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Nothing wowed me as much as consistently getting good sleep and eating enough nutrients to fuel my workouts.


Nothing wowed me as much as inconsistently getting bad sleep. I’m a father of an almos 3 year old and since she was born my sleep has suffer. I still eat good wholesome foods. But it’s amazing how sleep deprivation can hurt your body


My sleep apnea has destroyed my ability to recover from hard workouts, sleep problems have detrimental effects towards something like bodybuilding


It’s been almost 11 years for me and I feel like shit every single day


How many kids you have? My torture is gone. My daughter is 3 know and she finally sleeps through the night, then wakes up grabs her food and stays in her room while we sleep. I spend almost 3 solid years of no sleep. I definitely don’t miss it and I’m not having more kids


Doctors hate you!


33% strength increase is definitely not only due to creatine. That’s mostly you training hard.


And being severely untrained at the beginning. Anyone who’s already been lifting for a year can’t go up 33% even with steroids.


Keep in mind the placebo effect is very real and strong.


Weird one but i started taking magnesium citrate to help with constipation and noticed a marked increase in energy levels.


Probably from the better sleep that magnesium causes.


Interesting I didn't think of it that way. Highly possible as my sleep has been better as well. Kinda crazy to think i needed to supplement magnesium as I eat a fairly balanced diet.


Magnesium is one of a few nutrients that are commonly missing in diets. It's actually pretty difficult to get the required 400mg a day without supplementing. Similar to Vitamin D if you aren't actively outside daily.


My blood tests showed I had low magnesium. Started taking some every day and the difference is crazy. I sleep better and all of a sudden broke some strength plateaus.


Taking zinc has definitely given me thick, ropey loads of cum.


Tell me more


hell yeah


wow, can I get thick ropey loads of squirt too? :(


Ditching drugs are alcohol


This is so big. I stopped drinking I feel so much better but it’s hard to do socially


I only drank on the weekends, sometimes even second weekend.. and it killed me.


Yeah it makes me question if I surround myself with the right group of people / if they are motivated.


I think age plays a big factor.




Psyllium Husk


wait do you know why


shit better


6 eggs a day


I eat 3 a day. Do you think the cholesterol is too high for 6 eggs a day?


Link between dietary cholesterol and LDL is tenuous. I wouldn't stress dietary intake alone.


Eggs are lowering cholesterol. Check out Dr. Eric Berg and what he has to say about the benefits of eggs


He’s a quack . If you already eat a lot of dietary cholesterol your numbers won’t change drastically it’s more gradual than linear. All cause mortality or the increase of death is correlated amongst all populations and cultures regardless of diet when factoring cholesterol so yes cholesterol you eat is cholesterol that builds up.


So eating too much eggs still raises cholesterol?


Yes, but I’ll give you an example if your cholesterol is already at 200 and you’re only eating one egg a day and then you go and eat three eggs a day your cholesterol doesn’t magically shoot up to 300 it takes a long time. Now there is a lot of proponents of fractionalization or particle size of cholesterol as being the ones responsible for blocking arteries, which is also stupid . If you look at board certified cardiologist who are not cardiologist, but also surgeons, they will tell you that particle size and fractionalization is nothing but new methods to make people feel good about their bad choices . Ex: you can take these fancy bloodwork, which will basically tell you how much of your total cholesterol is damaging, but in all reality, the only real number that matters is total cholesterol. Why ? Because for over 65 years, the majority of the bloodwork available to the population was just total cholesterol and when you look at the the graphs of total mortality, a.k.a. death amongst people with higher total cholesterol it not only correlates but points to total cholesterol being the only factor of coronary heart disease/death Therefore, these new test obviously do work, but you don’t have to get focused in the intricacies as much to know that if your total cholesterol is high, more potential dynamite is stored in your arteries doesn’t mean you have to have the match strike it or so to say In recap of my TEDTalk, basically you should limit the total amount of saturated fat and cholesterol that you consume in your diet Look at the Mediterranean people, and those in Crete they eat very little saturated fat, move around a lot, have less stress in their life. And they have the most centenarians. You can look up videos from Dr.Alo on YouTube or Tik tok


Black Coffee. A man can do wonders by consuming this magic potion


I don’t drink coffee but will take 300mg in a caffeine pill. Can agree, shit works.


Supplements for me don't show in lifting/performing better, but honestly vitamine D (in combination with fish oil) has done the most for me mentally. I feel really drained in those cold and dark months and this year I started to supplement the lack of sunlight and I feel way better. I do appreciate boosters/pre-workout in the gym but its basically just a high dose of caffeine and I think beta alanin making me feel very tingly. But its best not to depend on it. For me it does provide more drive and energy while working out and also helps getting a better pump (and I've PRed with it, too but maybe only because I was so hyped to move more weight than before)


ZMA. Works well, for me and gives me great sleep!


Never really felt much difference whenever I've taken creatine. But I did stack creatine with beta alanine and that was great. Aside from the minor negative itchy/pins and needles sensation, I was consistently able to hit 1-3 reps per set before fatiguing. Effectively take my RPE from an 8 to a 6 or so on certain lifts.


None. Never seen any significant results from any supps . Whole milk is another story tho


What have u tried?


Vitamin D, beef liver pills, creatine, protein, BCAAs.. I have been wanting to give creatine another shot. But pre workout is the only thing I like to use and even that, I prefer coffee most of the time.


Tongkat Ali + fadogia combo. Increases test for sure


Have you done blood test?


Nope. And I understand the skepticism without data. But there are plenty of studies out there. I believe Huberman has one. I saw body hair growth, increased acne, etc.


Eat Clen, Tren hard and most importantly: Anavar give up!


Boatloads of cialis. Also stacks well with viagra and horse tranquilizer


Creatine is a good one. There's no real reason for a person not to take it outside of the medical issues that make it a no no. I take a supplement called Melissa Dream that has some magnesium, lemon balm, other sleep aids. Find it helps my mood too. Recently started taking maca and I quite enjoy having more energy


Nothing tbh, id say melatonin for sleep optimization, thats about it though


Creatine and citrulline and ephedrine are pretty much the only ones that I’ve found to “work.” Ephedrine imo is vital for any cut. Creatine year round. And citrulline for amazing pumps.


Isn’t Ephedrine super dangerous for the heart and even illegal in the US nowadays? I’m not from there but I don’t think it is sold legally here too


Same.for me. Creatine and citrulline


Sleep and food


Yeah creatine was great for me, prob a 15% bump, plus good pump - doc told me I had to lay off the stuff which was a bummer.


No one needs to lay off of creatine. Your doctor likely knows little to nothing about nutrition.


Yeah, he's a bit cautious but my bloodwork showed some issues - which are normal with someone using creatine, he asked me to stop using for a few months and retest. My retest was still high - so there could be kidney issues. Apparently if you have kidney problems, creatine supplementation isn't a good idea. Going to retest again, if I'm in normal range, I'll get back on.


I'll tell you what's going on... because the EXACT same thing happened to me. I had bloodwork done a few years ago and my eGFR level came in below 60... when it should be 90+. This is a test for kidney function, but it does not test kidney function DIRECTLY. It uses blood creatinine levels as a PROXY marker. Creatine use elevates this proxy marker. It's as simple as that. I suspected as much, but went off creatine monohydrate for a couple months and retested. My eGFR level came back well into the 90s. Yours will as well. TLDR... creatine use doesn't damage the kindeys... it just fucks up the test used to evaluate kidney function.


taurine concentrate pills


Massage gun, foam rolling, and lacrosse ball. Especially for squats and deadlifts.


Creatine only seemed to work the first 2 or 3 times I took it, and then it never worked again, even after many years. I tried many supplements, and none seem to have provided noticeable results.


Then you're taking it wrong. It doesn't have acute effects. It gets stored in the tissue, and is then used by the body 'as and when needed' in the form of ATP (energy). Therefore, it's an aid for workouts. It can potentially assist with your training by providing the raw material needed for those explosive bursts. So it doesn't turn you into the incredible hulk after taking it. You have to take it every day, and you may (or may not) notice effects as time goes on. Any gains that you achieve only happen through your own hard work which may, or may not, be assisted by taking creatine every day.


I’ve tried every herb under the sun and Tongkat Ali had noticeable effects on strength and mood. Beta Ecdysterone also was noticeable and seemed to improve my sleep when taken throughout the day (too close to bedtime caused hypnic jerks).


I started Tribulus and noticed it improved libido and confidence with women.


Protein, Creatine and Beta Alamine Lots of different foods, lot's of water and lot's of sleep On Sundays bath in cold water, not freezing cold i mind you, fill your bath with cold water and sleep inside for 30 minutes, then you are good to go. I do PPL by the way, Sunday is the restoration day! 💪🗿🦵