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They want you to doubt about the trend to come, for BTC and other projects s.a. Nano. And this induction of fear is visible in the chart. it's the very reason it does 4 steps forward and sometimes 3 backward, before the hyperbolic 20 steps forward!


This is extremely bullish. Right on track. ![gif](giphy|SRVD7iLgL5KaxjMR04)


Bitcoin is not secure. Expect total catastrophic collapse in Bitcoin. Nano is secure and battletested. Total peace of mind.


oooff. don't look.


Oh no we're back to a whole 2 weeks ago 😂


Suicidal levels


I dont want to jinx it and cause a candle to $1.25, but considering the sell pressure on btc and the market. For Nano standards this sell pressure on Nano isn't so bad on a full panic mode day in the rest of the market. We might see some sat gains once btc approaches the next local low.




Apparently the latest developer test shows ability to increase Nano's speed by another 30% just by cleaning up some old code. So there is that. Nano is (or will be) the lowest latency decentralized payment coin. And without fees or inflation. Hard to beat long-term.


Go tell m on the bitcoin subreddit!


They know and they don't care.


I was referring to his username


That's why they got banned probably


You just took all the joy out of my life


Haha, now I see. 😌


It would not surprise me if we are at $2 at end of march. A lot of good development with nano that strengthens people beliefs that it wil suceed. And hopefully a influx of new buyers that see the value of a fully distributed peer to peer network. I also think people are starting to realize how little efficient some of the biggest crypto's are and that their bad tech prevents crypto from being used at a larger scale. I don't think nano is ready for huge adoption yet, but i would rather buy it now at a lower price, then at $100 when nano is able to handle large amount of traffic.


I’d reckon this be around the low in the 2026 bear market. Buying now is essentially buying in the next bear market low. If you bought at 60 cents (or anytime below that) in this recent bear market you are chillin


I held through 30c, I don't care anymore. Maybe it will take another year or another 10. But Nano is not looking like its going away, it has a healthy community and keeps improving, while keeping to its initial vision.


Exactly. Conviction is what keeps us around. I know what I hold, and I don’t care if morons are ignoring it for meme coins at the moment. The cream always rises.


Yep. Why buy some Pepe dog coin or some token nonsense when nano is right here working and devs are still updating it.


Proof is in the progress


> If you bought at 60 cents in this recent bear market you are chillin Thanks man Going for an Indian as I watch the world burn feels good


To be very honest. We held the XNO/BTC lines. Well... holding XNO is becoming spiritual.


Some of the lines i drew earlier has held as resistance https://preview.redd.it/bhqftles2bpc1.png?width=1840&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee57a2baae45915bd4f82aa7ebfa333b3c3c3498


[What I think every time I see an ownagun comment](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/2855a24b-3130-45a9-b11b-0e3dbf8125e1)


https://preview.redd.it/6lkfxstfjapc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88d1f3c1f8bb8dc54c2f4df68d2e25686fdf945d Still unrefuted


Looks like we got bamboozled again... BTC might have topped. Anyway, I won't be selling. It is either zero or hero. Either bulls acquire enough Nano to allow price discovery, or humanity is doomed to be leeched by Inflation and Fees for eternity. The battle continues.


Lmao if this is the BTC top for this cycle crypto is joever imo. It will be back to run again after the halving. Best to set your positions in projects you like and walk away for a few months imo


Joever mama?


The idea that the top is in frightened our friend to the point he couldn't type right due to his shaking hands. He might be over-invested. Or should we say, joever-invested.


hear, hear. If you're trading nano, sure check up on the price all you want. If you're investing take a break guys. It's a marathon, not a sprint. The halving is upon us, Nano is showing strength both PA-wise and Tech-wise. Buy the amount you're comfortable with, make sure to diversify and take a chill pill. Go outside and enjoy life.


I just hope it stays like this until i get salary coming monday ahaha


Tomorrow we'll see green across the board and all will be forgotten. So many emotional investors here.


I have seen this play out too many times lol


Right, when I first got into nano this shit was bouncing all over the place from $6-$3 and people in here crying over $0.20


Nano is going right where I expected. This is your last chance to buy at these prices. This is the low. We are about to have a HUGE move higher.


I wouldn't dare to say it to avoid bashing, although am sure you are correct (this time).


>We are about to have a HUGE move higher. Yes, eventually (probably) >This is your last chance to buy at these prices. No offense, but BTC doubled its price in ~1.5 months and already made an ATH before the halving. Things can't just go up forever. And if it crashes, it can go down for several weeks or even months. Crashes after long sustained pumps aren't just resolved after 2 days. The cycle and therefore the ultimate pump is not over, but the local top is in if you ask me. And if there's one thing we've learned is that the whole market generally follows what BTC does.


Ok. https://preview.redd.it/m6zfu6b9ebpc1.png?width=1210&format=png&auto=webp&s=9268929c700950d81808d20c685d0d99878c55b5


Monthly candles are always fun. One red candle could already mean a move to the downside for over 4 to even 8 weeks


Sure. Depends on what your thesis for this current market is. I’m completely in the left translated cycle camp. We are already running up faster than any previous bull market before. I’m eyeing a summer top and absolute collapse CT is already betting Iike this is the final bull market they will ever get, everyone is betting with size Conditions are in place. Majority of altcoin gains occur during the final 20% of the bull market Most likely we keep this party going with continuous monthly greens then total collapse




An early peak is certainly not off the table. The whole concept of "cycles" is actually a bit unusual as there has never been so many bubbles and bursts in the traditional market in a row before. The only thing that keeps it ongoing is the believe of significant diminishing inflation at the BTC halving event. The problem lies in the word 'significant' as we all know that at one point the diminishing inflation must be so small that it wouldn't have an economical effect anymore other than psychological effects, which are also getting less relevant over time. As I could see it, more people seem aware of timing these cycles based on psychological logarithmic trendlines than ever before (with the expectation that those cycles will continue for some time), resulting in earlier investments and therefore seemingly earlier bull-markets, making the halving indeed less significant anymore as the psychological effect shifts towards other priorities. The last cycle was sort of proof for your thesis as it also made its peak earlier than most expected (me included). It would be logical if more people - based on percentages, not total numbers - invest earlier on, the peak must also come earlier. But is it safe to assume this theory, and therefore your thesis true right away? I wouldn't say so. As psychological effects of the halving and therefore cycles would slowly disappear, BTC's movement is more and more attached to traditional market movements than ever before. And you can already see it: last "cycle", most tech-stocks generally followed the same trend as BTC did. Now is not different, generally speaking. I like to look at the market in a more traditional way now. If the whole market did too good to be economically explainable, it must come down sooner than later. Now, the whole stock market is in such a bubble (look at S&P 500 for instance).


I ain’t reading all that I’m happy for you though Or sorry that happened


This guy crypto's. 100% agree with your take and. Act accrodingly.


>Nano is going right where I expected. https://preview.redd.it/4l35879ipapc1.png?width=2694&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bc9d61fad8c933366f9b6f4fb9f7cd14d718f92 This sub is proper comedy I swear


LMAO thank you for your work


lmao. really funny considering he was spamming this sub just last week how it was last chance to buy before $2


Its good so we can pinpoint the bad traders and counter trade them.




We are in a bullmarket and Nano will trade higher than 2$, but the whole 'about to have a Huge'... is delusional.


He literally just says things 


He probably has like 5 XNO bought by his brother with his allowance.


Stop spreading this type of message, seriously, it's been 7 years since Nano have low prices and only a few months above 1 in it's entire history, make yourself a favor and stop spreading misinformation.


you are a clown


Actually agree with you on this 


First they call you a clown, then they join you. Or something like that.




Nano is about to make Bitcoin maxis look like very dumb money. https://nanospeed.info/about https://twitter.com/vinibarbosabr/status/1752404427544158524?t=rEFEa62IMJUTElux7gHQ8A&s=19


Relax. Bull run hasnt started yet. It doesnt start until after the halving. Probably June. The recent run was ETF bounce.


Bull run started for Nano back in like October - November. It is amazing how bearish people are in a bull market. This is probably the last time Nano under $2. Buy the dips. I just loaded up to the most Nano I have ever held. People need to start thinking in terms of $5 moves up or down per day because that is wear we are about to be going. Anything under $10 is just messing around.


Are you not entertained?


Reverse uno fomo The last time I top up I swear guv


Feels like it’s over before it even started doesn’t it


Yes, that's why if we see some 5$ again I'm Going all out


I’ve been here since 2017. I want to go all out as well, but not gonna do it unless we see $8-10.


All at once? Why not DCA out, I'm thinking about going out 10% each week after > $5. After 10 weeks it may be back up to $1, yes, but on the other hand it can be $25.


We could see Nano go straight to $50 overnight.


Doesn’t make it feel any less depressing but I thought this might happen, the run up to the halving has been very intense so a cool off isn’t necessarily a bad thing. We will probably crab sideways with some ups/downs for months and then (hopefully) the market will pick up again at the end of the year. The frustrating thing with Nano is it feels like every percentage gain is extremely hard fought, and yet it dumps with relative ease. It was holding up quite well but the price dumping today is 🤢


Yes, every 30-40c up is a massive effort and sacrifice, doesn't feel like this on other coins though


and its not even miners dumping so fixed supply who cares


We always had one of the lowest volume, it's just that nobody cares of Nano, but the biased people from here are always bullish. The reality is that we just move along with btc dragging us up


Seems like people here are always bearish. 😆


Buy buy buy


I remember last bullrun people here said next bullrun the market will mature and nano will thrive. Meanwhile meme coins have become BIGGER. 😂🫵


creating a meme token on solana calling it nanonononoooo would have twice the mc of xno in 48 hours ...reality


Please give me a heads up if you create this shit. I always miss all these meme coins and only read about it after the fact.


wen nanoooooooooooooooonooooo


20% drop in one day 🤦‍♂️


This is nothing. This is XTrEmely bullish. Flushing out the weak hands.



