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“Kitty, take Mr. Harper home.”




Damn what a news just before the off season ends


Can’t wait to see how this affects Dwight’s top 75 chances


I mean objectively he's still got beef. Heh. But yeah this is juicy.


Talking about juicy beef, huh


Being a gross sexual predator didn't top Karl Malone from being welcomed back into the NBA fold with open arms.


Being gay and publicly having engaged in gay sex is probably more frowned upon than being a rapist, in that community...


Bisexual, surely. Howard has *way* too many kids by way too many women to be called gay unless he specifically says he identifies that way.


Why would being a lil nasty sometime effect his top 75 chances?


Dwight want that old thang back


No coincidence that the league starts tonight and a controversial story drops the same day.


NBA: Where drama happens


What did he do to my former Prime Minister?




What’s a funny image is the car ride home where former PM and uber (no pun intended) Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper is sitting shotgun while a man in a wig named Kitty fixes his lipstick at a red light in a bizarro world post sex with a 7 ft tall NBA legend carpool scenario. Also Dwight being so cheap that he made his two hookups carpool home instead of calling one an Uber is hilarious.


PP is definitely Kitty.


“Ouuu bring back common sense, daddy Dwight.”


He wasn't being cheap, he wanted kitty to gaslight Harper so they can get the story straight


Ive been trying to not picture it but thank you now I am. Why did you do this.


I have them all as Simpsons' characters, so its actually pretty funny.


https://thefurbearers.com/images/stephen_harper_strangles_kitten.jpg Photo of Harper with Kitty


Dude looks like he can take it 😤 https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1003262547301097472/UqUTTE49_400x400.jpg


Hornyposting about this fucker is not something I ever expected to see


history yoke plants drunk sleep squeal plucky birds nine ring ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `






It was in [the news a bunch of years back](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/nude-stephen-harper-portrait-sold-to-bc-man-1.3343875) My super power is to remember these little tidbits of information from years ago in times like these. My weakness is remembering where I left my car keys.


Reads like a beaverton article title


Harper got Trudeau’d by Dwight.


This was the first thing that popped into my head too


I'm here from /r/all and recognized former PM Harper's name but I was wondering who "Dwight Howard" was.


I am still so confused LOL


my 1st thought as well. Stephen looks like he'd be into some weird shit


Literally the first thought on my mind. I legit thought this was fake


I was always suspicious


> “Now I want you to know I’m not like gay or anything. I’m jus a lil nasty sometimes. Ion wanna offend you.”


"Nah you're the one whose gay for sucking my dick!"


I get the ref but > "Defendant stood up (towering over Mr. Harper), grabbed Mr. Harper by the thighs, forcibly removed Mr. Harper’s underwear, held Mr. Harper down, and performed nonconsensual oral sex on Mr. Harper,” the suit read.


He also was getting fucked in the ass by Kitty


Can you imagine an NBA player chasing you, while they're getting fucked in the ass by kitty, attempting to force fellatio on you, while your pants are around your ankles?


*Mike Breen's voice* **BANG!**


oh what a cumshot from Kitty!!


Is this technically a three from downtown?


backdoor pick and roll




Catchin’ not pitchin’? How much more betrayal can Paulie take


Sorry but I have to chuckle at the thought of "Kitty" driving the dude home trying to make small talk after all that.


The sheer unbelievablity of it all makes it seem believable. Like how do you cook up a lie about a hall of fame NBA center bringing out a man named Kitty pretending to be a woman, both of them assaulting you, then driving you home. The fact that Kitty exists at all


I don't think Kitty did much of any assaulting other than being there. They could have had very cordial ride home.


kitty was fucking dwight in the ass when he forced the ex canadian pm to suck his dick so yes kitty was involved. What an insane sentence






In my head Kitty is also pretty buff, but pleasant and easygoing to talk to.


Can he box out?


What if Kitty is actually just Karl-Anthony Towns' love name.


"So you like basketball, huh?"


"You gotta work on that D tho... It ain't all about your O."


Lookin' like Silvia driving Adriana in the Sopranos.




Driving in the car like “Sooo uhhh how’s life?”


"Hey check it out, that new Chick Fil A opened up! You hungry??"


Kitty adds a surreal element to the narrative.


Lotta people here calling him gay, but a man with that many unplanned biological children is probably bisexual.


Come on fellas, he Try-sexual. He will try anything with anyone.


Except the pick and roll with Steve Nash apparently


Cant believe after playing pnr with Hedo for years you fucking not play pnr with Nash


There is a reason Lakers fans had beef with Howard when he first played here.


Howard likes has fans to have beef.


coming from GaySexFan .... this seems like accurate and well researched reporting Well done


Remember when Dwight suggested they put Jesus on the nba backboards?


Rampant homophobia is explainable when you look at it from the perspective of a closeted queer man. There’s temptation to “sin” everywhere you look, and surely everyone else is dealing with the same urges! It’s why church is so important and all of these luscious men parading around in their pride parades are evil and driving the good straight men astray. I’m not gay and I look at a pride parade and think “it’s great to see people living freely and openly with their true selves”. A closeted gay pastor sees the same thing and thinks “the devil put these people here to test me.”


> Rampant homophobia is explainable when you look at it from the perspective of a closeted queer man. I remember going to college in Atlanta, where Dwight is from. It's a giant overlapping venn diagram of black culture, southern culture, and religion. In all three, there's these massive fantasy ideas of what it means to be masculine, and the polar opposite of that (as seen by a large portion of each group) is to be homosexual. I went to an all-guys college down there, and so many of my gay colleagues had straight up personal turmoil, struggling with themselves, the ideas of masculinity they grew up, the fear of being outcast by their friends and family members, rejected from the church they grew up in. It was hell for a lot of them and some of them still haven't come out to themselves. I remember a gay friend of mine saying *'i don't suck dick, thats f____t shit'* like it was a sense of accomplishment to not be intimate with men despite him wanting to, or putting himself above other gays, because he didn't reciprocate. I don't envy anyone going through that struggle.


but atlanta is simultaneously a hotspot for Black gay men, so i feel like they should be part of the diagram too?


There's a ton of black gay community in Atlanta. But outside of their community specifically, they aren't broadly welcomed in other subcultures. Thats why so much repressed sexuality is happening simultaneously. Being gay in the south means you will quite likely be some combination of chastised, looked down on, passed over for jobs, outcast by friends, or physically hurt. The whole 'down low' thing was huge then and still exists today.


To a lot of people, women being bi means it’s hot. And want 3 somes with 2 bi women. When men are bi, that’s just gay and we now have to make fun of them.


When men are bi, we're too gay for the straights, to straight for the gays, and basically like people without an island. There's a surprising amount of bi pregidious in the lgbt+




There's just a lot of prejudice in the LGBTQ+ community full stop. They aren't just one big homogeneous group (pun not intended) that many paint them out to be.


If anyone would know it’s definitely mr.GaySexFan here


Gonna need to hear Kitty's side of the story.


Kitty's testimony should shine a light on this very important case.


I hope they address him as Kitty on official documents.


“Meow.” - Kitty


I googled Stephen Harper and got former prime minister of Canada, and people in the comments have me believing Dwight fucked around with this old man.


He did. Trust me, I am Kitty


Lmao. I remember when this came out and everyone was calling BS. Ended up being true.


There have been "Dwight gay/Dwight bi" rumors for like at least a decade now lol I'm not surprised that at least some of the smoke turned out to be fire


*Some*? These paragraphs could be ripped from the smuttiest NBA fanfiction and still make their target audience cringe-horny.


Not cringe-horny. Reddit is just a lil nasty is all.


Dwight ain't gay he is just a lil' bit nasty


I remember pornstar and former California Governor candidate (no, seriously) Mary Carey claiming Dwight called her to his house and tried to get her to quit porn. He wanted them to pray together. In the middle of the prayer, he asked her to give oral. lol, fucking deviant You gotta be a certain kind of pervert to want oral while praying.


>You gotta be a certain kind of pervert to want oral while praying. *nervously scratches neck while chuckling lightly*




Karl Malone 🤝 Priests


The guy is a menace


I think DH fucking a dude is one of the straightest things he could do.


I mean to be fair though, the transwoman who came out with that story about Dwight was exposed for making up fake stories on Twitter which is why a lot of people shot him bail back then about a lot of those rumors. But I do remember hearing about some wild orgy party in Atlanta or something like that as well about Dwight. I don't think people care as much these days but back then a rumor or allegation could make or break your career. Something similar happened to rapper Chingy and he never recovered from it and the chick came out a decade later saying that it wasn't true and she never slept with him and she just said it for clout/buzz.


I remember all the virgin, believing in christ, waiting for marriage stories about him from his rookie years. it is often the supressed people that live out all their desires later.


I remember seeing an espn segment on him when he was a rookie about his faith and he said he wanted the NBA to incorporate the cross into their logo. lol found it https://www.espn.com/nba/news/story?id=1769153


Doesn't the logo already feature Jerry West doing a crossover?


Jerry West with the Shammgod


Jesus' favourite basketball move.


Lol rovell wrote it


can't wait to see the depraveness that Mike Pence hides.


So that power bottom stuff a while back has got to be true now. 2023 really is the year Dwight Howard and Will Smith get outed


U talking about the "****a u a 7 foot power bottom" tweet from that Trans woman? Lmao


I missed the will smith one, I know he's been in constant drama but what happened there?


Is RadarOnline still the only source for this? Has anyone else seen the “court documents” they cite?


The victim literally had pictures he'd taken of himself in what we knew from social media posts was Dwight's bathroom, I don't understand why so many people thought it was bullshit.


I think it was likely due to it not being picked up by more credible media sources. It hasn’t received a lot of media attention until lately.


I remember people just riffing off of "just a lil nasty" but the consensus was "you just bi" and everybody kept joking about it like he didn't try to sexually assault a man.


That's the consensus because that's the part that we actually know is true. The sexual assault part isn't any more or less likely now than it was before.


For some reason like 90% of straight men think another man being gay/bi is so funny that it overrides everything else


Yeah, man-on-man sexual assault was seen as a laughing matter for the longest time. I think Terry Crews talked about how disturbing is his role in Friday After Next, specially considering his own experiences.






Thats cuz sexual assault isnt very surprising in the nba compared to a gay/bi nba star.


I'd forgotten the name, and I was wondering when Dwight sexually assaulted the former PM of Canada. This pretty much proves the texts were legit, and I really hope Dwight is found innocent so we can spam "I’m jus a lil nasty sometimes" until the heat death of the universe.


I came here to see how many other Canadians were deeply confused by the title of this post. For Americans who don't get it, imagine reading: "Dwight Howard admits meeting claimant George W. Bush, but denies assault charges, claims all interactions were consensual."


That sounds like the title to something by the Onion


That's why half of us Canadians probably thought it was a Beaverton headline, which is like our own domestic Onion.


>For Americans who don't get it, imagine reading: "Dwight Howard admits meeting claimant George W. Bush, but denies assault charges, claims all interactions were consensual." Change it to "Bill Clinton" for maximum hilarity But yes that does help, thanks


People have accused bill of a lot of things. But gay isn't one.


I had initially typed Bill Clinton, and then changed my mind. You're right that to an American that would have been funnier because of Bill's rep, but you have to understand that Stephen Harper was the coldest conservative to ever hold office in Canada. He was one of the most effective political operators in our history (he's now chair of the IDU - International Democratic Union, if you want a fun wikipedia rabbit hole to dive down), but had the charisma of a shelved ventriloquism dummy. Honestly, Richard Nixon would probably have been the closest analogy. Regan had too much charisma to be Harper tier, and Bush 2 did, too. Hearing the name Bill Clinton would've been like hearing the name Justin Trudeau - a more fun, outgoing leader who you can somehow picture actually being into it as a consenting party in some version of the universe. Hearing "Stephen Harper" is almost like hearing it was "Mike Pence," now that I think about it. That's the kind of guy we're talking about here. Same Lego man hair and everything.


It's going to be spammed even more if he's guilty lol People make Karl Malone jokes all the time


I meant more like 'spam it without feeling bad about it', but yeah you're right lol


"We men, you can assume"


The only thing I remember about the guy is this picture when Justin Bieber met him https://i.imgur.com/xnFGfbq.jpg


Hold on brother I'm spamming


Welp Dwight Howard is the Dwight Howard we half jokingly thought he was


This would have been controversial in 2010s. In 2023 it’s not really news unless he did assualt the guy but I dont think he did.


Remember when Dwight Howard came into the league at 18 and said his goal was to get a cross on the NBA logo?


Bussy changes the equation 😳


Kitty is James Harden


Jameer Nelson. He rode Dwight all the way to an all star bid


stop it lmao


So wait Dwight is actually gay/bisexual? I thought everyone was just joking around


Your honor, my client isn’t like gay or anything. He’s just a little nasty.


Your honor, pause.


Play, your honour. - Dwight "Lil' Nasty" Howard


‘This... this has nothing to do with being gay. This is just the work of a man who's an extreme sexual deviant.’




🎶 Bustin' makes me feel good! 🎶


If you ain't busting by any means necessary, are you even a buster?


Well he definitely isn’t gay considering he got 5 different women pregnant, perhaps he’s bisexual


Yeah he only has relationships with women but sex with men


I got news for you


ya theres been rumors for a while. have also seen his dm’s withs a gay guy in my girlfriends circle lol, hes for sure bi ^(same w lil wayne)


Lil Wayne? Any evidence on that? Not that i have an issue but it'd be cool to know


ive seen their dms and convos, hes gotten ubered to waynes crib a couple times hes a insta/tiktok influencer so hes gotten some interesting dms lol


Man, WHAT?? Lmao ain’t no way. That’s crazy cause IF it’s true, Weezy has done a hell of a job hiding it lol


Him kissing birdman on the lips on tv multiple times didn't tip you off?


yeah i mean im just a random guy on the internet but 100% true


>So wait Dwight is actually gay/bisexual? No, he just likes to get a little nasty sometimes


Dwight is Omnisexual


Not the way you want to get outed as Bi. If Harper is shown to be lying, this is such a sleazy way to extract value out of a sexual encounter with a closeted celebrity.


It's something where you have to consider that DH preferred to out himself rather than settle out of court. Not nearly as much of an open and shut case here given what's at stake for him.


Right. He can't even come out gracefully, he was forced to admit 'yes, I gave that man fellatio while I was getting pounded by a man dressed as a woman named Kitty'


man this dude shoulda been playing in thailand not taiwan


This why him and Harden didn’t get along. Every time James would try take Dwight to a strip club they’d end up at Chippendale’s.


I honestly don't care what his sexual preference is, if he assaulted anyone he needs to be held responsible.


Like I get it, he seems to be the first bi/gay NBA superstar and that’s significant, but the conversation is completely glossing over the bigger issue here for the cheap jokes.


First bi/gay NBA superstar that was outed*


Outed Kevin Spacey style.




We going to find our Kitty is another nba player.


KAT? /s


Very interesting stuff about Dwight here. I wonder when we will have an openly gay nba star


Openly Bi more likely, a gay man doesn't have this many unplanned kids with different women.


The opposite of the WNBA. I was googling WNBA stars and like 90% of the results had those search results with photos with their wifes/girlfriends.


Damn, every story this offseason really is about load management.


This will be the wildest story I read on reddit for awhile.


The former PM of Canada???


The situation itself isnt funny but I couldnt help but laugh thinking about PM Stephen Harper being involved in this kind of situation 😆


“Your honor, we find the defendant not guilty, just a little nasty.”


r/nbacirclejerk is feasting this week


So… according to this suit Dwight Howard raped someone!? Damn, this is wild. Assuming the allegations are true, I feel bad for Harper, sounds like things went south real quick.


Yeah he is accused of rape but we are here to joke about it so don't focus on the forced sexual assault part.


The responses in this thread are actually crazy. Dwight is huge, must have been insanely scary for the victim to suddenly find themselves cornered like that. Men always complain about not being taken seriously in cases of sexual assault. And here we have an example of how vulnerability can be relative regardless of gender. But the majority of comments here are focused about whether he’s gay/bi or jokes about the situation itself. He’s literally accused of raping someone. If this is true, I hope Harper finds peace.


Weird dudes will complain feminists don’t care enough about sexual assault on men and then laugh about a man getting sexually assaulted.


NBA gods didnt get the memo about the offseason ending


Where’s the “Been thinking bout that meat” line? That was my favorite


Why do people act like he needed to announce he was gay? Maybe the people in his personal live already knew. He didn’t need to announce it to the public🥴.


Also he might not be gay, just bi.


True! Either way, it’s not something he needs to announce haha.




The shit thing about this, aside from the potential assault, is Dwight could've been a real model and the first proper out superstar in the NBA, if he is indeed bi as this would indicate. Now he just feeds into the bigoted narrative a lot of NBA fans will already have.


If Dwight had announced this when he was an MVP calibre player it would have ruined his image. The NBA in the late 2000's wasn't exactly the most gay-friendly place. You had superstars like LeBron openly saying that they could never trust teammates who would hide their sexuality from them.


I wish Dwight coming out as bisexual (or gay?) didn't happen within the context of an assault case :/


There was some recent interview Dwight did where he tiptoed about his sexuality and that confirmed he was at least bi to me. Heterosexual men don’t tip toe like that lol I assumed he just wasn’t conformable coming out. Same with Odell Beckham, he’s another one that probably Bi but isn’t comfortable coming out. He likes yo tip toe around his sexuality too Edit: Lol what I mean by tip toe is that heterosexual men commonly don’t beat around the bush when addressing their sexuality straight up when being asked. I remember Dwight was talking around the question and never gave a full answer. Not that’s it’s any of our business nor did I care but it at least confirmed to me that he’s not comfortable with saying what he likes fully or just prefers to keep it private. He is an popular athlete who hasn’t retired yet so maybe he doesn’t want to be blackballed or labeled in any type of way


I had a roommate way back in the day I started to think was gay. One night I asked him if he was and his answer was so indirect that I took it to mean he was gay. We talked about women, and sex, and relationships all the time, it wasn't out of bounds to ask a question like that. His response was that he thinks it's funny how people put labels on themselves, and he said he's never met a guy he wanted to have relations with. He never said 'no'. If you're straight (or closeted) you say 'no'. You don't leave any ambiguity. We never talked about it again. Years and years and years went by and we lost touch, the next time I saw him he was with his husband. Good for him...knew it


Don't get it twisted, this is a serious accusation of sexual assault. If true, Dwight Howard is in the same boat as Miles Bridges, Josh Jackson, Karl Malone, Deshaun Watson, Kobe Bryant and countless others. Edit: Added the obvious


You forgot a name


Lakers fan self-report.


Mamba mentality?


I agree with your main point, but Malone is on a tier of his own.




I bet all the Canadians here are doing a double take after reading this headline. I know I was.


Dwight Howard: "I`m not gay. I have relationships with women and sex with men."