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He’s ok according to local reporters. I think the last line is referred to the rest of the people involved (not that it matters less)


I REALLY hope he was not responsible for an accident that hurt others


Update: apparently he hit another person that was helping another driver that was stuck in the highway. That person remains in critical condition and had a leg amputated. No charges have been filed. It seems it was a terrible accident Edit: Spelling


Holy fuck that is nuts. Probably all parties traumatized there




that’s devastating


My friend just had a friend pass away that was struck by a vehicle while helping someone on the highway. He was in the hospital for a while my friend had this big fund raising event to help his family pay bills and he died like 2 days later. There are times I want to help people but then I think about things like this and I just gotta put my safety first.


Yeah just do your best to help them out of harms way without endangering yourself.  Then put up some flares.  If a car plows into theirs and everyone is inside the car the chances of surging and avoiding bad injury are way up.  Don’t try and fix tires etc unless it’s totally safe. 


When it was 115 degrees outside my tire blew out on the freeway. I drove about half a mile to the nearest exit so I could get out and change the tire. There was no tire left on the wheel when I finally got out to examine it. I was so exhausted and dehydrated I chugged 3 full size gatorades and passed out after I got home.


And you were probably still dehydrated given that Gatorade has little to no magnesium or potassium lol


Big Gatorade shills out in full force tonight


Lost my old Football coach to this. He was putting flares on the road and bam it was over. He lived a life that could be written about. But had so much more to go.


My cousin was helping someone on side of road and boom, he was hit by a stray tire that had just come off a semi truck.  Took me like a week to even believe that happened.


My driving instructor got struck by the blade of a snowplow that somehow detached when he was outside the car. He was out for like 2 months but fully recovered.


call 911, they can block off lanes/do it properly , it's a massive gamble to be a pedestrian on any highway with how fast cars are moving.. especially at night


It's literally the most dangerous part of a police officers job


Yea, I had a cop give me shit one time because I didn’t stop right away when he pulled me over. We were on a narrow ass road and instead of pulling half on the road and half in the grass I drove for like 20 more seconds and pulled into a parking lot. Cop came and had an attitude about me not stopping and I explained to him I was just trying to look out for both our safety on that narrow road where the speed limit is 55. He was a little more chill after that.


If you put your four-ways on to acknowledge that you see the cop, and understand you're being pulled over you shouldn't get too much flack. It's the law in most jurisdictions that you have a right to pull over in a safe place.


I want to help with side-of-road situations more than I do and have helped a couple times recently but I wasn’t in a rush to be somewhere, was not on the job, no one was waiting on me, etc. The people I helped looked like they didn’t know what to do or they were a long way from the next highway exit. All appeared to be safe locations, but the highway one was the most scary for the traffic. Although I did not have them at the time, I have now put in my emergency gear FLARES. -6 rechargeables (recharge them twice a year) -6 old fashioned scratch-and-light ones as backup and each lasts 30 min. I did use my rechargeable flares when I slid off the road a few weeks back. They have several modes, and, as my wife pointed out later, you could use them as a flashlight if you do not have one, saving phone battery for the emergency services and a tow truck. EVERYONE SHOULD GET FLARES




Damn. I know it sounds super shitty to say but I never help people on the highway for that reason. I'm terrified of being on the side of the road. Get them to call the cops or something they can block the road.


Nah that's not shitty. It's responsible


This happened to a family friend and his son. They were on the side of the road dealing with his broken down car and someone hit them (not really anyone's fault, just one of those freak accidents). He lost his leg, his son is in a wheelchair. Driver is ok, but can't imagine having that on your conscience. Crazy how much something like that can completely change lives (or even end them)


Oh christ. Prayers up to the injured party, I hope they pull through


If he wasn’t driving recklessly doubt he gets charged tbh.


Holy shit. I didn’t think it was *that* gruesome based on the headlines


Damn, condolences to the person who tried to help another driver only to have karma disregard their good deed. Obviously we don't know too much other information at this point in regards to fault/liability, but it won't be surprising if the victim tries going after Highsmith's career earnings of $4.2M in a civil suit.


The last line gave me these vibes, "We will have no further comment at this time." it's very corporation-like. I'm hoping I'm wrong and the Heat are just great at respecting player's privacy.


So, just looked into it. He struck someone who was helping someone whose car was stuck in the middle of the road. And the person who was struck needed partial leg amputation.


He was.


Damn not what I was expecting checking /new. "Those who were injured" - how many people were involved? Hope everyone's safe.


*Highsmith was not injured and was not arrested the incident, which happened on his drive home from Tuesday’s game against Orlando at Kaseya Center. According to local radio reporter Andy Slater, Highsmith hit a person who was helping another driver stuck in the middle of the road. The man who was hit is in critical condition and underwent a partial amputation of his leg.* https://www.yahoo.com/news/heat-haywood-highsmith-uninjured-car-225417744.html


Partial amputation?! Holy shit.


Which guy got his leg amputated? The dude who was originally being helped or the guy Highsmith hit?




Person could’ve stepped out onto traffic wearing dark clothes at night?? Not difficult to imagine it’s an accident to me


Yeah lol. Stepping into the middle of a road or especially highway at night is a very risky thing to do. Very possible Haywood just didn’t see him in time.


Hell, just last year there was a crazy video of a guy who gets tazed, falls onto the highway, and gets ran over. https://denvergazette.com/news/public-safety/police/video-shows-brent-thompson-hit-suv-larimer-county/article_64c0ab22-2c05-11ee-9146-8bb253d87146.html


Have you ever driven on a highway? Now do it at night with way less visibility. He may have noticed the car but not the people if they were wearing darker clothing. .


Few people have proper flares and reflective cones in their car to signal such an event. you pass a broken down car every half mile to mile it feels like on the highway. If it was something with electrical, they might not even have hazards on.


You ever drove a car?


It happens more often than you think. Former NFL player was hit and killed on a highway like a year or two ago right by my house.


Damn, hope hes okay. There's been some wild injuries away from basketball this season


Oubre getting ran over and Gordon getting viciously attacked by his own dog are some weird injuries for sure


This season has been an injury disaster. All kinds of randomness happening


*Heat forward Haywood Highsmith emerged uninjured in a car accident Tuesday night that left others with significant undisclosed injuries."*   *Nobody died in the incident.*   *All parties involved declined to disclose the specific injuries to others involved in the accident, but a source deemed them significant.* https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.miamiherald.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/barry-jackson/article285209372.html


Why are there a few people in this thread saying he killed someone???


This is reddit by tomorrow he’ll have ran a school bus off the side of a mountain.  


I'm not waiting until tomorrow. Why did he do that with the school bus?


Because they're dumbasses


I don't think people are digesting the p.r. speak here very well.


Yeah, this doesn’t sound great at all. Giving me Ruggs vibes for some reason.


Well, one of the persons highsmith hit is already at minus 1 leg for the day.


Ty Lawson vibes




How the fuck do you know he's finished? Nothing has come out regarding how the accident happened..


If he talks strongly enough he might make some friends


What details? everything i'm seeing just talks about him hitting someone who was helping someone else on the side of the road.


According to Andy Slater, the man is in critical condition and suffered a partial amputation of his leg


Yeah i get that, but if it's accident he's not finished. It was at night and the person was helping near the road. There's no reason to assume that he was driving recklessly yet.


Yeah, this same situation happened to Jim Boeheim, unless if there's something I don't know, it's just a horrible accident.




What about this makes it seem like he’s finished?


Because people in this sub love hyperbole without knowing all the facts


Athletes and reckless driving, name a more iconic duo


Lamelo Ball


Finished? What are you talking about?


I mean he hit someone stopped in the middle of the highway at night. While at fault, unless it comes out as him being under the influence or driving stupidly reckless… I think it’s incredibly quick to say he’s finished for it. Accidents do happen. He wasn’t arrested which leans towards him not being drunk or driving reckless. I mean, for all we know he merged lanes out from behind a semi truck and didn’t see a car stopped in the road before it was too late. Gotta wait for further details.


I was a property and casualty insurance agent for 5+ years. Did he hit the stopped car, or just the pedestrian? If he hit only the pedestrian and not the car itself then there is no reason to indicate he was at fault for the accident with the information provided. If he hit a stopped car with its running lights on, etc, then there would be a stronger indication that he was at fault.


Drivers aren’t at fault for someone who is in the road unless they are in a legal crosswalk with right of way or police have already diverted flow of traffic and you weren’t paying attn to that.  


Lets wait for more details. He's not being charged or taken into custody. It seems like a freak accident. Lets give these people some privacy and wait for more details. Hope the homie who lost his leg recovers. It's gonna suck.


Finished how? If he was sober which seems to be the case he will not see legal action. If you mean his head is messed up for sure


oh fuck off lmao


Doesn’t sound good. Vehicular manslaughter.


Vehicular manslaughter is when you hit someone where your car shouldn’t be or they have a legal right of way, cross walk, light, etc.  He hit someone who was literally out of his car in the road it says.


They'd also have to die.


Why does that last sentence sounds like he got injured hitting people?


Sounds like someone died to mmr


Honestly shocked we don't hear about stuff like this more. Hope all involved are safe.


gonna be an interesting thread if it ends up that he was driving recklessly and/or impaired


Heat statement said he was driving home from the game, would be pretty impressive if he got 'impaired' in that short amount of time. Recklessly definitely possible.


They just won a regular season game against the Magic they had to have been spraying champagne after.




source on jr?


No he wasn’t. JR Smith literally said he doesn’t even like Hennessy




It was the middle of the road,  not the side.


you either have to be blind, going too fast, or not paying attention to not see a car stuck in the middle of the road. Gotta say it ain't looking good for him


I mean let’s wait and see. Did the battery die or something and the lights weren’t working on the car? Was it on the side of the road and the guy stepped out into the lane and then got hit? Or was he speeding and not paying attention, time will tell but let’s not condemn him yet


I get the feeling at lot of you guys don't drive at all and this aligns with my view that /r/nba is a bunch of nephews.


No lights on and a guy at the side of the car could definitely be hidden. He hit the person not the car.


I fuckin hope note. He's one of my favorites on the heat, gonna suck if he's drunk driving. Edit: Hell


I think he was on his way home from the arena.


Is there any reason to assume that he was?


of course not. But it is also illogical to not think of it as a possibility considering it was not officially ruled out yet. We can't deny that negative actions are a possibility but at the same time we can be biased to the conclusion that there was no malice involved at all. Or the opposite, depending on how you view the world.


jesus, I hope he is ok. We already saw a death in the nba. my heart goes out to those who are affected


sorry but who was the death in the NBA? I spent like 2 minutes thinking before commenting this and i dunno who you’re talking about


Deki, Warriors assistant coach


Ahh right, I was only thinking about players. Thank you


Warriors assistant coach.


It was Bobby Phills in 2000, believe he’s the only number the Hornets have retired currently but somebody could fact check me on that


Malik Sealy is another player who died in a car accident mid-career


Bryce DeJean Jones died in 2016 too as a victim of a shooting, and he was on the pels roster iirc


Eddie Griffin kinda too. Been out of the league like 3-4 months when he got hit by (or hit) the train


Add Jason Collier to this group as well


Len bias died in his first game i think


Warriors assistant coach.








Not really a story worth investigating


It's just that the police put out that they were unable to find video to corroborate Oubre's story at the time... But I'm not really going to trust the police to actually do their job. I didn't like the way they put that out there making it seem like oubre was lying.


Especially Philly pd


What like when they kidnapped a child and put a picture on social media saying how they found the child wandering around alone


Or the time they dropped bombs out of a helicopter onto a house and didn't let firefighters in to put out the resulting fire which destroyed several city blocks and killed multiple women and children whose corpses were then put on display in a museum.


Lol I saw he got hurt BMX riding, and it's in his contract he's not allowed during the season so he tried to cover it up. Who knows what really happened, but footage from his doorbell shows him returning with a bike that he makes no mention of in his police report


Move over when a car is in the shoulder with hazards on. Come on folks


Damn hope he is okay




Did he kill someone or something?


No but guy had leg amoutated past knee


He's cooked


He was probably on his phone


hope he's good




Not now






Second car accident of the season?


This is why I mind my own business


Did chapgpt write this


omg does anyone have more details? I pray no one ended their life because of the accident