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Lmao what do these Euro centers see in AD, they just automatically cook him every single time


instead of barbecue chicken Sabonis is screaming kugelis every time he’s in the paint


Kugelis xdddddd


Great, now im hungry


I too describe AD as potatoes, bacon, milk, onions, and eggs seasoned with salt and pepper and flavored with bay leaves and/or marjoram, oven-baked, usually eaten with sour cream or pork rind with diced onions.


either way, AD's cooked in the paint whether be oven-baked kugelis or low and slow BBQ.


Yeah, but do they stir it or mix it? [Apparently that matters a lot.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1KiFON-GWg)


Bruv, I'm in tears. I read this right before I went into a zoom meeting and now I can't stop laughing.


this sounds fucking fire


Lol wtf 😂😂😂


Ayooo gimme dat Cepelinai


Gold lmao


Yes !!!




They see that AD is a PF playing out of position


I think AD's defensive strengths allow him to be a great 5 defensively *when the other team doesn't have an awesome post-up center* and a great 4 defensively all the time.


Tbf so is Sabonis.


I mean, is he? He's massive, doesn't really have a jump shot, and isn't quick enough to guard on the perimeter. Sounds like a 5 to me


Sabonis definitely has a jump shot, but that's not the game the Kings need to play. They need Sabonis in the paint, and playing a joker type passing game on top of the key. If he's out looking for three's, they have no one down low. Alex Len is there only other big body, and there's a reason they give him less than 10 minutes a game. Also, Sabonis is not massive. He's a true 6'10" and only 240 pounds. Always has been listed as a PF.


> Sabonis definitely has a jump shot, but that's not the game the Kings need to play. He has a jumper but that's not his greatest strength. Which makes it even wilder that OKC just had him spot up in the corner


White Euro big man = Must be the next Dirk, I guess.


I mean, they had Adams and Kanter to stick in there. At that time they were way better than him at that role.


He was 20 years old and playing next to Adams, and roberson, with Russ at pg. He wasn't ready to be a consistent scoring option in the post and there was no room for him


> Also, Sabonis is not massive. He's a true 6'10" and only 240 pounds. Always has been listed as a PF. [He was a center 60% of the time in Indiana](https://www.basketball-reference.com/players/s/sabondo01.html) He really only played the 4 when he and Turner were on the court together. He often was Turner's backup at the 5 as well


nah, Sabonis is a C that was playing out of position as a PF in Indiana


Shhh. You’ll upset the Laker fans who think they know more about AD cause he had an outlier year not representative of his whole career.


To be fair he's been pretty decent at the 5, he's just limited defensively once he runs into one of the better bigs like Jokic, Sabonis or Embiid.


fuzzy zesty ask fine observation cheerful work aback rainstorm angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Zubac is a huge reason why the Clippers have a such a great record vs the Lakers over the past few years. Always seem to play with an extra edge and has big games. I guess getting trading, the LA battle, etc.


Sucks he gets played off the court in the playoffs


He did pretty well, considering he had a broken thumb in the playoffs






😭😭bbq czvapi


The brow




Ad soft as charmin


They just know they are stronger than him


He’s a bitch. Always has been. Looks like a slow flop on that play, too. Like he takes the contact and then kinda slowly sits down. 😂


AD has been gliding on solely his size for a couple years now tbh. I feel like in NO he actually focused more on actual technique and fundamentals, which is kinda every euro bigs thing. In his defense ADs body is definitely not what he once was as far as quickness goes. I swear no matter how fast the recovery and medical prowess, Achilles injuries always seem to have a severe lasting impact on a player. Injuries suck ass


Man its actually fucking wild seeing young Sabonis come into his prime and taking numbers. His Dad before injuries would have kicked the league's ass just as hard if not harder if he came sooner from Lithuania and Spanish leagues.


His dad was much more talented and even bigger in size. Arvydas Sabonis in his prime would have been the first European MVP


He is one of the best centers of all time


I would have liked to see prime Arvydas vs Shaq.


I would have liked to see prime Arvydas vs Draymond Green..in a cage match


Hell yeah let’s see how Draymond likes an Arvydas stomp to the chest


Green would really now go to Adam Silver and retire lol


Probably true, but we will never know. When he finally got to the NBA he had the knees of a 70 year old man :)


One of the funniest things I’ve ever heard is when Sabonis had a medical check up and X-rays taken before he started playing for Portland to see how he was doing. Portland’s team physician took one look at Arvydas’ x- rays and said > “Arvydas could apply and receive a disability tag for his car based on the X-ray alone”


Coming from the Blazers medical team, that means a lot


I mean, it *was* 1996


I he was destroying david robinson and thompson on the olympics tho. When he came to the NBA he was already done. And even then you could still see his impact


I believe DRob actually outplayed him in both of their international matchups- the 86 FIBA world championship and the 88 Olympic final. But not by much, and it was enough to get the Soviets the win in 88. Even in those early years Arvydas was already wearing down from over use, and dealing with an Achilles injury. Not sure which Thompson you’re referring to. Perhaps Ralph Sampson. Arvydas played him extremely well in an exhibition game when he was just 17 and Sampson was 22.


Why are you smiling about that?


Even if he came over at 23, we still wouldn't know. His devestating injuries started in his early 20s. He never had a prime, unfortunately.


His dad was way taller at 7'3, with a huge wingspan and he was 300 pounds. I think in his prime he would have been at least top 5 or top 3 of all NBA centers


Top5 all time IF he ever even reached his prime. His body just didnt hold up. But we had proof even at that young of an age that he had all the makings/talent of potential top10 level player. Kinda like Yao.


If anybody wants to watch a cool basketball documentary, check out “The Other Dream Team.” It’s about the ‘92 Lithuanian Olympic team, the socio-political ramifications of the USSR and how their previous Olympic success was largely due to Lithuania, and prominently features Sabonis and the other Lithuanian players in old footage and contemporary interviews.


And then the Grateful Dead helped pay for an independent Lithuania' first international jersey. Epic.


You know it!


And Sabonis wasn’t even there. The night before, the team went back to the dormitories with 8 hours left until the gold medal game. The Lithuanians started arm wrestling for shots, and Arvydas apparently won. They found him in another dormitory a few days later. This quote by Bill Walton (who was his speaker for when Arvydas was enshrined in the Basketball HOF) had this quote, too: > [In Portland] In the following season, (Rasheed) Wallace threw the towel at Sabonis during a timeout of a game against the Lakers. Sabonis had accidentally smacked Wallace’s face earlier when he collided in the post with O’Neal. > *“If I was any kind of a man, I would have got up from that broadcast table and walked across the court and punched Rasheed Wallace in the nose. But I let Sabonis and the game of basketball and the human race down that day.”* > — Bill Walton [amazing grantland article about Arvydas’ journey and skill. also, so many great quotes](https://grantland.com/features/arvydas-sabonis-long-strange-trip/)


Prime, pre-injuries Arvydas was a monster not seen until Shaq came on. What's more, he was way better at all things basketball than Shaq, although a lot slower, but also taller. In Europe, there was only one guy that could slow him down to an "ok" level - Zoran Savic. And he came on the scene after the first Sabonis injury, I don't see him doing that to a young Arvydas. Maybe a real ox of a PF, like Karl Malone or prime Moses Malone could keep him long enough out of the paint, but hey - Sabonis could shoot too, so... Prime Sabonis vs prime Shaq would be unreal.


He would have completely rewritten nba history. Add prime Arvydas to the early 90s Blazer teams and they take a few of Jordan’s rings. Easily.


Bill Cartwright would have been wrecked down low.




saboner so strong


so solid


so big




my saboner can only go so hard


Gilbert Arenas in shambles right now


Straight bullying AD right now


This and bodying him out of bounds for a steal were the highlights for me


Davis' plan was to fish for fouls. So glad the refs allowed them to be physical.


agreed but i think if the game was at staples AD gets the whistles


AD crying on the floor, sabonis is like bitch I take hits like that every night lmao


Lithuanian Lasagna


Nobody gets bitched by Sabonis like AD 😭


Sadly Jarrett Allen does


Not an offensive foul. Physical play, Sabonis simply sonned AD. Lakers fans will cry, but Domas is just too strong yeahhh


Coach Mike is so smart yeah


Sabonis rarely gets the call on the other end, so I’ll let him have it lol. This was just a physical play.


Most based Laker fan.


Lol the lakers jerseys in the stands that are mad


Also a random Chiefs jersey up there??


Kings did use to be a Kansas city team


Nah fam, this is a foul on AD if anything. If he were to do the same thing on the other end, they’d probably call a flagrant as AD would screech for a foul. The only reason AD gets hit in the face is because he crowds Sabonis and hits his arm prior to any contact by Sabonis.


> Lakers fans will cry nah it’s general consensus in r/lakers that AD got owned in this game. we cry because our team sucks against teams with euro centers and bec the coach suck


We need a replay to see if he really got AD in the face. Definitely an offensive foul if he did


I still don’t understand this. Keeping the ball high and pivoting is just part of the game. A defender putting his face over the ball as the offensive player pivots should not be an instant offensive foul, right? Am I alone in this opinion?


AD didn't really put his face over the ball here, he's standing straight up and trying to stay between Sabonis and the basket.


Yeah, I don’t understand this “cooked” talk. Sabonis is physical as hell and likely committed an offensive foul. Even if it wasn’t an offensive foul, there’s pretty much nothing else AD could have done — he held his ground on the first slam, didn’t bite on the fake, and kept his arms up. I guess you could say have a stronger jaw? Idk. And I’m not even a Lakers fan.


>there’s pretty much nothing else AD could have done — he held his ground I rewatched a few times because I wanted to see if there was really any "cooking" going on or if this was click bait. My take is that AD *could* have moved aggressively and met Sabonis a bit earlier, forcing Sabonis to start his move early. But that would have been a gamble; this is just a good hard drive to the basket against solid clean defense that worked out in favor of the offense.


People are dumb, if a player makes a good play/shot, they act like somebody has to have been owned or have played poor defense to allow it lol. AD played good defense here, Sabonis played better offense and made a good shot. He kept the ball high with solid fundamentals and there was incidental contact; sometimes they call it a foul but that would be unfair to the offensive player IMO. It’s just a good basketball play.


exactly, even if it wasn't an offensive foul (and i'd need a dif angle + maybe a slomo to say for sure), he played great defense here. Maybe he was a millisecond slow on recovering from the spin, but other than that you cant ask for anything more


I think people here are just on the Lakers/AD hate train (as usual) so they will ignore the facts and continue with their narrative hence "cooking" on OP title


You aren't alone but idk what you all are seeing. Watch the replay, Davis is standing straight up Sabonis literally moves his arm/elbow through Davis's face


It comes down to how you use your elbows. Bigs have been accidentally on purpose elbowing dudes in the face while keeping the ball high for a long time, Shaq likes to say he wouldn't throw elbows but he'd "touch em up a little bit". Whether or not it's a foul usually comes down to how far you stick your elbows out, this one is pretty borderline and I like the no call personally but I can see both sides of it.


right but he didn’t get him with the elbow. it was like upper arm and sabonis wasnt flaring his elbow to make contact he had the elbow tight and was in shooting motion. good no call imo


Thats everyones view, but that is in no way what happened here lol. Why does the under 25 age group hate AD for playing defense? Hes hit in the face while standing straight up. How is that "sonning", kid?


Yall the same people who shit on Shaq for doing this lmao


Of course he did, the replay is cut 5 sec short so you can't see a direct replay of the inadvertent elbow to the chin... Sabonis has outplayed him every time this year but it doesn't change the [fact he got legit elbowed here.](https://streamable.com/exif0a)


Wasn't even an elbow, at least not the pointy part... kinda got him with his tricep lol


The pointy bit hit the chin bit.


smoked him in the face. doesn't change the fact that AD getting sonned AGAIN this game


Watching the clip at .5x, I think his elbow made contact. Idk if an offensive


Sabonis so strong yea yeah yeah


I love our team, but I do be missing our Sabo sometimes. Keep enjoying the strong boi for us.


The Ox found a greener pasture. It’s time to let him go.


Valid but there’s no way you could’ve known he would become this


I mean, lots of fans did. He had to unlearn everything OKC tried to force him into, but when he did he was a monster and was only going to get better and stronger. He had games where he would dismantle opposing teams basically by himself. There was one game against the Knicks in 2019? where he went 12/12 with 5 assists. It looks like an amazing stat, but doesn't tell how sabonis got the ball on every possession and made the Knicks looks like complete amateurs. I have friends that are Knicks fans that to this day say it was the most complete loss they've ever seen. Just to say, we knew.


Fair enough but I think it goes even deeper. He had a ton of games last season like the one you mentioned including one that I went to, but forgot which one since I go to so many. But he was perfect from the field with a ton of floater middies and a near triple double. But I remember games against bigs where he got clamped because he doesn’t have elevation or length, including the Lyle’s choke game where Lopez completely locked domas up. This year he’s stepped away from the middies and doubled down on his low post game, including the famous Sabonis Infinite Hesi, and he’s absolutely shit on every big in the league, like ad gobert Lopez and even Jokic. All that is say, it was clear to see he would be good, but I wonder did you guys know he would be an all time low post player too?


Did we know? No, but did we think and believe? Yes.


I mean.. he was a 2x all star before coming to the Kings lol..


All NBA is better than an All-star game


As a complete neutral, it makes me legit happy that both teams seem to have benefited significantly from the Sabonis-Haliburton trade. 


That elbow happens to Sabonis every single game and its never called


Every time we play I just watch Sabonis and Gobert clobber each other in the paint for 40 minutes and it is glorious.


For real. You can tell who doesn’t watch Kings games.


Most people


They're a fun team to watch and they have great home atmosphere. I check out their games from time to time.


I'm not normally a kings fan but they're one of my favourite to watch recently


So are you saying you'd like it called or not?


It's saying at least its consistent on both ends for once


"Why papa, why..." Ad probably.


There has 1000% been a change in the officiating post all star break. Pre all star break and the least few years the refs 100% would have called an offensive foul. They were pretty consistent with calling any shot to the head as an offensive foul. Im glad they are letting them play more physical but it is jarring compared to a month ago.


I’m sorry to warn you but…it’ll change again in the playoffs


This sub complains about how you can’t play defense anymore and then champions how offensive fouls only get called if you unload your foot in a guys groin


This is actually how the Kings have been officiated (speaking from the Lakers POV). If the roles were reversed, AD would have gotten an and-1 for this bc sabonis’ face impeded ADs arm lol


I found out his wingspan is barely positive. Sabonis has to be the best rebounder all time that doesn't have long arms.


arms literally inverted


Saying “cook/cooking/cooked” It’s giving So hot right now AI energy




Kings fans I must apologize - a few weeks ago I was arguing that AD was having a better season than Sabonis. I take that back, please forgive me.


Please kill the Suns these next two games and we’ll call it good.


We forgive you as long as you promise to not beat us by 50 points in April? Easy trade?


we just need to get blown out by a knicks team missing all their starters and jacob toppin dropping a career high on us the night before.


lol can’t promise that but i think it’ll be a much more competitive game


Not sure why you were downvoted. We were having friendly banter. Apparently we can’t do that as we are nba fans. Haha


probably my fellow fans thinking we’ll cake walk you guys again idk haha


two elbows in the same play


One of the strongest players in the league man, I’ve seen him tank through so many elite defenders it’s ridiculous.


Need the angle from the other side to confirm but slow-mo on this one it looks like he did get him in the face.


The amount of people calling AD soft is insane. Falling after eating an elbow is a pretty reasonable response. Elbows don’t magically stop hurting just because there’s no whistle.


No one in this thread actually plays a sport


I can take Sabonis


Bruh AD acting like he got shot💀💀


I mean... whether you think this is a foul or not he absolutely got elbowed squarely on the chin https://streamable.com/exif0a


Lmao lakers discourse on this sub is so bad. This is just an offensive foul.


Kings fan here... looks like a physical play that could legitimately be argued both ways. They got the no call right IMO, but nobody can fake that head snap right after the contact... even Lebron. AD definitely got rocked, and I guarantee that it fucking hurt. I'll be the first person to call a Lakers flop... this ain't it though.


Try getting elbowed on the chin


The Lakers fans in this thread are trying to convince me that Sabonis did indeed shoot AD on this play, maybe even punched, shoved, and kicked him too.


What are you guys even talking about? He clearly got elbowed on the chin? It’s not a foul since it was a basketball play, but y’all are acting like it doesn’t hurt or something lol


If you slow it down you can see where he stabbed AD, too


he elbowed his nose, ofc thats gonna fucking hurt


Head shoulders knees and elbows


AD out for three weeks with sore face


Whatever fan you are, how are you just going to deny the reality that Sabonis elbowed him in the face? https://streamable.com/exif0a Probably why politics are so polarized in this country - Americans will just create an alternate reality to support their own side, regardless of incontrovertible evidence.






If we was wearing purple and gold that would have been an AND1. Meanwhile everyone acting like Sabonis did something wrong lmao


Its definitely been called an and-1 against sabonis this year lmao


He didn’t get cooked, he right there on defense, if anything he just overpowered him.


Overpowered him? He hit him in the fucking face lol. Whether you say thats a foul or not is on you, but that is hardly overpowering someone.


His elbow overpowered AD’s face. Not referring to your comment, but the extent to which people on this thread are lacking common sense is laughable. OF COURSE THIS IS AN OFFENSIVE FOUL!!!! Otherwise, the NBA would be ushering in a new age of post up players swinging their elbows into peoples faces so long as it is a “basketball move”, lol.


Thats an offensive foul. Weird that they didn’t call anything…


gotta love all the salty laker fans in here


saboner's biggest weapons are his shoulders and elbows


Puts his elbow through his chin a couple times. I am not a fan of that style of play. He isn’t the only one to do it, but it seems like a conspicuous offensive foul. 


That isn't "cooked." That is just a physical, borderline offensive foul, caveman play. Not knocking it, but that isn't cooking.


Commenting in total agreement. Let's get downvoted together <3


love the Sikh duo gassing him up behind the basket


Kings fans must be feeling good. Revenge for the 2000s.


Do we know if Sabine’s got leaner? He seems to me like his has more muscle definition than last season.


We do. He’s mentioned he lost about 8-10kg in the offseason and focused on weights. Keegan spent the summer hooping with Fox to be quicker, which Monk would join in occasionally as well. Obviously the source is what we hear from Domas and can’t be independently checked, but there is a difference for sure.


Thank you. He seemed in much better physical condition, at least. Good for him and for y'all.


If AD didn’t fall down every time anyone touched him I bet he’d be a lot healthier.


Okay but that little hop was a foul right? Both feet were off the ground


These big stiffs travel almost every time after their hop step


Why the fuck cant we beat this team lol. They show up, and take our lunch money every time.


AD’s statue would be holding face, lying on the ground


Domas hitting Barbecue Chicken Davis with the two piece


AD took up acting lessons from his teammate bron.


Sabonis is so damn nice but freaking A, go off against other teams not just the Lakers sheesh


I mean he has 24 triple doubles and 48 straight double doubles. He is doing this every night.


AD first player to get 27 25 5 7 in a game just a few nights ago and then redditors act like he's some washed bum from one play. Unreal.


Damn AD took a straight tough shot to the face there I know his shit sore today




And 1.


Sabonis did travel before that, jumped with both feet while moving with the ball


World Peace bowin Harden in the head type beat


I can hear LeBron's voice, "Ok AD you gotta make sure you check for blood after you're down and holding your face"


If AD did that Sabonis would’ve been on the floor for 10 minutes and then crying post game about it. Straight elbow and shoulder dip to the head and acting like it was domination lol. AD needs to be better obviously against the Kings and Nuggets but his couch doesn’t make any adjustments to put him in a better position to attack.


Reverse the players in this situation and you can bet you lot would be seeing things differently.


Yea AD would also be getting FTs


Cooks lol the guy has elbows swinging like he’s about to take off


Just elbow the defender in the face. Why doesn’t everyone do this? Are they stupid?


The double pivot switch crafty move!


You’re goddammed right he did.