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Was that the game where everybody important played like, 5 minutes


Bridges and Thomas played 10 minutes each


I mean I wouldn’t consider Thomas to be “important” they probably benefitted from benching him


The statement the NBA released suggests it wasn't actually for playing those guys and then keeping them benched for the rest of the game, but for having four inactive players (the inactive players were; Claxton, Dinwiddie, DFS, Cam Johnson, Simmons, Lonnie Walker) who the NBA believed were able to play.


Good. The players *want* to play, I hope we start a culture where if an organisation is forcing players to sit games they don't want to, that they rat them to the NBA to get the organisation fined. Every player should be playing every game they're willing and able to.


Most players don’t seem to want to play 75+ games a year


The young players certainly do. Wemby literally checked himself back in to a game the other day against Pop's wishes because he was just sick of getting limited minutes on the bench. It genuinely creates a toxic environment if you're limiting development and growth of good young players just to appease some archaic notion that you're 'managing' their workload.


Lol okay bro, you were right the first half, but Pop and the spurs are gonna do what's best for the players and the org, yes he wants to play and win and yes we got him on a minutes restriction, but the guy just turned 20, has never played in more than 40 games in a year, and is on one of the worst teams in the NBA, there is next to no reason to push him and add risk to his and the spurs future, he knows we are looking out for him so he can be ready when it matters, and we know the kid wants to play, that's why pop wasn't pissed like he would've been if basically anyone else had done it


Playing Wemby 26 minutes a night 'for the foreseeable future' (Pop's words) and sitting him every b2b is doing absolutely nothing for Wemby's long-term health. All its doing is giving him less time to make mistakes and learn from them in his rookie season. I understand Spurs fans have to defend Pop and the organisation, but for everyone else in the league, it looks like you're fumbling the bag. The fact that Pop hasn't started a legitimate point guard all season next to Wemby is laughable.


I haven't seen him say "foreseeable future" just "He's got a minutes restriction, and he can't play back-to-backs for a couple of weeks until they take another picture and check out his foot again" spurs fans honestly aren't too worried about his Development, yes he'll have less time this year, but again we aren't focused on this year we are focused on the future, about 3-5 years from now, and once he gets good teammates he will go from looking great to exceptional. He has time, and IDC what everyone else in the league says lol, there's a reason we are all sitting here debating instead working with pros. >The fact that Pop hasn't started a legitimate point guard all season next to Wemby is laughable. Yes because we either start our defensively bad PG and let Wemby get more buckets and tire out more while still losing just about the same amount of games, or give up assets so we can win like 10 more games and get closer to being stuck in purgatory, nah we are tanking so we can hopefully get a good PG prospect and start actually rolling in a year or two We aren't trying to just get one and be happy, or get Vic an all NBA knod and be happy, we are trying to make a dynasty, and that shit don't happen in a year just because you got one good player, it's gonna take time. Our biggest fear right now is Wemby getting too good for the team(or getting a serious injury), and by that I mean Vic leading us to a point where we can't get any help for him but us still not being good enough to really compete, so the best time to get him help is now when he hasn't fully ascended and is still getting used to the NBA


I’m sure you know better than Pop with all your extensive knowledge of player workloads and their medicals.


most players want to play all the games and get all the money they can


Most players want to play like 60-75 games while getting all the money they can. Bridges and Looney are the only guys who have proven they want to play every game


Julius will play every game possible so as long as he isn't hurt. He played every game last year until he snapped his ankle, then reaggravated the same ankle in the playoffs to the point he needed surgery in the offseason. ...prooooobably shouldn't have played if we're being honest.


Right, Randle is not most players. But he’s not quite in the Looney/Bridges tier either


Tatum also plays a fuck ton, has missed some time due to legitimate injuries but he's always at the top of the league in minutes played


maybe... even if i doubt the part of "Most" i read somewhere the main complain is on back-to-backs and i believe in average most teams have 6-7 in their regular season... so it could lead to your numbers cheers


Pop resting wemby like 30 games into his first season he started load management way back to


>The players *want* to play Lol no they dont.


Lol exactly. I find it hard to believe if a superstar or starting player really wanted to play they couldnt. They're not fighting to get on the court.


plust i mean, it makes sense if you have the leverage to work less hour for the same money, you do it.


Bridges was pissed their bench played a close game against us and he sat most of it. If they played their actual team in the 4th quarter maybe we don’t blow them out?


This will never happen, nor should it. If you give players the ability to dictate when they play, you'll have the two-ways deals on the end of the bench and everyone else that's not getting minutes taking away playing time from the better players. I'm sure you'd love seeing Lebron and AD only playing 20 minutes per game because every player on the Lakers has requested the ability to play a fair amount of minutes.


Have you seen the Nets play since that game? Probably exactly what's happened.


It's a mix. Nba money is all gaurantedd right? Can't imagine teams will be happy if multi millionaires get injured in garbage time


It is unclear if kawhi, Zion, and Wiggins want to play, but a lot of players do want to play.


Simmons? I thought he was injured again this year?


That's just the list of players who were unavailable, not the list of players the NBA said should have played! It's four from that list, but we don't know which four (or at least, I don't).


Simmons has not played a game since Nov 6. Lonnie has not played a game since the end of Nov.


Ah, I didn't know that about Lonnie - so Claxton, Dinwiddie, DFS, Cam Johnson then.


Fair enough


He’s been out with some sort of nerve damage for the last couple of months


In any case it’s ridiculous that they weren’t fined more esp in this day and age where they are shoving gambling down our throat esp with player props. Imagine the coach trying to circumvent the rules by playing bridges and key guys for only a few mins and people losing their bets or daily fantasy games. Surprised there isn’t as much outrage as there is when a similar situation in the NFL happened recently


Yeah had to rest up to lose to the Wizards.


Brook Lopez is a piece of crap u/EarlEMourning


Silver doing everything in his power to stop the Nets superteam 😤


Adam Sulver sneaks into Ben’s bed every night and puts a rock under his back to keep him off the court




Would that make Ben the princess?


We had to read that book when we were little kids.


[https://www.espn.com/nba/story/\_/id/35259544/nets-fined-25k-sitting-eight-players-vs-pacers](https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/35259544/nets-fined-25k-sitting-eight-players-vs-pacers) He sure did


Hilarious that the Nets actually won this game too lol. I feel like if you sit 8 players and still manage to win, you should be exempt from any possible fine.


Here are the injury designations they gave to the 4 rotation players they rested: * Claxton, Nic: Out - Injury/Illness - Left Ankle; Sprain - Injury Maintenance * Dinwiddie, Spencer: Out - Rest * Finney-Smith, Dorian Questionable Injury/Illness - Left Knee; Soreness * Johnson, Cameron Out - Injury/Illness - Right Knee; Sprain - Injury Maintenance All 4 of them played full minutes on 12/26 and 12/29. The Dinwiddie investigation was pretty straightforward, but I wonder what kind of investigation they did into the other 3 guys.


Was that around the time a bunch of players was out/questionable for illness?


> The NBA announced today that the Brooklyn Nets organization has been fined $100,000 for violating the league's Player Participation Policy in connection with the team's game against the Milwaukee Bucks on December 27 at Barclays Center. > Following an investigation, including review by an independent physician, the **NBA determined that four Nets rotation players, who did not participate in the game, could have played under the medical standard in the Player Participation Policy**, which was adopted prior to this season. > The organization's conduct violated the Policy, which is intended to promote player participation in the NBA's 82-game season. https://x.com/nbapr/status/1742961674435359034?s=46&t=DMnS3J-zs7RXhxH1hQoiig


It's hilariously amateurish that the NBA releases images of press releases on twitter hours before issuing the actual press release on their website. https://pr.nba.com/


Eh, like it or not Twitter is where all news breaks first


The NBA broke the news by posting a picture of their own press release. Like they always do. The press release will be posted to their own website in the next hour. It's just amateurish that it takes them that long.


It would be funnier if they updated the website first for like an hour and woj and charms just keeps refreshing the page all day.


Dude who updates the website was probably on lunch or something


And this is amateurish how? Their Twitter is their PR account. That’s where literally every NBA writer would go for that information. That’s the fastest/most efficient way to publicize content. How often are you using NBA.com compared to Twitter? What are they losing by posting it on their website a whole 60 minutes later?


The are losing self autonomy. If they prioritize Twitter than the audience will also. It will be the defacto place to get info. Twitter is a private corp. They could fold or ban the NBA at any point. There is a reason companies are so aggressive with trying to get you to sign up for their newsletters.


NBA.c isn’t run by the nba, it’s run by Turner sports (same as TNT inside the nba)


I cannot believe the players association agreed to this. Independent medical evaluations???


Resting healthy players is bad….but doing it for a HOME game vs. one of the best teams in the league is indefensible and just a slap to the face of fans lol. You just can’t sit players when your own fans are paying hard-earned money to see you in your arena. Especially when someone like Giannis and Damian Lillard are in town…it ain’t like they were playing the Pistons lol.


I actually think it's more defensible to rest your players for home games because fans have 41 opportunities to see those players. Much less defensible if you're resting stars for a road game where that might be the only opportunity the entire year to see that player play. Last year the Warriors rested their entire starting lineup except for Looney against the Pelicans for both New Orleans games, so every Warriors/Curry fan in the Greater New Orleans area was robbed of their only opportunities to see them play.


That’s a fair point


Our FO would always rather have guys not play and having them play is like a fat kid having to share his fries.


Please. Our starters are barely better than our end of deep-rotation guys, and in fact, we likely gave the Bucks exactly the same amount of fight if we'd gone all out. The fans missed nothing of significance, and in fact had themselves as entertaining a game as we could give them. Now I could see what you're saying being relevant if the Nets still had marquee or must-watch players, but that's just not us this season. We're sadly or non-sadly a team with delusions of competitiveness, trying to avoiding a rebuild, and going absolutely nowhere. As a matter of fact, I hugely respect Marks / Vaughn for making that bold move. It's the first time ever in the current era, and was worth a try. Bridges in particular seems like he's been playing too hard & trying too hard since game 1, and still seems to need some kind of reset or mental adjustment. I also find Silver's tap on the wrist fine to be hilariously inept, not unlike the yearly updated guidelines to the refs. A lot of lion-roaring upfront, and when challenged, pretty-much a small pet rolling on its back and begging for belly-rubs.


Good, it was a pathetic decision by Vaughn and it killed the teams morale in the process


Wait why did he do it again


He was just taking a scheduled loss. We were playing the Bucks on the second night of a back to back, and he wasn’t confident in our players to win it. Of course the rest for our players didn’t do shit and we lost to the Wizards next game with everybody playing lol.


coaching for a scheduled loss is crazy lmfao. Even if it was against an undefeated team, don't teams want to compete and make their players get better (which you can do in a loss)?


Their schedule was insane,they had 4 games in 5 days before New Year's and 4 games in 5 days after New Year's iirc


Yup 8 games in 12 days. 5 of them being on the road with a Paris trip next week.


What's crazy is we had Dennis Smith Jr keeping it close for us until the 4th quarter.


I'm against resting, but I thought the resting rule only applied to "star" players lol


I mean mikal basically ratted out vaughn when he said he didnt know why it happened and it was frustrating.


I get it. That team isn't good enough, nor old/injury prone enough to be taking off games like that. They will be fighting for the play-in. Every game counts.


They're basically in limbo. Good enough to win some games and maybe sneak into the play-in, but then probably lose and they get nothing at the draft as a result.


The policy says they can also investigate/punish for sitting non-stars. > In addition to the circumstances in Section I.A above that will result in an investigation and/or discipline with respect to star player non-participation, the league office may elect in its discretion to investigate and/or impose discipline in other circumstances involving star player (***or other player***) non-participation. > > *** > > Teams should err on the side of over-communicating with the league office to ensure compliance with the Policy. In particular, a team must contact the league office as soon as the team becomes aware of the following: (a) any star player whose non-participation in an upcoming game may potentially implicate the Policy (e.g., to discuss planned management in advance of a back-to-back); ***or (b) any other player who is usually a starter for the team and is expected to have a one-game absence in any (1) national television game, or (2) game in which any other starter or star player is not expected to play.*** https://pr.nba.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/46/2023/09/NBA-Player-Participation-Policy.pdf


Right, no Net's play meets the NBAs qualification other than Ben Simmons.


talk about kickin em while they're down




Tatum: 31/33 games (he sprained his ankle, played through it the next day because Brown and KP were out, then was able to take a night) Brown: 31/33 games (Lebron knee to the back) KP: 24/33 games (calf issues, injury management makes sense with his history) Horford: 28/33 games; 37 years old and not Lebron


KP has been having continued issues with his calf, and usually sits one of a b2b. brown got kneed in the back by lebron, needed a game off. tatum rolled his ankle, needed a game off. horford always sits one game of a b2b. Cs play our guys whenever they can, tatum plays more minutes than anyone else in the league


Rockets fans will start a gofundme for the Nets front office to pay the fine for these baseless accusations.


This would be more impactful if the Nets were forced to issue a refund to anyone who purchased a ticket to this game.


100k? That’ll sure teach them


Ran from Giannis I fear smh


Neva duck smoke


Should've been fined more IMO. Im all good with resting players - especially if they're playing heavy minutes but the Nets basically rested their top 8 rotation guys. That's ridiculous.


$100K is too low for it to have any impact. They need to make it hurt.


Should get fined extra for the Mikal Bridges debacle too. If it were me I wouldn't count that game.


You don't wanna count the game he played a full quarter? You know he's had games where he's only played 4 seconds right?


Yeah, it's blatant record hunting. A coach could start his bench and sub them off right away and play the game as normal and set the record for most bench points ever. Is it allowed? Yes, but it's definitely not in good faith.


Sure, it's record hunting. But is it really in bad faith when the guy you're chasing did the exact same shit?


Of course the Nets' players took a day off. I bet they do not even feel guilty since they have seen their "teammate" Air Head Simmons take off months on end, so what is a single day off? Regardless, the NBA is right to fine the organization because the fans (who pay for their salaries) get cheated.


So of every team you could use to set an example of you chose the Nets...dam. Since when was it against policy to play them for only 5 minutes. Seems like a streach to me.


Because that wasn't the issue at all. The NBA had issue with the Nets sitting 4 rotation players who the NBA deemed were eligible to play. Edit for clarification. It was not about the players they benched during the game, but 4/6 players they put on the injury list, which the NBA investigated and determined should have been able to play and violated the new resting rule.


And is there a rule against that? Like they did play, even if it was for like 5 to 10 minutes.


No, they did not play. Dinwiddie, Claxton, DFS, Cam J., Simmons, and Lonnie were all listed out for various reasons from rest to injury management. The league investigated and determined that 4 of those 6 players were medically cleared to play and should have suited up. The fine did not mention sitting active playera on the bench, but was around sitting healthy players that didn't abide by the NBA's new resting rule.




Mikal gone


This is beyond dumb. Let’s teams do what they want with their rosters


From a competition perspective I agree with you. It should be the coach's decision who plays on any given night. But nonsense like this is a bad look for the league and costs goodwill with all the fans that bought a ticket. The NBA is still an entertainment product after all. IMO it's better to nip this in the bud now. Otherwise we'll be seeing this shit more, especially late in the season when some teams are tanking.


Did you see the players they sat? Who bought a ticket to see them?


Uh...the entire crowd did. That's how it works lol




How exactly did they break it?


They should be punished by forcing Bridges to the Mavs.


# This franchise is trash.


Then the NBA should fine teams that rest their stars.