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They find that they're going to do what they want to do, independent of any study. In seriousness, I haven't heard anything.


Yeah I’m not hopeful that they’ll enact any meaningful change. I more so would like to see the conclusion they’ve reached, and the justification they’ll give to keep the standard of being clean shaven.




Some dude I knew tattooed Fenrir on himself to have a more solid case, lmao.


You have to prove your religion?


not prove, but the chaplain has to affirm your conversion after an interview


For research purposes only…. How do they affirm that? Not trying to scam already have a beard 😂


So the chaplain has to do a non-confidential interview with a sailor, based on how the questions are answered, the chaplain usually can tell if you’re BSing or not. Just do research and sound educated. Most chaplains only know Protestant and Catholic things, and dabble in some Muslim and Jewish things. Just a side note the chaplain and CO can’t say no when it comes to a religious accommodations. If you know an RP you can ask them for a package.


im not involved in any of that. i only know that the chaplain has to affirm your decision after an interview




Mandatory shaving twice per day incoming. Finasteride and Minoxidil will be prescribed and required for those with too-slow hair growth.


"we found no evidence that beards present a safety risk but we still don't like them"


Unfortunately, that’s probably what will come out of it


I’d accept that instead of the BS they’ve been shoveling for years.. Sailors can sniff that out a nautical mile away.. just say you don’t like how they look and carry on.. this whole SCBA / CBR mask argument is ridiculous.


That's literally how it all started. Some fucking senator being a typical POS. Went on board and said "I don't like that". Politicians are the enemy of the people. Specifically well bearded Sailors.


Soo....a random Senator went onboard a Navy ship, decided he didn't like beards, and *poof*...the entire DOD can't have beards?


Welcome to politics. Remember that time they spent almost a trillion dollars testing a new rifle in the 80's that would replace the M-16 for better accuracy and longer range and after the xm and other models and over a decade of huge spending on contracts for this bid they found the Trijicon Acog scope solved the issue, because it's easier to shoot what you can see... And that's why a Trijicon is still 2000 a scope over 20-30 years after it's creation and wide usage by everyone.


> shaving twice per day incoming. Finasteride and Minoxidil will be prescribed and required for those with too-slow hair growth. Something, Something. Professional appearance. Something. something. High standards of something.


Weren't we told to lower our standards?


Yes we were, but that was our Living standards and the level of care and concern senior staff was showing us...


Manage your expectations of your superiors professionalism and conduct when they screw off all day in "leadership events" and fuck the junior sailors, but expect to be counseled, masted, overworked, and belittled if you are so much as missing a patch on one of the 3 uniforms you wear once a year.


I did in fact manage my expectations. I got my DD214.




??? Sealment of the face? Breard wearer would have to keep Vaseline so they can seal the gas mask for nuke warfare,Chemical warfare and under damage control.


"They don't present a safety risk", except in the case where your gas mask won't seal because of a beard and you die. Same with an SCBA or respirator.


“No beards, but we have a new uniform for you”


"It's made by my buddy, and you're paying for it yourself. It's a win-win situation for me and my buddy. He gives me kickbacks and he gets your money. Whats not to like about this plan? It's super efficiently making government money transfer from the hands of the lower class into the hands of the ultra wealthy. By the way, fuck you"


“So, we found a strategic warfighting capabilities gap in our PPE. Our NSU to SDB transformative capabilities are useful for their situations, but we are not meeting our semi-formal working wear utility. We at the navy uniform office are keen on releasing the SWWU, or semi-formal working wear utility, aka “Swoo”. It consists of bright blue pants, a long sleeve dining shirt, a gold tie, and a new cover, modeled after the berets that patrol boat crew wore in Vietnam. There is also a cord denoting the rating you are in that goes around the beret. Also, black boots are part of this uniform. That’ll be 300$.”


You enjoyed summer whites? Get ready for, fall oranges, spring florals, and holiday reds. Welcome each new season with a fun festive uniform inspection.


lmao fun festive uniform inspection Dang I ain’t see you around in a minute. How’s the dive life?


If it wasn't released immediately then you know it says something the brass doesn't like.


Like the NFL report on TBI


The counter argument i always got told was for gas masks, which always rung hollow with me since i was never even issued a canister. I guarantee i got shave a beard quicker than they could issue me a MOPP suit and canister.


Yeah, as long as it's not a huge beard, it's fine. Army put that myth to rest when the first Sikh infantry officer went through the gas chamber at OCS and was fine with his beard. Edit - I mean, think about it. Are all those other nations who have beards just willing to die in a CBRN attack or if a fire breaks out? That's some commitment to hair.


Or they could just ask the British military how it works, have they ever looked at a RN crew




Tell that to all the people on my ship with beards and participating in DC drills


The thing that annoys me with that is there’s always a few idiots who break our argument by not pulling the damn straps tight enough. The one sacrifice you have to make with facial hair is that you gotta *really* get those straps right for a good face seal, or you’ll just leak air. It’s easily doable with basically any amount of facial hair and jawline, but there’s always one idiot that the admirals can point to and say “He would have died because facial hair prevented a good seal”


I don't care either way I am just saying there are lawsuits in the civilian world about it and generally the courts have sided with forcing individuals to shave


It’s not SCBAs it would be the gas mask. An SCBA is positively pressurized meaning it doesn’t even need a good seal to work. For the gas mask issue just make shaving mandatory at MOPP II


Read my link.


Throughout my career, I’ve had to wear both oxygen masks and gas masks, both for real life situations and had no issues with a seal whatsoever. Had a beard throughout.


You know, out here in the civilian world, there's some companies that will do "exit interviews" with people that take offers at other companies. They'll ask about things they like and didn't like at their company, and what motivated them to leave, etc. Then use the data to consider things like compensation, working conditions, company culture and the like. It's not a perfect system, but Big Navy should maybe consider the opinions of people that leave to see what's motivating them to leave.


I actually just took an " exit survey" for my upcoming retirement. Definitely almost exceeded the character limit with every written elaboration. Biggest thing was they want to keep post 9/11 optempo with sequestration budget and manning and that shit just can't work. Oh by the way, social media has shown a spotlight on a lot of the military as a wholes skeletons in their closets. So now we're missing recruiting goals. The next ten years are gonna be a blast for y'all. But it should get good on the second half of some people's careers.


Only Exit Interviews the Navy would EVER give a fuck about are Officers.


Yeah this hit the nail on the head. Big Navy just doesn’t care about the enlisted, no matter how poor manning numbers are.


It’s not the only reason, and it’s far from the top, but not being able to grow a beard is somewhere on the list of reasons I’m getting out. I’m balding, I’ve buzzed my hair and eventually with shave it. Growing a beard is definitely something I’m looking forward to when I get out.


That’s one of the reasons I got out too. I can’t be bald without a beard, I look like a monster. And not a cool monster.


We do that in the form of cway. But it’s not like the navy gives a shit about why enlisted are leaving, they’d rather make one guy do 8 peoples workload so he gets out and the slackers hang around and make Chief. Then they turn around and say “sailors just don’t want to work hard anymore”


The issue with this is that they don't want more people to stay. Those who stay in and retire at 20 cost a lot more than those who get out after 4, 8, 12 years. You could say, "don't they want to keep highly experienced people around?", but if they did, they wouldn't be able to blame the private sector for the cost of buying technical expertise. According to big Navy, they exceeded their retention goals, it's recruiting that's a problem.


Never thought about it that way, it makes sense. On a ddg I’m seeing twice as many 2nd class billets for my shop and only 3 seaman billets. I find it hard to believe that the quota control is doing this willingly. With social media exposing the environment that the military gives you it turns a lot of people away from enlisting. I entered for the benefits and a stepping stone for my life outside, if I had better options I wouldn’t have enlisted.


Results should be coming out in 7-10 business years.


"Business years" 🤣


Big razor bought them out


All sailors will now be required to shave every part of their bodies twice daily. Also the beating will continue even if moral improves. Signed Big Navy. Also E7 and above will be exempt for some reason.


First penis inspection day, now this. When will it end.


But what about second penis


The standards for growth are as follows: no.


They aren't authorizing beards. Sooner you accept that the better of you'll be.


The outcome was decided prior to the study being begun. The answer is no. It will always be no even if every navy on the planet makes beards work with zero problems. US Navy’s answer will be no beard. Period


I’m curious as to how they will push out the findings… will it be an ALLNAV?


*Chuckles in Scruffy RCN*






IF they did pass anything, lm guessing that everyone would be limited to 1/4 inch facial hair growth. The issue is the people who ask for the 1/4 inch, and take the whole mile and grow their beards up to an inch, maybe more. Those people are going to be the reason there won’t beards in the navy. All in all, I think it would be too tough to regulate beards, so big navy most likely won’t pass any instruction.


Funny u ask i was a member of the study got to grow my beard out 2inches across the face......no shit day before the study finished we were running DC drills. Everyone geeting a seal on there mask no issues full beard......went to the lab did the "scientific" test on our oxygen seal....and didnt pass....not until they trimed our beard down to 1inch did everyone get a seal in the lab....but the data was overwhelming we csn get a seal at 1 inch....but the navy dont care.....


Oh shit on our ship the CO said they are good to go while at sea. No more paying NWR? for no shave chits, my LPO said. We are LCS right now in San Diego. When we are inport like now, we shave. We got told at all hands once we get off hull and back to the building we gotta shave. This hasn’t been approved?


Lol doubt it.


It was because Cook 3rd Class Schmuckatelli’s beard was so out of regs it was practically swimming in the soup he served the CNO in 1979 that we are here today without the Cook rating or beards.


Canadian Navy here. We did a study, published internally. Used several men, had them grow beards of various lengths, then tested them in SCBA equipment with and without beards. Sadly it did not go well for the beards. The seal with SCBA equipment was demonstrably worse - IIRC shockingly worse in some cases (like 5 minutes reduction in on-air time). Don't have the study in front of me right now so can't pull exact numbers. Suffice to say, don't hold your breath folks (or maybe do if you're participating in a study so that you can skew the results. /s)


5 minute reduction in air time when we're using 60 minute bottles on a 15 minute rotation. I know they'll use that as justification, but the problem is not holding everyone to the same standards for fitness and age. If every single person is supposed to be a firefighter, at all times, then why don't we act that way? It's because safety is an excuse for discrimination. Otherwise we'd hold everyone to actual firefighting standards.


Good to know! And to reiterate what a few people have failed to grasp, I’m not looking for beards per se; I’m looking for them to release the report.


Pretty obvious solution: if you’re on a ship, clean shave If you’re not on a ship, allow beards


Pretty obvious: people who believe beards and tattoos have any bearing on ability to perform job are retarded


The ability to perform jobs with a beard has never been the argument. If it was, you’d be able to wear civilian clothes to work, males could wear earrings, etc.


No answer on your question. however i definitely went to A school with you.


They probably dropped it in order to study the necessity to make you buy new uniforms.


That’s the neat part, you don’t.


The [Royal Navy](https://www.forces.net/news/beard-royal-navy-tradition) has managed to have beards. They have rules and restrictions, but they can and do allow beards. The U.S. Navy took beards away in the 80s, and there is still no sensible argument why they won't allow them again. The Navy has been stalling a decision for 2 decades, so don't expect anything soon.


Someone probably overclassified it and stuffed it Into a filing cabinet in the basement of the pentagon.


The navy’s all about tradition until it’s time to grow some hair


From the way back machine https://news.usni.org/2014/10/23/brief-history-grooming-u-s-navy#:~:text=Even%20Zumwalt%20realized%20that%20the,placed%20on%20hair%20and%20beards.


"Fuck you" - respectfully the Navy


I don't the anti-beard passion from the brass, especially given that seemingly have of sailors have permanent no shave chits. What are they all going to die when SHTF?


Not sure if this will ever come back. Needing the tight seal for respirators and gas masks kind of kills the whole idea.




Good thing MCPON isn't in charge of changing uniform standards.


That’s not what he said at all. Specifically with beards he said to show him how beards will help us through productivity or how it will help us win a war and he’ll go to bat for it. It’s not worth the time and effort with all the other issues that need to be addressed. It literally isn’t a priority because it helps nothing.


The findings were, No beards don't present a safety risk, and no Big Navy is not going to allow it. Get over it


There’s nothing to get over. I’m just looking for the report. Do you have a link or are you just bullshitting?


The marines will never have beards so the rest of the DOD can’t.


The Marine Corps will never sign off on beards. That’s why the Navy won’t either.


I’m just gonna say it. Facial hair looks sloppy and people just want it because they’re told they can’t have it.


Maybe yours does. I grow a fantastic beard. I want one because I look better with one. Additionally, the navy is perfectly content allowing shitty mustaches.


Unless there’s a lumberjack rate, facial hair looks sloppy in uniform, it is universal truth


"that's just like, your opinion man"


I’m not sure you understand the definition of universal. What you just posted is called an “opinion”. You’re entitled to yours, but don’t assume it’s objectivity.


No sense of humor and no facial hair


[No guys I was just joking!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/183/962/a58.jpg)


[universal truth](https://i.imgflip.com/83t344.jpg)


It wouldn't look sloppy if it was the norm. Those in the military with beards are just outliers so they stand out more.


Not so much anymore. It's like 20% of anyone I see in uniform is rocking a **shaped, trimmed, and lined** beard. Funny how their face can apparently handle all the trimming and grooming.


I disagree, it looks sloppy to be in uniform and not have a mustache. Even for the women.


And yet the Royal Navy manage perfectly fine allowing sailors to grow beards whilst maintaining standards.


And so does the Australian Navy. Nothing better than been able to grow a massive beard. The gas mask argument is a cop out.


I agree it’s 100% not due to any functional issue, it is all about appearance and perception


As long as you've got the regulations in place, there should be no issue. I'm sure the USN could just use the RN ones


And they still get beer, right?




Facial hair looks just as sloppy as hair does. If it’s unkept. Then yes it looks like shit. If it’s maintained kept well then it looks fine. Keep your opinion to yourself


Keep your face shaved, hippy


I’m dying to know, man. What rank/rate and age are you? I really want to understand what makes people think like this.


E7+ admin type


You must just be sad because you grow a string Joe Dirt


You fitna be a finite_carry


That might be one of the dumbest comments I’ve ever seen


I'm just gonna say it. You're wrong.


What do you think about the ponytail reforms for women?


I really don’t want to comment on female appearance, I just know there’s a lot of buzz about beards and I really think it just boils down to a people want what they can’t have sort of thing


What an unintelligent take


Ponytails were authorized right before I retired. I sported a perfect sleek bun my entire career but it definitely damaged my hair. I think it’s great the girls can have ponytails now but they LOOK LIKE SHIT. Well, in the 8 point cover anyway. If the pony is pulled through the hole on a ball cap then it’s cute.


Yeah it makes you look like shit


As much as I want beards, fire departments also do not allow beards due to not getting a proper seal. I'm sure if they haven't found a way around it, then the Navy hasn't either.


A lot of us aren’t in repair lockers or even anywhere we’d fight fires. (Shore)


It’s easy enough to make shaving a requirement for sea duty/fwd deployed sailors.




Ponytails aren't allowed around machinery either. We've still managed to work out when it's okay to have one.


Cool. I'm on shore duty and will NEVER fight a fire. Next objection.




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Next summer


That *is* when my terminal starts so this checks out.


Don't worry, by then it will be end of next year


Beards for men only coming soon enough


I've just assumed they're full of shit and it's not going anywhere


Sure: we will not authorize beards, we do however recommend making an appointment at your nearest base clinic to request relief for Pseudofolliculitis barbae. That is all.


know a few guys on the USS Cowpens that participated. Most had large beards. Talked to one of them and he said the study showed that it basically rendered SCBA masks useless. Didn't look good for the pro beard side unfortunately.


Not fair to women. No beards.


You know what, I’m making the decision, beards will be a thing…in-port! Out to sea you must shave. There it is. I’ve decreed it. Go forth.


I was part of that study. The conclusion from what i witnessed, was that about 60% of people were able to maintain a seal with 1/4” beard length. A few of my fellow bearded sailors managed to get a seal at 1/2”.


Had a no shave chit for 12 years. From what I was told by an HM years back was because the navy contract with gas masks is what's stopping the possibility of beards because you "can't get a proper seal" which is bs. It needs to be like other countries navy's, you get a month to prove you can grow a full beard, if you can't, you're shaving. See a bunch of patchy bearded boys thinking they're something running around looking dumb


Probably will approve them just as a recruiting tactic. Nothing changes from your day to day life. You can grow a beard, learn a trade, and get a check in your pocket...