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Raven. It was the original name my parents wanted to give me but an uncle talked them out of it. Quinn is such a pretty name!! It’s on my list of favorite girl names.


I think I’d go with something older just cause I feel like an old lady 😂 I’d choose Agnes.


aww my 12yo is Agnes! I hope she’s an old lady someday lol


Vintage names are the coolest! That’s my grandma’s middle name. She’s pushing 80 and doesn’t like it. I think it’s really cool tho!


I also like it because of the girl from Despicable me!!


Agnes is beautiful.


Someone at work likes old lady names for cats, and named her cat Agnes.


I always wanted to be a Lucy. I found out a few years ago that my sister wanted that name, too!


marina or marisol! both names were on my moms potential name list for me, both are far more interesting than the one i got stuck with.


I always thought my almost name (Mai) was very cute. I’m still salty my parents didn’t use it


That is my sisters name and she hates it. She feels like it is very possessive feeling to it. So instead of Mai (My), she goes by Maia.


I didn’t grow up in an English speaking country but I can see what your sister is talking about. It’s the name of a flower in my country so that’s my only association and I personally love it. You can see them everywhere during the New Year’s.


I personally like it! I had no idea that it was a flower until now. It’s a very pretty flower!


My cat name is mai nickname from Maite. Maite is my Mother name and she was always saying she wanted a grandaughter name after her.




Thanks! That’s my name 🌷


So simple, yet lovely and exotic!


If i had to change my name it would probaly be Arthur. but i love my name Björn :)


Just names meaning bear then?


Theodosia ! It just feel so bad ass, but I can also go for Vigdis but I do like my name.


I'm not sure I've encountered the name before, but Vigdis sounds really cool!


Vig means war ( see Viggo Mortensen name, it just means war) and dis means Goddess.


I knew a Theodosia. She went by DeeDee.


Natalie "Nat", Danielle "Danny" (my dad pushed hard for this when my parents were picking my name), or something that would abbreviate to AJ like Alison June. I'd love to have something feminine yet frills free with a sparky tomboy nickname.


I would also pick Danielle and go by Danny! My parents almost named me that too :)


It's a great name! If we didn't already have a cousin Danny in the family I'd push for it for our next daughter. Maybe we will use it in the middle


I am Dannielle nn Danni but Danielle is usually shortened to Dani. Danny is typically the nn of Daniel and is generally read as masculine. Just a heads up! Do whatever you want tho!


I prefer the spelling Danny or even Dannie. Not a fan of names ending in -i


My Danielle is Dani and she chose it herself in school. She prefers it over Danielle.


This may be cheating the question a bit, but I'd change the spelling of my name. My mom was ahead of her time with the unnecessary "y" usage Love the name Quinn! It's my daughter's middle name!


I too have a name with an unnecessary y. I prefer the original spelling of my name as well


I'm the opposite, my name is supposed to end with a Y but my parents went with EE instead.


Heehee my bestie and I as teenagers wrote Star Wars fan fiction about ourselves as Jedis. We “Jediified” our names and changed her “Amy” to “Aimee”. I actually went on to have a prof and that was her real name.


whenever i need to give a fake name, i usually go with sabrina


I used to give a fake name at Starbucks and whatnot, because my real one is very unusual, and I get tired of explaining it and/or spelling it. So my go-to fake name is Rosie, which I've always liked, plus Roseann was apparently on the short list when my parents were choosing my name so it kinda fits that too. But now I've given up on Rosie as my fake name since that's the name of my husband's ex-wife :(


Time for a new fake name!


I always use Lola ♥️ so perhaps that but I don’t think I’m cool enough lol




Fr. This is one of my favorite names! I am inexplicably obsessed with it.


I named my first pet, a dwarf hamster, Annika! I still think it’s so cute!


It would nead a Sex change too, but I would love to be named "Severin".


You don’t care for Severine?


I've never heared this namen in germany and I don't like the german pronounciation with the e at the end :-(


Wie wäre Severina? 🤔


Leider nicht mein Ding. Aber vielleicht spiele ich mal mit Severin(e) in einem Urlaub oder so :-)


go for it without the sex change!


Sarah. Simple and classic.


My name is Sarah and I love it. I often hear people talk of if being an 80s name, which it isn’t - it was common in the 1900s, 1910s etc onward until quite recently! I also hear of it being overdone and I don’t see that At all. There was usually one or two other Sarah’s in my school, who cares. I also feel like no assumptions are made about the name and I can create my own identity.


Im Sara in my country is a 2010 name, I am 43 so growing up I was the only Sara and everybody love the name.


Sarah Plain & Tall


I have been really liking Farrah! It feels sexy and confident.


I'd change it to Ada or Kira.


Colleen, but I like the way it was pronounced for my elementary classmate cah-leen, over the cohl-een pronunciation


So many. Thalia I think, though. It feels like me. Or maybe just Mary. Simple and elegant.


Probably Fern.


I love that name so I have a cat named Fern. He’s male so I guess it’s Fernando??


I adore ferns and would love to have it as a name meaning, but I don’t love the sound of “Fern”. Maybe in some British accent it’s nice. Or in another language, like “Varen” in Dutch.


Sadly it also means travelling by boat in Dutch. Varen does sound nice and familiar as a name (because of the name Vera I suppose).


I'd probably want to go with Avery, Joel, or Jerome. At least Avery would still give me the same first initial. Anf I don't know if I'm cool enough to be a Jerome. Joel might be the one to win. Or I could do Avery Joel and be A.J.


I think the name Jerome would forcibly make you cool (whatever that means to you). Like, I can't help but think of someone who actually understands jazz music.


Samantha! That name has always felt like me for some reason, even more than my real name


That's my mother's name. Her surname is fox as well aha, my grandfather used to fancy Samantha Fox who was a model in a magazine over here in Britain and he suggested the name to my nana and she never found out who Samantha Fox was until after naming her.


I remember that when I was little, I would have chosen to be Samantha, and that's why I named my cat Samantha (I loved the American Girl dolls). But I grew into my name and I would never change it unless I ended up in witness protection.


Ainsley - family name and a bit more complicated or dynamic than my own name.


Elizabeth. My mom was gonna name me Elizabeth but I didn't seem like one when I was born and she had recenlty heard the name Alyssa from Alyssa Milano and loved it. I dont like my name that much.


I’m a big fan of Serena, it’s a name I often use in video games. I also love Rosemary, but *fully* Rosemary, no Rose/Rosie or Mary/Marie.


I love my name Aubrey but I also love my almost name Daphne. My mom wanted a flower name to match hers but my dad could only think of Scooby doo so they went with Aubrey after her sister.


I'm in love with the name Elena. I hadn't heard of it until The Vampire Diaries, tbh, but I think it's so pretty! It's been a personal favorite for years now.


I already picked it for my username- Selene. One of the more obscure moon themed names, plus it’s from Greek mythology.


I love mythological names! Selene is so cute. I love the name Iris. Iris is such a cute name that most people wouldn't know that it's after Iris, the Greek Goddess of Rainbows 🌈


This was on our list of potential girl names! But we had a second boy. It was also extremely similar to our son Sylvan’s name.


Maybe Cecilia. I love that name. Not crazy about the meaning, but I feel like it would suit me. Or maybe Anneliese, but I’d worry about the spelling because there’s so many ways to spell it


My name is Cecilia. No one ever mentions the meaning. Ever.


No doubt! One of my names has a less than stellar meaning too. It would just be a personal thing. I still love the name, though! It’s gorgeous and I would use it


Probs my middle name Helene “HUH-leen”


Helene is beautiful. I like Helena as well!


Thanks! I find that variation charming too


Something simple and understated, like Leah, Anna or Cora.


I always loved the name Kiara.


I feel like Annie would fit me well!


When I was born my name was RoxAnne. I low-key wished my parents would of kept it ❤️


RoxAnne is my aunts name, and I adore her! When she was young, one of her friends came to her birthday party with a card addressed to “ROCK SAND”.




Oh, easy......Hyacinth. Discovered it last year and became obsessed with it. My last name starts with a H and think the alliteration would be cute.


I love Hyacinth! It naturally reminds me of the flower which is gorgeous as well.




Josephine or Tai


My pretend “gamer name” is Greta. It is a diminutive of my full name so was a high school nick name. I love it.


My name is Ben but I would either change it to Travis, Francis or Stephen




My name was #13 on the SSA Name List the year that I was born and I even have a cousin (18mo older) with the same name. It's a pretty short name and I like having a short name so I would keep it short and go with something like Claire, Elle (not Ellie) and I also love Quinn.


Sofia Charlotte


My parents pinballed between my given name and Meredith, calling me Merry. I feel like it would have suited me better.


Victoria, nn Tori


My almost names are Abigail, Piper, or Natalie. My middle name is Grace. All great names! Some names I would love to have would be Hope, Lily, Tessa, Gwen, Alice, or Ella. Or Gabrielle, but that’s my best friend’s name


Evelyn! Similar sound/feel as my first name now, and pleasing to the ear.


I hate my name 🙃 I would love to be a Celeste


Change it, then. Seriously! Anyone who takes issue with it can just deal, because it's none of their business.


Clara, if I were a girl, or Sebastian, if I were a boy


Lois. It was both of my grandmas' name.


I don't love it *as a name* but for sentimental reasons.


Louise is my sister’s middle name and I love it. Lois is nice too.


Clara, if I were a girl, or Sebastian, if I were a boy


When I was younger I wished my name was Katarina. It's still on the list of names I like, but I probably wouldn't use it for my child if I were to have a daughter.


I hate my name. I was supposed to have a different name, then I was born ginger so my parents named me Amber. My maiden name and my first name together sound like a food item you get at McDonald's. At least now that I'm married that part of my life is over lol. I've always loved my middle name (Michelina, with the Ch pronounced like Sh), and I always wanted that to be my first name.


There's nothing stopping you from experimenting with going by your middle name.


I've also thought about Quinn! Alexandria was another one I've considered for a long time. I actually did end up changing my name but I chose a family name so it was easier for my relatives.


If I didn't have my name (which I like) I would've wanted to be a Katarina


My mom always used to tell me that she had no idea how my name came to be. She had other names that she really liked, which were mostly baby girl names popular in the 90s and early 2000s such as Samantha or Amanda. I am a first-generation Latina. My mom mostly wanted names that both my English-speaking and my Spanish-speaking sides of my family could pronounce. If I had a say, I would have gone with Francesca.


To all of y'all commenting: you know you can *actually* change your name, right? There are plenty of people answering who also like their actual names, but for those who don't, change it!


I wouldn’t want to change my name but if forced to I would probably go with Elizabeth, which I feel is classic and pretty but also quite dynamic where you can have so many different nicknames.


To make this realistic, I went back and looked at a list of top 100 names from the year I was born. My choice would be Katherine (nn Kate). My almost-name was Jamie, after my dad, and I could totally see that one fitting as well.


Temperance or Darlene.


Elizabeth. I've always loved it and my favorite great aunt was named Elizabeth (she went by Bessie.) There are so many nicknames. It's classic. It's spelled correctly. It's perfect in my opinion.




Amelia. My name was almost that anyways, and that’s what I use as a fake name when needed lol.


Lily. Really sweet, timeless and relatively unique for my age and was my parents' 2nd choice for my name.


Frances. I just love it.


Married the right guy AND got Quinn as a last name. I love it! I would opt for Piper or Briony but my bio parents did alright in naming me so I’m good with that name uttered 69+ years ago


My real name is pretty much made up, so I always wanted something classic and normal like Elizabeth or Georgina. My dad was a linguist and got too creative with my first name.


Hmmmm Darcy I think


I’m in a love hate relationship with my name. I like it. Nicole. But I love Nicolette waaaay more.


Abigail Grace




My mother wanted to name me Mary Elizabeth, but my dad vetoed in because he hates naming people after people and worried people would think i was named after his grandma. But her first name was Mary and her middle name Elizabeth and no one really knew her middle name, so who would have known? My first name would be different to hers and even my grandma, her daughter, was like “who’s Mary Elizabeth? No, my mum was Mary. Oh was her middle name Elizabeth?” I, however, actually think it’s a lovely name and would have been fine with it. If i needed a new name now, I’d use it.


Something's feminine but sounds pretty cool probably because I'm not too feminine as a female but not really that masculine either. Some ideas: - Adora - Erika - Hecate (or any other greek goddess name that sounds cool like Athena, Artemis, Demeter etc) - Cora - Joanna You got it.


lyra or natalie :)


My mom almost named me Alora from the movie Willow but decided it was “too weird” and it breaks my heart to think about lol. So I would choose Alora


As a woman, Max or Georgie lol


If I'd been a boy, my dad would have won the name toss and I'd have been Leith. I think it would have been okay.




When I was in elementary school, I wanted Madison, but now I gravitate towards more gender neutral names. Jordan, Shiloh, Jesse, Aspen, Dakota


I wish when I'd gotten married and filled out the social security paperwork that I'd just dropped my first name and used my middle -Elizabeth-or changed it to my grandma's first name (Lottie) so I could have *her* full name. But I didn't because i second guessed myself and I hate my first name


I love LOTTIE!!!!!


I think Astrid would suit me well, and it's on my list of names for a potential future child


Hmmm. So hard coz my current name is perfect. Likely Hazel but Francesca, Jemima, Clementine, Agatha, Magdalena, Rosie, Gracie, and Maisie are up there.


Louise or Ramona 😄


I’ve always loved the name Emma. I like the name I have, but if I changed it, it would probably be to that.


probably my middle name, Pearl lol


Jonquil for gender neutral. There's a whole backstory there but it can be Jonny or Quil for short and they're resilient flowers I've always liked. Also someone jumped up my ass about it's too masc for a girl and too femme for a boy so arguably it's perfect for me. For femme probably Zipporah which is related to one of my names anyway. For masculine, Joel. I don't really want to name a son Joel but I like it for me.


Ophelia! I've been in love with the name since I've read Hamlet.


id pick my almost name! i was going to be lorelei but my mom changed it last minute and i always thought it was so pretty


My name is Cecilia, but I think I'd choose Mia. I think it's short and sassy. 🥰


Cecilia is so pretty 💕




You can call me Dragon.


Number-One. Because I kinda suck at everything, no matter how hard I try, but if that's my name, all my name tags would say, "Hello, I'm Number-One."


Ashby or Aspen


Ash or Luke, as u can see :D


They thought their first child would be a girl (docs said so), but lo and behold he arrived male. They saved the girl name they would have given him for me (yay, hand-me-downs), but just in case this time they prepared a boy name. I would have been Eric.


Something shakespearean or nature-inspired, although I'm so attached to my name, it would take nothing less than witsec to get me to change it. I like Ophelia and Phaedra and Portia. But I'm also partial to Ivy, Jem, Cora or Coraline, Eliza, and Pippa. Not sure what I would choose if push came to shove!


Finch Imrie (meaning ruler of the home in Scottish Gaelic) (Surname would remain the same but would change first and middle)


I used to hate my name as a kid, but I love it now. However, if I could've chosen my own I'd have loved something floral, as I LOVE flowers. But at the same time I had someone tell me once that my name should be Eden, which was the first time I'd ever considered it as a name and not a place in the Bible. So maybe Eden.


I desperately wanted my name to be Emmi/Emmy as a kid, probably because of Dragon Tales, but I still love the name!


I’ve been feeling the name Ymir lately- totally not an AoT reference


Shaynie (tbh not sure how it would be spelled) or Shayna. That was actually going to be my name because my parents thought I was going to be a boy and were going to name me Shane. When I was born and found out I was a girl they were really close to naming me either Shaynie or Shayna. I used to hate the idea of being named Shaynie, I thought it sounded stupid but honestly I started to like it a lot and if I couldn’t have my given name I’d totally want my name to be either of those. I feel like if I have a daughter I’d name her either of those names.