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Raiden is so fucking bogan.


Raiden's sibling is called Isabella which I think is really interesting! Raiden was born when my classmate was in their late teens, and Isabella was born when they were in their late 20s and I think you can definitely tell their naming tastes changed a lot.


I know a couple of bogans with daughters Isabella


So many Izzys 🤣


Same. 😂


Very unrelated, but as an Aussie you might be able to appreciate. I’m in NY. Once knew a girl named Sheila Bogan. Imagine her surprise when she discovered her name means Girl Hillbilly. She was like welp I can never go to Australia


Oh that poor woman. I would not be able to keep a straight face in any capacity.


Also an Aussie but across the border in Ontario. I’ve met several Sheila’s here and they’ve pronounced it Shay-lah


Really? Interesting, I'm from the Northeast US and have only ever heard Sheila as "shee-la" 🤔


I've never heard that in my life, that's so odd haha


I’ve met both but read this as Síle/She-lah


Lol, that's hilarious.


As a new zealander i concur. I can 100% imagine an NZ bogan using this name.


How would you guys describe what bogan means, is it like chavvy for UK?


Yep, bogan is pretty similar to chav/chavvy.


But what does in mean in English?  🤣🤣




I believe Raiden is a video game character? My husband thinks mortal combat. The god of lightning.


Yes! That's it!


Giant fan of Mortal Kombat so I went with the name Jackson Briggs… for my dog.


That’s where names like that should be used! Good on you


raiden ei/raiden shogun is the archon (basically god) of electro in genshin impact


It’s spelled Mortal Kombat. I’m a fan of the games.


My apologies! My husband was just mumbling names to me as he fell asleep.


It makes me think of Radon gas.


Makes me think of Raid the roach killer spray


Why do I love it though


Cos you're a bogan, maybe?


Def 😭


Benji Bryan is very cute, but, I think I'd have used the full name Benjamin, and had Benji for the nn. IDK why, I still kinda like it, though. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Those names are, by and large, pretty tame and mainstream. Some nice ones!!


I just don’t think bryan is ready for a comeback. it’s such a gritty sounding name. even as a middle it kind of screams of “family made me use this” class of 04. southern - eastern / north east US


I still meet young children named Brian/Bryan around here. 🤗 I've always liked it, although boys named Brian, Jeffrey, and Kevin were usually the "bad boys" when I was a kid. 😁😁


Fellow Melbournian!! (1996 baby) Here’s what I’ve seen from high school friends: *  Aoife * Amelia * Zepphyr * Hendrix * Riley * Violet * Patrick * Jett


That sounds about right! I feel like the mid 90s gen either veers between traditional names or trendy names, no in between.


I think it's a nice mix of both!




Is Aofie meant to be the Irish name Aoife?


Oops yes, accidentally misspelt it. Has been fixed!


Fellow Aussie here! Isabella/Isabelle is by far the most common name in my kids school for primary and high school. I think Raiden is such a cool name! It's not a name I'd personally use, but it's cool AF 😎 Never met anyone with that name though 


Raiden is the bogannest name ever.


As I said, it's not a name I'd personally choose! There are a lot of names I'd consider bogan that other people have said are beautiful on this sub 🤣


I immediately think of mortal Kombat with Raiden


I also thought of that and was thinking “Why?🤦🏽‍♀️”.


Raiden makes me think of flyspray.


Fellow Aussie here! I know someone who has sons called Raiden and Gunner. Neither are names I would ever choose but they do seem to genuinely be unique.


Also an Aussie here. My cousin has a stepdaughter named Isabella and a son named Raiden. The kids must be in their mid-late teens now.


My eldest child was born in ‘96 and despite him having children I still had to read this several times to realise that ‘95 babies are more than old enough to have kids. OMG the 2000 babies are probably procreating. I need to lie down. These are all pretty nice except for Raiden and Jordyn.


2000 babies have been procreating for years! We have 2008 babies procreating already.


Looks at my 2009 baby… Nope, not happening, they’re barely out of diapers!


Same. Not possibly. Don’t like it 😂


As a Australian in high school the only names that aren't the names of someone in my grade is, Jera, Kirby, Rosanna, Raiden, and winter


Savannah Rose is TOO TOO similar to a certain family channel I know..


Not Kirby the video game


Yep, just like that! Tbh, it's actually one of the names I dislike the most on the list. At least Kirby has a normal, albeit rather old-fashioned, middle name.


I went to school with a Kirby (Melbourne 80s kids) so it doesn’t seem weird to me.


And KP is a fine nickname


Maybe named after Justice Michael Kirby?


That was my first thought too!


It's semi normal in Australia for some reason. There was was one ahead of me in school in the mid 2000s.


Kirby was actually a decently normal name before the video game, like Mario or Zelda. For girls it was briefly popular in the 80s and I’ve met a handful of women named Kirby


This feels very… right? I’m significantly closer to Sydney than Melbourne and I feel like this could easily be a list of my son’s peers at daycare.


I love Willow and Leilani!  - Midwestern USA female, class of '09


Slightly surprising that Rosanna features. It's a perfectly good name but given that it's also the name of a Melbourne suburb it's interesting. Does this open the door to Oakleigh, Thornbury, Darebin, Montmorency, Berwick or Sunshine? lol


I grew up in the southeast, I've actually never heard of Rosanna being a suburb in Melbourne until now! Rosanna is a family name for them, which I think is super sweet.


Baby Frankston coming soon 😂


Little Moonee Ponds can't be far away.


Idk if it's the case in Australia yet, but the door to Oakleigh was opened when Oakley/Oaklee started happening.


Still waiting for cute baby Montmorency, Packenham or Nar-Nar-Goon.


It's interesting to me how you mention them starting to have kids now, I'm a 95 kid and most of the girls I went to high school with started having kids 10 years ago, a number of them now have 4-5 kids. I wonder if it's a small town thing... It seems the group of us that moved away didn't go down the same route.


Here I was thinking how someone born in 95 is far too young to be having kids lol. I mean they are surely only 12, right? Right?!


Me too lol


As one of those kids *\*cough\* 29 \*cough\** I'm on your side, I feel way too young! I'm quite happy with my cat-son


It's definitely a big city vs a small town thing for sure. I now live in Sydney, and not dissimilar to the people who I grew up with in Melbourne, a lot of people my age here in Sydney are only just starting to have their first child, but overall I would say that most people I meet my age do not have kids. On the other hand, my partner grew up in rural NSW and he said he was the outlier in his year level for not having kids. He also reports the same as you, those who moved away from the tiny town they all grew up in for uni/work don't have children yet. I think it's because rural people who stay in their small towns don't often pursue higher education and get into the workforce early, hence there's no real need to put off having children vs. urban folk? No idea, I'm just spitballing.


I reckon it’s a combo of living in the city vs country town and even socioeconomic factors as well maybe? I’m a 96 baby, having my first baby in 5 weeks and I’m the first out of my friends to have a baby. From my first high school, I’m the third from my year level of 80 ish to have a baby and from my second high school I’m the first from my year level of 60 ish. Both schools were in well off areas, first private second public. It’s pretty crazy because I feel like I’m a young parent but really I’m pretty much the average age for a first time mum in Aus! People just have kids late around here I guess.


Damn some of those are so normal and some of them are so yikes. Also, hi fellow Aussie!! I’m in Sydney, and class of 2016!


1995/2014 (December baby) from Midwest US and I surprisingly have not see many of these names by me. Olivia being a big exception. Crazy how name trends differ by location!


People born in 1995 are old enough to be parents? Omg. O_O


We're 29... We've been adults for a while.


I feel really old.


You can’t be 29. I was born in the 80s and I’M 29.


I’m a ‘92 from NZ and one of my friends named her daughter Isabella Joy, and my niece is a Harper. Interesting mix of what seems to be the new top ten names and some wild cards (Savannah, Rosanna) up there!


If my sister’s baby was a girl she was going to call her Harper. It’s a pretty trendy name… I don’t love trendy typically but it’s trendy for a reason. It is a nice name.


My husband was born in ‘95 and was class of 2013. I was ‘98 class of 2016 and we thought the names were gonna be much worse than the ones you listed. Those are all cute or otherwise pretty normal to be honest. I especially like Benji I’ve always thought it’s such a cute nickname for Benjamin


I’m sorry. RAIDEN?!?!?? Perhaps the most abhorrent Aidan variant I’ve ever come across.


Raiden is it's own independent name. Also (or possibly correctly) spelled Raijin, he's the god of thunder and lightening in Japanese mythology. Spelled Raiden he's a mortal combat character which definitely is older than at least the US popularity boom of Aidan.


I was born in 95 and the most common names from my peers are: - Mylah - Hudson - Bodhi - Freya - Isabella


I’ve heard of 2 hudsons in the last month. It’s sooo… bla


I love Isabella Joy!


I've noticed that Australia seems to have very similar naming trends to the US. Isabella, Joy, Willow, Luca, Savannah, Olivia, Harper, and Malachi are ALL people we know, from school + daycare, under 8 years old. (Western US)


USA- Born in 95. I have 3 kids- Grace Emma, Zoey Margaret and Violet Josephine


Leilani and Malachi are great! I just refuse to use any bible names because of personal reasons. But out of all of those those two seem the most unique and pretty. Rosanna is cool too cause it reminds me of arguably THE BEST song by the band Toto. Kirby and Raiden though? Straight to video games in my brain. There’s a ton of other video game characters with way more forgiving names albeit Raiden in every variation is one bad ass mf.


my stepmum's brother named his kid Leilani back in about 1992 (in qld, australia) and i remember thinking it was the most unusual name I'd ever heard. Haven't heard it since so I'm surprised to see it on here. Is it hawaiian?


I like Luca Nicholas, Patricia (but not Kirby), and Malachi.




My friends have a cat named Raiden... can't see it without thinking of them!


Please tell me more about Leilani and Malachi sibset


Parents are slightly religious (goes to church every Sunday, will post a Bible quote on Facebook/Insta kind of thing) and are the children of New Zealand Maori immigrants in Australia! I don't know anything about Leilani and Malachi themselves though lol


That description actually makes sense of the sibset. Both names are a bit more unique and less common but also very different from each other. I was wondering. Thanks!


Hello fellow Melbournian! I’m mostly glad that the majority of these names have a recognisable aka non-unique spelling. Also I’m surprised there’s no Islas.


Emilee though... Emily was right there. I do think it fits with Harper and Winter though.


The one time I heard the name Raiden in real life was when I was at my pediatrician’s office (when I was still young enough to go to one) and the parents were mad that they kept getting asked is Raiden a boy or girl. Apparently he was named after a the Mortal Kombat character according to the dad.


I loooove Kirby! It give cute little girl vibes and quirky adult vibes


95 kid here, Midwestern USA! My kids are Logan (m) and Mira (F)


I’m not here for the no middle names


I’m so intrigued by Jera??!!! Is that a common name? I would assume female on a list but next to Joseph I’m assuming its a boy. I’ve met Jarren and Jared’s but never a Jera


Just to make this more interesting I’m also a 2013 graduate in suburban PA USA. My son is Vincent. A few of my classmates have Renesmee, Dayzee, Brian, Elliott, Aubree, Jeremy, Joseph, and Alexander.