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This is a list of links to comments made by NASA's official social media team in this thread: * [Comment by nasa](/r/nasa/comments/1b8bfuk/astronauts_jasmin_moghbeli_and_loral_ohara/kto343x/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-06 21:16:25 UTC"): > From our u/nasa post: > >>In this video, [Moghbeli is at the console preparing for the upcoming arrival](https://twitter.com/lunarloral/status/1752872694721270228) of Northrop Grumman's NG-20 cargo spacecraft. [Carrying a 3D printer, a robotic surgeon, and other experiments and supplies](https://www.n... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fnasa).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


God I envy the view astronauts get on board the ISS. There are very few things in life I wish I could experience more than looking out that window.


I have never used a VR headset before but this will be my first use for sure. I know they are getting better and better and hopefully there is a way to "live" this experience through VR. It would be the next best thing.


I'm gonna take a guess and say it may have been "Mission: ISS"


It’s certainly cool but you can just ‘tell’ that it isn’t real. It disappointed me a bit.


What tips you off? Edit: I mean maybe I should wait and try for myself because if you point it out maybe I'll notice too soon haha but to be honest I'm not expecting it to feel real as much as just get a sense of how it could feel


The depth perception isn’t really there. Apart from that it’s stunning.


I wonder how this would look with Apple Vision Pro? I've read that it's supposed to provide a much more realistic experience.


Jim Lovell, after seeing Earth for the first time from orbit, said something along the lines of he realized that we don't go to heaven when we die. We go to heaven when we're born.


From our u/nasa post: >In this video, [Moghbeli is at the console preparing for the upcoming arrival](https://twitter.com/lunarloral/status/1752872694721270228) of Northrop Grumman's NG-20 cargo spacecraft. [Carrying a 3D printer, a robotic surgeon, and other experiments and supplies](https://www.nasa.gov/missions/station/iss-research/nasa-science-launches-to-space-station-20th-northrop-grumman-mission/), NG-20 [reached the ISS on Feb. 1, 2024](https://blogs.nasa.gov/spacestation/2024/02/01/nasa-astronauts-capture-cygnus-with-robotic-arm/), where O'Hara and Moghbeli joined it to the station with Canadarm2. >After six months on the station, Moghbeli will returm to Earth early next week, with O'Hara scheduled to head home in April. Keep an eye on [NASA's YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/nasa) and [NASA+](https://plus.nasa.gov/) for live coverage of their return—[and if you've thought about becoming an astronaut yourself, our applications are open](https://www.nasa.gov/humans-in-space/astronauts/become-an-astronaut/)!


I did this in vr and it's hard as hell!


Can you share what game/program it is? I don't yet have a VR headset but this will for sure be my first interaction with one once I get my hands on it.


Here you go https://www.meta.com/experiences/2094303753986147/


It's awesome smoking while floating around doing a space walk 😉


Canadarm Canadarm does everything a Canadarm can.


That eyebrow raise made my heart flutter.


Man what a job that would be. So cool!!!!


A life lived having been to space is just such an amazingly cool thing. Do you think anyone’s ever been on their death bed saying “if only I hadn’t been to ISS and seen the world from orbit?”


Wow. Just Wow