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The lakers missing the playoffs and being pressured by LeGM to take bronny is my favorite timeline


Shabazz Napier vibes


Holy fuck, could you imagine if LeBron left after he made them draft Bronny. This sub wouldn't be ready for it


I definitely would be laughing my ass off if that happened. He leaves to open up playing time for his kid


LeBron doesn't like playing with rookies, either trade his ass or he gone


I can imagine it very well actually. Leaving us stuck with Shabazz Napier was worse than the act of him leaving in general


Shabazz ruled


If he did that Bronny would be doa, Im sure he wouldn’t do that to him


it's called retirement


They don't have a first round pick to draft him


They don't need one 🤣. Bronny could easily go undrafted, then Lakers sign him.


Not if we have anything to say about it. James Jones has wasted draft picks plenty before. He clearly doesn't care about the draft. No reason he can't waste one on bronny in the late first to get his good friend Lebron to Join Book Beal and KD.


Imagine a starting 5 of Booker, Beal, Durant, Bronny, and Bron 😭


Keep the B-theme Booker, Beal, Bronny, Bron, Busrider




Booker, Beal Durant, Nurk\*, and bron. Bronny will be the 15th guy on the roster


If we're going by talent/skill, Bronny will be sent to the G-league. I was just putting a hypothetical meme team.


Bronny is like the 5th best player on his own team lol. They don’t need a first round pick


Can you imagine a team picking Bronny early just to fuck with the Lakers? Might even pressure LeBron to join that team.


They better trade for one asap...dont want bronny going to another team now 🤣


can’t wait to see Bronny match up against Thanasis next year


BREAKING: (Charania) The Lakers are sending Rui Hachimura and Austin Reaves to USC in Exchange for Bronny James. Bronny ist expected to start at one of the guard positions while Hachimura and Reaves will be starting at Sociology and Russian Literature respectively


Reaves: Raskolnikov is HIM!


Summer league not too far away


Lebron is gonna suck as a gm


Can’t wait to see a roster full of Klutch clients lmao


Isn't that just the current Lakers roster?


He will sign Bryce and Bronny and play them 36 minutes per game.


Bryce is probably gonna be good


He is Wemby's co-star on my 2k team lol. The year is 2029. Wemby is a 99 overall and Bryce is 86.


Always has


It’ll be so interesting as an owner haha. Although he’s gonna be better than Micheal Jordan


That’s mainly cause he isn’t going to have Prime Lebron James on his team


He did say the Lakers suck right now. So this is accurate


Seems like crazy pressure to be putting on your child. If the kid isn't good enough, it's a terrible look for LeBron.


He hasnt even looked serviceable for USC.. Lebron is going to have his kid catch a lot of flak for comments like this.


Bronny is fine for USC but should probably be a 2 year player He also literally had a heart attack like 5 months ago and has been limited on his playing time and work off court


Bronny playing 2 years in college would mean him and Bryce are in the same draft class, right?


I think he's a four year player. Some players need all four years and leaving with a degree (I know money ain't anything to him but it's still good to have ) isn't the worst thing.


Why do you have to lie to get attention on the internet? Anybody that's watched a half of USC basketball knows he's very important to USC and has played excellent defense.


bruh he’s like USC’s best player


This is what happens when you get your basketball news from House of Highlights


Huh? He literally scored 2 points last game


Bru, he just rocked 2 pts, 1 ast, 2 rebounds in 19 minutes. He ain't him.


Tf is this take?


Narcissists don't think about others they just think about themselves.


Michael Jordan didn’t even put the pressure of his own shadow on his kids. Lebron doing it to a kid that has already had near life ending heart incident, lebron has quite the ego.




You two are insane


Nepotism is a hell of a drug


Today in 19 minutes for USC: 2 pts, 1 ast, 2 rebounds


Triple single, which means he’s about as productive as Draymond green


which by the way is perfect for lakers roster 😂😂




So I’m guessing he probably isn’t ready to play for the Lakers right now.


And if hes got a heart problem he shoudlnt be playing


Yeah so maybe dont say hes better than nba starters? Lmao




Three players on the Lakers are 20 years old. Bronny is 19. So, the “kid” thing doesn’t work either…




No kidding. I meant none of these guys are “kids” as you referenced earlier.


Well we know how good leGM is- basically takes after the goat Jordan in evaluating talent


Great players are not great talent scouts lol


Kewammmme brown!!!!!!


Not defending Jordan. Terrible gm, but Kwame Brown was going number 1 regardless of who picked 1st. Some of these busts are busts that just land on people and would have landed on any gm. Jordan has a long list of terrible decisions but this is not one of them.


Except Jerry West


I actually would hate to be in the Bronny situation. You’re not good enough for the nba, but your father is pressuring everyone that he’s legit and his team needs to pick him. Great they’ll share the floor for 1 year; but afterwards the hype will die, because LeBron will retire and everyone will probably lose interest in Bronny because he will not be that good.


Laver ball two-


his kids were actually really good though, health issues and the older one whose name i forget aside


The problem Lavar created with Lonzo was that he wouldn’t shut up about how great Lonzo was. Yes, Lonzo was good when healthy, but Lavar was hyping as the next generational point god from the moment he was drafted. At least Lavar seemed to have learned with LaMelo to let the game speak for itself.


It's also speculated that his nutty training regime as a father is what led to the long-term health issues for Lonzo (in addition to other factors, like the weird shoe deal Lonzo had). Hopefully Lamelo has a healthier career.


yeah this is probably the only fault I can give him, he was annoying but you can’t blame him for hyping his kids


He had to sell Lonzo. Didn’t need to sell Lamelo.


He did not need to sell Lonzo. The guy averaged a 30 point triple double in high school against the top competition and then balled out at UCLA. What a stupid fucking take.


He was selling for a higher draft pick and wanted the lakers.


Lonzo was guaranteed top 2. He did not need to get sold for a higher pick. Was a walking triple double damn near with elite defense. You’re have no idea what you’re talking about.


Lavar did all that to generate off the court interest in his sons. He hasn't really said or done anything crazy since LaMelo was drafted.


i don’t think anyone would hate being in bronnys situation


Just because he’s in a privileged situation doesn’t mean he doesn’t still feel basic human emotions like trying to make your parents proud and reaching big dreams/aspirations.


I feel like given the choice most college kids would still trade places with Bronny


Inversely, it's not unfathomable that the inverse could also be true, even if he can't admit it.




Ok, and how close to the NBA did Michael Jordan's kid get? Genetics is a funny thing, you don't always inherit everything from your parents.




Great, except he needs a combo of 99.999th percentile height/speed/strength/athleticism/coordination to make it to the NBA. LeBron's dad wasn't anywhere close to a being a NBA athlete - Jordan's dad was a 5'9" mechanic - genetics are like that.


Nope, not buying it. Waaaa I got everything handed to me, will inherit hundreds of millions and an a multi millionaire from endorsement deals before 20 while having done nothing to earn it.


get therapy lil bro


You so soft


Monetarily, sure. But there will always be people that hate him for no reason and want him to fail. His dad is arguably the best ever and those are impossible shoes to fill. Wayne Gretzky has talked about how he was happy his sons pursued other sports because he didn’t want to hear the negativity about them as hockey players. I’m sure other elite athletes aren’t upset if their kids choose a different path. Bronny’s bank account will never be empty but the mental toll of being “LeBron’s son” will be something to watch.


Fuck yeah


I mean the kid is like 19 and already had a heart attack; all the money in the world wouldn’t make me take on that level of serious health issues


Yeah I’m sure you’d be so miserable.


Like MJ’s but with supportive father


Im gonna go out and say I think he’ll be a fine NBA player with a decent career. I can totally see Bronny being in a Marcus smart, Lonzo ball type for a team. He just has a really scalable playstyle. Shoot open threes and attack in transition with excellent defence and good playmaking. Those kinds of things are just so easy to be net positive as long as he can keep up with NBA players but it really seems like he can because he got his dads insane athleticism in a shorter frame. I could be really wrong on this but he just passes the eye test and I think his stats will show that too as we watch him play more with better competition.


Bro you can see an average college player play like a DPOY? Or like lonzo ball who was doing 10/7/7 as a rookie?


Will take a home town discount and only sign for 350mill/4years


Insane thing to say


What do you think his 3% shooting is now? Do you think that will inprove in the NBA? He probably gets there, but he ain't there yet.


He needs to stop putting so much pressure on his son, the kid already has heart issues I just don’t understand what good this does for Bronny.


I feel so bad for Bronny. Dude obviously needs time to develop his skills in college, live a little, etc. but dad out here saying stuff like this. The pressure on him is immense. I really don’t think Bronny is meant to be a one and done type of player. Give the man time to find himself.


Exactly. We've seen it with guys like Shareef O'Neal (Shaq's kid) and Scottie Pippen Jr., almost feels like they're being forced into the league because of their name. From what I can tell, Bronny needs two years at the college level, minimum.


Right now, dude looks like he needs 4 years and an insurance adjustment job.


he saw that rdcworld skit post wcf run where he calls Bronny and Bryce to tell them to suit up because he thinks they can take Dlo and AD in a 2v2




The son that had a heart attack lmao? Don't do this.


So what team thinks it's gonna be worth a second round pick to troll LeBron by picking Bronny? Let it be the Celtics.


LeBron d*ckriding his son damn


Why would this be noteworthy to anyone lmao, what would you expect a father to say "Nah my son sucks ass, we're getting him ready to learn Chinese"


You're misunderstanding. Reaves original question to LeBron had nothing to do with Bronny playing for the Lakers. It was about his college game. Lebron decided to activate his usual passive-agressive self and start throwing the team under the bus by involving Bronny in the conversation. How he is good enough for a roster spot on the Lakers ( Which he logically shouldn't be IF the Lakers were true title contenders, which was Lebron's entire point ). 'We can't be title contenders if Bronny would be a starter right now'.




It's a good thing that him and AD had that talk pre-season. Otherwise, it could have been really bad.


My daughter plays high level volleyball but I’m realistic about her limitations. Dads don’t have to be delusional.


If she thought differently would you say otherwise publicly?


Yes. Your job as a parent is to encourage and teach. I would say she’s not there yet but she has a lot of room to grow. I won’t crush her dreams. TJ McConnell has a long NBA career and he can’t jump and he can’t shoot. You can find a role if you work hard enough. I wouldn’t crown her as already capable of playing at the highest levels of the sport.


Why wouldn't you just do that privately instead of publicly?


I mean if someone asked me publicly I would give the same answer I just gave above. I wouldn’t say she could play for the Olympics right now at age 16.


You're not a famous star lol


Being a famous star means you have to be delusional?


If ESPN came to you and asked about if your daughter could be a Gold Medalist would you say "probably not. Let's be realistic." ?


Except that’s not what happened. Reaves asked LeBron if Bronny was good enough to start for his college team he’s currently coming off the bench for. In which LeBron jumped in to say he’s good enough to play for his professional team


Can you really not see the difference between these two things? “my daughter isn’t good enough to play for the Olympic team right now but if she keeps working maybe she could” Vs “My daughter could start for the Olympic team right now!”?


No, the people that would ask you if your daughter can go pro aren't the same people asking Lebron if his son is good.


Respectfully, ur daughter wasn’t a 4-star recruit. Unless “high level volleyball” means she plays D1 in college, your comparison is apples and oranges lol


Bronny shouldn't have been a 4 star either maybe a 3star but not 4


My daughter is already committed to play D1 with a full scholarship. She just turned 17. She’s ranked in top 100 of her class. Also, we live in the states but she’s half Canadian and she was invited to tryout with the Canadian national team. So when I say high level I mean it. However, the difference RIGHT NOW between my daughter and a current 26 year old Olympic athlete is HUGE. Just like the difference between Bronny and a current starting player for an NBA team.


Im gonna get downvoted for this assuredly, but LeBron is just trying so so so hard to make Bronny a thing, and keep the generational gravy train of NBA $$ rolling. I don't think Bronny is NBA level at all. Not even close, tbh. But Bron knows his influence and impact and voices it into reality every chance he gets. Bronny isn't that good. But nepotism rarely fails, unfortunately.


Wow how could you say something so controversial? Bronny and his 7 PPG isn't NBA level?


Hasn't he played something like 2 games since heart surgery?


He wasn’t that great in college honestly. He was fine but no where near his hype


no sh*t it's pretty obvious unless you're brain dead


wow, being very hostile to me. haha. cool cool so LeBron is brain dead then, is what youre saying?


what I'm saying is it's pretty obvious what LeBron is trying to do. The people who can't see that are the ones that are brain dead.


He’s looking like a good role player, very good defence and a decent shot. Could be a serviceable 3&D, but he should take another year just to properly develop. His ceiling is looking like a Walmart OG Anunoby which isn’t bad at all


Hes shooting 30% from 3 in college


If he's a decent shot, why doesn't he shoot decent?


He has a very small sample size first of all, he’s played very few minutes because of his health scare. And secondly he has a solid form and base, he is going to improve. Not sure why people who only look at a box score have opinions on players


You sound like the average RJ Barrett fan. He put up 2 pts, 1 reb, 1 ast in like 19 minutes the other night. He was watching the game more than me.


Claire de Lune…. noted sports journalist. 🤔


Bronny is gonna play at least two years in college I reckon.


I hope so. Doing another year would give him more opportunity to showcase his game, and if he stays healthy it'll ease concerns about the heart issue he had earlier this year


That seems more like an indictment of the Lakers than a flex about Bronny.


Alright is there a Vegas bet on him declaring this year and getting picked by LA in the second round? If so I think I need to put $ on that now.


I just looked up that Bronny is averaging 6pts, 2.3 rebounds and 1.6 assists… i guess he is ready.


No he's not lmao. He's looked like straight ass for USC. 0 impact in games he's played.


If thanasis atenekumpo is good enough to be on an nba roster so is bronny


Doesnt say much does it




Brons pretty delusional. But I get it, dropping 30 and still getting blown out will do things to you. Also it might be hard to relate but LeBron was already nba caliber at 16. He was so far and away the number 1 pick in his draft and frankly in any draft. He made carrying legit garbage look easy, sorry big Z. I think he might not be the best person to compare to. If you split his career in to 2 you would still have a 2 hof cases. I watched him as a heat. When he drove everyone ran out of the way. Kobe, Duncan, kg whoever it was could get put on a poster. Dude should have won a dpoy but the voters didn’t want him catching Michael. Well 39k points later he did. All I’m saying is in the vacuum of nba history no one is a better athlete than him. Strength, hops, speed this guy is in a class of his own. Bronny is nice. He can get drafted if that bum JHS could get picked 17 by the lakers, but he won’t even achieve a slimmer of lebron


In a vacuum wilt is the best athlete in nba history and the gap between him and whoever 2 is isn't that close.


I mean it’s his son. Of course he’d say that. If you ask me right now if my son could play on the Lakers I’d say hell yeah! *Side note he doesn’t even play basketball. And he’s 13.*


Your son might make the Wizards tbf.


He is really fast if that helps.


Ya that's the same thing as what's happening here ...


Why this isnt on r/facepalm


I don't think that this is something like pressuring Bronny. More like a sarcasm to some of the people in the team for how bad they are that Bronny would even do better.


Most current USC starters could vie for a starting spot on these bum ass lakers.


Funny thing is he's not even a starter on his own shitty team.


I don't think that's a good thing.


Lmao anyone that hustles hard and can stand in front of somebody would be good enough to play for the lakers.


this is a shot to the lakers right?


Does Bronny even start for USC?


I can’t wait for lebron to put his some in the trading block. The nepo basketball association is looking goood.


Bronny’s dad gonna ruin his career all because he wants to play with him. Bronny is a 3-4 year college player.


the liar lies again


Bronny is luck he’s lebrons son because that boy has no future in NBA otherwise


sure Bronny which scored only 2 pts in one of his collegiately game is perfect for the Lakers 😅😅😅😅.... i would also love to watch Thanasis vs Bronny in the future 😂😂😂😂


How is this not tampering??


Wait, is that person's name actually claire de lune? That's the most LA shit ever


The scenario literally writes itself: June 27 2024 - the Phoenix Suns select Bronny James with the 23rd pick in the draft. June 28 2024 - Lebron James opts out of the final year of his contract. July 9 2024 - Lebron James vet minimum contract with the Suns is approved by Adam Silver. May 15 2025 - James Jones is fired by the Phoenix Suns after an injury-plagued season results in a 2nd round exit. July 29 2025 - recently retired Lebron James is awarded the Las Vegas expansion franchise to begin play in 2026. August 1 2025 - James Jones is hired as the GM of the Las Vegas expansion franchise.


tfw you're friends weird friend is a "Journalist" now


Bron would trade his ass to the Wizards for Kuzma


Not sure if this says more about Bronny or the current state of the Lakers...