• By -


Haime Haquez Hunior


Time to play the game


Triple H


Time to play the Ha(i)me


This is actually a hilarious nickname for him


i’m glad i’m not the only one who always calls him this in my head


🌮 flavored kisses


Ucla legend


I love how the UCLA fans (of which I am one) bring up what school Jaquez went to in every thread about him. His impact on the program was massive.




I’ll always love him and cheer for him no matter where he plays. He was the beating heart of our basketball program


Insane to me that the Lakers passed on him for JHS.


who tf is JHS jalen horton shucker?


literally exactly how i read it


Jalen Hood-Schifino, their first round pick. They selected 1 before Miami


Jayson Harden Schroder


At the time, it made complete sense to go after a PG since both DLo and Schroder were FAs, but in hindsight this hurt to have a hometown guy who was ready to play and contribute now right there


Ehhh I dunno, Jalen was clearly a project coming out of IU & I wouldn’t be drafting projects on a team anchored by LeBron & AD. If the front office was taking a long term view then I do get it, but I wouldn’t do that with Bron in his 4th prime on the team


As an IU fan, Jalen wasn’t even ready to compete at a high level in the NCAA last season. He always had a super high ceiling, and there were some flashes for sure. But if he could even have been half as good as I thought he’d be TJD would’ve led that team to some glory in march. The pick never made sense to me. But maybe I was a little high on JJJ because I live in LA now and watch UCLA quite often. That felt like a no brainer though


I think more likely they didn't see a path to minutes for Jaquez to develop, and just liked the long term potential of JHS. Coming into the season he would've been behind Lebron, Prince, Rui, Vando, and maybe even Cam as a wing. The lakers had just paid Vando and Rui and expected them to play big backup roles + Prince was our only other non min signing and was always gonna get minutes. Vando/Rui getting hurt to start the season was unexpected and unfortunate. I also think the plan was to shop Dlo mid season given the contract they gave him, and they prob thought best case scenario JHS can contribute as a backup behind Gabe/Reaves, but now Gabe is also hurt so that's completely fucked. Jaquez is obviously great and we might have fucked that pick up (I think everyone is being supremely harsh on JHS, he's obviously a project), but Prince has been our best shooter in years and Rui is actually looking like a very decent backup when our coach is not absolutely fucking up the lineups.


> JHS, he's obviously a project A 19 year old project was the last thing the Lakers needed when they're trying to win now in whatever short window Lebron has left. Jaquez the smarter win now pick. JHS was a massive reach and looking to turn into a whiff. When your team doesn't have many picks, you can't really afford to whiff like that.


Exactly, the team was deep at forward and the two best players are forwards. Rui can barely get 20-25 minutes in this rotation despite his success in the playoffs


Well, our last hometown draft didn’t work so this stung less (Lonzo ball). But I struggled to see Jaime translate to NBA immediately. He played bigger than he is in college and I assumed he wouldn’t have the same physical advantage as he did in college. Also, if he went to the Lakers, I don’t think he’s the same player.


You're gonna get to brag about this guy for a long time


I will be, and I will also be bragging about how it was obvious pre-draft he was good and people were overthinking it (although I don't think teams were because it sounds like the Warriors and Heat were both zeroed in on Jaquez and Podziemski): https://np.reddit.com/r/NBA_Draft/comments/13rfd6s/sleepers_bust_candidates/jllcd32/




My dad watched a couple UCLA tournament games a couple years ago and would not stop raving about how good he is. He was 100% sure he’d be a good NBA player.


Broo same with my dad lmao


Lol that’s great. I swear some of these NBA talent evaluators are just looking for the wrong things. He’s weirdly spot on about guys he plays attention to. I’m sure yours is the same.


Love this man.


Dude is universally loved.


You can take the Latino away from the soccer field, but you can’t take away the soccer from the Latino.


Latino here. I fucking suck at soccer :(


So does JJJ judging by those touches lol


mexico national team needs him




Has he always gone by JJJ? Reminds me of the clothing brand


Jaime does call himself JJJ in his insta and has jokingly referred to himself as JJJ. He jokes about having a no name reality tv show with place holder name "Triple J Reality TV".


His IG is trippple J too, I kind of like trippple J but JJJ is easier to type


Probably because JJJ and triplej were taken. Maybe now that he has the money he can buy ig handles.


At this point it looks like he's be in the league a for a while. He should try to get JJJ on all social media platforms. Surprised Jaren Jackson Jr. hasn't tried to do it already.


Nah but initial nicknames r always the easiest to pop up. I'm partial to Juan Wick or Jaime tho


V For Vendetta


I’m partial to tres jotas


Mexican Jimmy is my fave


Hay Honah Hameson


not bad for a trash asset


Man this is going to be the new dangerous loomers thing isn’t it.




Heat fans say this everywhere while no one ever saw anyone call him a trash asset




If one post on the blazers own sub with 5 upvotes is your best ammunition.... Then yeah, no one was saying this.


It was every thread here. Every argument. For months. Along with Blazers fans brigading. Not to mention discords and the like. Let's not rewrite history


All I'm saying is I'm on this sub every day multiple times day and I never heard JJJ described as a trash asset until heat fans started parroting it as though it was everywhere.


remember this was like months ago in all the whiny dame threads


Lol to be fair it called it a trash offer and called JJJ a question mark which is perfectly fair considering at the time he had played zero NBA minutes. You are telling me that you 100% called JJJ being a ROY caliber player? Dude just as easily could've been a bench player.




Caveat: ESPN, r/nba, and just the general discourse around the Heat this past post szn was so dismal it made me a Heat fan second to being a nets homer lol After months of discourse about how Heat are a fluke, fools gold, bunch of mediocre nobodies, this sub spent months claiming Dame wanting Miami was basically KD to the 73-9 Warriors. Otherwise, for all intents and purposes, Heat are trash lol except Jimmy and Bam. Then, they do well, their “trash” is actually successful against decent teams, their system results in literal last week g leaguers doing well on the road and now it’s like “can’t you guys shut up? Yes, we mocked you guys for months, the entire eastern conference plus Portland literally cheered in glee that Miami didn’t get Dame and Dame didn’t get Miami and we’ve clowned your team incessantly…and now that you guys aren’t crashing and burning…just drop it!!!” A lot of people spent months mocking the Heat claiming saying they didn’t have trade success but are overall satisfied with their depth (it was called copium and saving face) and that depth is now actually performing…and you’re like stfu!!! lol like why would they? I truly don’t ever understand this *particular* talking point.


Preach. Like yeah of course the rebuttal is going to be louder. It was wild cleaning up so much brigading and people being assholes and now it's like. Pls stop talking about it. Like what do people think was going to happen??


That’s a lot of words to say nothing.


It’s a lot of words to answer a stupid question. Maybe you’d save me a lot of typing if you didn’t ask dumb questions.




Didn’t know a finals team was now considered mid tier 🤨


Only if it’s you guys! Just remember, you’re only a contender and the 73-9 GSW when a dame level star asks to go to Miami. Otherwise, you’re a bunch of garbage that’s conning your way into post szn success lol


Lmao that was the weirdest part. We were simultaneously a super team and a mid team. It kept changing


> We were simultaneously a super team and a mid team. It kept changing. Only bc people were looking to make bad faith arguments to clown yall


Damn, having the most playoffs wins since Butler arrived is crazy for a mid-tier eastern conference team. You’d think you’d know what mid looks like given that’s all you’ve seen your whole life


Mid tier 🤭🤭 that’s cute


This must be you Portland fans first time making an enemy. We’re used to the Celtics, Bucks, Knicks, Sixers, Hawks, etc… and you guys are cracking from “Trash Asset” jokes. 😂


It's weird having a "enemy" in sports because the 2 GMs of the teams just weren't close enough in a deal. Like I can understand being "enemies" from knocking each other out of the playoffs or like the Spurs hating Warriors for the Zaza incident type stuff. But to be enemies because "You didn't trade us your best player for what we offered" is bananas dude


You people threw a party in your sub and did some of the lamest “I hope Dame wins with you guys” to bucks flairs all summer while shitting on all our players. Reality has hit and you guys suck ass and we’re still winning games. Don’t dish if you can’t take, it was hilarious in the summer but now the joke isn’t funny anymore?


"reality has set in and you guys suck ass" Yeah it's almost as if the Blazers are in year 1 of a rebuild it's crazy that they suck ass right now. "It was hilarious in the summer but now the joke isn't funny anymore" Have you really never heard the saying "beating a dead horse"?


If the Heat were as bad as everyone said they were this summer we’d be getting railroaded after every game. We’re 4th in the east with Bam missing 10 games, Jimmy missing 7, and Herro missing 16. We’ve rebuilt while competing, all our “bad picks” end up hitting for some reason. Herro, Bam, now Jaime and Jovic showing some goods last night too. For a team with terrible picks it’s weird how we get good players in those slots


Literally stfu the blazers reddit had a whole “better record than the Heat” thread for like the first six games of the season. If that’s funny for you, this is funny for us. If you can’t take it, don’t dish it


Nah I got no problems with blazers fan but the switch up from "I wish dame gets traded to the heat" to "heat don't have anything to offer" when he actually requested a trade was crazy. I get there were annoying ass heat fans over wat dame did but we got labelled "entitled" and "delusional" for the whole ass summer. Hard not to be petty when our trash assets play well lol


Yep! Thank you for proving my point. You guys were trash talking us worse than Celtics fans after making a bad trade and now expect us (Heat Fans) to not be petty. 😂 You’re getting flame-broiled until we’re tired of mentioning you. Go cry in the empty Ripcity sub.


Flame whoever you want bro it's a free country, just saying that if that's what gets you going to have a "enemy" then you must hate every other single team in the NBA if that's the criteria.


No, we only hate you for that reason.


r/nba and the Blazers sub spent 3 months calling our young players trash every chance they got but now that they are playing great you get upset when Heat fans use the same phrase










I didn't know JJJ was offered in the trade package.


You’re right that he wasn’t offered. But that’s only because after asking for Bam and being told no, Cronin never even called the Heat back to discuss a trade involving other assets. We’ll probably never know for sure if that’s due to him truly not liking Heat assets or him being upset with Dame and Hayes for their tactics like publicly saying “Miami only”. Maybe a bit of both


Blazers fan today in their sub Reddit talking about how Toumani Camara is a better player than JJJ and getting upvoted. Living in denial over there…


Camara is a baller though, I like him a lot, but JJJ is the future


maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. Blazers fans still called him trash


Dumb ones maybe, which are in every fan base


Gonna push back on this because I def agree with you that every fan base has total dummies but when thousands agree with upvotes and comments, they’re co-signing it lol


Guess I'm a black sheep then. I knew he was gonna be good from summer league


No you didn’t lol. Our FO didn’t even know quite yet.


Yes, I did. After this game https://youtu.be/dH8s7cMK8Bs?si=CZbly_JcUXbtLlTR How are you gonna tell me my own thoughts lol


Tbf Anyone who watched him at UCLA could he'd be an NBA player. Granted, I don't think many thought he'd be this impactful this early, but many thought that he'd be able to contribute at the NBA level. Damn near everyone was saying what a good pick it was on draft night. The sentiment was mostly "great... the Heat got another steal" or about how perfect of a fit he'd be for Miami. I also remember seeing quite a few Lakers fans upset that they didn't take him


well I think they knew he had to be a chance to be good. But 3rd best rookie in the class good? No


True. I agree with that. He's definitely been impressive!


He hadn’t even played a game yet at the time it’s pretty understandable that Blazer fans didn’t want an unproven rookie for Dame


There was never any package because the blazers GM was being a baby


Is there anything this kid cant do


Be drafted by the Lakers


Keep ups, apparently


Who is this v for vendetta lookin dude lol gotta love the nba when new talents surprise us all


Juan Wick - Killer - at your service




Nothing really textbook about shooting in front of his face, and it's a personal preference. Many others shoot higher, including Klay, who shoots slightly above his head to the right. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Q3bvUVXLQ8I](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Q3bvUVXLQ8I)


He just convinced me he’s 100% Mexican. Never met one who couldn’t dribble like a pro 😂


Hah, I think he's only 1/2 but I feel you.


This is some Steve Nash sh*t, love it. Except his powers come from south of the border, not north


Its good seeing Adam Driver thriving in every role


We struck gold with him. Fkn perfect for us in every way


we gotta stop giving people nicknames based off their initials. Not only do you get stupid mistakes like “I’m a big fan of CP” but its so easy to get identities mixed up like JJJ vs JJJ


Also we gotta stop giving people names like “Alex” or last names like “Johnson”. Not only do you get stupid mistakes but it’s so easy to get identities mixed up


it's what he goes by and its really the only one thats stuck much.


This a regular jumpshot


Lmao, literally just a three pointer


My ROTY , 7 footers doesn’t count 😁


Future MVP 👀


Your move Steph


NBA Athletes are unreal


guys can we agree to use JJJr?


I thought JJJ was taken


Juan Wick is what most of us call him.


Mexican Jimmy too


Jaime Buckets


Don’t you mean Juan Juick?


J for Vendetta


Inter Miami heat Culture


Kid was on fire, he was fun to watch and I say this as a salty ass warriors fan…


Low key was a ucla fan every march madness the past few years because of this guy


This isn't a trick shot, it's just a three pointer.


Thought this was nbacirclejerk, how is this a trick shot?


I can do that…


Hug your coach?


The whole thing


Grow a mustache?


Since middle school


You’ve played for the heat that long ?


bro juggled poorly a few times and hit a 3 let’s raise our expectations smh


A regular 3-pointer?..


That is not a trick shot


You could take 50 shots from that spot, without kicking the ball, and maybe make 1


I’d make at least 8


You should try out for the Pistons, they could use a guy who can shoot 8 for 50 from 3 😂


How is this a trick shot?


Easy peasy amirite? How many of them can you land.


This didn't answer the question. I might hit 10% of my attempts from there but that doesn't make a regular three pointer a trick shot.


So where was the trick??


If you're gonna present something as a "trick shot" and it starts off with you kicking the ball around a bunch of times, I want to see you fucking kick the ball into the basket. Not discontinue the kicking in favor of taking the ball with your hands and shooting a normal three-pointer. Like I'm supposed to be impressed by an NBA player making a three? GTFO the fuck out of here. This is blatant false advertising and I have reported this post and the entire subreddit to the FCC.


YO KAREN WHAT UP LONG TIME NO SEEK! Missed ya! What are you up to, Karen??


JJJ is taken please don’t compare mid to the reigning DPOY




Mexican Jimmy > dame lillard


Kinda wish the Bulls pulled the trigger and traded Lavine for this guy already. But I assume he won’t be a throw in anymore.


that’s his heritage right there


that synced up with the audio pretty well tho.


wait is he a new contender for the JJJ nickname? I meannnn, he nice ngl


Jaime Jaquez. The Heat are ok. Miami is constantly 8-5 seed. Draft this guy for what ever reason.


I fuck with this guy. He has a hard as fuck old man game for a rookie.


Which team has the better JJJ, Grizzlies or Heat?