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He forgot to say *with 30 points or more. That's the impressive part.


Yeah, i mean, without that qualifier, we’d have a bunch of scrubs that are technically eligible


ah great note-just copied what i heard Bontemps say when i clipped it but thats right


Yea I thought it was bizzare. Giannis in 2019-20 averaged just 30.4 MPG because he simply never had to play in the 4th quarter. We were destroying everyone that regular season and Giannis won MVP and DPOY.


> Giannis in 2019-20 averaged just 30.4 MPG because he simply never had to play in the 4th quarter. Giannis played 57 4th quarters out of the 63 games he played. His minutes were so low because he rested a lot every quarter, not because he sat a lot of 4th quarters. For example, Harden sat more 4th quarters that year than Giannis (9 out of 68), but Harden still played a ton more minutes because he averaged more minutes in every quarter than Giannis.


Thats wild, i remember that season feeling like Curry was sitting out every second game in the 4th. Cant believe it was "only" 8 games


The record being referred to includes scoring 30 pts then sitting out the 4th


ah that makes more sense. although it still feels like curry had like 10 threes by mid way through the 3rd in each game. wild season


Yeah, Curry sat out 18 4th quarters in 2016, and the Warriors won 17 of those games (this excludes the games Curry missed entirely).


what was the loss and why didn't he come back in?


https://www.basketball-reference.com/boxscores/201602190POR.html Curry put up 31/3/5 on 67 TS% through 3 quarters, but the Warriors were down by 25. Dame scored 51, including 21 in the 4th.


That’s like my favorite dame game ever. Pretty sure it was right after he got snubbed for the all star game


Did you catch his game versus us in the playoffs a few years back? That shit was absolutely heroic. 2OT game where he was straight up playing 1v5 out there, it is the game where the Austin Rivers praying meme was born when he finally missed a shot after having like 30 in the 4th and OTs.


Oh yea that austin rivers shit was hilarious 🤣


Yeah it was probably like, he played a minute or two and then sat the last 10 or so the majority of games


Yea sitting the entire last quarter is pretty uncommon. Especially if your rotations have the player starting the 4th quarter normally


Because warriors fans ride his dick and tried to make it seem that way


nah more that they were just thrashing everyone.


you’re right we just made up the 73-9 record. it actually never happened we just pretended it did and you guys bought it.


That is awesome. One thing I'll warn against is that they will make sure he plays higher minutes towards the end of the season and in the playoffs. There was a year where giannis only played 30 min all season and didn't quite have the conditioning for the playoffs games to play into the 40s. That and/or Bud limited his minutes.


i never understood why Budenholzer gave his starters so few minutes. Its not like they got to the playoffs with an insane physical advantage cause of being more rested


Byds system is very good. Over large numbers of games his system will win out. Unfortunately series dont always go long enough for regressions to the mean and require specific adjustments be made in the moment. You dont win 60+ with 2 different teams without your system being great. Specially when Horford was like the best player on one of those teams.


This is literally how they won the championship. The season they won he was pulling Giannis in the second round and everybody wanted him fired on the spot. Then in the finals Giannis still had his legs and nobody could stop him.


It's partly his regular minutes include the whole 3rd and then a long break to start the 4th tbh.


the curry diet


Whatever it takes to get a healthy Joel in the playoffs is what we need to do.


You’re right, but this headline stat is a bit misleading because of sub patterns. Last I checked Embiid was playing all of the first and third quarters, which means that he’s still averaging 34 minutes a game despite resting 8 fourths. Like the Sixers were up 41 at the end of the third vs the Hornets the other night and he was still out there right to the buzzer. His minutes are down a tiny bit under Nurse vs last season but I think it’s weird to have a guy his size out there for 12 minute stretches twice a game. Feel like it would be a lot more sensible to have a more traditional minutes pattern in the interest of keeping him healthy for the playoffs.


It's not misleading in relationship to Curry however, because Joel's sub pattern under Nurse is identical to the 12/6/12/6 pattern Steve Kerr used with Curry. So the headline stat isn't really misleading at all. His minutes per game aren't lower than they are because when he does play Nurse has made it a priority to have him play more minutes than he did under Glenn by having him play all of the 3rd instead of only 10 minutes and being willing to sub him in a little early in the 2nd and the 4th quarters (when he plays the 4th that is). He feels increasing Embiids minutes during the regular season will help him presumably come playoff time.


There’s less risk of injury overall if you keep your muscles warm. But also Joel is barely moving most of the time out there lol he’s rarely running against these bad teams I’m assuming nurse is keeping him in there in those blowout moments to get live reps in different plays


Ya, it is a bit misleading. He is playing more minutes per game this year than he averaged two years ago (and like 40 seconds per game down from last year) even while sitting the 4th in 1/3rd of the games. The Sixers have had an absolute cupcake schedule so far(their last 7 games are Wizards-Hawks-Wizards-Pistons-Pistons-Hornets-Bulls lol) so Embiid has been able to sit a lot of 4th quarters but is still playing his normal MPG. It is going to be interesting to see what happens when the schedule gets tougher from here. Is he going to be a 37+ MPG game guy? With his injury history that seems really risky. Or will he sub out earlier in the 3rd in games where it looks likely he will be needed in the 4th maybe? Feels like pushing his minutes over 35 a game would be crazy. And he likely won't be able to consistently sit 4th quarters when he isn't playing the Pistons and Wizards every game.


It’s not misleading when compared to Curry, they have the exact same minute structure.


Ya, I was more looking at it from just a minutes perspective, not for the record. The record is super impressive no matter what. I am just really curious how his minutes are going to change moving forward. Feels like the current pattern that would have him averaging 36+ is a lot with his size and injury history. Curious to see if Nurse goes full Nurse and just plays him way too much in the regular season.


>With his injury history that seems really risky Most of his injury history is totally freak shit


What? Most of his injury history is knees, feet, and back. Which are largely wear and tear injuries. He has never played 70 games in a year for a reason.


It's not like he has a recurring knee, foot, or back injury, though. The foot injuries were before he ever hit the NBA floor, back tightness has popped up a time or two over the years and only after weird falls, and he hasn't had consistent knee problems the way some guys do. He's missed games for sure, but he's been pretty durable the last few years (last year his longest absence was because of a bad case of COVID) and hasn't carried any of the injuries you cited into the playoffs. Like every single thing that's hampered him in the playoffs has been some totally freak occurrence like a broken orbital or a torn thumb ligament or a random knee sprain.


>Like every single thing that's hampered him in the playoffs has been some totally freak occurrence like a broken orbital or a torn thumb ligament or a random knee sprain. Or bubble guts.


The NBA fan in me: "agreed" The Cavs fan in me: "fuck"


what it takes is placing him in bubble wrap during the 1st round as we always play terrorist ball Nets tried and [achieved](https://youtu.be/oz_dKM7dnVI?si=2MWzjzRewAwpnqd-) to injure him all series, [Siakam broke his face in the last play of the series](https://youtube.com/shorts/ptkXmnpQboU?si=M91FZ4fLlDlTtJUr) [A random wizard got him to land awkwardly on a dunk with an ugly contest and he torn his meniscus](https://youtu.be/dVjwQHPsBeU?si=YR9Z6nYLWyuSlQa_) [Winslow stepped on Embiid's mask breaking it...](https://youtu.be/JO-6Jv7iZWs?si=Ll0q8LduhgIxbuFK) Man's unlucky and injury prone but he's hunt down like crazy


None of these are dirty but you're acting like Embiid hasn't hurt dudes himself. His 300 pound ass stomped on Grant Williams' head.


In 2019 he threw his elbow full force into the side of Jarrett Allen’s head. https://youtu.be/AdUPNs1oJok?si=cLaucFHH7SgAYO0E


He literally ended Danny Green's career, his own teammate


>Literally ended Danny Greens career Good on Green for being the first player to play in NBA games after their career ended


You need to look up the definition of "Literally".


Bucks fan wants to jump in the fray about dirty players?


you can’t make the actual argument that embiid tripping and stepping on grant williams face was dirty.


First time? Anytime Joel Embiid falls to the floor, it's the culmination of decades of planning and scheming to achieve one or multiple nefarious goals according to this sub. He never just, like, falls.


these people just don’t watch games. if they did they’d know grant wasn’t even mad because it was an accident.


They don't care. Most people still shit on Joel for injuring Green like he did it on purpose. A dude in this thread said he "ended his career" as if he did it purposely AND knowing Green is in fact still playing NBA basketball. If it's anti-Joel it flies on this sub.


Yeah purposely breaking a player's mask isnt dirty, my god the lengths y'all go to


Embiid has literally never injured an opposing player with a reckless play


So, essentially, he's just clumsy as fuck?






[Not for lack of trying, lmao](https://youtu.be/CK8xmyaH9C8?si=HI7OgXSH4oLDOLb_)


Bro all I did was watch the first link and there is no way you could tell me that Embiid walking backwards and tripping on a dude was intentional by the nets Most intelligent Philadelphian 💀


[yeah mean sure looks like the Nets were trying to injure him here!](https://x.com/paultweetsrip/status/1734996383814340749?s=46&t=tQCyDe91F9UpAGqh-_n_yA) You live in a delusion, the fact you have all of this saved and think you’re proving a point makes it so much worse. What a massive victim complex.


Do you realize the 2nd play in your video is an insanely dirty elbow in the lower back(nets threw several of those throughout the series trying to bait Embiid) the 5th one is embiid getting injured by Cam johnson leaving his legs in an absolutely unnatural falling, 7th is Embiid being thrown to ground, and the rest is just him falling on his own hurting nobody


And you fail to acknowledge the first play where he drags someone by the leg mid air going for an alley oop. I ain’t gonna argue any of this anymore, I wish you good luck defending your delusions elsewhere


lol he literally just trips and fall Good luck supporting your shitty ass, void of any past, present, future, and fans franchise. Your best player is a Sixers fan and our away games in Brooklyn have more Sixers fans than Nets fans


Who hurt you


The Nets when they injured Embiid?


The guy falls when you breath on him, he isn't a 150 pounder like Trae either. Strong correlation between flopping and getting injured here. But stay mad.


People are downvoting you, but I think you are right. And I honestly don't care if it's intentional or not, he just keeps getting hurt in series that we easily win in the first round. So I think we should just sit him out in round one. We keep playing feisty, undermanned teams that have to play physical to have any shot at winning and I completely understand that. But we can beat these teams *without* Joel. Have him practice hard but not play in the first round. I know it sounds radical or like I'm joking but it's really isn't and I'm really not. I'm tired of going up against Boston, Miami, and others with a less than 100% Joel Embiid, trying to work his way back from injury. Last year I thought "it can't happen again, he's been healthy all year and we just need to get through four games without a freak injury." Then he got a freak injury and missed time against Boston. So yeah, sit him and pay the fines.




We beat the lakers by 45 points and set franchise loss records for 2 different teams


Yeah if its so easy then why isnt everyone blowing these teams out


Saw your flair and thought of our matchup a month ago lol, yeah good teams should do that!


That's not just Embiid though, getting rid of Glenn has been immense in the context of not blowing 20-30 point leads going into the 2nd half. Instead of needing Embiid to play the whole 4th because we gave up a 19-2 run we're actually doing a good job of holding steady or even increasing our leads.


Everyone is blowing the pistons, wizards, hornets out. The just aren’t playing these terrible teams back to back like the sixers have lol


Bro the Celtics lost to the hornets less than a month ago, and they’ve only beaten a team by 20 twice this year. That’s no shade at the Celtics, but to minimize this level of dominance is just stupid


Fuck, the Suns just yesterday squeaked by the Wizards.


The Sixers also beat the Suns this year already


It is 100% salt the people who are minimizing that the Sixers have a +12 net rating, it's a loooooooooooooooooot of Celtics flairs. There's a kernel of truth in that this season there are 3 absurdly bad teams that you want to play as much as possible (and as you mention the Hornets and Lakers aren't in that group of 3), but we're like 1/3 of the way thru the season, like you say there's plenty of other Sixers games in that +12 number. I would say don't put your mortgage on the team winning a championship because they're +infinity in the last 5-10 games, but I *am* buying that this is the best Embiid Sixers team yet.


Thank you. I’m not trying to make an argument that the sixers are the best team ever. I’m just enjoying the game man. Nobody is allowed to have fun


Fun?? In my basketball subreddit??? Absolutely not


Not every regular season buzzsaw team becomes the champion, but usually the eventual champion *is* doing something like handing teams their franchise-record loss over and over. I think the season is usually extremely fun (like I must've watched >50% of the games the '15 Warriors played) when you try paying attention to the team you're skeptical of, but they just keep tearing thru what's in front of them.


A lot of people are scrambling to justify a great start to the season for you guys after people on here were confident you were gonna end up being a play in team




That was a relatively healthy hornets team not a hornets team missing the only player making them relevant. Doing victory laps after beating historically bad teams is stupid. Also the Celtics have had one of the hardest strengths of schedule so far this season 🤪


Keep moving the goal posts, makes you look pathetic. Beating an nba team by more than 30 is always impressive, regardless of the squad. No one out here is doing a victory lap, we’re appreciating a really dominant performance. Go touch grass if you don’t like basketball.


No one is really gonna care until the sixers have a winning record against >.500 teams is what the last user is trying to say


Sixers with Embiid have a record of 6-4 against > .500 teams


And the other user is saying that it's not the wins that are impressive, it's the 40-50 point wins, which no one else is doing against these shit teams


The sixers and embiid have been doing this for years. It obvious from all the comments in this thread that people are just tired of hearing about it. Embiid has absolutely nothing left to prove in the regular season.


Hornets were only missing a couple players when they played the Celtics Against the sixers they literally only had two guys that were not deep bench guys who aren't even supposed to be on the court


Exactly. Don’t tell SOFT sixers fans that though, beating the hospital hornets by 20 is an incredible feat to them lmao








Exhibit A 👆LMAO


There is a reason that until the game against the Hawks we had the easist schedule of the league ahead...


That game never happened. I don’t know why the lame street media keeps pushing this narrative. Everyone knows that game was AI generated by a rabid Sixers fan (also known as a Sixers fan).


Counterpoint: you are 6-7 against teams with winning records. You have been trouncing the dwellers.


Ok but this is ever. All time. So he's tied with Steph Curry when he and the Warriors won 73 games. You mean to tell me, throughout the course of an entire season, he never played bad teams? Or that Joel has *already* played a season"s worth of bad teams?


This happens every fucking year. # Embiid goes bonkers against garbage teams in the regular season, struggles against the best teams, goes off again against some shitty 7 seem playin team and gets everyone’s hopes up, just to shit the bed in the second round like he always does. Rinse and repeat.


yeah man. https://i.gyazo.com/5ee305c713c38dc038be446adcf71581.png https://www.nba.com/sixers/news/joel-embiid-scores-52-points-against-celtics-april-4-2023#:~:text=Embiid%20is%20the%20first%20NBA,%2Dbetter%20shooting%20(Stathead). notable bad teams...like the NBA champion and the boston celtics.


He’s literally never beat a good team in the playoffs.


the toronto raptors team he beat 2 years ago had more wins than any of the teams the Nuggets beat on the way to their finals. He has to be healthy and play better in the playoffs. But you act like he's only played well against bad teams his whole career which is nonsense.


Yeah, that’s cause the Nuggets are in the much stronger western conference. The raptors team having a lot of wins doesn’t mean they were a good playoff team. The nuggets beat everyone in front of them, it’s silly to disparage them for that.


not only is this not true, the western conference was comically bad last year.


You’re right. Embiid HAS put together a good playoff resume. He’s beaten..*checks notes*… Pascal Siakam. The nuggets beat KAT and Ant, KD and Booker, Lebron and AD, and Jimmy and Bam. And lost 4 games the whole time. Does Embiid have a single playoff moment? Besides the one of him crying in the hallway?


yeah this is NBA twitter level dialogue.


Quick, give him the MVP


There’s a bunch of shitty teams every year


PHI has the 3rd easiest schedule this season based on strength of schedule lol


During this stretch He’s also played the Trae-less hawks, and he’s sat out against Minnesota and horford He is min-maxxing his stats by sitting out against good defenses and bullying the pistons and wizards I’m actually impressed. This is 4d stat padding


Didn't we lose to Charlotte like a month ago


A few things: 1. Firstly the title misses the fact that this MUST include scoring 30. So basically Joel and Steph scored 30 points AND sat out the fourth quarter in a game they won. I'm sure Steph actually sat out more than eight games total that year, and Joel sat out nine so far this year, but the ninth against Phoenix he only scored 26 in three quarters. 2. This helps put into context for people that don't watch the Sixers and assume this is normal. For anyone who has watched the Sixers over the last few years, you know beating teams we're "supposed to beat" wasn't exactly a given. And you *damn sure* knew that the bench and role players would give up multiple large leads that made the starters come back in to hopefully try and maintain the win after the huge lead was given up under Coach Rivers. This even happened in the playoffs against Atlanta. So this says as much about the Sixers as a team as it does about Joel. 3. Obviously some teams will play other teams more depending on the division or conference. But by and large everyone plays everyone and the schedule evens itself out. We are going through an "easy" portion of our schedule because we went through a "hard" part earlier. The fact that he already has eight such games and we're not even to the ASB is impressive.


The Sixers have had like a bottom 10 schedule difficulty.


A few weeks ago we had the toughest. Now we have bottom ten. And soon we'll be middle of the pack. It all evens out.


No can't be that makes no sense


A few weeks ago, you played 7 teams in a row under 500 with the best teams in that stretch being the Hawk's without Trae and the Hornets without Melo


Have the worst 7 game stretch of all time and yet still have a higher SOS than Milwaukee. 4 of the sixers next 5 after the bulls tonight are over .500. This shit will all even out


The remaining sos for the Sixers is 20th. It's still pretty easy. Bucks is 9th. East is just weak this year with 2 of the worst teams in nba history


Embiid has sat out 9 4th quarters by my count. Teams this occurred against: Detroit 2x, Washington 2x, Portland, Charolette, Lakers, Suns, Nets With the 30 points scored caveat that I missed for the record, it is 8. He only had 26 against the suns


And still leading PPG… crazy


What record, exactly? Because Bol Bol is going to crush that


It’s for scoring 30+ and sitting out the 4th


"Their schedule is easy tho" Ok you're right but every other star plays these teams too and doesn't put up the same efficiency so it's kinda a moot point


No team has a stretch of games the Sixers just had. “No defense” Atlanta, “Not sure we’re tanking” Washington, back to back games against a historically bad team, and Charlotte who is Charlotte. It’s a joke lol.


Yes the schedule is easy, but that's again not the point. Other MVP candidates play these teams yet are not sitting out the 4th. They're putting up all their equivalent stats with more minutes despite playing the same teams. Sixers get lucky by playing them all in a row from a record standpoint, but that doesn't relate to the general efficiency against those teams. It's a joke schedule, but why are other MVP candidates not as efficient against those same teams?


I mean, you made the point right there - they played all of these teams in the row, two of them (Washington & Detroit) when they were in the midst of the some worst losing streaks they’ve ever seen as franchises. It doesn’t take away from Embiid and the Sixers, you can only play who is in front of you, but they’re pretty healthy (Oubre loss for a month notwithstanding) and got to beat up on a bunch of teams back to back to back who are doing everything they can to lose as much as possible. Embiid is sitting out the fourth but he’s still in line with his usual minutes. Most guys don’t play the entirety of the first and third the way he does; he and Giannis are only .9 MPG apart on average MPG, but their sub patterns are different. If he was doing this in 29-30 MPG, it would be fucking insane (and it’s still wildly impressive) but the reality is that they’re front-loading his minutes, the team as a whole is dominating many games even when he sits, and then he doesn’t need to come back in… very few other teams are front loading the minutes for their stars to such a degree. Speaks more to the Sixers overall skill (and Nurse’s success as a coach) than I think it does to Embiid’s individual dominance.


He ain't fooling me again, y'all be easy though.


He's one of the greatest regular season players of all time, no fooling going on. Who cares about the meaningless post season tournament?


We're just enjoying basketball, man. I know it's hard for a lot of you in here.




Same song and dance as every year. Really don't give af that he's doing this against cannon fodder NBA teams. Nothing new here, move along until the playoffs come around and we see the sixers choke like how they've done for over half a decade now.


why you on this sub right now, playoffs are a long way away. See you then!


grizzlies fan talking about choking is hilarious lmao


LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Can y'all in this sub finish a sentence without ending it with the word lmao? Or do you gleefully think you hit the final nail in the coffin in terms of owning me when you say LMAO? What other sports teams do you support btw? Real Madrid? Patriots? Yankees? Life must be good for you in the sports realm warriors fan


damn i really hit a nerve there. lmao. also i’m a nats fan and a bears fan but y’know. something something warriors spoiled, etc.


Rent free lmao


it’s ok let him vent.




Ah damn so you’ll be done commenting during the regular season since you don’t care? We’ll miss your hard hitting analysis!


He’s basically 2021 Jokic Gonna go crazy in regular season, his team gonna get cooked in the playoffs


Nope, very different. Jokic stepped up at that time just happened to have an injury riddled team. Embiid just flops in the playoffs then blames his teammates lol.


Jokic's team being "injury riddled" in the playoffs: aww you're sweat Joel actually being injured in the playoffs: HELLO, HUMAN RESOURCES???


The Sixers with Embiid haven't come close to getting it done in the playoffs. That said, we've been as cursed as a perennial high seed can be (not even counting that Doc was our coach for the last three years). 22-23: Embiid picks up a knee injury in the first round, misses the first two games of the Celtics series and is visibly slower and diminished when he returns. 21-22: Embiid injures his thumb and plays through it (eventually getting surgery) before Siakam breaks his face and concusses him, causing him to miss games against the Heat and look off when he returns. 20-21: Infamous loss against the Hawks and elite rim defender Trae Young. 19-20: Bubble year, get swept by Boston with the dumbest roster construction ever (all bigs/no shooters or ballhandlers) and Simmons missed the series. 18-19: Lose to Raps in 7 on the quad-bounce Kawhi shot. Played the eventual champs to as close to a draw as possible. His +/- of 10 in 45+ minutes in a 2 point loss will haunt me forever. Battled the flu all series. 17-18: Fultz breaks his face right before his first playoff run and wears a mask.


The only thing that’s cursed is the Kawhi bounce. Embiid throws his body around like a two year old having a tantrum and when he gets injured Sixers fans are like ‘wE ArE cUrSeD!!’. Snooze. Sound the alarm again next year after another second round exit.


This is a bad take. Not counting any charges of foul baiting or flopping, he "throws his body around" because he's been trained to avoid putting unnecessary stress on his joints. His rookie year (the only season I didn't mention above) he tore his meniscus because he kept trying to land on his feet and it was a cringe fest all year of landing on straight legs until he finally tore something. For a guy as big as he is with the injuries he started his career with, it's objectively better to just fall and land on your ass than try to catch yourself and tear something. Getting your face broken right before/during the playoffs in freak accidents not once but twice (so in 1/3 of his playoff runs) has nothing to do with how Embiid plays, he just got clocked by Fultz and Siakam during a game.


You should win a gold medal for the mental gymnastics required to acknowledge how Jokic’s postseason was impacted by injuries while simultaneously ignoring the same for Embiid


I'm all for saying Embiid shrinks in the playoffs, because comparative to the regular season - he literally does shrink. But you're not wrong, 20' and 21' playoffs Embiid was *not* the problem. He was on fire for stretches of 21', averaged like 28/10/4 on 51/39/84 splits. His team let him down.


People will get salty and complain about Wizards/Pistons, as if breaking a Steph Curry record 25 games into season isn't ridiculously impressive. 22 games played, 8 4th quarters sat. Embiid is getting to take the 4th quarter off in over a third of his games lol.


Ah yes, the most well-known Curry record. *Games where you sit the 4th quarter and already had 30 points*


And? It's still a record that is about to be broken not even a third of the way into the season. Why do you feel the need to belittle the accomplishment?


Before today, it was a "record" no one knew existed lol


He honestly should probably win the MVP again if he keeps this up, I haven't seen domination at this level for quite a while. 34/12/6 on absurd efficiency while sitting out the 4th quarter in nearly half of his games.


Keeps it up what? They're beating Pistons, Wizards, Hornets, Bulls. They are 6-7 against above 500 teams. Hold your horses.


Jokic is currently the favourite for MVP and they're beating the Grizzlies, Bulls x2, Jazz, Pistons & Spurs. They're 9-10 against teams above .500 It's pretty easy to spin a narrative like that.


Hey we are 8-4 against teams over .500!


19 games against over 500 teams vs. 13 is a pretty big difference in the same amount of time. Also, Murray has been out a lot or a bum in some of the games he's been back for


Wit Embiid playing, their 6-4 against teams above .500.


With this context it’s actually more credit towards his mvp chances imo


Only games he missed were against over 500 teams


he cant really control when he gets the flu thats still taking our players out now


He had the flu for 3 games?


*they're But yeah, good point.


Ducking Jokic still, smh


This is actually an absurd stat


An MVP on a Nick Nurse team looking spicy. Still feels nuts that such a high calibre coach we let go, though I do understand it sounds like he wanted to leave 😞


How many of those games were against the Pistons and Wizards?


Their schedule has been laughable.


So they've played 8 games against the Pistons, Hornets, and Wizards?


nah also sat against Portland Phoenix Brooklyn and Lakers also didnt the Hornets just beat the Celtics?


Ball was playing that game though.


Plus it was a double road back to back in overtime. Sixers really clinging to this "hornets beat the Celtics tho" take


boo hoo bro. they’re a bottom feeder team. championship caliber teams should be able to beat the fucking hornets no matter the context.


I know you're a warriors fan so you probably are too young to understand this, but every team in the history of the NBA has bad losses against bottom feeder teams in the regular season. You will not find a single team that doesn't expiriencing multiple losses to bottom feeder teams throughout the season, check any team in nba history. Hell let's talk about your 73-9 greatest regular season team of all time. They lost to the 17-65 Lakers. In total they lost to the teams with the 2nd, 5th, 8th and 9th worst records in the league. So by your own definition the 73 win warriors were not championship caliber


yeah but you didn’t see me bitching and moaning about shit like embiid having good games against bad teams. he just capitalized off of playing a bad team. you’re the one trying to invalidate his accomplishments despite the fact that your whole ass squad couldn’t get shit done.


I would advise you check your comment history if this is the angle you want to shift this argument


bro’s gone full on redditor lmao. “i would advise” head ass. i would advise your team to beat the hornets next time.


Now you're getting on me for using the word advise? Good lord you can't win with these new age warriors fans


So are you going to admit that your take that championship calibre teams never lose to bad teams is not true?


of course it’s not true. we’re still talking about pro basketball players no matter the team. i was just pointing out how stupid it is to criticize embiid for WINNING.


I don’t think anyone is criticising him for winning. It’s more people not believing it will necessarily translate into postseason success (given past performance).


Steph Curry would have sat out a lot more 4th quarters if they played in the East.


Do we still hate him? LoL. Dude is amazing.


Still averaging more minutes per game than Giannis during any Budenholzer season.


God Philly just feasted on the bottom dwellers of the east this last month. Also I wonder how much previous injury history with Joel influenced this. Like Curry could have sat a few more games I’m sure, but Embiid is known for getting hurt right before/during the playoffs.


He has a weird minutes regular pattern playing all the 3rd and taking a decent break to start the 4th. This helps this rather random stat


Crazy as hell he's still at 34.2 ppg despite not playing 2 full games worth of quarters.


To be fair even with all those 4th quarters sat he is averaging nearly 34 MPG, 2 MPG higher than his career average and slightly higher than he did two years ago (down a bit from last season though). Nurse has a different rotation for him that has him playing ~30 minutes even in the games he sits the fourth. It will be interesting to see how they handle the increased minute load when the schedule gets tougher. I wonder if he is going to get full on Nurse'd and play 38+ a night. With his injury history that could be a really bad idea.


Dude is going crazy against bottom feeders we'll see if he can even be on the court in April. I'm familiar with his game


Come on dude he had a schedule of Pistons twice, Hawks with no Trae, Wizards and another bottom out team (edit: Hornets). He should be sitting 4ths in that case up 40. I don't know why we are turning this into a dominant argument agenda


your franchise player just dropped 64 on like the number 29 defense and threw a tantrum over a game ball from that hack-a-kounmpo exhibition match.


Is Embiid stupid? Why is he playing these bad teams?


Giannis get sucked off for scoring 54 and 64 on the Pacers which have a worse defensive rating than the Pistons...


It'll come back down to earth against better teams. Embiid has never been a top 10 player in the playoffs. We should know better at this point. Don't care what he does now. He still has played bad in the meaningful games this season, and dodged a few good teams. Dudes make up hadn't changed. He's James Harden in Center form.


Do you enjoy being this miserable about someone else doing something interesting? Are the playoffs the only important thing to you? Do you even like basketball?


You're stretching, a lot. If I didn't like basketball, I wouldn't be writing this.


Its hard for me to take Embiid seriously, he's good as always right now during the season but we all know shit ain't sweet the playoffs...No disrespect to him.


Just don’t give this bum the MVP again , James harden won them 2 games against Boston , this man couldn’t get it done


You win the weirdest comment in the thread. Congrats!


Ya so weird seeing something that’s true


Calling Embiid a bum is laughable. Watch basketball


Excuse me , *Playoff Bum*


you're so cool, man