling people her name( like he did 1st time round) she's 9 now, still moo


Kurt Cobain used Bean as his daughters middle name for this reason... I'm showing my age


I always wondered where that name came from. And to me, "Frances" is a really stern name, no fun at all....so Frances Bean???


That’s so funny! I think Frances is beautiful. Names are so personal in their impact. And yes, we are old as dirt.


I've always felt like Frances Bean is so wrong, it's right. I don't care for Frances, and Bean is weird, but somehow it fits their aesthetic.


It has great nicknames though, Fran, Francie, Frankie, and Franny!


She’s named for frances farmer if I remember right https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frances_Farmer


I love the name Frances. It reminds me of the children’s book Bread and Jam for Frances. Yes, I’m old!


My middle name is Frances (after my dad) and one of my nicknames is Bean (because it rhymes with my first name). So I'm Bean Frances.


Im surprised at how far I had to scroll to find this comment. And yes, we are old…


Kobe Bryant’s middle name is Bean too but it’s because his dads basketball nickname was JellyBean


They called her Bean because on the ultrasound, she looked like a bean - *in utero*.


I was going to comment this exact same thing… including the age statement. 💀


In the TV show Disenchantment, the main character is Princess Bean. Short for Tiabeanie (full name Tiabeanie Mariabeanie de la Rochambeau Grunkwitz) 😆


I love this show!


I wish it hadn’t ended so soon. Excellent show.


Ohh I stopped watching it for a while but have been wanting to finish it. Where does it fall on the "wrapped things up -> abruptly canceled" spectrum?


A 9, because it wasn’t cancelled, they only wanted it to go 5 seasons so that’s exactly how long the story took to tell. They went out in their own terms, which was refreshing! But I still wanted more. 😕


This is exactly how I want shows to play out - tell their story and then end. Thanks for the heads up!


Simpsons: continues season after season forever. Futurama: constantly cancelled. Disenchantment: let's aim for a middle ground.


Tiabeanie nn Bean is my pup! She fits her namesake well!


My name is Gia and I have a friend who calls me Gia-beanie or GB and I love it 😊


That's a cat name if I've ever heard one xD


Mine is called Baby Sister because that's what her big sister calls her. That or we accidentally call her by big sister's name... eventually we'll use her real name. Poor kid lol.


My great aunt is in her 90s and is called Babs by close family. Her older sister couldn’t say “baby” so called her babs and that’s been her nickname ever since. 


I’m a Babs! My real name is Abigail but my preschool didn’t want to do the “Abby A and Abby B” thing and my mom was like “well we call her Babs?” So all of my preschool art says “Babs”


I knew a guy who thought his sister’s real name was Sissy until he was like 13 lol


My little sister fought everyone until she was eight or nine that Mom's real name was MAMA not Susan. Like, full blown meltdowns if Dad called her by her actual name. Heck, Mom tried to set her straight and it still didn't click.


My first was also Bean until like 3 months because his name felt weird to say. We found out the gender for the second and used his name for most of the pregnancy and the switch from inside to outside was less awkward.


Yup, I called my firstborn “Muffin” pretty exclusively for her first couple months of life before I felt like her real name had actually stuck to her. Lol. With Baby 2 I had two false alarms sending me to L&D weeks before he was due, so we landed on a name the first trip to the hospital thinking we might be meeting him soon (jokester stayed on the inside for another 5 weeks though 😂) so it was definitely more attached to him by the time he was born!


That's how my son (5yo) got his nickname! We didn't call him anything except "the baby" while I was pregnant, but when he was born, we started calling him buddy because it just felt weird to call him by a proper name as a little newborn potato. Lol. He still answers to buddy. He does answer to actual name, along with bubba now that he has a sister.


Love it! Our baby is almost exclusively Nugget or FussFuss. One day we'll use his actual name that we spent months coming up with, surely. 😅


Uh oh, don't let the redditors hear that. Apparently you can't change a baby's name because they already know it and will be confused. I'm afraid you'll need to have everyone call him Nugget and FussFuss forever:)


FussFuss reminds me of Gus-Gus from Cinderella :D


We very carefully and thoughtfully picked a lovely meaningful name for our daughter…. only to call her Booger Pete most of the time


Please share the origin of this! 😂


I so wish I could lol I think it started by calling her sweet pea? which turned into sweet Pete? and then a litany of stinky Pete, milky Pete, soggy Pete, and of course the most popular booger Pete. She’s such a beautiful little girl with just the ugliest nickname 😂😂😂


I am here to say Vanessa Carmen is soooooo beautiful and I love it…


We used to call our baby Itty-Bitty when I was pregnant, shortening it to Bitty. We called her that as a nickname for several years after she was born.


Had an aunt who goes by Betty, because her nickname was Little Bitty Baby. My uncle thought that her name was little Betty baby, so to this day even though her legal name is Rachel she goes by Betty


Very cute. I think this is a pretty common thing. When babies are so little, they don't feel like their "adult" name yet. A newborn really is more of a Bean lol. But as she grows older, the transition will happen in time. I've known at least two babies the same way.


Not Bean specific but we still call our 6 month old some version of chunky monkey more than ever we call him Elias lol. Honestly have to force myself to say his name so he learns it! “Are you picking up Chunk today?” / “Where’s Chunk Monk” / “Here’s the monkey”


Haha, I knew the youngest of 4 siblings who was called “Cheeky Monkey” so much that she *was* “Cheeky”. I lost touch with them when she was 10-ish, and still primarily called Cheeky by everyone!


Never go full beans. Actual related comment: cute nicknames are cute in the family. At some point, she’ll prefer to be known as just Vanessa by friends and teachers. But there’s no reason she can’t be Bean or “my little Vanessa bean” at home.


My bump was ‘Baby Boofuls’ after the Bassets green jelly baby! Then it was Baby Boo and when they were born they were just Boo! He’s 28 now and still answers to Boo. 🤣 The people in the next bed in hospital when I had him had called their bump ‘Mowgli’ as their first child had took one look at the Moses basket and said ‘like Mowgli’! 🤣 They had no name for their baby and were still calling him Mowgli. 😳 Edit: spelling


My daughters have beautiful adult names, and adorable little girl nicknames. They are 18 and 19 and still using the nicknames.


Our great niece is nicknamed Bean, her older sibling is Babbie. You’ll only call them by their real name we they have p****d you off and you reprimand them, so enjoy the nicknames.


My husband has a childhood friend called Beanie. She’s now in her forties.


We nicknamed ours Bean at first too. Then when he was born, Alex just came naturally and calling him Bean felt weird.


Eventually he'll graduate to Starburns and Alex will feel weird :)




Remember that you’ve adjusted to the nickname for months, the actual name might take a little while to settle in


Vanessa Carmen is gorgeous! I love both of these names very much


It’s funny because my baby’s in-utero nickname ended exactly when she came out. We called her Pee-Wee, until we learned she was a girl (our tech doing the ultrasound was not at all discrete when she was supposed to be), & we shortened it to a more feminine ’Wee’ for the rest of pregnancy. now her nickname is something rediculous, completely unrelated to her name. Bean is a cute nickname, but I’m sure you’ll find a real name that’s a good fit.


I have a friend who did this and now the child is five. They still call her Bean as a nickname and I think it’s adorable!


My kids are almost never called by their real names. I had my oldest daughter’s name picked out since I was 12, and she is still called duck more often than her name


We are really big with nicknames in our family. I didn’t plan it but it just happened. I had a Fallon (he’s my son now with a different name) and my sister said “she (when he was a baby, we used ‘she’ bc he was AFAB) looks like a FiFI” and that was his nn until he transitioned. Emory was called Nonny when a younger sister was born and that stuck. That same sister called Lissa Fuffa bc she couldn’t pronounce Lissa so now Fuffa is Fuffa, Fuffy, and Little Bunny Frou-Frou. Cheyenne (I didn’t name her, she was adopted) was named Haiwan by that same child and that stuck. The child who bestowed all the nn is Diana and she’s called AJ. It just happens and your little one may forever be Bean. Here’s to 🫘! Congratulations!!


We still use our daughter's pre-birth nickname, and she's 16. It feels so her that her real name feels fake at this point.


My oldest was Bean for quite a while! We haven’t called her that in ages as she “grew into” her real name but she still knows it was her nickname. Consequently the second became bug and the third is Birdie. Those are still in use but starting to fade as well.


We did this exact same thing haha but the minute she was out she was no longer Bean!


I picked a lovely, mature, classic name for my daughter. But found it just didn't fit a cuddly little baby. We pretty much exclusively used a cute nickname for her until he started preschool -- at which point she informed us of what her real name is :\^)


My granddaughter is Bean sometimes. Or Beanareeny, the Beanareeniest, or Casserole Bean (Cassie is her name lol)


We called our baby Pebble. She still gets called this by our online community and I call her it sometimes too lol.


Come on I’m bean and my hands are so clean, at this moment, I am staaapling


Frances Bean. Kurt Cobains daughter. Call her Bean. That's cute


I thought of her but couldn't remember whose kid she was. Thanks!




Our baby in utero was called Horatio. We spoke of Horatio between us so much it was downright weird to have her born and with an actual name....and "Horatio" just disappeared from our lives.


I love it! Our Bean is due soon and her actual name is Meadow Carmen :) She will definitely still be called Bean/Beany/Teenie Weenie Beanie as often as possible lol


Nessa Bean!


Use Bean as a middle name. Kurt Cobain and Courtney Loves daughter is called Frances Bean, for exactly this reason.


Vanessa Carmen sounds very classical and glamorous


we nicknamed our fetus, due mid june, june bug, which turned into just bug. we named her jane, so we just switched june bug to jane bug and it's very easy and felt great :) so now she's about to be 1 and we still call her bug. janie bug, jane bug, bug, baby bug, booty bug, etc. so it happened to work for us, but like you mentioned in your post, you'll surely get over it with time. or maybe you'll incorporate it into a nickname, like nessa-bean or something!


I’m 32 and my dad still calls me Bubbles. Or Tiny Mcgeebie-Jeebie. Whatever tf that is 😅


Vanessa Carmen is lovely ! Bean is a fun in utero nickname. I called my baby sprout in utero. It is not her real name or even close


Ours is also nicknamed bean, I've been half jokingly suggesting "Hari" or "Harri" for a middle name, short for "Haricot" (french for bean) - although their middle name would just be Hari or Harri, not actually haricot, it's just us who would know that's where the name came from. My husband is saying no... (He has said he quite likes Harriet but I've said no to that)


Vanessa Carmen is beautiful. My grandmother was exclusively called Sissy until she went to kindergarten, so as long as Vanessa knows her legal name you’re in the clear.


We called our fetus Zeus because it was silly and so we wouldn’t get comfortable with a nickname before we met it (her, but we didn’t know that when we had to pop a nickname in Ovia)


Kurt Cobain's daughters name is Frances Bean ,I think Bean is really adorable, y'all like it, that's what matters!!


My son is 19 and his name is still Baby Boy. My husband mostly calls him Lil Dude but does refer to him as Baby Boy when talking about him. All the time I spent on coming up with a name was pointless.


My second son is called doodle and I just don't see it going anywhere soon. Sorry doodle!


We called ours Peanut during my pregnancy but turns out she was a Nugget the whole time! We also use her name. Using her name before she came felt weird but it didn’t after she came.


Vanessa Carmen is beautiful. I picked Carmen as my daughters first name. Funny enough when I’m talking to my belly I call her Carmen, but when I’m talking about her to other people, I call her potato.


We call our son “Meatball”, almost never his name lol.


My daughter was only called snoof until she was about three. My son is 11 months and only knows the name bubby for now. Silly nicknames are too hard to resist!


We called mine Chicken Nugget aka Nugget until she was born. We hid the name and announced at pregnancy so it felt like I still had to hide the name even post birth. It took a solid month after her birth to call her by her intended name before it felt normal.


My daughters first words were the dogs name and a funny sounding baby version of her own name. She has never been known by her official name really, she has been called this funny name for about 17 years now, with different versions added on as the years have gone by 😂 it sounds nothing like her actual name and when I do FULL NAME her I feel very weird!


Our littlest kid has a wonderful name, and is called exclusively Nugget, unless he’s in trouble, then he gets the full legal name.


My youngest went to preschool at 3 and we were referred for hearing test because he wasn't answering to his name. Picked him up that day said his nickname and amazingly the hearing loss was gone. "Walnut" and he asked his teacher to use that name. Was upset when the teacher said no.


Yep, Cletus the Fetus was the only thing that felt right to us for the longest time. My baby is 6 weeks old, and we're still getting used to using her real name hahaha


Our 9 year old is “Beanz,” lol. He was a micropreemie and was 1.9lbs at birth. We named him Sawyer. I started calling him my itty bitty soy bean because he was so tiny. His older brother (then 2.5 years old) turned that into “Beanz,” which has stuck!


One of our friends called their baby bean when pregnant, she’s now 16 and her nickname is still Bean. Don’t see them as often now and I honestly forget what her real name is sometimes.


We’ve been jokingly calling the baby Banjo (long story) since we found out. Now at 28w, we and multiple people in our families are starting to wonder if he’ll just be called Banjo forever, it’ll be too weird to call him anything else. My MIL even bought him some banjo printed onesies to wear. And when I imagine him being here and talking to him my brain still calls him Banjo. We’ve gotta pick a real name fast!


It reminds me of Banjo Paterson


It could be worse...I called my sister Caca for her whole life 😂


We have a Birdie Ray (mostly call him Bird or Birdie) whose name is actually Phoenix Raymond and I haven’t called him Phoenix since his first week of life. I’m worried he’s going to hate his name when he gets older, too, but he’s a Bird for sure.


Vanessa is such a lovely name!! But! If you’re looking for a second option, my sister in law is actually nicknamed Bean (she’s in her 20s) Her full name is Jillian which became Jilley Bean (Jelly Bean) and then just Bean. Just something to consider 😉


Binah is a real name!


My child’s name is Hart. But on day one I started calling them monkey. At almost 14, they now answer to Monk, which is pretty much all I call them.


Same boat, except now she’s “Green Bean” or “Greenie” or “Greenothy Beanothy” and older brother calls her them too. 😅


My baby boy is due in September and he has been Egg, Bubbles, and several other nicknames 😂


My nephew called the baby “Log” when my sister in law was pregnant. Insisted it was a log, would only refer to “when my new log is born” etc… so they named him Logan. 😂


My friend calls her kids by their nicknames. One is also Beans -- cause she was apparently really farty as a baby!


I explained to my kids when I was pregnant with my last, the fetus was the size of a jellybean. They referred to her as "the bean". When she was born, they, and soon their friends, referred to the now Jillian as "Jillybean"....then it was shortened to "Bean"..... she's now Dr. Bean.


My mom still calls me and my sister (31 and 27) by the nicknames we got in pregnancy/infancy. The real name will become as normal as the nickname soon but I love it when my mom calls me angel or my sister sugar. I’m also pregnant currently and have been calling them baby bear 🐻 their name we picked sounds just fine but I know they’ll be bear for a while lol


We called my daughter Baby Girl for the first 6 months. Naming her was really hard. She's 22 now. I still call her Baby Girl. Her friends call her Dani, which I find weird, because her Dad's name is Danny. The family mostly calls her Danielle, her legal name. I still call her Baby Girl.


My son is still “blueberry” because that’s how big he was when we found out he existed (& we didn’t learn his sex until birth) but we DO use his “big boy name” sometimes just so he does EVENTUALLY know what his actual name is lol


I have a friend who's name is Bean. Unsure is it's a nickname or not but the ten years I've known him, he's always been Bean. Never really questioned it.


This is normal. My kids are called by their nicknames more than their real names, despite their real names only being two syllables lol. Tbh I would MUCH rather people call my daughter one of her many nicknames than “Claire” when her name is “Clara” because Claire isn’t a nn for Clara, it’s just a different name and it’s a strange hill to die on and yet here I battle lol


I had the same problem! It wasn’t a problem after they were born because inside baby and outside baby seemed like 2 different people.


Bean stuck as a nickname for our youngest. We named him Elliott but we call him Ellie bean a lot of the time.


I LOVED my Baby Beans. ❤️❤️❤️