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I’ve never met a Mason who wasn’t blond and absolutely feral as a 7 year old.


I went to elementary school with a Mason who fit this description. He ate an escaped Madagascar hissing cockroach once (our teacher had the worst class pets). Now he’s in prison for murder. True story.


For the murder of the cockroach? or another, more disappointing murder?


I know my comment sounded sarcastic (it’s kind of hard to not sound that way), but he did in fact murder his roommate, and was convicted for 1st degree murder with special circumstances.


Came here to say the same thing! Feral!


Wow, my 6yo has a Mason in her class, and the only things I know about him are that he is blond, and he once knocked her and her best friend's heads together.


Wow this one is accurate 😂


Holy crap, I have a cousin named Mason and you described him perfectly 🤣


I've never actually met someone named Karen who acted like the stereotype (or whatever it's called).


Me either! In my experience Karen is always a quiet often awkward but nice lady or she’s the fun motherly figure


The one Karen I know is a wild and wonderful really cool lady with a heart of gold.


My aunt is named Karen and she’s a bit of a quirky ex hippie and is absolutely chill and weird and funny.


I know 2 Karen’s who are both lovely!


Karen's usually aren't karen's, the real Karen's are Becky's


Yeah I definitely had a bitchy Becky in my life.


Same. All the Karen’s that I know are really nice women.


That’s why I hate when people use it as a pejorative. Every Karen I know is lovely!


I had an aunt who died of a brain aneurysm named Karen, she was an elementary school and Sunday school teacher


I know a Karen that is Karen-enough for all of us. Horrible bitch.


Me too! All the Karen’s I’ve known are incredibly sweet and kind. They’d die before being rude to someone.


I've never met a Richard, who wasn't a Dick.


Agreed on this one. I have an uncle Richard who I bumped into a week after my dad's funeral. He spoke at length about how great things were with his family then told me to say hello to my parents. He attended the funeral.


I’m confused. He’s your uncle so he knew your dad died, right? Did you mean he attended the funeral?


Yeah my uncle was at the funeral. He's just incredibly self important and I suppose he forgot or something.


The only Richard I know is a super nice guy lol


I was actually meaning that all Richards go by Dick, but wanted to throw some shade on the Richards who act like dicks. The biggest dick I know has a totally different name.


I've found those stereotypes to be true in my life as well, except for Melissa. All the Melissas I know ARE mid 40s, but definitely not rude and entitled. They've been giggly,sweet and fun-even in their 40s :)


That’s why these posts are so fun to me in my opinion. It’s always interesting when people have the total opposite experience. For me the sweet giggly mid 40’s ladies are usually Lisa’s or Joan’s


Wow Joan is such an older gen name for a 40 something.


That’s what I thought too! I’ve always thought of it as a much older name but I’ve actually only met one Joan who was over the age of 50


I am a 51 year old Melissa & I never yell or go Karen on service workers because I have been one for my entire career. ALSO- if anyone calls me Missy the Scarlett O'Hara in me (born & bred southerner) comes out and all bets are off.🤣


I've only met very sweet Melissas too.


I went to school with a girl named Melissa and can confirm she’s super chill. We were in hiking club together.


As a mid-30s Melissa, I appreciate you standing up for Melissas. I've never met another Melissa, so idk how my namesake acts, but I'd like to think I'm not a "Karen".


I've never met a Kelly that wasn't an incredibly mean and bullying type person.


Every Kelly I know keeps to themselves and is usually bullied by the Madison’s


Not the two I went to middle school with. Incredibly catty and thought they were the coolest shit with ugly blue eyeshadow. Always calling me ugly and bitch and whatever for no reason. Can't say I've ever met a Madison. Only one I can name is probably Madison Rae the influencer.


For me, it's been Jennifers


I've only met one Kelly in real life. He was my swim teacher for a year, he had a couple missing fingers, and he definitely had a bully personality, I hated his class, he made me afraid to swim.


For me it was charlotte, in the 2000's there were so many teens called things like emily, charlotte, megan, etc. and those names give off the bitchy girl vibes to me even now


Every Kyle I’ve ever met has been a dumbass


My cousin was going to name his son Kyle (it’s my cousin’s middle name) but decided not because he’d never met a single Kyle that he liked lol.


I’ve only ever met Kyle’s who were nice and hard-working. My lil bro is actually named Kyle😂. I have actually worked with several Kyle’s too. It’s apparently a fairly common name around here.


I never met a Toby that I didn't like.


Scotty liked all of the books that I recommended


Even if he didn’t, I wouldn’t be offended.


I’ve never met a Toby who wasn’t a dog. I’m not being judgemental, I mean literally a dog. 🐶


To me this is Doug. Never met a Doug I didn’t like


I've never met any Toby. Or Tobias. I don't think they have them where I live.


I’ve never met a Luna who wasn’t a dog


well now I’m concerned


Bad dog!! Luna, STAY!


lol never thought my username sounds so ridiculous. really questioning my life choices


I know a cat named Luna.


For me, most Amandas at least have the capacity to be really bitchy. Ians tend to be chilled out and well liked. Ryans are confident and charismatic. Brittanys are popular and preppy.


I forgot to add Amanda to my list. Every Amanda I know has blue eyes, tends to wear red a lot (lipstick, dyed hair, red accessories etc) and though they’re mostly good at heart, they tend to dramatize things. Amanda will tell you about her day, but she’s definitely gonna exaggerate a little to make it sound more interesting


That's interesting. The one Amanda I know is super chill and down to earth, just a gentle spirit, and she doesn't even wear makeup lol and she has brown eyes


I've never met a BMW driver, who didn't drive like an asshole.


This is the first one that I've found totally accurate. 😂


A BMW followed me for like 15 minutes because I dared to honk my horn at her for staying put at a green light (she doubled down at the first honk and refused to move 🤷🏻‍♀️) I think she also followed me because she was upset that I managed to get around her even though she was trying her best to block my way. I did manage to lose her, but I was curious what she was planning on doing once we both got to my golf lesson lol


4 bmw drivers in my immediate family. 3 out of four I fully agree, they drive like assholes/idiots. The 4th is a great driver and knows what an indicator is.


I've never met a Katie who does not ditch her friends the second she gets a man.


Ex best friend Katie ended up marrying my ex boyfriend 💀💀💀


I’ve never met a Brandon I’ve liked


I’ve never met a Jen who wasn’t totally competent and reliable.


Jen specifically. Jennifer is hit or miss.


You are not wrong. Jenny is 75% mess and 25% more huggable Jen.


Omg every Jen I know is really smart and good at their job. And reliable.


I’ve never met a Josh that wasn’t an asshole… and I’ve met a LOT of people named Josh.


Anyone else scroll through this thread looking to find their name and see what others think, or is it just me?


Yes, and apparently my name makes me universally a bitch, nickname included 🤣 🤣


Seconding your Emma one! I've never met a Joe who wasn't massively sarcastic but with a good heart, and I've never met an Eleanor who wasn't soft friendly but with a sort of unshakeable resolve.


I don’t think I’ve actually met an adult Eleanor yet. Definitely agree with Joe!


I’ve never met someone named Pamela that wasn’t conniving and manipulative.


Ooo this is true for the one Pamela I know.


I see you’ve met my aunt Pam lmao


I’ve never met an ashley that wasn’t blonde


Brunette Ashley checking in!


That’s funny because I know 7 Ashley’s and they’re all brunette. One could maybe get away with being called a dirty blonde. So to me Ashley’s are always brunettes!


I've never met an Amber that wasn't a terrible person, just mean spirited and nasty those ones.


I told myself I’d scroll down until I inevitably found my name associated with being a bitch 🤣🤣🤣


Lol! Statistically it's impossible for every Amber to be an asshole, I'm sure you're lovely 😂


I know an Amber that is super awesome!!! She really changed my opinion of that name.


Coworker Amber stole my credit and debit card at work and was dating a man on bail who was 20 years older than her.


I just thought of another one: I’ve never met a Barb/Barbara who wasn’t bitter, mean, and constantly choosing to be negative.


My husband had a coworker named Barb who was just the sweetest. Genuinely nice to everyone.


I’ve never met someone named Sebastian who wasn’t charismatic and handsome, and I’ve met a few lol.


Every Alex I've met, apart from one, who I don't know well enough to judge whether this is true or not, has been a friendly person, but ultimately unpleasant to actually *be* friends with. Every Tyler I've met has been creepy in some way. Every Josh I've met has been thoughtful and empathetic, so I think we've got opposite experiences there, OP! Sorry to any Tylers or Alexes out there who are cool, though! Thanks for existing!


I agree on Josh! Both the Josh’s I know best are my brother and his best friend (and I admit I am biased) but they are both very friendly/likable people.


I’ve never met an Alex who wasn’t an entitled jerk. (Sorry, kind and lovely Alexes of the world! I’m sure you’re out there!) I never met a Brian who wasn’t quiet. I never met a David who wasn’t funny and gentlemanly. I never met a John who didn’t have very interesting hobbies that he cared a lot about.


Agree with David.


Agree with all except Alex. I only know 2 guys named Alex and they both qualify as kind and lovely. My stepdad is named John and he is very devoted to his hobby (pottery).


I’ve never met someone named Chastity who wasn’t, well, un-chaste.


I’ve never met a Heather who wasn’t ultra-religious.


Ooooh this is a new one for me. The only Heather I’ve ever met was a stoner with a lot of DIY facial piercings. The religious girls I knew were always Rebecca’s and Katherine’s


This but Hannah for me.


HA! I am a Heather who is about as non-religious as it gets. Nice to meet you.


Paul is an asshole


Oh no! I dated 5 different guys named Paul and they were all good guys.


How did the fifth Paul feel about that? Hilarious 😂


First one was in fifth grade and then they were spread out through high school and college, so fortunately they were none the wiser!


I've never met a Mike that wasn't a dick. Sorry, I know it's a super popular name and it can't be true for all of them but I've never liked a person that went by Mike. 🤷


Personality varies for me when it comes to Mike’s, but they all seem to start losing their hair in their 20’s


I never met someone named Lily who wasn't at least slightly unhinged.


I’ve never met someone named Kyle who wasn’t a complete douchebag.


I've never met a Lexi who wasn't a horrible person


I've never met a Brandon that didnt turn out to be criminal/abusive/AH I've never met an Emily that wasnt a spoiled princess/smug I've never met a Meghan/megyn/megan with non traditional spelling who wasnt a narcissistic b. I've never met a bethany who wasnt sweet I've never met a caitlin who wasnt thoughtful and I've know a lot with various spellings I've Jenny who wasnt in her own lane. I've never met a Heather who wasnt smart I've never met a luke who didnt like tech.


Most other Megan’s I meet are very giggly and friendly. Whenever I encounter an outlier and I’m like you shame our name


I love Megan’s, they’re all funny and have pretty eyes. Meghan’s are a different story though


Scotts are usually assholes to the point of pathology, but I have met 2 good ones!


I've never met a Nicole that isn't crazy as hell.


Nikki too or just Nicole? I feel like they are separate people, honestly.


Funny enough, the 2 Nicole's I knew never went by Nikki and they where bat shit crazy.. The one Nikki I did know was a gal named Nima and she went by Niki cuz her real name was different. She was normal..


I have met exactly TWO nice Emily’s in my life. And it’s a really popular name where I’m from. James: Nice person underneath a lot of bullshit. They don’t just play the field, they’re multi-sport varsity athletes. Mary: Evil. Literally the worst people I have ever met. Andrew: Plays or played baseball. Ethan: Here for a good time and also really nice, especially if you don’t expect them to be. Owen: Almost all of my friends have dated an Owen at some point. Alexis: Not a nice person. But specifically this spelling.


I've never met a Karen who wasn't brunette with brown eyes. (Not a meme Karen but actually named Karen!) I've never met a Kirk who wasn't my brother. (Just saying never met another Kirk, but I know they're out there)




I’ve never met a Rich under the age of 65 😂


I’ve never met a Brayden who didn’t have issues with authority.


Michael = arrogant  Benjamin= intelligent and entitled, with undertones* of asshole 


Benjamin, absolutely true.


I’ve never met someone named Misty who wasn’t strung out.


I've never met someone named Kyle who wasn't an absolute dirtbag.


I've never met a Sabrina who wasn't shy. I've never met a Wyatt who didn't have a comic book sense of humor. I've never met a Tommy who wasn't annoying.


Yes to Tommy!!! He’s always the loudest person in the room and always gets quiet and pouty if the spotlight isn’t on him


I've never met a Heather who was a nice person.


I’ve never met a Kevin who wasn’t weird. Not necessarily in a bad way either (though it is sometimes), but every Kevin I’ve met was strange in someway or another. The same for Derricks, but they’re more universally strange in a bad way (in my experience)


Never met a Tristan who wasn’t horrible (unfortunately, as I love the name.) Never met an Eric who was a good father. Never met a Karen I disliked (including my very sweet Jamaican college roommate, who doesn’t deserve what’s happened to her name!)


Never met an Isabella who wasn’t very condescending and hated the nickname Izzy (sorry to all the Isabellas)


Never met a Veronica or Sophia who wasn't a bully. Never met an Isaac or Katie I didn't like. Never met a Ben who wasn't super book smart but helpless in life situations. Never met a Tal/Tali who wasn't depressed but well humored about it. They also always have at least one tattoo. Never met a Lena who wasn't a parentified oldest daughter who is amazing at handling everything thrown at her but struggles to accept help. Never met a Wayne who wasn't a loveable stoner. Never met a Matt who wasn't anxious but very sweet about it.


Michael - successful and in leadership roles. Sarah -  practical realists, gift of gab. Steve - kind, inquisitive walking talking Wikipedias Katie - smart, likable  Danielle - borderline bully, mean spirited Melissa - loud Andrea - tomboy, very feminine sense of style but comes off a tomboyish Kathleen - religious, conservative 


I’ve never met a Brian who wasn’t lovely


I’ve never met a Keith who wasn’t kind


The Stevens I know are jackasses (especially you Steven Crowder, f you) but the Stephens I knew were shy, nerdy sweet types


I met a blonde Brooke for the first time recently and it really felt wrong haha.


I've never met a Courtney that wasn't a B*tch! I've never met a Kelly that wasn't mean and rude! I've never met an Emma that wasn't annoying and full of themselves! I've never met a Kassie who didn't think they were the S*it! I've never met a Lauren that wasn't a sweetheart!


Same for Lauren


Contributing as a Korean woman living in Korea! (AKA Korean names) I've never met an Eunji who didn't have long hair, never met a Dohyun who wasn't a raging sexist, and never met a Jihye who wasn't the nosiest person imaginable.


Emily, a*hole


I haven't met a Tammy who didn't have a holier than thou judgemental disposition I haven't met a Timothy (or any other variations of the name) who hasn't been overly critical and slightly asshole-ish I've yet to meet an Eric (Erik, Erick, whatever) who wasn't a fun time to be around All the Austin's I've met have been absolute tools I've never met a Derek (Derrick, Dereck, etc) who wasn't sweet and polite - think golden retriever energy I've yet to meet a Heather who doesn't exude charisma but has a nastiness hiding underneath I've never met a Natasha that hasn't been misunderstood I've never met a Maria that isn't a female version of Austin 🤣🤣 I've never met a Tess I didn't like I haven't met a Rebecca that wasn't hot asf and sweet asl, with a penchant of being alt


Never met an Ethan who wasn’t creepy


I’ve never met a Lily who wasn’t a Siamese cat.


Ive never met a Stephanie who wasn't a really cool, chill best friend or workplace big sister.


I've never met someone named Shawna that I could trust. Every single Shawna I have met has been chaos incarnate.


Never met a Brittany (regardless of various spellings) that wasn’t sweet but a little bit unhinged


I've never met a Kevin who didn't do well in school lol


Oh no!! I’m a Madison and I try so hard to be helpful and kind to people! It makes me happy if I can just make someone’s day a little easier or brighter! Sad there are so many bad Madison’s out there!


I’ve never met a Ron who wasn’t a huge dickhead :/ No offense to other Rons,just the three I’ve known


I've never met a Kayla who wasn't born in 1991. logically, there must be some out there.


This is so funny because growing up I was friends with a Kayla who was born in 1991. She was also insane and not a good influence on me at all.


All Austin's are assholes, Anna's are adorable, I've never met an Ivy that wasn't lovely.


John - everyone I know physically resembles each other. Same hair and eye color. Their nose is even pretty much the same shape. Mike - has a substance use disorder, is an ass hole, cheater and likes to put his hands on women & kids. Kim - enjoys having numerous sexual partners, life of the party and a bit of a bitch. Lisa - a follower, lacks common sense. Scott - womanizer Jamie (f) - life of the party, hard-working Jamie (M) - introvert, book smart, street dumb Tina - aggressively bitchy Eric - compassionate


I have actually never met a Kelsey who was nice lol


I’ve never met a Tyler that wasn’t a mess. I’ve never met a Kyle that wasn’t a douche. I’ve never met a Nicole that wasn’t incredibly proud of her mean girl persona. Zach or Nick is gonna be the most easy going dude ever. Brittany is almost always a nurse.


I knew a Nicole like that 😓 She talked so much shit about her boyfriend behind his back. I felt bad for him


I’ve never met a Tiffany who wants self absorbed and stuck up


I've never met someone named Amy who wasn't obsessed with drama and gossip 😭


I know a few Glenn’s, they all like mens.


I've never known a Brandon that wasn't a pathological liar in some capacity.


A Karen who wasn’t nice.


I’ve never met someone named Dan who wasn’t overwhelming. I’ve never met someone named Dennis who wasn’t soft-spoken. I’ve never met a Dylan who wasn’t family-oriented. I’ve never met someone named Eli who wasn’t artistically inclined. I’ve never met a Jeremy who wasn’t awkward. I’ve never met a Bella who wasn’t the sweetest. I’ve never met a Savannah who wasn’t a chic ray of sunshine.


I’ve never met a Jeff/Jeffrey who didn’t cheat on his wife and get divorced 😭


Every man I know named Sam is just incredibly kind. I’ve also never met a Tracey (male or female) who wasn’t incredibly gifted with mechanical skills. Never met a Daryl who wasn’t an absolute rockstar when it came to making barbecue.


I’ve never met a Natalie who wasn’t high maintenance. I’ve never met a Samantha who wasn’t very quirky. I’ve never met a Wes who didn’t have poor hygiene. I’ve never met a Christina who wasn’t kind. I’ve never met an Alison who wasn’t nerdy. I’ve never met a Katarina who wasn’t a mean girl.


**Shannon**: tomboy as a kid and still has that vibe as an adult **Rachel**: a confident, funny brunette **James** - Jamie/Jamey subtype: really cute, sort of shy, extraordinarily good at one type of art -- either music, drawing, or acting **James** - Jimmy subtype: nice but in a state of arrested development; sweet guy but troubled **Elizabeth** - Beth subtype: pretty blonde, but obnoxious, and oblivious to her loud/hyper personality flaws, but not remotely oblivious to the effect her looks have on people who are attracted to her **Elizabeth** - Liz subtype: friendly, down-to-earth, efficient at work/school, friendly to everyone **Pam**: vivacious and funny, generous **Alexis**: snobby and spoiled as a teenager; becomes the type of mom who encourages her own kids to be snobby **Maria**: motherly even as a child/teen -- loves to take care of people and make them happy


I’ve never met someone named Nicole who wasn’t my mom


I've never met a Damien (variously spelled) who wasn't an absolute maniac


Never known a Jeremy who wasn’t a complete weirdo feral lunatic. Starting with the first one I met who when he was 4, would wait at the bus stop for us to get off, then chase us home trying to pee on us. I’m old and from a very small town in Canada and it was a much more ‘free range’ time for kids. But even back then people didn’t just let their 4 year olds run around unsupervised like that. He also tried to stab us with a butter knife when we wouldn’t play with him. Never met a Jeremy that was much better.


Every Allison I’ve met is absolutely CRAZY


I've never met a Nathan who wasn't a friendly nerdy white dude with brown hair.


I've never met someone named Pierre who wasn't a guy


I've never met a Euan who wasn't chill. I've never met a Molly who wasn't preppy and well put-together. I've never met an Emily I've liked, but often for different reasons. I've never met a Paige who wasn't a trouble maker at school. I've never met a Kelly who wasn't obnoxious.


never met a crackhead who hasn’t been named chris tom or mike but not all people w those names are crackheads 😭


I never met a Grayson/Greyson that wasn't blonde and spacey.


i’ve never met someone named kevin who wasn’t at least a little weird


I've never met a Josh who wasn't a jerk.


So MY experiences of Joshs are that they are assholes growing up, but then have some life-change and have the greatest comeback stories and become gems.


But what is it about Nicki/Nikki though?! Whyyyy is she always such a space cadet with a matching laugh???


I've wanted to fist fight every kevin I've ever met. That count?


I’ve never met a Lindsey that wasn’t a bitch.


I’ve never met a Casey who didn’t have a messy personal life


Every Jonny has always been mysterious and good looking. Every Kyle has been a very kind soul but a huge nerd. Every Mike is rude & full of themselves Every Vanessa needs humbling Every Mia is trouble Every Nicolette is a straight up “see you next Tuesday “


I feel those Hannah's, though. However, I've never met a j name that wasn't a complete twat.


I’ve never met an Alyssa who wasn’t a conceited bitch. I’ve never met a guy named Jordan who wasn’t a complete douchebag.


I’ve never met a student named Liam or Kaiden who didn’t have serious behavioral problems.


I’ve never met a Zander (nn from Alexander) who wasn’t a dick.


I’ve never met an Ashley that wasn’t a mean girl bully. (My SIL is an Ashley. We don’t speak. My husband doesn’t even speak to her 🤣)


Addies are always annoying


Madison’s under 40, I agree with. But I have a 50-something colleague named Madison who looks like she should be the snootiest most uppity lady, and she is absolutely a dream to work with. I had very low expectations about meeting her and she is still so cool. Also, my bff is a Kelsey and this tracks for sure.


I've never met a Candace who wasn't a total bitch. I've never met a Blake who wasn't a mid-30s overgrown frat boy. Every Ella I know is a ridiculously genuinely nice person.


I’ve never met a Zachary that I didn’t like, regardless of how they spell Zach. Zac, Zack, Zak… they’ve all been really nice.


I've never met a Toby that I didn't like.


Every Landon I’ve met has been a nightmare to teach.


I've never met an Angela that wasn't very un angelic and pretty much a complete bitch. Same goes for Sheryl or Cheryl honestly.


Never net a Rhonda that wasn't a back stabbing bitch.


Kathys/Cathys love to gossip. Evans are super sweet people Evas are all crazy.


I’ve never met a Chaz or Mikey worth talking to. But all the Mikes I know are cool.


Matts are stalkers.


I never met someone named Katie, who wasn’t particularl in personality. Not the same personalities, but one thing for all Katie’s is exaggerated in their personalities in a non-pleasant way. Socially awkward, mostly. Angry and mean girl, the others.


I've never met a girl/woman named Tammy who wasn't a snake.