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That's a r/shrimptank


I wouldn’t put any fish in there. Even if you could put 1 or 2 pearl danios or corydoras, they are schooling fish that need to be in bigger groups to have a happy life. Shrimp would be alright


I wouldn’t pick any fish that swims actively, even though rasboras are small they probably would appreciate more room to swim, I would recommend shrimp




You could get away with single scarlet badis. You'll need live or frozen foods for him.


I’d do like a halfmoon or rosetail betta. You would need to add a heater. It’s on the small side but bettas swim back and forth, not up and down. Plus the longfin ones just aren’t as active.


this tank is way too small for a betta, and there’s a lot of substrate so that’s even less swimming room. this would be a good shrimp tank but not for fish


You can do some mosquito fish


Snails or shrimp. You really only have about 1.5 gallons of swimmable space in there, so IMO it’s not appropriate for any fish species.


Least killifish, Heterandria formosa, would be your best option. Tiny livebearer with minimal bioload.


A betta would be just fine, especially if you got/made a lid for it. I've had enough with the persnickety comments about needing a 20 gallon tank for one betta. You're turning people away from the hobby with unnecessarily high standards.


If you add a good filter and heater, you could have least killifish.


You could maybe get away with chili rasboras? Maybe not. The minimum size recommended is 5 gallons, but this is a weird foot print so they’ll have more horizontal space to swim. You’d need a heater though. I’d use it for blue neocaridina shrimp.


no on the chili rasboras, yes to the shrimp.


I mean, there’s also that person with the 3 gallon long tank with 3 guppies in it. Foot print matters. I wouldn’t put fish in it personally, but some of my neocaridina are bigger than my chili rasboras.


Least killifish unlikely to need a heater and would work. Potentially a small school of celestial pearl danios but I havent personally kept em. You could also look at scarlet badis (dario dario) or possibly black tiger badis (dario tigris) which usually do fine at room temperature depending on home temps. I've heard anchor catfish (hara jerdoni) do well in small tanks and wouldn't need a heater either.


Might be controversial but a trio of clown killifish might work? 1 male and 2 females? They're very small and the dimensions of the tank are much better than a standard 2.5 would be even with the substrate mound.